[05:01:48] @paladox we kicked out Penny Mourdant [05:02:08] [1/2] Portsmouth South - Labour Hold [05:02:09] [2/2] Portsmouth North - Labour Gain [05:02:25] Yup [05:30:47] My old constituency of leeds south west & Morley is a Labour gain too [05:31:05] Previous general election conservatives won over half the vote [05:31:08] Nice [05:31:20] Iā€™m going to head off to bed now methinks [05:31:47] @paladox did you stay up? [05:32:00] Yes [05:32:42] I did not [06:09:18] @paladox BBC think Sunak stabilised the UK economically [06:50:57] :ThinkingHardMH: [06:51:03] <.labster, replying to rhinosf1> just like a hospital patient in stable condition after an accident [06:51:26] Who needs both knees, anyway? [06:51:34] That's true [06:51:46] <.labster> I think you have to go private to get the second knee [06:51:57] Sunak is the only one of the last 4 MPs to retain his seat [06:52:04] Truss, Johnson & May all out [06:53:14] Dang! [06:54:21] <.labster> Being American, I have to ask: was Sunak really that bad, or was he just dealt a bad hand? I know he showed some terrible instincts during the campaign. But also, he was taking over after Boris and Truss, which is terrible starting conditions. [06:55:16] <.labster> Which is sort of separate from the question of voting for Labour, where it was absolutely time for a change. [06:57:24] Calling an election without informing your colleagues first is pretty darn stupid [06:58:28] Doing that after proposing a mandatory 'service year' for young people is a layer cake of terrible politicking [06:59:03] <.labster> I'm sure there were some very good polls for national service šŸ˜„ [07:00:56] <.labster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahgjEjJkZks [07:04:47] [1/2] I just saw someone theorising that he called election now so far right won't have a proper campaign thus chance to win [07:04:47] [2/2] but there's a risk at far rights winning next time anyway if labor fucks up, sorta what's happening in Europe now [07:05:50] <.labster> I think that ascribes a certain level of political competence that wasn't there. [07:08:51] <.labster> [1/2] I know six weeks ago is a long time, but there was a lot of Tory infighting, and Sunak had never gotten a mandate from the voters, so he thought he could surprise Labour and pick up his own mandate. I think it was just a certain level of naivite in not realizing his opponents were hungrier and more prepared. The Reform Party probably wouldn't have happened at all had Conservatives [07:08:51] <.labster> [2/2] run a competent campaign, but Farage sensed weakness. [07:09:33] <.labster> I guess my original question was about whether he was competent in policy, but honestly that was more or less answered by the national service proposal. [07:14:03] Reform hurt conservatives but still did poor [07:17:10] <.labster> They did poorly, but not that poorly. Reform have a higher vote share right now than the Lib Dems. For a party that didn't exist at the start of the election, it really just means they need better candidates.... which will be hard because they are who they are. [08:05:42] Yes he was that bad [08:16:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258697968828026961/20240705_111357.jpg?ex=6688fd55&is=6687abd5&hm=1819a4b9d01ccf80ad077432b169b26cda1cec0feaf4959e326caac128bf94ef& [08:18:28] Creepy [08:34:21] Today the sun is shining because we have a labour government [08:34:25] Pathetic fallacy at its finest [08:35:25] I'd look outside if I was you [08:35:33] Grey and raining here [08:35:39] Yeah the sun is roasting for me [08:35:48] Couldn't be much more dull if it tried [08:36:01] Where are you? [08:36:10] Greater Manchester [08:36:26] _is currently on the west coastway and about to head for the Thameslink core_ [08:36:53] Something is definitely up if the sun shines in Manchester [08:37:00] You're on the train an awful lot [08:37:14] Today I'm heading to Beford [08:37:17] Yeah it was thrashing it down for the last few days [08:37:30] Via Three Bridges & St Pancras [08:37:44] I've never been to Manchester and it be nice weather [08:37:49] Literally [08:38:31] @originalauthority I don't drive so the train is my only way to get about [08:39:23] Get yo license [08:39:33] I should [08:39:51] Until then I will continue ticking off trains [08:39:59] I could never get around on train up north they never show up 1/2 the time [08:40:08] That is true [08:40:25] I have an average of about 130 minutes delay per 1000 miles [08:41:03] Standard [08:41:09] Who runs the trains down there? [08:41:12] TransPennine? [08:42:40] Govia Thameslink & East Midlands today for me [08:42:52] 132 minutes per thousand for year to end of June [08:42:59] Never heard of them [08:43:18] Worst operator I've had this year is Great Western [08:43:28] They average 1 minute of delay per minute of travel [08:43:49] Best is LNER at 1 minute for every 196 minutes of travel [08:43:55] It doesn't get any better when the government is running the trains so šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ [08:44:01] Maybe it will change now [08:44:53] It only just rounds to 1:1 for GW [08:45:05] But I mean even 1:2 is awful [08:47:04] LNER is a government ran one [08:47:10] 1:196 is fairly good [08:47:13] Tbh [08:47:38] I wouldn't mind if all my journeys were that [08:48:19] compared to my usual with south western [08:48:32] I wouldn't mind if they just turned up on time it cant be that hard [08:48:46] Every other country manages it [08:48:51] True [08:49:22] My last 5 have been delayed longer than 3 minutes on arrival [08:49:28] It's about to be 6 [08:51:30] +4 [08:51:35] So that's 6 in a row [08:54:11] Thats rough [10:43:12] For almost a month and a half, I published a C-Class Wikipedia article [10:43:27] [[w:Moegirlpedia]] [10:43:27] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moegirlpedia [10:43:28] [12:59:22] http://mh.f2esports.net:8100 the map is located here] [13:00:42] There is a lot of SRE warcrimes done to make the server work like it does on a ARM server but the player base does not know (or care) as long as they can make sheep multiply [13:26:30] @rhinosf1 It's chucking it down in Silverstone šŸ˜„ [13:32:50] paladox: I just noticed your party has won [13:32:53] congratulations [13:41:13] Yup! [14:04:53] We just checked into the hotel [14:05:04] They are not feeling the atmosphere [14:05:22] Bedford is one of the most miserable cities in England [14:10:03] [1/2] Just remember this exists [14:10:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258786978938359880/Smethwick_Rolfe_Street_Station_2.jpg?ex=6689503a&is=6687feba&hm=b8cef4f93b3291aad1f261823f5a40c4c83c1504626345ce0f42714176184a97& [14:16:44] I feel like I've seen that station irl [14:17:01] I can't read what it is [14:17:04] Rolfe Street, Smethwick [14:17:31] Ah then no, probably thinking of a similarly built one [14:23:47] Why's that? [14:25:47] Nothing there [14:26:24] Ah [14:27:03] [1/2] Bearman, Doohan, Hadjar and Colapinto drove in FP1. [14:27:03] [2/2] They did good [14:28:16] Now, they're qualifying in F2 [14:31:20] Hadjar fastest [14:33:46] [1/2] Pierre Gasly - Required to start the Race from the back of the starting grid. [14:33:46] [2/2] 5th engine [16:38:40] [1/2] very nice independence day yesterday [16:38:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1258824378330644560/IMG_0006.jpeg?ex=6689730f&is=6688218f&hm=b4b8b005166fae660b3aa75d1215ba745cf144440d5f633d8bf81f4bd0cc0038& [16:48:08] lol you by me? [17:12:53] perfect day for the range [19:05:29] looked like a very nice sunny day [20:42:25] And for me very rainy normal day yesterday [20:46:48] iirc [20:47:03] https://weather.com/weather/today/l/ef74b952d3b28ca42f64d803c0d655c84d1ad9eea04c3994cfc2cf54f6577bde