[01:57:00] And me on Whatsapp since forever [03:17:18] yo @rhinosf1 and @paladox what time do polls close today? [06:17:39] 10pm [06:17:45] They opened 15 minutes ago [06:28:35] Users in England, Wales and Scotland: Please vote today if you haven't had a postal or proxy vote. Remember to bring photo ID. [07:03:01] The prime minister is the first major politician to be spotted voting [07:04:27] [1/2] I got surprised then remembered I set UK as my country in settings lol [07:04:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258317485132746802/IMG_20240704_100258.jpg?ex=66879afa&is=6686497a&hm=1dbcb1ac5f19854938e342d3ec79cf0c09e48171be578492b11be5c901a0cf2c& [07:05:08] Ah [07:05:33] interesting [07:05:51] I wonder how U.S. elections would go if they were held on the 4th of July [07:06:24] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [07:06:36] probably about the same imo [07:06:42] as normal [07:13:49] We have the first dog on the BBC Live feed of the day too [07:13:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258319861780582410/IMG_8299.jpg?ex=66879d31&is=66864bb1&hm=d0bec384ed012d9a574090117ea362e6e8c9ac1ea58f3d450033353932f2aada& [07:13:59] Credit: PA Media [07:14:26] Expect a lot of pets at polling stations if you're watching the news in great Britain until 2200 [07:14:49] @tali64 my guess is turnout lower because lots of people away [07:15:01] It being a federal holiday [07:15:17] doggy [07:16:21] @theoneandonlylegroom they'll be a lot of them on the news live feeds. It's illegal for them to broadcast information about how people have voted or campaign issues while the polls are open. [08:56:09] @paladox Starmer has made it to the polling station [09:42:26] [1/2] Whoa neat snail [09:42:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258357244702228491/20240704_124053.jpg?ex=6687c002&is=66866e82&hm=82fe1079fac0e566f06ba1f5e518a1a6db5deb545c0bfe09d5613907731e6c50& [09:42:52] [1/2] Chongus [09:42:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258357352503971970/20240704_124234.jpg?ex=6687c01b&is=66866e9b&hm=5c6bf7d92aa7aa2e3d2e81653f11b2c890ad90c3e2e338e8512ab49ebc60de09& [09:47:29] Lithuania has some fat snails [10:15:38] @robkam did you request to follow me on Twitter [10:31:03] Yes, (because you're part of the Miraheze tech crew). [10:32:29] I was surprised. My Twitter follow requests are rarely humans. [11:14:25] Apples yanks VPN apps from Russian AppStore cus Kremlin said so, how cute [11:15:07] :pupCoffeeMH: [12:03:19] yup [12:08:57] As shit as the UK is sometimes I am glad that this is where I live. [12:09:49] But that also surprises me. I would've thought Apples response would be "no" and just pull the entire ecosystem from Russia instead of compromise the privacy of their users. [12:10:10] That would've been the most appropriate response (and we already know Apple is not beyond threatening that) [12:10:11] Apple, surprisingly, even pays fines to them [12:11:15] VPN are basically against laws here [12:11:57] like, they can't prevent users from actually using it, but they do everything to make it harder to find, get, learn to use and, well, actually use [12:12:33] like blocking web sites or pages which explain what is VPN etc [12:13:07] also they have white list because companies using VPN for themselves, like banks [14:04:18] Is Opera unavailable in Russia, then? [14:04:25] Because it has a built in VPN. [14:08:25] Opera is available because they somehow removed it just for Russian users [14:09:53] I used Opera in 2021, back then Twitter wasn't blocked but was getting slowed down so VPN had to be used [14:11:20] and sometimes later rkn noticed that and made them to remove VPN from browser [14:11:38] around the same time were first attempt to block Tor [14:11:54] note it was before invasion [14:17:46] because a) Twitter refused to take down "harmful" information like drug stuff, ||suicide||, and so on (same law that made Wikipedia RKN's first target) b) they also refused to have servers in Russia and thus giving Kremlin access to their data c) VPNs et all circumventing blocks per that law + piracy (plenty of torrent trackers were blocked since 2012) [14:44:52] apple likes to pretend to be a friend to privacy [14:45:20] action speaks louder than words, they make it harder for end applications to be invasive in exchange for invasiveness themselves and making it harder for you to deploy more complete measures [14:45:30] If i was to trust anyone with my data, though, it would be Apple. [14:45:51] the reason I have gone with google is because I refuse the state of being that any company deserves it in the first place [14:46:06] with android I can at least whip it into submission farther than the apple box would permit [14:46:33] of course few people are willing to go the trouble so apple superficially looks better on that [14:47:02] but their lock in ecosystem is another reason I thoroughly discourage them in favor of at least some pain to improve android even if it does not include rooting it [14:51:06] Oh for sure. I went with Android this year. But Apple outperforms any other company on stuff like iPad and Mac. [14:51:11] I could never go back to windows. [14:52:23] Apple products are supposed to be like, the most convenient things ever, however my experience with apple products has been far from convenient [14:53:51] I could not use windows much further but for probably different reasons [14:54:22] people veer either towards liking to control their modules or having it all figured for them, and I acknowledge most would rather experience the latter (done properly) [15:19:19] [1/2] If you need special customizations, Apple was never the choice. [15:19:19] [2/2] Windows, Linux distros, Android, etc... are slightly toward power users who are actually inconvenience with the Apple lockdown. [15:20:18] I would admit Apple lockdown can do some stuffs like preventing old people from getting scammed. [15:23:07] Bank scammers are really afraid with people using iPhones [15:24:46] This is why I think most people should rather get an iPhone instead, my issues with their philosophy aside [15:46:00] nah, I'm fucking broke lol [15:49:07] I had iPhone 4 and 5 only cus my relative gave them away [15:49:33] as they were getting newer instead [15:54:57] [1/5] During covid, my parents were getting me a computer that they said themselves was supposed to be great [15:54:57] [2/5] And turns out it was an outdated mac [15:54:57] [3/5] It's such a pain to use [15:54:57] [4/5] It keeps flagging up my Internet as insecure, it can't load pages properly, it came with malware preinstalled and it's too old to get any anti-virus to remove it [15:54:58] [5/5] I don't remember my apple ID so I can't factory reset it, and for some reason, my parents are not willing to take it to the apple store to get it wiped [15:55:30] I can't really see how the average person manages to install a shady apk in the first place tbh unless they're navigating way out of their comfort zone [15:55:45] but then I suppose it corresponds with people using it like a standard computer, which I expressly avoid [15:56:18] I'd probably try and jailbreak that mac to wipe it at that point tbh, however realistic that might be at this point [15:57:25] Someone did suggest that I turn it into Linux tho my small brain will very much struggle with that [15:57:58] I'm getting a new laptop anyway since I need it for animation [16:01:39] oh trust me, they find a way [16:03:20] Anydesk is a popular application that scammers get people to download on their devices to spy on em and get access to their devices [16:10:30] I wouldn't do this unless you have a powerful scheme to back up and restore that mac in place (doesn't sound like it) or another device to fall back on if it flops [16:10:51] very easy to ruin the setup it if you haven't cracked some eggs before [16:11:10] when you get the new laptop you'll have a great opportunity to try it out though [16:11:25] I sadly concede [16:11:54] I can only account for the immediate family/friends for whom I am the 'yeah delete that message' or improv repair person [16:16:05] In my country, scammers really have some insane efforts to scam low tech by telling them step-by-step how to enable apk installation and send them the link to the scam apk [16:16:22] 👀 [16:19:44] https://e.vnexpress.net/news/news/crime/court-rules-against-customer-seeking-compensation-from-vietcombank-techcombank-in-1m-fraud-case-4766117.html [16:20:12] Customer get scammed from scammer, attempt to lawsuit the bank [16:20:17] 💀 [16:24:18] sigh [16:24:35] anti scam is one thing I've been slowly diving into as of late [16:25:56] ngao nghe vietnam haha [16:37:21] I use Linux myself (Ubuntu 23.04) [17:27:04] I feel this on a spiritual level [17:27:44] I can't really think of any reason you'd need to jailbreak a mac -- or if thats even possible. [17:27:55] it is possible [17:27:57] You can run pretty much anything on a mac because macOS is linux based [17:28:07] Apple tried to make it illegal too but lost [17:28:08] What @originalauthority said [17:28:12] But for what reason would you do that? [17:28:25] I dunno tbh [17:28:29] You only really want to jailbreak to circumvent some restrictions but I cant think of any tbf [17:29:28] I jailbroke my iphone once and then lloyds bank said absolutely not opening this app on a jailbroken phone [17:43:33] banks will do that yes [17:43:37] and some other applications [17:43:45] I stick it to them all but it is something to be considered [17:44:04] you can indeed jailbreak a mac but the complexity quite depends on the device [17:44:32] I mentioned in context of someone with an old malware ridden turd that needs a new lease on life [18:36:25] Mine too [18:36:37] I love macs but they're not all theyre claimed ti be [18:36:45] Mine keeps restarting randomly due to kernel panic [18:58:15] @rhinosf1 have you been to the polling station [18:58:41] Nope! I voted like 2 weeks ago! [18:58:47] Have you? [18:58:48] Ohhh postal? [18:58:54] I'm just about to go noe [18:58:57] Ye [18:59:04] Go on, you've got 2 hours [18:59:35] @paladox 2 hours until we start to see who are new PM is [19:00:43] Yup [19:45:53] kilometer [19:49:48] [1/2] Donesy [19:49:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258510091737632799/20240704_204705.jpg?ex=66884e5b&is=6686fcdb&hm=df1782ee57ef1f9a7293695154f6305686d261a8effea65a90d689cf7f1b8252& [20:08:37] @paladox I added things can only get better to my YouTube playlist [20:08:50] The song that started this election campaign [20:08:59] Nice 🙂 [20:09:31] heh [20:44:21] @paladox https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dissolution-peerages-2024# [20:44:36] yeh [20:44:44] the one guy that did a bet as well fucking lol [20:46:45] Oh Theresa May [20:46:51] The gift that keeps giving [20:49:35] 10 minutes until one gift can stop giving [20:53:46] Here we go [20:55:18] I keep seeing videos of people showing what 14 years of the tories have done to this country and its so sad [21:00:26] And the BBC/Sky/ITV Exit poll says: LABOUR 410 / LIB DEM 61 / CON 131 / REFORM 13 [21:00:42] SNP 10 / PC 4 / GREEN 2 [21:01:07] @paladox @originalauthority [21:01:47] Love to see it [21:01:48] holy shit [21:01:49] landslide [21:01:58] And a bit [21:02:05] Credit: Ipsos for BBC/Sky/ITV [21:02:51] Just goes to show that everyone has had enough of their shit [21:03:05] The 131 seats probably go to constituencies with an average age of 70 [21:03:07] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258528543374053467/IMG_8303.jpg?ex=66885f8b&is=66870e0b&hm=48cc4c30b2d1df218961da1d23eaad8575b88bb41c6ae80e3e046c2540758027& [21:04:21] [1/2] I hate how misleading this subtitle is [21:04:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258528853463138324/Screenshot_20240704_220342_Sky_News.jpg?ex=66885fd5&is=66870e55&hm=eb5de47989aad582f87eacb2ec9b4ead2324e8d25a1328e9ddddef7b0d35051d& [21:07:36] It is now sleep time [21:08:07] oh wow [21:08:10] labour landslide [21:08:18] before i even saw the screenshot ahah [22:18:32] <.labster> I'm pretty sure it was all of those dogs who voted Labour who put them over the top. [22:26:57] 1st constituency announced 😍 [23:14:57] <.labster> Don't you miss the old days with the rotten boroughs? Then you could get results much faster when you only needed to count five voters.