[02:27:39] [1/2] The classic response to this: And why you play it if you hate it so much? [02:27:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1255348723215499304/20240625_202553.jpg?ex=667cce1a&is=667b7c9a&hm=d4d9298a466d0eacc59f9ca8668852b719eab1dce02e83774ca5646e54b4cb08& [03:05:08] real men play typical colors 2 [13:41:59] IceChat apparently supports brick in addition to trout. Hmm. [13:47:35] Da fuc you use a brick for [13:47:49] When someone intentionally does something stupid and bad? [13:56:34] I don't know, log into IRC and we will try it [13:59:41] Later [13:59:44] Need breakfast [15:25:56] TF2 is a perfectly balanced game. Soldier main strategy is as follows: `look at ground, MOUSE1, ???, profit` [15:47:59] trolldiers tho [15:48:05] fear [15:57:41] at present, the definition of "MAA" seems very vague [15:58:19] If a person registers multiple accounts but does not use them for editing, does this belong to "MAA"? [18:03:40] [1/2] I'm learning English on Duolingo... [18:03:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1255584282320175194/Screenshot_20240626-110140.png?ex=667da97c&is=667c57fc&hm=85e75bd0cf744cef41e8977128562202aa6af6539b3c8bcfa52e95eb34f9d1e7& [18:03:53] I'm a native English speaker 😭 [18:03:55] This is so silly [18:45:59] The traveler, travel-worn from years of travelling, recounted tales of his travels to other travelers. [21:41:39] I'm going to learn Spanish on Duolingo as a native Spanish speaker lmao [21:42:40] I don't eat breakfast. I go directly to lunch [21:44:27] I know too many people who do that [21:44:45] One does the same to breakfast and lunch [21:51:02] [1/3] Yesterday my motives to try to get an assessment for autism got outed to my parents [21:51:02] [2/3] They strongly deny that I could possibly have autism because I had a brain scan when I was very young, I had counselling when I was 11-13, and only when I went to secondary was when teachers had some suspicion that I could be neurodivergent [21:51:02] [3/3] My parents still believe that autistic people often act aggressively and that me being unable to get along with people is because I had a very lonely childhood, though most of my friends throughout my life have been neurodivergent [21:52:11] [1/2] Doesn't help that I am female [21:52:12] [2/2] So signs of autism will be different [21:54:09] [1/2] Like throughout the conversation I was stroking my legs to soothe myself or trying to pet my dog to distract myself 😭 [21:54:09] [2/2] Idk man, I don’t think people usually pet themselves [21:59:52] Sucks that they view autism as something that means there's something wrong with that person :/ [22:00:14] Oof, sorry to hear that mate [22:01:29] in the end you may have to do what you can based on what you know and learn even if those around you are unfortunately not able to provide the support that's needed, be it through ignorance or whatever [22:11:13] [1/2] Going to request a review again but this is stupid [22:11:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1255646577952030844/Screenshot_20240626-150646.png?ex=667de380&is=667c9200&hm=7e92f555a63bfbed8a51ecb724603ffac7b8b76cd542361600b328526f18ddc0& [22:11:50] Sweet Jesus [22:12:03] I do not want to know what triggered this shah [22:12:20] [1/2] I really don't think autism can be detected through a brain scan [22:12:21] [2/2] I'm sorry about what's happening btw, I hope you can get the help you need at least when you're an adult [22:12:35] I requested a review of the earlier violation (idk if that's what caused it or not) [22:20:48] I think you can now view what message get you banned [22:21:08] or is still in beta or something? [22:21:15] [1/2] It doesn't show me for some reason [22:21:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1255649103073902684/Screenshot_20240626-151942.png?ex=667de5db&is=667c945b&hm=e27d5d9523f18a82d4b0186c806ef646056fd3f553f698baadfd10904566dfbf& [22:21:23] Other people got the message shown but I didn't idk why [22:22:12] I know a lot of people who got a violation added for child self endangerment who had the message listed and one of my alts got a child self endangerment violation with the message shown which I could provide in DMs if you really want (not posting here because it's mildly nsfw) [22:23:02] dm [22:23:08] I think policy is to not show for child safety though because I've never got a child safety violation with the message shown and none of my friends who've got this violation either [22:23:13] kk one sec