[03:26:38] very random question rn but [03:27:02] _does size matter_ in WikiTide Foundation? [03:31:13] ok no [03:32:18] what [03:32:40] im going to suggest you think over what you were planning to [03:37:52] so [03:38:01] i'm not entirely sure what's going on here [03:38:08] but let's try and keep it appropriate [03:38:14] when we say "3rd time [03:52:46] no like the size of the foundation, not of the other thing if you know what I mean [04:28:49] The only Foundation position limit I know of is the fact that only 9 directors can be on the board at once [04:32:12] Make good choices, get good outcomes. [04:32:26] Anyway how is the global group reform going so far [04:33:29] I can't wait to be a Global Patroller [04:33:51] That would buff you a whole bunch in dealing with vandalism [04:35:36] Tali64 having better ways to stop vandalism is needed [04:38:11] I'm happy being a translator rn lmao [04:38:24] Really [04:39:24] tho I kinda want to be wiki creator tho is very hard :(( [04:43:54] You do need to have good quality checking for stuff like that [04:44:47] does my en-3 is good for that [04:44:55] Nope [04:45:09] It’s a way much more complex requirement [04:47:44] tho this request for example I can 99.9% understand it [04:47:47] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/45834 [04:52:28] [1/2] Wiki Request handling has a lot of nuance. [04:52:29] [2/2] The 'other tools' bit actually raises a minor concern for me and this wouldn't be an automatic approval. [04:54:20] I think the request makes it clear that the other tools that would be featured would be related to lostwave songs and not information on pirated games for example [04:54:55] Would probably ask for clarification on how they would be used in the wiki [04:57:10] :sannse: [05:41:51] Yeah, wouldn't require much, but I have seen similar diversions from implied scope before, annoyingly. [06:07:24] lmao a:misc_skull: [06:07:43] I'll answer in wikis gone wild [08:13:36] [1/2] Just wanted to point out some shonky grammar in this system message [08:13:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254348622817005690/image.png?ex=66792ab0&is=6677d930&hm=6529070f67a6abce26345506a5c0edf8a26a86595d38b62af3b57aafed89b486& [08:13:49] "Logging you out from other wikis of Miraheze" [09:52:51] @MediaWiki Support Volunteers [10:07:13] [[MediaWiki:centralauth-logout-progress]] [10:07:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:centralauth-logout-progress [10:07:14] [10:09:12] [1/2] hmm [10:09:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254377714954272778/image.png?ex=667945c8&is=6677f448&hm=e261295c8e36df561ba1ac0a250f687a3a87fa537838ceb87a8724fc4367a5fb& [10:09:40] Why is that $PURAL [10:10:08] it looks like PLURAL:$2 [10:11:00] It looks from upstream [10:11:13] Maybe $2 isn't working [10:11:13] yea, it comes from CentralAuth [10:11:27] We override some messages though [10:11:43] I guess someone can go patch upstream [14:43:57] Uhmm... is {{ }} not [[ ]], that's for links [14:43:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:_ https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/_ [17:40:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254491301802676284/literally_us.png?ex=6679af91&is=66785e11&hm=6bf531dbf6ee5c9a3ff70ea87be875a585470ac5a7b41119333f38bdb5af5083& [17:42:05] Glad you're excited about our platform, but please don't cross-post memes between channels. [17:47:09] [1/3] I made a faint animation test [17:47:09] [2/3] Accepting any criticism on how to make the fainting more impactful- I've struggled to find good clear references for fainting animals 😭 I guess that's technically a good thing [17:47:09] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254492959400005662/Yvj.gif?ex=6679b11c&is=66785f9c&hm=12daf37607a78d616b6446a5d87523d9ab6c17165bd447ffcfa12a96437e187e& [17:52:11] make the ears flop upwards more during the fall methinks, rn the left side ear just kind of gently voluntarily tucks under the body [18:06:58] [1/2] Oki [18:06:58] [2/2] I should probably also add a lil bounce to the body as well [18:11:22] could also offset the body and the head falling more, like making the body fall a bit first and pulling the head with it [19:03:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254512257065287821/Yvj.gif?ex=6679c315&is=66787195&hm=c9066e6a94b60d0a878c189a86b9ed6f7e427811caa219d52ca56a7c79ca0fa6&