[02:19:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254621981660287019/images1.jpg?ex=667a2946&is=6678d7c6&hm=91f7d07465c4510acae0eca036dc84607fe369a4d2ab209e3ece57f710dae6b8& [03:51:08] [1/3] Question is Miraheze better then Wiki.gg [03:51:08] [2/3] :DoneMH: Yes [03:51:08] [3/3] ❌ No [04:06:44] [1/5] Miraheze [04:06:44] [2/5] - much more extensions to choose from, including MobileFrontend (it's good for some wikis) and many skins (themes/layouts) [04:06:45] [3/5] - possibility to enable/disable like 90% of features and settings by yourself, w/o the need to constantly ask the staff [04:06:45] [4/5] - on wiki.gg bureaucrat (top admin) role is reserved for their staff (meaning you can't assign high roles to users, gotta ask them) [04:06:45] [5/5] - custom domain (URL) option, for example Pizza Tower Wiki on Miraheze now got pizzatower.wiki URL [04:07:30] wow [04:08:28] if you need help or have any questions how to manage a wiki on Mira ask away [04:08:41] oh, also - no ads lol [04:08:45] on Miraheze [04:09:07] Miraheze is run entirely on donations and volunteer work [04:10:41] [1/2] @eldrago1796 oh, and also - no ads lol [04:10:42] [2/2] Miraheze is run entirely on donations and volunteer work [04:11:07] sigh, wrong ping again [04:11:13] very cool mobile discord [04:13:43] One of the best wiki farms [04:13:46] Hate ads [04:13:50] Then come here [04:54:17] yeah obviously [04:55:05] So i hope i will able to make a wiki here [05:02:25] [[Special:RequestWiki]] [05:02:25] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWiki [05:02:26] [05:02:43] Make sure to include a detailed description of your wiki's purpose, topic, and scope [05:12:43] must i first make a request wiki then i will able to import one from fandom [05:27:17] Remember as long as you give context for why you want a wiki then you should be fine [05:28:01] Plus I have found something that is very neat credits to @cyaniwynd btw. https://imaginationland.miraheze.org/wiki/Blog:Admin_101:_What_Qualifies_and_NOT_Qualifies_as_being_an_Admin [05:29:18] [1/3] yes, you need a wiki first anyway, or you won't have a place to import to [05:29:18] [2/3] also this [05:29:18] [3/3] [05:29:36] i did request a wiki [05:29:49] Yes but @giantesselsie did you give context for them [05:31:23] minecraft server wiki [05:31:36] i did [05:31:44] Ok [05:31:56] and i mention i will make another wiki later for my minecraft server [05:32:00] at first it sounded like a vanity wiki tbh [05:32:05] Well Elsie I will leave up to the trusted people at @Wiki Creators [05:32:08] ah, see, I got confused [05:32:24] I'm not wiki creator tho [05:32:42] so if i create a wiki do i get the wiki creator role [05:32:43] they might ask you a question or specify something tho [05:32:44] Ik your not leg that’s why the ping was for those [05:32:53] Who are [05:33:15] no, you will get top admin role on newly created wiki [05:33:29] wiki creators are people who review wiki requests [05:33:46] Also [05:34:09] @giantesselsie top admin is bureaucrat if it wasn’t obvious enough [05:34:44] [1/2] I hate this goddamn word lmao, I can never write it right unless googled [05:34:45] [2/2] so I just say top admin [05:35:06] Ok still many new people will understand [05:35:14] As I do have issues writing the word it self [05:35:59] Top admin or whatever the new will still understand what it means [05:36:30] ok [05:37:57] yeah, so again - wiki creator might ask something under your request and you'll have to reply to it to proceed further [05:38:07] This group gives you local powers that let you manage the wiki of media wiki stuff promoting users to admin the 2nd highest local group. Blocking people that are breaking the rules set and the miraheze global ones. Protection when something important is going on and so much more. [05:38:43] who is bureaucrat [05:38:50] can u mention the person [05:38:52] Top admin [05:38:56] It’s a group [05:38:58] that's what goof been explaining [05:39:01] That is given to people [05:39:07] To manage the entire wiki [05:39:08] i mean on discord [05:39:19] I was talking about it as a group [05:39:21] each wiki has its own bureaus [05:39:29] Yes leg is correct [05:39:36] But the global one [05:39:41] Is called stewards [05:39:46] I'm bureaucrat of Soft Cell Wiki, for example [05:40:14] Stewards are like super bureaus, they oversee all wikis on Miraheze [05:40:15] Who have the almost the entire wiki farm that manage dealing with vandals and many global issues [05:40:30] Yes and the tech team [05:40:34] Is their when you need them [05:41:10] @giantesselsie like remember meta is global topic and stuff if you are having an issue go contact the tech team or anyone experienced on meta [05:41:19] since Miraheze is a wiki farm/platforms, it has these people who have global rights, they act like Fandom staff [05:41:29] ok [05:41:51] Also #cvt [05:42:00] Stands for counter vandalism team [05:42:10] Which deals with constant vandals [05:42:15] That are global affecting [05:42:20] And mostly ones on meta [05:42:24] ok [05:42:30] I think it's enough for the beginning [05:42:41] most burning questions come up when wiki is created [05:43:08] Yeah I agree [05:43:35] @giantesselsie remember miraheze is always here to help you out so when your having an issue go ask them and they will do their best to help you out [05:43:45] That which you don't know: It took me more than 4 years and will continue to learn how MediaWiki and the community here work [05:43:55] thanks [05:43:59] Np [05:44:00] dude how lol [05:49:06] I made my first one from 2019, and moved here at 2021, since then I have moved back and forth, but Miraheze is something that taught me a lot of stuffs, regarding custom configs/environments [05:49:48] @songngu.xyz Can u review my wiki [05:50:09] That's if someone haven't got to it already [05:51:09] i dm u the linj [05:51:12] link [05:51:32] that's not advised, there's a queue [05:51:57] I mean, trying to reach individual users [05:52:18] don't make your request get approved faster [05:52:25] oh [05:52:31] so i will also wait 2 days [05:52:49] depends on availability [05:52:54] my profile already explain what to do when you have a request pending. [05:53:09] again, everyone on Miraheze are volunteering [05:53:10] oh [05:53:14] nobody gets paid [05:53:26] ik [05:53:30] people do their thing when they're eble to [05:53:53] my number is `45986` [05:54:50] so, the wiki will be about your characters and content you create [05:55:04] ye [05:55:11] wait what [05:55:18] did u check it [05:55:31] yeah, I'm not creator tho, I just checking [05:55:40] anyone can see requests [05:55:51] so u know i am a nsfw creator [05:56:22] Except for those that we hid for certain reasons [05:56:23] well, yeah, so what? [05:57:48] https://tenor.com/bvMx6.gif [05:57:48] idc, but NSFW wikis do exist on Miraheze - as long as they follow rules set up by Miraheze policies [05:58:04] i feel ashamed now [05:58:12] Don’t be [05:58:12] i dont want to get kicked or banned [05:58:21] Your not going to get kicked that easy [05:58:32] you aren't posting NSFW here lol so you are ok [05:58:53] but anyone search my username on google and find my stuff [05:59:27] That’s on them [05:59:28] again, NSFW is allowed on Miraheze under certain rules, it's up to you [06:00:13] just don't post in this discord lol [06:01:22] Remember @giantesselsie just because I don’t like something you do doesn’t mean you have worry about it as that’s my problem and my issue [06:01:40] okay [06:03:02] and my server is called Giantess Dimension lets say i make a wiki about on minecraft server wiki option how do i mention that if i write a about me like i am owner this server that it highlights on my wiki when someone press it it redirects to my server's wiki [06:04:23] you mean an hyperlink? [06:04:34] idk what it is called [06:05:07] [1/6] you can just link the wiki [06:05:07] [2/6] or even set up interwiki prefixes for easy linking [06:05:08] [3/6] for example, this is the link to a page Meta Wiki [06:05:08] [4/6] [[Infoboxes]] [06:05:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [06:05:08] [5/6] and if I want to link to another wiki, like Developers [06:05:08] [6/6] [[dev:Template:Infobox]] [06:05:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Template:Infobox [06:05:09] [1/2] [06:05:09] [2/2] [06:05:25] you worked on wikis before? [06:06:15] [1/2] >to my server's wiki [06:06:16] [2/2] That's a yes, but not for interlink stuffs [06:06:49] No [06:06:53] i havent [06:08:19] [1/5] I suggest to check some helpful guides [06:08:20] [2/5] [[mw:Help:Formatting]] [06:08:20] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting [06:08:20] [3/5] [[mw:Help:Links]] [06:08:20] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Links [06:08:20] [4/5] [[mw:Help:Images]] [06:08:20] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images [06:08:20] [5/5] [[mw:Help:Templates]] [06:08:20] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Templates [06:08:21] [1/4] [06:08:22] [2/4] [06:08:22] [3/4] [06:08:22] [4/4] [06:08:31] @giantesselsie ^ [06:08:35] ok [06:12:00] also i have a character infobox how do i add stuff like misc stuff [06:14:47] [1/3] infobox is a template, I suggest to read the templates guide I link above first [06:14:47] [2/3] then this [[Infoboxes]] [06:14:47] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [06:14:47] [3/3] also, how many pages your character wiki will have? wouldn't it be better to keep them and mc server info in one place? [06:14:48] [06:16:17] 1 page both of them [06:16:31] no i want to seperate them [06:16:54] [1/2] you can have a wiki w/ a single page ... [06:16:54] [2/2] wikis are meant to have a lot of info [06:17:19] ik [06:17:40] typo, I meant can't [06:18:01] it would be more convenient to set up neocities or even carrd [06:19:37] okay [06:20:01] i will write alot i do have a wiki but it is wip i will want to transfer it [06:20:17] what kind of wiki? [06:20:26] https://giantesselsie.fandom.com/GiantessElsie_Wiki [06:20:30] here is it [06:23:42] Unfortunately, we generally don't permit extremely narrow single-page wikis / wikis with a topic focused on a single individual under current approval standards. [06:24:01] But will leave it to our wiki reviewer team to make that call. [06:24:12] so i will need to write alot [06:25:32] [1/2] I mean, if you don't want to write several articles, why bother w/ wiki format? [06:25:32] [2/2] wiki sites are usually encyclopedic, like Wikipedia by itself, or fan wikis about games, etc9 [06:25:53] i want to [06:25:58] Leg [06:26:27] it's funny when people just call me leg lol [06:26:44] ngl [06:26:46] May i post 3 pictures that will tell a little info about a pic [06:26:58] like it will be transparent [06:27:17] it is pics of how Elsie look in minecraft and gacha [06:29:52] If your page are just a vanity page like so, an bio page like Linktree will better suit your with that [06:30:42] i have allmylinks account [06:31:16] but it is just a info page about who and what is GiantessElsie [06:32:10] what happened to her how she got her powers how she can grow [06:32:10] [1/2] Cool, better stick with that [06:32:10] [2/2] Wiki-like format best work for those with a body of works like me, which I used to document my experiences and also what I know [06:32:11] etc [06:32:51] Please can i try to have a wiki i know someone who has a wiki who is also a content creator but it is fandom [06:34:51] https://tenor.com/bggbM.gif [06:35:27] even if u dont want to call it a wiki Pisces it will be cool [06:37:06] Expect an response this afternoon my time, I'm getting my rest now [06:37:42] okay [06:46:26] OC wikis are a thing indeed, they exist on Miraheze as well, but they have at least like 10? pages, for several characters or whatever [06:46:58] i have 2 Characters 1 is Elsie or Elise [06:47:30] world building wikis tend to be more massive though [06:48:12] the have like the world, countries etc, history, personalities [06:48:13] so u understand it is cool to have a wiki a wiki is a info thing to know your character better [06:51:44] [1/3] I completely understand, I have original characters as well, although I'm personally not vibing w/ approach of presenting them in a wiki form [06:51:44] [2/3] what we are trying to say is that if a wiki w/ 1-2 articles is too small no matter how you look at it [06:51:45] [3/3] also bear in mind that Miraheze has Dormancy Policy - if a wiki isn't updated in very long time (unless exempted) it's considered abandoned and wasting resources of the platform [06:52:15] i will edit it everyday [06:54:44] some people create fake wiki web pages on neocities or toyhou.se [06:55:10] I would love to reminds you that my wiki has been there more than 4 years since 2019 and it hasn't been fully done yet [06:56:01] for who are u reminding pisces [06:59:25] [1/2] You, so I have an advice from my experience of my wiki: Don't make a promise that you may not be able to done. [06:59:25] [2/2] At least that's what I can think about right now and my language may not be that good. Sorry for any misunderstood if it at least happened. [07:00:02] what do u mean are u saying my wiki wont be approved [07:05:44] @songngu.xyz [07:06:56] that's not what he's saying lol [07:07:33] then what is he saying [07:07:43] that you shouldn't make a commitment that you might not be able to do [07:07:48] like "edit every day" [07:08:06] i did do the fandom like everyday [07:08:20] i think i created it over the weekend [07:09:25] Maybe i will listen make my minecraft server wiki and my wiki the same place like on Giantess Wiki [07:37:47] Hmmm [08:12:06] [1/2] Then indeed I suggest you request a Minecraft wiki, as we don't like to host wiki pages for the soul purpose of social media/ SEO as well as wiki's with only a hand full of pages. [08:12:06] [2/2] I suggest you edit your request and make it about your Minecraft. [08:12:36] So i can make a wiki but will be about my minecraft server [08:12:56] not about my character [08:13:07] @the librarian [08:14:36] then let me quickly edit the one which is still under review [08:15:58] question if i have a website can i like my website with my wiki like wiki.domain.net or domain.net/wiki [08:17:23] Yes that is possible [08:21:44] @rodejong https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/45986 [08:21:49] is this now better [08:25:18] Please answer the questions on https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/45986#mw-section-comments [08:27:59] how do i answer them sorry [08:28:46] Just edit the bottom square. [08:29:01] what about comment [08:33:10] ? [08:40:02] at the bottom of the stuff [08:43:06] Just edit the bottom comment section. Answer the questions from the first box. Then confirm. [08:46:36] [1/3] i have read but what does this mean [08:46:37] [2/3] `Do not have a subdomain or site name that advertises the existence of NSFW content.` [08:46:37] [3/3] can i redirect to my minecraft server's discord twitter and facebook or not [08:48:35] Question 5 gets me i dont understand that [08:51:25] "Do not have a subdomain or site name that advertises the existence of NSFW content." refers to for example "xxx.miraheze.org" and "XXX Wiki" [08:51:42] nah i wont do that [08:52:01] and what is question 5 about [08:52:13] i dont fully understand it [08:52:25] What are the rules for how members should behave, and how will the wiki be moderated, to maintain quality standards? [08:54:09] [1/3] What rules are there for the members to adhere to? [08:54:09] [2/3] And how will you make sure that the wiki will continue to comply with the rules and our policies? [08:54:10] [3/3] We value the quality of our wiki's, and want to make sure that there won't arise problems along the way [08:54:59] i will ask first before doing a change or add something [08:55:29] and the members must not post pics or nsfw stuff or hateful speech [08:56:37] Please add that in your comment. [08:58:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/45986 [08:58:48] done [08:59:06] can u tell me here if it is approved or not [09:03:00] the form is there for that purpose [09:03:28] but my comment keeps posting if i refresh it [09:03:56] don't refresh it [09:04:00] it's already done [09:04:31] i am looking at the status i dont want trouble [09:04:46] if there's nothing new to add, just let it be [09:04:54] ok [09:05:29] also raidarr my website is hosted by wix how can i make a subdomain towards the wiki [09:05:42] you don't if you don't have control of the domain [09:05:46] What are "spawns" [09:05:53] if you do then [[custom domains]] [09:05:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/custom_domains [09:05:54] [09:06:08] Spawns is where the new players spawn [09:06:09] by control I mean the entire domain, not just a subdomain [09:06:11] in each world [09:06:38] and yes, spawn is pretty standard minecraft server stuff [09:07:24] he can ask me anything about minecraft he probably dont play i dont blame he probably has other stuff that he likes then games [09:08:02] Correct. I am not a gamer 😂 [09:08:18] XD [09:08:57] I keep learning [09:09:15] like i am learning to make a wiki XD [09:12:18] So i can either use CNAME or NameServers [09:16:11] https://tenor.com/LzL5.gif [09:16:17] I got approved [09:16:24] thanks u guys [09:16:30] i will respect the rules [09:22:41] how do i make a text bold like Welcome To The Giantess Dimension [09:26:32] `'''your text here'''` [09:27:00] [1/2] check this guide [09:27:00] [2/2] [09:27:30] also i am new so how does it work i have a domain i can pin point my wiki thru CNAME but how will miraheze system pick up my wiki [09:27:51] it can go to any wiki if u understand what i mean [09:28:44] after you get the domain correctly you need to send custom domain request on Miraheze [09:28:52] oh [09:29:06] there then i say which is my wiki [09:30:21] what should the TTL be 30 min, 1 hour, 12 hours, 1 day or 1 week [09:30:40] [1/2] request form is here [09:30:40] [2/2] [09:31:45] @theoneandonlylegroom [09:32:37] I don't what is that [09:32:53] I never bought/set up domain [09:33:21] okay so u dont know the requestssl thing [09:34:20] I showed you the form on Miraheze, which you should use when your domain is ready [09:34:42] the rest is oit of my expertise [09:34:47] Good luck then. [09:35:31] @rodejong i have added the CNAME and wiki.domain.net but now i am stuck at the SSL [09:35:52] That is not my expertise sorry [09:36:17] np [10:03:26] `wiki.domain.net`? Feels like example domain [10:03:50] wiki.giantesselsie.net [10:03:59] here is the wiki website [10:04:15] You already point the subdomain to us? [10:04:41] thru CNAME yes on my website just need to do the SSL [10:05:03] what is the Target database Name [10:06:10] It's your wiki's subdomain + `wiki` [10:07:15] If `lhmn` was the subdomain of your wiki miraheze subdomain, take it and add `wiki` behind, you get `lhmnwiki` [10:07:38] oh like giantessdimension.miraheze.org or at my website [10:07:47] Mh.org [10:08:11] [1/2] is the website domain wrong [10:08:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254739845306257448/Screenshot_268.png?ex=667a970b&is=6679458b&hm=e320da4efc3fb6736032869fbeb5424cf821c802eddeea98179bbcb5b93ef2ed& [10:08:22] the custom domain url [10:09:08] you have to add `https://` before it to make it recognize that it was an URL [10:09:40] and at the database i just add wiki.giantesselsie.net [10:09:43] or am i wrong [10:09:48] no, `giantessdimensionwiki` is your db name [10:10:04] sorry i am new [10:10:30] If you don't remember it after you have the domain setup, go to `Special:ManageWiki/core` and you will find the db name [10:10:55] [1/2] is this okay can i submit it [10:10:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254740533159526411/Screenshot_269.png?ex=667a97af&is=6679462f&hm=d648dd591e18456c9a800cfb30a1583f79f0cc0238ab220da2efdf12237960a4& [10:11:26] I see no problem there, as long as you go with the default settings and u are good to go [10:12:07] [1/2] it says this [10:12:07] [2/2] There are problems with some of your input. [10:12:21] where? [10:12:31] when i press submit [10:13:00] [1/2] here is my DNS Record on CNAME i just put it there [10:13:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254741059100217526/Screenshot_271.png?ex=667a982c&is=667946ac&hm=29b72eca932e9908a3e77f11c791cea5673c997c24e88c5bf971c01bc24d4399& [10:13:25] not on nameservers aswell [10:13:29] must i do both [10:13:31] I'm going to the church soon so someone else should catch up with it [10:13:39] np [10:13:50] no, either CNAME or Nameserver only [10:14:06] Read [[Custom domains]] for more info [10:14:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [10:14:07] [10:14:19] i done CNAME there is the proof is it correct [10:19:47] Needs additional comments? [10:19:57] done [10:20:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSLQueue/121 [10:20:49] may be good [10:21:19] ok [10:30:57] In just over a week, I've done over 400 contributions to the Kinder World Wiki 😮 [10:48:33] Hi [10:49:08] The namespace "Meta" does not seem to be redirected to "Miraheze Meta" [10:51:18] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12237 [10:51:26] This is so troublesome that almost all the links to Meta-related information in the header of the community center have failed [10:52:06] Thank you for the link, I hope this bug can be repaired as soon as possible [10:52:38] I tried to fix some links, but maybe that's not enough [11:22:49] [1/2] example [11:22:49] [2/2] [11:34:17] how do i add a picture what is the default value to add a picture to my PI thru visual Editor [12:05:07] how do i move my PI to my main page [13:00:16] How do i add a picture to my PI [13:03:03] i type in {{file:GTS_Dimension_Latest_2024_Logo_Square.png}} [13:03:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/file:Template:GTS_Dimension_Latest_2024_Logo_Square.png [13:03:05] [13:08:36] Portalable infobox? [13:08:51] [1/2] if you are using portable infobox, it should be something like [13:08:52] [2/2] `|image = GTS_Dimension....png` [13:10:13] [1/4] the `{{...}}` are used for templates mostly [13:10:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:... [13:10:13] [2/4] if you just want to insert an image, outside of infobox, you do [13:10:13] [3/4] `[[File:GTS_...png]]` [13:10:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:GTS_...png [13:10:14] [4/4] check [[mw:Help:Images]] for how to work w/ images, setting size, position, etc [13:10:14] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images [13:10:14] [13:10:52] okay thanks [13:13:42] Must a infobox be short or can it be long [13:14:58] Also how do i edit a existing Portable Infobox thru the infobox Builder and not the visual editor [13:28:12] source editor [13:28:29] builder is only for creating new infobox template [13:32:14] oh [13:32:22] so that might be difficult [13:33:34] i will try to figure it out [13:37:28] how do i make more pages [15:11:54] My school laptop going full 1984 mode rn [15:11:57] Am sad [15:19:47] I hope they don't ban MH, it's educational after all, that's our purpose! 🙂 [15:20:04] Not yet [15:20:10] Nookipedia is still spared [15:20:15] Fandom has long since be out [15:20:24] The thing that’s pissing me is YouTube [15:20:42] So many weird things have been blocked by the filter on my school laptop [15:20:47] Music, entertainment, comedy, and Science and Technology are all blacklisted [15:21:06] I had to write about substance abuse for health science class and researching that with the filter went as well as you'd expect [15:21:20] Replit as well which is what I had to use for deving on this [15:21:26] I need to buy a personal laptop [15:21:34] Real [15:21:43] I've never used a desktop PC before [15:21:48] Once the next school year starts on going to t- [15:21:49] I have a laptop and it's great [15:21:52] WHAAAAAAAAA [15:22:00] Yeah [15:22:14] My mom has one but I haven't used it except when she wants me to fix something with it [15:22:20] I've just always been a laptop user [15:22:44] O k a y [15:23:02] Oh also GitHub has been hard blacklisted for a while via chrome policies [15:23:11] May look into an alternate YT frontend [15:26:08] I think blocking full sites just doesn't make sense as they're so diverse [15:26:32] like YouTube has great educational stuff but also obviously the complete opposite [15:26:39] No no [15:26:42] Some videos work [15:26:45] It’s by category [15:26:53] Entertainment fuck it fine makes sense I guess [15:26:54] Comedy sure [15:26:57] Music? Why [15:27:04] SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [15:27:05] WHY [15:27:11] YOU ARE A SCHOOL LAPTOP [15:27:32] Ironically the site I watch TV on is fine [15:33:54] School/work firewalls are probably getting better/smarter these days. They used to be very basic and easy to circumvent [15:34:06] is there a template that i can add that shows the faces of the team/staff and the names and maybe infomation [15:36:12] If it blocking science and music and not anime streaming services [15:36:13] Eh [15:36:17] Debatable [15:39:10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254823141008605204/RDT_20240425_1628568796101600793795887_optimized.jpg?ex=667ae49e&is=6679931e&hm=083e6afaebe62c3889cc07733196731f6e252afed12ab3705e2f1694ad97f2eb& [15:48:36] well I guess not better in that sense, I mean more comprehensive [15:48:44] Definitely by trying to be more comprehensive they end up banning useful stuff [15:49:29] [1/2] with one of the skins it broke my wiki it says [15:49:29] [2/2] `Unsupported Configuration` [15:52:37] what can i do [15:52:47] What skin again [15:52:57] sigh [15:53:00] begins with a e [15:53:02] Evelution? [15:53:06] ye [15:53:07] I’ll just hopefully get a job eventually and but a personal laptop [15:53:21] sweet Jesus above and below okay [15:53:31] @reception123 weren’t we talking about removing that thing [15:53:50] Sorry about that [15:54:01] wait a sec [15:55:35] Tack on ?useskin=vector to your URL, then you can change the skin to something else. [15:55:55] go to `https://....miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-styling?useskin=vector`, choose different skin and save [15:56:59] same thing [15:57:16] what you choosen? [15:57:33] evelution [15:57:43] no, you should pick another lol [15:58:11] i mean the same thing it says that unsupported thing [15:58:16] i cant choose a skin [15:58:48] in that link I gave you change `vector` to `timeless` [15:59:22] same thing [15:59:31] what a pesky bug, that other wiki also had to juggle skins to make it work [15:59:56] i got to go now flip [16:00:06] i will try to read your help [16:09:28] [1/3] try this link [16:09:28] [2/3] [16:09:28] [3/3] click Styling tab and change skin [16:10:57] Can i fork wikipedia on miraheze [16:11:03] no [16:11:18] there's a whole section about it in [[Content Policy]] [16:11:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Content_Policy [16:11:19] [16:11:37] wre [16:12:06] Forks section lol [16:12:52] I mean it doesnt say Wikipedia it says "Wikimedia projects" [16:13:06] and what is Wikipedia lmao [16:13:15] it's a Wikimedia project [16:13:25] It’s the Wikimedia project [16:14:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254832104878112868/2024-06-24_19_14_42.png?ex=667aecf7&is=66799b77&hm=ee591fe5c7ea38295651dc4e1a88f90949b51f4cdfd43ef60ead30fa5a671bf3& [16:17:09] [1/2] How would you even fork Wikipedia in the first place ???? [16:17:09] [2/2] Dats a huge place [16:17:29] some people tried [16:18:03] 😭 oh mi gaw [16:18:19] hence why there's a policy about it now [16:22:35] Bad use of our limited resources, to boot [16:44:24] One of the most frequent types of requests (and frequently declined requests) is "Wikipedia with a twist", things like 'wikipedia is too strict, I'm going to make a better wikipedia!' or 'I want to make wikipedia but in cattese, my language in which we all talk like meowth' [16:44:27] I think many Wikipedia/Wikimeta forks, coopies never take off the ground as those are a lot of timee and resorces to make and maintin [16:46:00] Have you actually seen that last one [16:46:02] Sadly a lot of these forkers do it either so they can write about themselves or so they can be admins [16:46:15] Not with exactly those words, but yeah. [16:46:24] Meow th? [16:46:25] Otherwise you might as well just create a wiki on a topic you like rather than try to recreate something that works relatively well [16:46:34] Yes, the pokemon, meowth. [16:46:43] I know who he is but like [16:46:44] Why [16:46:59] https://tenor.com/view/rocket-logo-intro-dp158-gif-25201118 [16:47:10] Wikipedia Team Rocket Cabal? [16:48:01] Gimme me wiki right meeooow, I swear it will be purrrfect. [16:48:25] (^ What I imagine I would have gotten as a response if they'd ever gotten back to us) [16:49:02] 😂 [17:29:20] 😭 the last one [17:30:18] Meowthapedia [17:34:47] [1/2] WHAT [17:34:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254852236262248449/Screenshot_20240624_183424_Chrome.png?ex=667affb7&is=6679ae37&hm=77a0689e42ab4db2922b313d82f0b29976191e694c78343b34613e28bd8e6156& [17:34:50] Nonononono [17:36:05] [1/2] what [17:36:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254852564542033972/Screenshot_20240624_183555_Chrome.png?ex=667b0005&is=6679ae85&hm=82c57eb96b210809b724fbfc0516fc2d5a036128c5a8e401fa55ef24889489a0& [17:37:30] The user exists [17:37:32] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:GhaztliousMoths [17:37:38] They just don’t have a page [17:37:44] 9 months old [17:38:18] Hopefully that this is an account that I created and forgotten about 😓 [17:38:38] Try a password reset [17:41:45] [1/3] I found it [17:41:45] [2/3] I found the password 😭 [17:41:46] [3/3] Time to fix up my page [17:46:51] I am scared [17:52:16] [1/2] I can see why people want to have their own versions of Wikipedia [17:52:16] [2/2] I'm bloody intimidated to create a User Page [17:53:01] Haha understandable [17:53:04] But you shouldn’t be [17:53:10] Long as you don’t do anything stupid [17:53:17] You can always request it be deleted [17:53:26] I did(to make way for my global user page) [17:54:46] I'm just thinking of copypasting my user page from Usagi Shima Wiki to Wikipedia + adding a note that I'll be mostly working on pages relating to mobile games [17:56:08] I'm still reading to check if I'm allowed to link to some wikis I've contributed to [17:57:47] Of course [17:57:53] I link to Miraheze on mine [17:58:01] [[w:User:PixDeVl]] [17:58:01] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:PixDeVl [17:58:02] [18:00:23] Thanks! [18:07:06] [1/2] Interesting [18:07:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254860367050571818/image0.jpg?ex=667b0749&is=6679b5c9&hm=c1e881683ab46be05008042891ce3f55d2a4c5faacb22acaa829f8805fca4f9c& [18:23:01] [1/3] Woo [18:23:02] [2/3] I did my first Wikipedia edit [18:23:02] [3/3] Yay [18:23:27] It was terrifying :D [18:24:30] Now let's hope it doesn't get reverted by an overzealous Wikipedian 🤣 [18:25:13] [1/3] Noooo [18:25:13] [2/3] It shouldn't [18:25:14] [3/3] I just updated a statistic on a mobile game [18:26:33] You never know. Some Wikipedians "claim" pages as their own to edit. But stats is hard to disagree with of course 😄 [18:26:57] Wiki Terf Wars 😭 [18:27:17] None of my edits have been reverted tmk [18:27:32] Maybe the Dutch are more trigger happy [18:27:40] I've been on Wikipedia for over 8 years between 2010 and 2018. And I have seen it several times. [18:28:00] More the Danes [18:28:09] But some Dutch as well [18:28:09] [1/2] Rip me [18:28:10] [2/2] Both of the games my wikis are based on don't have Wikipedia pages for em [18:28:21] I’d be SHOCKED if you didn’t [18:28:28] Not notable enough? [18:28:42] You can make a draft page or if you can find enough [[WP:RS]] [18:28:42] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:RS [18:28:43] [18:29:53] What’s the game [18:30:35] [1/2] Usagi Shima / Kinder World [18:30:35] [2/2] Both should have enough "general" information about themselves with lots of sources [18:33:38] Are they reliable? [18:34:05] I recently checked eng wiki page I reworked massively in 2017? and god, the grammar, the wording, all horrible [18:34:28] I'm too lazy to fix it lol [18:37:29] Most sources are from the developer/s, on various social media platforms, namely twitter and reddit for UsagiShima/Jess Yu and Discord/Kickstarter/Twitter/TikTok for Kinder World/Lumi Interactive [18:39:03] There's also the Wholesome Games Direct, which has some project that Usagi Shima is involved in [18:40:37] And There's a lot of articles on Usagi Shima [18:45:24] Don’t really qualify per [[WP:RS]] and [[WP:SELFPUBLISHED]] [18:45:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:RS https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:SELFPUBLISHED [18:45:25] [1/2] [18:45:26] [2/2] [18:45:36] Oof [18:45:53] Yup [18:46:14] Part of the reason [[w:Draft:Miraheze]] is still a draft [18:46:14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft:Miraheze [18:46:15] [18:46:27] We just don’t get coverage [18:46:44] Do websites from the devs count? [18:47:15] You answer your own question [18:47:18] “From the devs” [18:47:21] Self published [18:47:32] Not to say you can’t use them at all but you can’t just use SPS [18:47:40] Yea fair [18:47:55] Only use em minimally [18:48:28] Hey guys did you know I invented calculus minecraft and iced tea? It’s all documented on this website that I host and must be correct [18:50:23] Hmm [18:54:39] So I'm just limited to articles... [20:05:29] [1/2] Spanish Wikipedia has coverage [20:05:30] [2/2] https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miraheze [20:42:42] @rhinosf1 whats the process of publishing a pip package. Im likely going to have to port a JS parsing script for a future project and since it’s versatile enough id want to make it its own library [20:43:05] If it's on github, it's just an action [20:43:08] It's really simple [20:43:28] Please feel free to steal my CI with credit [20:43:38] It has a deploy step [20:48:50] shit really? Based [20:49:34] once i get the site working ish and get to adding the parser ill look into the actual structure of packages and do that then [20:50:00] Yep [20:50:04] A pretty small one too [20:50:36] You'll need the actual package built before the action [20:50:39] But that's one command [20:50:45] My CI runs it early on [20:51:01] pyproject-build (comes from build on pip) [20:51:18] The hardest part is structuring the python right tbh [20:51:49] yeah [20:52:08] You can just copy what I've done though [20:52:21] with the blank init.py in some folders [20:52:34] Or put your code in \init\.py [20:52:45] yeah [20:52:56] On a project i have on the shelf currently [20:53:09] i was trying to figure out relative imports [20:53:31] ie from ..db.database import model [20:53:36] it took me [20:53:44] countless hours [20:54:30] until I found a stack overflow that gave me a solution and explanation [20:54:56] Stack overflow is very useful [20:55:02] extremely [20:55:23] i always tell people who ask me trivial new dev stuff [20:55:25] google [20:55:27] stack [20:55:29] docs [20:55:46] It’s not hard man [20:56:45] That’s one of the main gripes I have with AI, it does the work but you never get the most important part [20:56:49] learning to learn [20:57:19] to figure out why and how what it gave you is garbage and to salvage it [20:57:44] i honestly dont know where i stand with AI assistance in coding rn but im solid on that [20:59:51] AI Code Assistant are exactly that [20:59:56] Some are better than others [21:00:04] But they are an assistant [21:00:21] They do scut work, not programming [21:00:38] A very big thank to github copilot for writing my Java hibernate classes [21:01:00] But it's a file full of getters and setters, a 5 year old could probably write that [21:01:08] It's good at that [21:01:20] Actual logic and thought, nowhere near [21:01:25] @pixldev [21:02:30] Yeah [21:02:39] im gonna try using it some in my django project [21:02:52] One of my main weaknesses as a dev is memory [21:03:04] I have a worse memory than a goldfish so [21:03:11] i have to keep referring to docs for long boilerplate so [21:03:36] my catchphrase is i have the memory of a goldfish with dementia [21:03:43] haha [21:03:56] Anyways my final exam grades are in [21:04:02] What you get? [21:04:22] you'll have to assume I'm a dummy with the American grading systems [21:05:23] [1/3] Mathematics: A- / 90% [21:05:24] [2/3] Chemistry: A+ / 100%(this was just multiple choice) [21:05:24] [3/3] English: A+ / 97.5% [21:05:32] those are the main ones i care about [21:05:38] math was the main concern [21:05:44] Smarts [21:05:45] nice [21:05:55] Ty [21:05:58] Chemistry & Maths I assume are hard [21:06:11] Math was my most difficult [21:06:16] especially at the start of the yeat [21:06:21] English depends on you as a person [21:06:36] What's that final exams for? [21:06:45] Is that just the year? Or high school? Or? [21:06:59] since it was a higher level then my previous years and i was always decent enough at it that I wasn’t accustomed to the amount of studying [21:07:01] year [21:07:12] Cool [21:07:12] Not in college yet lol [21:07:33] Our schooling is 11-16, 16-18 and 18-21 [21:07:39] English was never my strong suit [21:07:44] You sit GCSEs at 16 and A-Levels at 18 [21:07:49] I didn't like English [21:07:50] my district is funky af [21:07:54] we use U instead of F [21:07:56] me either [21:07:59] as a failed grade [21:08:04] My way of words didn't match the way AQA want [21:08:10] So does England [21:08:12] I especially hated writing essays [21:08:19] England & Wales are funky af [21:08:22] lol [21:08:31] saints sake why [21:08:36] England & Wales do one thing [21:08:43] I was always better at Math than English [21:08:44] Well it depends on your level [21:08:46] so there you go [21:08:51] F doesn't exist at A-Level [21:08:58] It's A*-E [21:09:01] All are a pass [21:09:02] I guess I'm ore of a logics based person then [21:09:12] U is ungradeable [21:09:17] rip [21:09:30] is that what it stands for [21:09:31] GCSEs are 9-1 with a U also being ungradable [21:09:47] But 5+ at GCSE is a 'good' pass, 4 is a pass [21:09:50] 1-3 is a fail [21:09:59] Kind of [21:10:10] European grading systems is a subject I'll never understand [21:10:28] Just like how the American one is confusing for people from other countries. [21:11:08] I just realized this is the first time I've seen so few mods online [21:11:15] wow now there's zero [21:11:15] No one is England understands the new 9-1 system [21:11:33] 9-1 system? [21:11:50] It sounds difficult just seeing that [21:13:55] Yes [21:14:12] We grade GCSEs on numbers [21:14:15] We are weird [21:16:53] Goodnight [21:24:13] gn [21:27:05] grrr [21:27:28] hehee [21:27:39] [1/2] i now own miraheze bow to your king [21:27:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254910839710941184/image.png?ex=667b364b&is=6679e4cb&hm=cc52c9c6230f59e8f9e55bf39a565db77b258ab5ec4a48ea4ce1a52311ba445e& [21:28:11] lol [21:28:37] not anymore since there's an admin on now [21:28:38] oops [21:28:43] lol [21:29:11] KIILLLLLLAAAAAAAAAA [21:29:15] lol [21:29:47] I just found it funny since there's usually at least a couple on [21:29:50] at any givne time [21:30:17] Yea [21:31:02] [1/2] Yea [21:31:03] [2/2] It's always like "Oh a 7 is like an A" [21:31:08] Hello guys [21:31:15] I have an important question... [21:31:29] yes? [21:33:17] [1/2] When you go to Netflix and see the movie/TV thumbnails in there... [21:33:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254912257192759397/image.png?ex=667b379d&is=6679e61d&hm=694874e6b9da10bc59189e4d68ae58832b9c1558a550712c2e95c446613e307b& [21:33:30] interesting [21:33:30] Do you know how do you get these thumbnails? [21:33:50] I don't use Netflix [21:33:52] I mean, extracting or downloading on your PC? [21:33:54] so unfortunately not [21:34:04] Is that a website? [21:34:22] right click save as image [21:34:49] The thing is, soon there's going to be released a TV series created by Netflix, and I need to get these personalized covers for my wiki record... [21:34:56] Oh, hi Canada! [21:35:00] hi [21:35:39] But as I know, there are many personalized thumbnails for every stuff in there according to your personal favorite genre. [21:36:31] [1/2] So like [21:36:31] [2/2] Different thumbnails for 1 show? [21:37:14] For example, if you like action, 1-3 thumbnails crafted for a certain movie will show for a film, but, if you like comedy or romance, two completely thumbnails there will shown for that same movie... [21:38:09] [1/2] An example of what I say... [21:38:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254913478330683464/image.png?ex=667b38c0&is=6679e740&hm=5c86c61284f291fe716eb908acf3c79c5c9ef5055863ca1edd8102395a0ed355& [21:38:31] surely theres a netflix wiki that documents this stuff surely [21:40:10] And the worst thing is... We have no idea if that exist.. [21:40:36] The Netflix Fandom wiki doesn't even document that kinda stuff. [21:43:55] might be partly AVID terf [21:44:04] https://avid.wiki [21:44:51] [1/3] Sis got wrong number, probably not [21:44:51] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254915165955162294/IMG-20240624-WA0002.jpg?ex=667b3a52&is=6679e8d2&hm=f2e281cebaa42666be2e7129edc13a2ae19e5e44fd300d3379fdbebaa9429d82& [21:44:51] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254915166252826747/IMG-20240624-WA0003.jpg?ex=667b3a52&is=6679e8d2&hm=4254fd6ec2f9122e982472ad5bf4ad883a4d1286ad004d773b65ca8c2b748331& [21:46:41] [1/2] :0 [21:46:42] [2/2] Dats da wiki that was featured in that one Defunctland Documentary [21:46:58] We used to host it I think [21:47:10] What’s that very last word [21:47:12] ? [21:47:22] I can read the rest mostly [21:47:30] hope this helps! [21:50:12] Yea, it used it [21:50:30] oh, but this is most an audiovisual 😢 [21:52:21] then wikitide and now wikiforge [21:52:27] for better or worst…. [21:52:51] What word? [21:53:01] wikitide wasn't going to be shut down long ago?? [21:53:06] yes [21:53:12] It sunset [21:53:24] ... [21:53:31] sospechoso [21:53:39] Don't get it well... [21:53:46] It’s closed [21:53:50] deactivated [21:53:51] gone [21:54:05] Sunset cuz sun go byebye [21:54:30] When we say sunset in software normally it means a planned and controlled closing and decommissioning of a website/product [21:59:17] [1/2] Lol, why shouldn't try to telephone it...? [21:59:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1254918799803547659/image.png?ex=667b3db5&is=6679ec35&hm=7964819e56b1ce4ac70dfaccc6a6ce2f51c80a5e3d4b1afefcfed2c085a96a89& [21:59:32] what could happen? [22:01:25] could be used by someone else now and it’s incredibly rude to justncall random people because their number used to be on some old ad [22:02:35] I though I was going to get hacked, or the CIA could visit my door haha. [22:07:43] suspicious [22:09:11] ab [22:09:29] thought it was that or sophisticated [22:09:37] not sure why ot would be the latter [22:10:43] I looked up the number and is some one called Raman Kashyap