[02:53:29] I'll help the first 10 people interested on how to start earning $100k within 72hours, but you will reimburse me 10% of your profits when you receive it. Note: only interested people should send a friend request or  send me a dm!  ask me HOW ! [02:59:13] Thanks @brandon.wm I knew that spam person looked suspicious [02:59:43] for sure [03:39:36] [1/2] https://pastebin.com/PTLya1h0 [03:39:36] [2/2] now those whatsapp scams expanded to discord servers?! [03:45:08] I've seen that on Discord since forever [06:09:07] [1/2] have I ever mentioned to y'all that I'm in marching band [06:09:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1257941171213176894/scNBuVbGsr5rNNRK.mp4?ex=66863c82&is=6684eb02&hm=6c45fe8ccea64d98ae39462848469d2be9c8ff2f5063eb1414332e8ba419e7ae& [13:35:13] @rhinosf1 are you ready for tomorrow. [13:42:35] Oh yes [13:42:40] I've even got the day off work [13:42:49] Nothing to do with the election though [13:43:02] I had Thursday - Monday off long in advance as I'm away Friday - Monday [13:59:13] @paladox by the time I'm back from my leave I'll very likely have a full complement of new ministers [13:59:23] I assume they'll announce a town hall [13:59:28] That I probably won't go to [14:37:30] [1/2] the fucking ai image lmao [14:37:30] [2/2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=n-DXxcSCxOs [16:30:23] Seems like a pretty quiet day in the server. [17:14:14] I'm sure it will liven up in about 24 hours when the platform goes down for maintenance 🤣 [17:43:38] The amount of conjectures I could joke about are potentially too much. [17:46:20] Somehow highlight it for each of the major channels. [17:47:26] I feel like Discord has a thing for that and somehow makes it very difficult to do. [19:52:31] Have fun mate! I hope hearing you great me from the grand stands 😄 [20:03:48] Friends, is there a page on the Meta.miraheze.org somewhere, wherein i could find a list of the wikis with the most pages on the network? I can't find any newer than 2018 off-site [20:04:19] Oh it will be fun [20:04:38] I don't think we have stats by most pages [20:05:53] Where does the 2018 count come from? [20:06:04] a user's page where i think they got it manually [20:06:44] on wmcloud perhaps [20:07:06] @rhinosf1 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/505084188660334594/1258144075987550248/GRlieKAbMAAkg75.png?ex=6686f97a&is=6685a7fa&hm=6b8cf416f9745abc5e767e57d5660d5e63b7ab3fade18a126b004650ef3847e4&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1043&height=1315& [20:07:31] Fair enough. I assume you would have to do some steps manually but not too hard right? [20:07:49] Only Mail & Telegraph backing tories [20:07:51] Can you link to the 2018 page? [20:07:54] yeh [20:07:56] 25 hours to go [20:08:07] And we'll have the exit poll [20:08:47] https://wikistats.wmcloud.org/display.php?t=mh [20:10:43] oh neat [20:10:43] thanks [20:11:41] sorting seems to be wonky but that's pretty much the only stats place [20:14:57] @paladox I imagine you'll be fairly pleased at 10:01pm tomorrow [20:15:09] hopefully [20:15:13] Probably even more pleased by the early hours [20:15:15] but only if people vote for it. [20:15:33] if people just think there's no point because they think labour has already won then the tories could win [20:16:08] I doubt it [20:16:22] It's looking like a landslide [20:16:46] Turnout is predicted to be good [20:16:54] I think a lot have had enough [20:17:22] labours running a good message tbh [20:17:27] getting their voters to turn out [20:17:33] if you want change you have to vote for it [20:17:41] or don't wake up to another 5 years of the tories [20:20:25] I've had a lot of comms from Labour and Lib Dem's [20:20:37] if only the US had politics like the UK.... [20:20:39] Nothing from independent candidates [20:20:56] Don't think anything from conservative [20:21:03] 1 leaflet from Reform [20:21:26] @brandon.wm our politics is a mess. We are very efficient at elections though. [20:21:45] Your politics is absolutely a mess, but anything over the US's politics [20:21:52] end of democracy if Trump is elected [20:21:58] and quite probably world peace [20:22:20] At least the lettuce that lasted longer than Liz was entertaining [20:22:32] It was embarassing [20:22:59] It was both [20:24:07] What annoyed me more was the total money she earned from her time as pm [20:27:43] world peace needs at least one (1) fucker dead tbh [20:28:13] || Donald Trump || [20:35:05] What is that 2018 source for total pages? [20:46:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258161851926319225/IMG_8298.png?ex=66870a09&is=6685b889&hm=6727001319fc385897ae750ce0535efc24129ee5abcd2718be9c8bce675e0afe& [20:46:08] @paladox still going [20:46:17] Charlie Murphy is Lib Dem [20:46:22] heh [20:47:05] I must have had at least a dozen emails from Lib Dem's [20:47:20] I had 4 yesterday [22:36:59] IIRC canvassing here is highly illegal, specifically you cannot send targeted correspondence (post, email, voicemail, SMS, etc) to to-be voters. Billboards are okay but one's mailbox is something that has to be sterile [22:41:18] Interesting [22:41:45] Wish that was the same in England [22:42:11] But also if someone is recieving those emails you at some point have given them your email so 👀 [22:44:00] I guess also your email couldve been sold by someone like Fandom heh [23:10:43] Every site I sign up to gets an email such as @example.org and the first var is unique for every site so I know who sold my data and possibly take them to court if I really wanted ti [23:11:12] That depends if you agreed to that when you signed up [23:11:30] Ie for Fandom unless you explicitly opt out they can sell your data [23:12:27] Lesson from Felenov for today: read everything you agree or sign BEFORE you do that. [23:24:10] I realize very soon I would have to write EULAs too, and I would probably ask the lawyer to include "holy shit, you are reading this?! No fucking way" somewhere in the middle.