[01:34:18] [1/2] I want to buy [01:34:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1256422458836123821/IMG-20240628-WA0000.jpg?ex=6680b619&is=667f6499&hm=28c9cacf6b49c11e6a431197d3e43e0b4ba1693c261aa5bc9321aa6b8d8fe5f5& [01:34:58] Tho yesterday I got the Portal 1 and finished it today [01:40:21] I'm really surprised that in the US you _can_ get in jail or something for piracy, when here in Mexico was like the only way to enjoy media if you weren't those rich kids [01:41:34] And in South America in general [02:07:20] I'd tend to agree but I wouldn't expect Mexico to be held to the same legal standards as the US given the development difference [02:20:44] Understood [02:20:52] I'll talk about this in wikis gone wild instead [03:24:56] Should I make a Miraheze wiki about Skibidi Toilet lore? [03:40:59] :thinkie: [03:41:06] i guess it is something that could be documented [05:22:15] Tbf I'm half joking, a few weeks ago there was a chat about the Skibidi Toilet wiki on Fandom and someone got one of those Discord highlights saying "Talking about: Skibidi Toilet lore" but it would be fun just for shits and giggles to document Skibidi Toilet lore on Miraheze [07:18:59] pretty much all third world countries, streaming platforms entered Russia fairly recently, previously only steam managed to lower game piracy, and yet we it's still was going (now especially ofc, back in 90s-00s level) [07:22:18] you guys have no idea how fucking expensive always were ReAl LiCeNsEd physical stuff here - games, music, video, programs [08:28:51] I do agree it's quite asinine [12:14:50] @paladox Starmer's face on a leaflet through my letter box encouraging me to vote for my local Labour mp [12:15:03] Labour are really pushing this campaign [12:15:18] yeh [12:37:14] ^^^ piracy would go down a lot if it was more convenient to access media [12:37:28] exactly [12:38:02] but [12:38:06] like I remember going to multiple stores for a copy of Dragon Quest V years ago, only to find out it was out of print and shipping it to Australia from the US or Europe would've been prohibitively expensive [12:39:49] [1/2] you could say streaming did that but the way these platforms operate i.e. striping down everything from artists who aren't mega established backed by big labels, you could they're are like corsairs - legally allowed piracy which also involves money [12:39:49] [2/2] in good old digital piracy it's just "sharing is caring" [12:39:59] mhmhm [12:41:58] [1/2] also the amount of times I saw Bandcamp artists saying that piracy gave them exposure eventually leading to people buying from their BC [12:41:58] [2/2] not to mention the advantage of owning files [12:42:44] [1/2] there's also something to be said about the ethics of piracy. pirating a 20 year old nintendo game doesn't really hurt anyone. Nintendo wasn't gonna be making any money off of it, they weren't planning to re-release or remake this particular game. Morally speaking, a pirater wouldn't be hurting anyone. [12:42:44] [2/2] But a brand new game made by an indie company who only get paid if people pay for their game? In that case, I think it's kinda dickish to pirate. [12:43:42] absolutely [12:45:00] also something to say about old artists - most of them don't realize that it thanks to bootlegs they were known to people outside of US/UK/Europe, like USSR, which then contributed to being know later in digital age [12:45:10] MHMHMHM [12:48:53] and last but least - preservation potential [12:49:14] Nosferatu film survived thanks to piracy [12:50:20] Bram Stoker sued its director when it came out as a plagiarism, it was destroyed [12:51:32] now I see outcries over cancelled Netflix et all shows or removal from all these platforms [12:51:53] they're killing so much works [12:52:20] and I can't stress it enough - preserve shit you love, people [12:52:44] because business types care only about money [12:53:06] it's especially evident in game industry now [12:54:32] the amount of earliest - silent, black and white, pre-code films lost is abysmal [12:56:44] the full version of Metropolis exists because some cut footage was found somewhere in South America, of all places [13:06:46] oh lol [13:12:00] Stuff like this makes it sad that mobile games can't be fully preserved [13:12:36] I'm thankful for all the people uploading the apks, but a lot of game run on servers [13:13:21] There was this mobile game called Wonderlings and it hurts to see that there's no gameplay recording of the game šŸ˜” [13:24:36] yeah :( that part is pretty sad [14:40:42] @paladox https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1807035772618387960 [14:41:04] yeh, nigel doesn't like people criticising him. [14:41:13] he threatens to sue anyone who has opposing views to him [14:46:32] He got a lot of that [14:47:03] I actually don't think there was one question from someone positive towards him [18:21:43] That's why private servers exist [18:21:59] https://github.com/Grasscutters/grasscutter example [18:24:38] ā€œA certain anime gameā€ [18:25:06] Yeah it's kinda a meme ig [18:25:22] It's for Genshin Impact [18:29:26] Oh [18:29:33] Whatā€™s it for [18:29:40] Just self hosting the game? [18:31:11] Is it a rewrite with new features or just play with a normal slightly modified client [18:31:26] It's just a reimplantation of the normal server [18:31:31] Lets you play the game offline [18:32:19] Oh cool [18:32:27] The only new features are that you can give yourself items, change the order of game quests, etc. [18:32:51] So a single player crack of the game that allows you to modify it [18:33:08] Yeah ig [18:33:19] Have people made mods for itv#? [18:41:30] Battleborn is currently getting resurrected via ReBorn [18:41:50] :o [18:42:17] many modders tried in the past, even devs themselves couldn't figure out how to make it offline after servers shutdown [18:42:50] and then some random guy joins BB discord and goes "yo I made your game playable again" [18:43:36] funny thing is that Amazon is still selling steam keys for it, so people who don't have BB can legally get it and play w/ the mod lol [18:44:28] devs noticed the mod too, and fully supported the initiative [18:44:35] in fact got surprised [18:44:55] but because publisher is 2K we still gotta be careful [18:45:11] who knows what kind of shit they can pull [18:46:00] [1/2] currently solo PvE and PvP against bots are available [18:46:00] [2/2] proper PvP is still cooking [18:46:53] How did the devs fail to make their game playable offline [18:47:09] short answer: it's Gearbox Software [18:48:06] longer answer: Gearbox is notoriously chaotic studio and there's a lot of outsourcing and "idk how it works but it works" [18:48:33] Sounds familiar [18:48:51] Searched Genshin impact mods and see this https://gamebanana.com/mods/482120 [18:48:53] they had no idea how to make normal PvP game lol [18:49:23] This has a link? [18:53:27] [18:54:46] Yeah there's a lot of Genshin mods [18:54:53] it requires having the game in steam, although family sharing works too [18:55:17] I used to be in a cheat that made a Genshin cheat but they fired me because they thought I was too immature lmao [18:55:33] *team that made [18:56:29] Are they all visual or done features [18:56:34] LMAO [18:56:37] [1/2] versus bots is a bit complicated tho, I haven't tried that [18:56:37] [2/2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=xQbe9EcuYuw [18:57:10] Mostly visual mods but there are some people who have looked into modding custom content but I don't know if it ever really went anywhere [18:57:52] Yeah I heard that another one of the cheat devs from Canada got sued [18:57:57] But they were the only one [18:58:11] I wasn't around when that happened, I just saw it on TorrentFreak [18:58:28] I knew who was being talked about which made it a bit more interesting to read [18:59:03] H u h [19:00:31] Feature mods Iā€™d imagine are far easier if you control the server so if grasscutter(which I realize only now it probably a reference to touching grass) exists as a self hosted server kinda surprised people donā€™t use It [19:01:56] You'd have to modify the server and client both which is harder than it sounds [19:02:07] Not saying itā€™s not [19:02:28] [1/2] Because the game is very obfuscated with VMProtect, Beebyte, a modified Unity version, etc. [19:02:29] [2/2] Nobody has done it because nobody knows enough to do it [19:02:49] Probably far easier then with the official servers but yea [19:04:15] Iā€™m assuming visual mods are on a ā€˜higher levelā€™ that makes them more feasible since you just change models [19:06:06] Boooo [19:06:42] yea [19:17:50] [1/2] I am aware of em [19:17:50] [2/2] I know that there's been a sonic mobile game that got revived [20:52:26] I had at lest 50 old kernal versons/kernal add ons that I purged from my system today [21:01:37] Does anyone have any ideas for how to facilitate translating templates on devwiki? [21:50:36] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/697522190773518417/1182417546373238834/caption-2-2.gif [22:01:18] @tedkalashnikov did you see dm hehe [22:02:12] I DID sorry lol i came home and fell asleep [22:02:14] the photos are awesome [22:02:45] no worries [22:03:01] i have some more actually. Didnā€™t let us take pictures in the tour though [22:03:30] I'm going to da homeland tomorrow [22:03:49] brit ish? [22:03:54] Lithuania [22:03:57] sent another i haf [22:05:39] I can't wait to see my decaying town again [22:06:27] Tho they did add a fountain in the center so that's neat ig [22:08:25] [1/2] I miss da supermarkets [22:08:25] [2/2] It's been too long since I've been inside a Maxima