[01:45:54] minecraft's NBT format is such a pain in the arse to parse [01:46:35] why couldn't yall use JSON [03:51:14] Can the minecraft server be accessible from no premium clients? [04:09:35] no because we don't support piracy [04:09:42] buy the game [04:20:18] security risks (I don't have it too lol) [05:00:28] What even is a premium Minecraft client? Some sources mark it as a modpack, and others look like a launcher. [05:00:57] bruh 💀 [05:01:00] It's just a game [05:01:13] Also it's not like Microsoft is strapped for cash [05:02:58] Oh yeah, @emicraftnoob, could you invite this account to wikis gone wild? Thanks [05:03:09] """premium minecraft""" just means buying it from mojang/microsoft lmao [05:03:17] Yeah I know [05:04:20] i know u know, replying to crazierinzane [05:04:34] oh [05:04:42] i for one love piracy minecraft is the one game i own legit [05:04:57] I have never spent money on games and don't plan to [05:05:05] I don't have the money for it [05:05:24] Plenty of free stuff and piracy is legal and doesn't break any rules if you don't get caught [05:05:32] same, my steam only has games my friends sent me as a joke [05:09:47] A friend wanted to give me a game on Steam but I kinda forgot to make an account and was having issues when making one, when I finally got it working the sale for the game they wanted to send to me had expired [05:10:23] Minecraft is a lifelong purchase. Just beg up the dosh and save yourself some headaches. [05:12:00] Doesn't seem worth it to me [05:13:37] [1/3] :cringe: reminds me of my mother initially doubting i'm autistic because she had genetic tests done on me and my sister as fetuses. [05:13:37] [2/3] idk, I think the little girl who compulsively stacked things in very specific orders, would watch the same movie multiple times in a row, pretended to be a dog, would stare unblinkingly while rattling off facts about cone snails, and was genuinely scared when her teacher announced they'd be playing hangman because she took the name too literally, pro [05:13:37] [3/3] bably isn't normal. [05:14:55] Yea [06:42:44] Deffo in good company among this crowd. [06:57:30] [1/2] miraheze logo in the form of my fictional flag [06:57:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1255779018100314183/Miraheze-Logo.svg_-_Copy.png?ex=667e5ed9&is=667d0d59&hm=9b3842f735f05ba32b31f6db19b1235c4cfdad3d6c5a9c111d55dfd2d0ac0042& [07:03:51] [1/2] Yea, there some recent studies about how it's maybe possible [07:03:52] [2/2] But it definitely would not have been possible back in like, 2010 [07:05:54] [1/2] This likely happens because you were in a server that got reported for a violation of child safety [07:05:54] [2/2] There's a No Text To Speech video about this specific issue [07:08:30] Hell, the concept of neurodivergence beyond clear-cut examples wasn't really even in common dicussion before the last decade. [07:12:36] [1/2] Yea, since I'm 18 now, I'll be able to go to the gp myself, though I probably will not get the diagnosis until after uni cuz of the wait times [07:12:36] [2/2] Shame cuz I probably could have been diagnosed around this time if my parents would have let me get booked for a proper assessment back when I first had suspicions, rather than rely on what a counsellor said, a counsellor who I was going only for depression [07:23:57] Though yea, my parents absolutely hate my secondary school with a passion because they think that this one specific teacher implanted the thought that I might be autistic [07:24:43] Which is funny because she wasn't the 1st person to suggest it [07:25:49] I literally went to classes about how to socialise (eye contact, what's appropriate to say, etc etc) during most of my first years in this school [07:27:51] [1/2] Most of those lessons were kinda helpful [07:27:51] [2/2] Tho I strongly believe that eye contact doesn't matter, its just very distracting to stare at someone's face [13:09:40] is anyone here able to contact agent isai or wikiforge? i've been trying to email wikiforge for almost two weeks and i still get no response 😭 [13:18:27] I’d doubt it tbh [13:18:45] 🥲 [13:18:55] what's happened tho? [13:19:04] wiki problemz [13:19:20] or more specifically, domain [13:19:27] avid? [13:19:29] as im an admin on the avid wiki [13:19:32] yeh [13:32:18] Oh no [13:32:34] yes, it's an ongoing adventure [13:32:50] Reception NA or CA when he’s Available May have a chance but [13:33:08] left an inquiry where na/reception would see just now in fact [13:33:22] I remain not very optimistic [13:42:48] good luck [13:44:24] Personally if the domain wasn’t under WF’s control I’d consider a move to another hosting platform [13:44:38] Or selfhosted [13:44:43] or perhaps selfhost [13:45:21] Depends on what’s more economical [13:46:11] it's too early to talk about that methinks, but there always will be variants [13:48:22] I would not recommend wf in any circumstance at this point [13:48:42] indeed wf has avid by the balls with the domain though, and is remarkably obtuse in cooperating [13:49:40] as self hosting economy goes, generally the answer is sure you can max bang for buck, but you pay for it in need to be savvy [13:49:49] I would not host from a residential device, especially not a project like avid [13:49:59] a vps/dedicated server, perhaps [13:50:12] a lot of things to consider in self host route [13:50:26] size, bandwidth, protection, etc [13:50:31] it's also not really great to put a community project in one dude's basement [13:51:04] I am one of the remaining admins on a dying forum which was subject to this; owner is unreachable, software may never be updated and the whole thing is dying off [13:51:30] unreachable except to give it a kick when multiple senior staff email him to pls fix [14:08:09] for the love of wiki gods don't buy western digital drives lol [14:09:00] In the name of Ward Jimbo and Magnus please [14:11:34] What's wrong with WD drives? [14:11:50] Ahahaha, ahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [14:12:21] Those things nearly killed Miraheze in a way [14:12:36] We bought them as temporary hardware [14:12:45] Which became permanently due to budget reasons [14:12:48] And oh boy [14:14:02] Oof, so they became the new Seagate? [14:14:42] This was before that I think [14:27:17] That was the disk issue that affected the Polandball Wiki at some point? [14:27:57] Quarter or third of the farm I think [14:28:05] think my home server uses wd red drives, been alright so far [14:28:22] bad batches are a thing with any manufacturer [14:28:27] Trauma aside yeah [14:28:34] They are consumer grade drives [14:28:45] They may be fine? Ish? For a home server [14:28:47] But for us [14:28:52] OHO BOY [14:29:11] well I'd either want that one brand that starts with k if I was doing a formal web server with my own hardware, or I'd delegate that whole business to the host [14:31:34] [1/4] I was thinking this but: [14:31:34] [2/4] 1. I know some people who got banned or limited for that and it specifically said their accounts were limited for being in that server [14:31:34] [3/4] 2. All the servers that I could think of as possible suspects for causing this aren't deleted [14:31:34] [4/4] The ban came a few days after I requested a review for my previous child safety violation from 2 months ago [14:33:02] The fact you’re in servers you could think of being suspects is incredibly worrying [14:33:48] I mean the worst I'm in is the (inactive) Discord server for r/japanesepeopletwitter [14:34:22] If you want I could explain some history here in DMs [14:40:42] [1/8] You need to ask yourself... Why am I always blocked, and others aren't? [14:40:42] [2/8] For my case I can tell you that I never seek the boundaries of what is permissible. (The grey areas) [14:40:43] [3/8] I don't do illegal things, nor do I try to circumvent rules, nor do I actively do things that others deem inappropriate/annoying/etc. which makes people keeping an eye on me constantly. [14:40:43] [4/8] When you ask others, "Collei" is not a name you'd put in that category. Rather the opposite is true. [14:40:43] [5/8] My vie of you is that of a user we have to keep an eye on, as when you give a finger, you'll take the whole hand (and arm). [14:40:44] [6/8] And that is such a shame, as you do also many good things (e.g. on Dev Wiki). [14:40:44] [7/8] Trust comes slowly, but leaves very quickly is what I always say. [14:40:44] [8/8] (And I told you before, that I learned that the hard way.) [14:42:30] [1/2] Alright I see [14:42:30] [2/2] Yeah ik what you mean, I will try harder to follow your advice [14:48:54] I think you are impulsive and curious. That can be good, because that is a good basis for creativity. But boundaries are necessary to acknowledge and respected. And you know how the saying goes... Curiosity Killed the Cat 😉 [14:49:22] But where there is a will, there is a way to succeed. [14:52:52] this is why a hosting platform should under no circumstances ever own the domain for your wiki. [14:54:05] Agreed [14:59:38] bad practice abounded in that circumstance as there were various 'gratis' domains hosted with zero local control [15:00:03] the hosting platform didn't officially host the domain until that was declared in correspondence after agent went awol [15:11:36] Yea [15:12:09] Where even is Agent? It's insane how he's just stopped responding to anyone when he still has responsibilities with WikiForge [15:12:29] Varnished! [15:12:36] GPDR-ed [15:12:44] So won't see him back [15:12:50] No need to ask [15:13:02] Yeah I know but he's still responsible for the other farm [15:15:21] Probs spending all that money they said they've made. [15:15:30] Which is probably imaginary. [15:16:07] Lol yea [15:18:43] I'd refrain from any kinds of speculations [15:25:39] Ok I won't speculate then [15:26:36] Just want to say this reminds me a little bit of the situation with editthis.info and the owner dude disappearing [16:02:19] Agent has been voluntarily exiled by the community, pretty much. [16:04:55] I wouldn’t say that [16:06:30] Agent voluntarily stepped away from all MH/WT duties and remaining duties are now WikiForge-specific. There is no expectation that he shows up/discusses things here, and we should let him get on with it. [16:25:57] Can we avoid allegations? [16:26:53] Theres a difference between an allegation and a comment. [16:27:12] If i was making an allegation I would say "it is imaginary" [16:27:32] And "he is spending all that money" [16:27:43] Which is not what i said. [16:31:13] It's unnecessary commentary that implies wrongdoing, jokingly or not, but let's put this topic to rest please. [16:33:24] (Doesn't actually imply financial wrongdoing, but ok) [16:38:04] rip nitro [16:41:23] Huh? [16:41:29] NOOOOOO [18:17:54] Nobody asked him to show up here, someone was asking about their wiki on another platform where Agent is supposed to be active, there is no rule against talking about this [18:19:06] ^ [18:19:17] "spending imaginary money" may be rude but it is not an allegation of wrongdoing [18:24:22] And realistically I think it's correct because WikiForge is definitely not making money [18:26:28] [1/2] A) that financial assertion is demonstrably incorrect. [18:26:28] [2/2] B) you're cruising toward a ban, cut it out. [18:57:47] [1/3] I understand that you have an issue with what I'm saying and are an authority figure in this server but I am very confused about your messages and what I did wrong. I don't know what behavior is banworthy so please tell me what I did. I didn't intend to do anything wrong. [18:57:47] [2/3] I know Agent was a very well respected and helpful Steward but that does not mean any critical comment against him is banworthy. I don't expect him to show up here but I have an issue with him not doing anything to keep the AVID wiki up when he owns their domain, he should at least transfer it to someone. If that is all I did then I don't understand what is wrong so ple [18:57:47] [3/3] ase explain it to me sir. If it's something else then I don't know what it is. [19:03:02] Multiple people have asked to cut out the speculation, and a moderator asked the topic to be dropped, but you're continuing it. [19:05:11] I'm not speculating on anything, him leaving the AVID wiki is confirmed by a person in this chat asking what to do about it, something that several other users agreed was a problem [19:05:50] Dude, seriously, cut it out. You literally just did: `And realistically I think it's correct because WikiForge is definitely not making money` [19:06:39] Well ok, I won't talk about WikiForge making money or not but that doesn't seem like very severe speculation [19:08:55] nobody said he left avid dude [19:09:21] admin said he can't reach him out [19:09:30] nobody knows why [19:09:32] Oh sorry I misinterpreted then [19:09:39] it doesn't ge left everyone [19:09:59] *doesn't mean [19:10:26] willingly or not [19:10:46] Sorry if that caused any problems then but I'm not trying to cause any trouble I just think it's concerning but I guess I am too suspicious of him then [19:11:03] I'm personally hoping for the best resolve for the wiki but can't deny that some trust in the platform is probably lost [19:11:40] I always thought of Miraheze as unstable and I just don't have any opinion on WikiForge [19:11:53] the rest is pretty much not my business, to say so [21:02:30] Yes [21:02:41] [1/5] Earlier I gave you some advice... and here you go again pushing your luck. People shouldn't have to ask to cut it out more than once. It was even commanded three times. And still you wonder why you get bans and blocks. [21:02:41] [2/5] We don't care what you think about Agent. What's done is done. He has unfortunately left. [21:02:42] [3/5] When asked not to go on about it, DROP the matter. Delete it from your mind. [21:02:42] [4/5] It's no help to keep dwelling on someone who left. We have to look to the future. [21:02:42] [5/5] It's really a shame and tiresome that you don't take advice to you. You say sorry, and continue on. That makes your sorry's meaningless. [21:05:39] [1/2] I love this "package" design [21:05:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1255992463085010944/images3.jpg?ex=667f25a2&is=667dd422&hm=c12f165d5ec1b0961d86379b0c3601b898d44306271588e40a9011ac2e6ad5a4& [21:06:31] Okay, not pointing to anyone in particular but how about we end this topic here? [21:07:07] I tried end the topic with the thing above ur message [21:07:26] [1/2] Fuck yea [21:07:26] [2/2] Nice packaging design [21:07:27] I posted it on the same time [21:09:44] Fun fact: The brand in the can is Del Valle, that is the name for Minute Maid in Mexico, the country I live in [21:10:53] Noice [21:44:15] Watching yugioh amvs is fun while trying to work on a wiki [21:48:26] real [21:48:47] lol [21:48:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1256003348122042458/XnpjjK2.png?ex=667f2fc5&is=667dde45&hm=78fd2e8140b690652c878f1ffcb4112e99714f3fd00772ed2261972630a13086& [21:49:08] Me getting saved after having turned evil for a while. [21:49:19] I can relate the most to Jaden [21:49:27] out of all the series' main protags [21:49:37] other than potentially Yusaku [21:49:39] from VRAINS [21:49:50] he also had a terrible childhood let's just say that. [21:50:03] aka the one in my pfp [21:50:54] I am the Supreme King. [21:52:23] MTG> Yugioh [21:53:57] booo [21:54:15] Though I'm not sure what MTG stands for [21:54:38] oh well to each their own [21:54:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1256004866984247307/hhWTisl.png?ex=667f312f&is=667ddfaf&hm=3649de0f0f7ea279b84d81f66b0b3c701f5ea302f12fa4f91e9b45fd22e4bb65& [21:54:56] Magic: The Gathering [21:54:59] ah [21:55:06] I have to disagree [21:55:11] I have never played MTG ever [21:55:20] lol [21:55:24] I don’t play much cause not many friends who fo [21:55:30] Same here with ygo [21:55:34] and im ass [21:55:34] Online at least [21:55:39] me too [21:55:40] at ygo [21:55:45] But I've watched a lot of the anime [21:55:46] so meh [22:38:02] Card games in general can be an expensive passion [22:39:16] Played a little M:tG in high school, stopped well before things started getting 4 digits of sunk cost. [22:39:36] Some of my friends, not so much [22:48:54] i have a single deck and some booster packs [22:49:07] i dont have a job so i dont spend much money [22:49:10] even if i had one [22:49:32] I dont buy lots of games [22:49:42] i don’t really play AAAs either [22:49:47] miencraft is the big one [22:49:59] and i have some other games i can revisit [22:50:05] hacknet was lit [22:50:23] wanna go back to that one day [22:50:26] subnautica [22:51:04] I have a friend who’s main hobby is warhammer [22:55:36] Yeah... Hooboy can that one get expensive [22:56:43] I am quite grateful for the majority of my hobbies involving typing and reading text [22:56:49] very economical [23:16:35] Card games can be cool [23:16:41] I usually just played ygo online though [23:16:51] I didn't get many irl cards [23:18:17] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1256025842778374174/AkEJkSf.webp?ex=667f44b8&is=667df338&hm=d106cb293d9d8e1d2e4021eaa8e6c4f607d505bbbcb46a0202095565a09ed713& [23:18:20] I remember having this irl though