[02:42:41] i hat ebarodnai [02:42:49] anyways! [02:42:55] hows wiki life [02:43:27] things are kinda slowing down but i think there'll still at least be maintenance n stuff [02:43:53] fair fair [02:44:09] whats your wiki about again? dont recall looking at it [02:44:50] about works (webcomic, maybe prose and games when made) created by jocelyn samara, an ace trans gal [02:45:15] so far it mainly covers Rain and My Impossible Soulmate since the former has already finished, and the latter is currently ongoing [02:45:44] all of her other works appear to be on the backburner, though i keep finding parallels between MIS and other stuff [02:47:54] interesting [02:47:58] [Sippy](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/911739461526749254.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=Sippy) [02:48:26] the art is interesting [02:48:28] i like it [02:49:02] try not to read the wiki if you don't want to spoil yourself šŸ˜… [02:49:07] for a hot sec I thought puddle was a literal puddle of water [02:49:19] the cruel nature of our work [02:49:26] i know right? [02:49:56] well our work has a lot of natures [02:50:12] which randomly reminded me of something i need to ask someone [02:50:26] which randomly reminded me of something else I have to do rq [02:50:32] something in the back of my mind wants to build a mechanism of letting you see up-to-date information based on a chapter you select, so if you only read up to chapter one, you'll only see info that was released on that date [02:50:32] life is weird [02:50:48] though that thought only lasted for 0.01s since it will be such a pain in the ass [02:51:26] have the AI implemnt it [02:51:30] Extension:TimeMachine would kinda work for MIS, but not for Rain since the wiki was mostly updated way after its finish date [02:51:32] lmao [02:51:55] i'm kinda curious as to what AIs would talk about rain (the comic) [02:52:35] wdym [02:52:46] like, how inaccurate will the information be? [02:52:57] would be funny to find otu [02:53:04] yeah [02:53:13] i'm only mildly curious though, cba to actually do it myself xD [02:53:40] my fandom wiki lead today did present a very strong argument on how useful AI can be on wikis especially in cleaning up and assisting less competent editors [02:53:58] ie a user made a timeline on a page with bullet points [02:54:11] he used a LLM to rewrite it into a paragraph [02:54:16] or first to third person [02:54:40] makes sense as long as you vet it [02:55:08] copyrightability is an interesting concept though [02:55:45] Near the start of the year I did see a lightning talk at a WM event about using AI in wikipeida [02:56:00] ill have to look for it [02:56:15] that moment when you want to go on 100 tangents at once [02:57:54] everyone goes on their own tangents [02:58:31] i initially started to edit the wiki to help with SEO (what better way to improve the wiki than to make it more up-to-date than the fandom version?) [02:58:34] oh how clueless i was [02:58:49] rainverse? [02:58:53] yep [02:59:17] interesting [02:59:19] noble indeed [02:59:35] a low-hanging fruit i saw was to transcript all the pages [02:59:40] hopfully we'll have more means to promote wikis above fandom at some point [02:59:43] in hindsight it's more a medium-hanging fruit [03:00:18] so i then spent the next two months transcribing roughly under 1400 pages lmfao [03:00:39] I could nev er [03:00:44] that also meant we accidentally created a full-text search of jocelyn's comics [03:00:59] useful for looking up references, or for graphing shits given per character [03:01:44] awesome [03:01:46] https://files.catbox.moe/ceaw3s.png [03:01:52] (slightly out of date) [03:02:47] i remember that LMAO [03:02:54] it actually got reposted by lynn herself xD [03:03:54] https://retro.pizza/@LynnSenpai/112609721731861807 [03:04:10] it was such a pain to make the chart [03:04:29] funnily enough, it wasn't searching the dataset or parsing it, but rather actually making the chart [03:04:57] i swear, i spent like half an hour trying to get libreoffice to cooperate, before giving up and using an expired copy of excel in a virtual machine [03:06:18] awesome [03:06:23] ... [03:06:30] _screams in libera office_ [03:06:34] i hat eit [03:06:44] i love FOSS but like man [03:06:46] ill just [03:06:47] go with [03:06:51] google sheets [03:06:58] why did i not think of that [03:07:39] perhaps i can make a live graph of shits given per character by writing a frontend client for the wiki lmao [03:09:39] ive also heard of a spreadsheet thing in web that lets you use python and sql [03:10:00] i know javascript so :p [03:10:04] i can make it a web thing [03:10:28] i already made something similar that lists out the characters by their birthdays [03:10:54] oh? [03:10:59] share with the class? [03:11:03] https://blankeclair.github.io/rvw-birthdays/ [03:11:34] it parses the wikitext using regex and undergoes metamorphosis to show the table :3 [03:11:49] metamorphosis lmao [03:11:56] you'll see why [03:14:58] oh yeah, i also made an image downscaler for the wiki [03:15:08] https://blankeclair.github.io/rvw-image-downscaler/ [03:16:45] i'm kinda surprised wikipedia doesn't already have something like this--at best they have a chinese tool that prints out the new resolutions when you feed it the full-size image res [03:18:13] huh [03:19:13] though i suppose that's because they have downscaling bots, while none of us wants to persistently run a bot for a wiki who has an editing base of four [03:20:58] more then mine [03:21:56] one of our editors also have another wiki on mh that appears to have one editor [03:24:36] :( [03:26:23] part of me is tempted to do a daily upload of the rainverse wiki onto the internet archive [03:32:26] is it just me or do people accidentally go to Special:ManageWikiQueue [03:39:25] never done that tmk [04:05:14] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1028036436517191832/1173462777965314148/get-jiggy-with-it-jiggy.gif?ex=656d45e0&is=655ad0e0&hm=ec4e5a184606cc1b374b1f350ea32d4952f7b127148596481acdb9ec095359ff& [04:24:40] indeed [04:28:17] how fast do discord cdn links expire again [04:29:01] assuming i read the ex and is parameters right, this file should expire 14 days after upload [04:29:56] iidfk i loath that they do [04:54:17] fr [04:54:43] at least they can be refreshed if sent in a discord channel [10:02:24] hey i wonder if the irc to discord bridge supports bolding messages [10:04:29] It's in bold lol [10:06:11] yay [10:06:34] this irc client either has undocumented ways to format messages, or i didn't read the documentation [10:09:47] Hello, mates [10:10:11] hello [10:10:19] lemme try some fun with reverse colors [10:11:58] i can't find any documentation on how to send these with my irc client [10:12:20] i've just been copy-pasting the raw bytes from https://modern.ircdocs.horse/formatting, but i noticed that %B works [10:14:12] https://invent.kde.org/network/konversation/-/blob/master/src/common.cpp#L90-109 [10:17:24] No colours are shown [10:17:31] It was in italic though [10:17:40] huh, neat [12:53:30] can someone here let me know which one of these pass through? bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, monospace [12:54:01] bold italics underline work, strikethru and monospace just show that square before it [12:54:13] strikethrough and monospace didn't work [12:54:17] ty [12:56:01] yeet [12:56:11] yeeted successfully to me [12:56:48] can someone basically send formatted text (more specifically, the five i mentioned) back to me? [12:57:26] bold italics underline strikethru `monospace` [12:57:38] bold italics [12:57:51] all passed except for monospace, where it's wrapped with `backticks` [12:59:02] ohhh if u backtick on irc discord still interprets that as monospace [12:59:51] huh neat [13:00:12] now i wonder how logs relay that [13:00:36] hm what do u use to format text on irc actually [13:00:43] https://modern.ircdocs.horse/formatting [13:00:58] my irc client has undocumented codes to write these easily: https://invent.kde.org/network/konversation/-/blob/master/src/common.cpp#L90-109 [13:01:29] oh yeah thats a whole other beast huh [13:02:11] i learned this like today lol [13:02:17] [1/2] Dog gif [13:02:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260219478361374841/samy.gif?ex=668e8659&is=668d34d9&hm=fb27d0cb00624aa21bc408e3d1a5066d2b9e5c4661e3af4b72c51598c984ead7& [13:02:43] dog :D [13:02:48] dawg [13:04:08] [1/2] It's from the "uh oh this page doesn't exist anymore" from the Kinder World website [13:04:08] [2/2] I'm finally doing some searching on other small projects based on the main game [13:04:31] So far, only 1 project no longer exists [13:04:49] Excluding the devs previous app [13:06:14] the ol lost media search.... [13:07:49] Fascinating that some of these earlier webgames include a plant that was never added [13:08:44] It was an option that Kickstarter backers could choose from a poll for I think the backer exclusive, but after that, it never really appeared again [13:09:12] And surprisingly they don't have plans to put this plant ingame [13:09:26] [1/2] Here's the plant I'm talking about [13:09:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260221275842936842/download.png?ex=668e8805&is=668d3685&hm=d5d6d87329b5d6da09f6ab44bf828ef56abbdbc96bff141e59b56199b7310c52& [13:09:38] ooo cute [13:09:50] i wanna drink the tea [13:10:39] Bobaaa [13:12:45] does 00,00this become a spoiler on discord? [13:12:52] yupp [13:13:00] can you send a spoiler back? [13:13:07] ||does this do it on irc|| [13:13:14] it wraps it in || [13:13:23] oof looks like it doesnt then [13:13:30] but no, doesn't change color or anything so the text is exposed [13:18:46] huh does markdown text i write just get directly sent to discord? [13:18:56] [cat!](https://http.cat/200) [13:19:10] Blue [13:19:27] What's that a link to? [13:19:27] is it an inline link? [13:19:32] yup [13:19:35] cool [13:19:39] it's a link to https://http.cat/200 [13:20:03] Omg that face [13:21:04] my favorite way to look up http status codes to their texts :3 [13:21:15] hmm \x02 is this bolded %B or this [13:21:25] or am i just doing it straight up wrong lol [13:21:29] you'll need to send a literal \x02 character [13:21:45] %B is just a konversation thing [13:22:50] ascii will be the end of me [13:23:13] i spent 2 hours trying to put a cute ascii face in content warning and gave up [13:23:32] lmao [13:44:47] there's also http.dog for the dog lovers out there [14:04:07] Woo I found an unlisted store page video for the other app šŸŽ‰ [14:04:32] [1/2] Thank you apk sites [14:04:32] [2/2] Da honorary archival websites [14:05:08] meanwhile we lost a 15 year old game demo :( [14:05:10] https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Shangri-La#First_Demo [14:05:16] Noooo [14:06:15] :( [14:06:19] oagh i feel that [14:07:08] and that's why i'm a compulsive data hoarder [14:07:13] spent a good couple months trying to hunt down a 4 page extra for a manga that 1. happened 10 years ago 2. wasn't ever on a site or in physical format, only on an app that has since had multiple ui changes [14:10:44] (nsfw topic but no explicit imagery): 00,00that reminds me of https://tildes.net/~music/1fyy/viral_lost_song_ulterior_motives_found_in_obscure_80s_porn_flick lol [14:11:33] Wtf [14:12:08] I assume that's the song that some dude wanted to be found but tried his best to not get caught from watching porn [14:12:14] lmao i saw that when it was making its rounds [14:13:19] playlist roulette of 10 that song and 1 cbat [14:14:38] @suzuneu why are you three no [14:14:43] w [14:14:55] it's like a hydra [14:15:00] Omg multiplication [14:15:11] thats his health bar [14:15:23] Heā€™s turning into a cat [14:15:31] Heā€™ll have 9 lives soon [14:15:47] omg i have a meme for this [14:16:03] Do it [14:16:19] God I love the lyrics of this song [14:17:10] https://open.spotify.com/track/4JPwTWAzVUjKcDJesXGlrl?si=eTHNOkKIQ3iSgtuP-SlPdg&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A4mybEZLEhG756DI3O6F1Dl for IRC side since you canā€™t see the song showing on a discord account [14:17:19] true [14:17:41] https://tenor.com/view/zenless-zone-zero-zenless-zzz-shy-girl-gif-25671739 [14:17:46] Gettem [14:17:54] I love Zenless itā€™s such a good game [14:18:06] Thereā€™s so much game in the game itā€™s insane [14:18:23] https://files.catbox.moe/74dx1h.jpg [14:18:45] Ah yes, Dog Boss [14:19:28] augh its not loading i can only imagine its undertale long dog [14:19:40] No, it's the BBC dog [14:19:44] omg it finally loaded lmao [14:19:50] there are two ways to interpret that sentence- [14:19:53] Remember that [14:20:00] Which one [14:20:10] > [10/07/2024 00:19] No, it's the BBC dog [14:20:51] British Broadcast Channel Dog [14:21:29] also, "undertale long dog"? it's been a while since i played undertale, has toby widened himself? [14:22:06] https://tenor.com/view/lesser-dog-undertale-gif-4834820 [14:22:12] oh i rememebr now [14:22:28] god i wanna pet him some more [14:22:31] Undertale moment [14:22:34] hes like a sausage extruder [14:22:43] Eternally waiting for Deltarune next chapters [14:22:55] saame [14:23:12] Who wants to place bets on whatā€™ll come out first, next Deltarune or Silksong [14:23:22] i don't know silksong so i'm saying DT [14:23:34] they can kiss in the eternal waiting room [14:23:37] When was the last dt? [14:23:53] Ever play Hollow Knight [14:24:01] heard of it but nope [14:24:20] Where do you live in driving there and shoving my switch into your hands play the game [14:24:26] /j [14:24:36] damn you're gonna drive to another country? [14:24:45] https://tenor.com/view/collector-hollow-knight-gif-25730064 [14:24:59] Iā€™ll steal a flying train [14:25:13] i've mostly played celeste [14:25:20] mostly because i still cannot beat farewell [14:25:21] Heard of it [14:25:27] I know the story but donā€™t own it [14:25:34] I played Pikmin 4 [14:25:39] Ish [14:25:50] Animal Crossing now for me [14:25:51] watched a couple analysis videos of hollow knight thats like playing right [14:25:56] i still don't fully know why trans people can double jump so don't spoil the plot please [14:26:03] i love that area that lies to u and fucks with ur ability to trust benches [14:26:13] Oh I have no idea [14:26:26] I meant overarching concept not exact plot [14:26:50] _trauma intensifies_ [14:27:08] played crab souls the other day there rly is so much game in that game [14:27:08] Also [14:27:11] Nosk [14:27:19] the entire second half of the game my jaw was on the ground [14:27:35] Crabsss [14:27:59] I like how we're getting a lot of crab games in recent years [14:28:26] i keep compiling lists of games i've played and losing them [14:28:42] kinda wanna help out on the miraheze crab souls wiki but its currently stuck in evelution hell and idk the admin lol [14:28:53] Oof [14:29:35] https://www.tumblr.com/rascal-rose/731570694395150336 [14:30:08] omg i am that gender [14:30:17] šŸ¤ [14:30:24] šŸ¤ [14:30:33] šŸ¤ [14:32:30] Anyways where does Claire live(joke) I gotta force her to play hollow knight [14:32:39] australia [14:32:49] hell yeah australia [14:32:52] Oh god sheā€™s an aussie [14:32:57] hell yeah aussie [14:33:10] Itā€™s aussover [14:33:26] just get a flying car [14:33:38] Cast Teleport [14:33:45] they don't have flying cars outside of australia [14:33:49] walk like jesus [14:34:01] cus australium is scarce resource [14:34:04] They need flying cars because they are upside down [14:34:13] Other wise theyā€™d fall into space [14:34:17] Like Venice [14:34:19] But space [14:34:25] And upside down [14:35:07] kangaroos have suction cup tech for their feet and thats truly why theyre terrifying [14:35:12] speaking of australium, it's been 7 years since last tf2 comics šŸ„² [14:35:29] I read suction cup teeth [14:35:41] extra human pull [14:35:45] What [14:35:47] i read that as "i need suction cup teeth" [14:35:50] what? [14:35:57] what [14:37:26] šŸ§ [14:38:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_portal#i_don't_know_how_to_make_working_infobox_template [14:38:32] can someone please help explain [14:39:17] Later, Iā€™m eating breakfast [14:39:23] oh okay [14:40:53] also, when i do "pixldev: text", does that notify you? [14:41:11] One discord? [14:41:14] On* [14:41:19] yeah on discord [14:41:26] No, only ping with an @ [14:41:36] oh wait i think i misread the code [14:41:40] Although is thereā€™s text around sometimes the ping donā€™t reformat [14:41:42] pixldev: what about this [14:41:48] Yup [14:41:51] ah okay [14:41:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260244548437671956/image0.jpg?ex=668e9db2&is=668d4c32&hm=1b4fdf86355292e4f7e95f64a05edb4d26d6819b649c57b2c76df5ad3be0ea89& [14:41:59] i thought i had been not pinging people [14:42:24] I need more sausage Iā€™m hungry aaa [14:42:54] EAT [14:43:07] man if someone cant read the infobox guide idk what anything anyone can say can do [14:43:15] Oki [14:43:33] Have I previously expressed my love for air fryers [14:43:39] not to me yet [14:43:55] an esteemed air fryer owner eh...... [14:44:14] I love air fryers [14:44:28] And I am not a cooking person at all [14:44:55] @suzuneu oh boy [14:45:20] Whatā€™s visual data do, I see the email and the text ā€œAlternative to SMW and Cargoā€ and Iā€™m scared [14:45:50] what demonic curses await us? [14:46:38] Stare into the abyss [14:47:41] Anyways [14:47:57] Who here has read the Arc of a Scythe book series? [15:16:23] idk [15:24:25] https://transfem.social/notes/9vi3hdc11c9w0gv5; mood [16:05:31] This has been discussed for years but just wanted to know how everyone's feeling about it now, is Miraheze merch something you'd like to see? [16:05:39] (i.e. MH pens, mugs, shirts, whatever you'd like) [16:06:11] Yes [16:06:14] From every time I've looked, I can't see a way to do it cost effectively [16:06:15] But yes [16:06:28] If you guys donā€™t Iā€™m spending my money on an I love Wawa shirt so [16:06:56] Unless a lot of users do it, it's probably going to be hard to make cheap [16:07:29] There are some places that do on demand [16:07:54] I saw one person in a discord whoā€™s just an artist and had a mercy page via a service with their art [16:08:05] And I donā€™t think theyā€™d do that if they could lose money [16:08:30] There are ways to do it cost-effectively [16:08:39] I feel like the topic comes up a few times a year but then it's always abandoned so I'd like us to try to actually look into it this time and at least try to see if we can find a cost effective method [16:09:11] basically one where even if it's just a few users who buy it we at the very least don't lose any money with it and ideally gain at least some small sums that would go to our budget [16:09:29] for sure [16:09:55] It depends on how much people are willing to pay the [16:09:56] Tbh [16:15:01] I just can't buy shit so šŸ¤· [16:16:06] sure would be nice to see Miraheze merch (although I think it would be nicer w/ a mascot) but all risks has to be considered [16:16:09] International fulfillment is a huge challenge, and I really don't want any volunteer with a house full of MH merch [16:16:45] There are ways to distribute w/o a volunteer actually having to ship [16:17:08] We could probably start out in the US since that's where we're based and where many people are and then expand if there's demand [16:17:12] I think that's what a lot of places do [16:17:12] no prints on demand a la redbubble please [16:17:20] That too yeah [16:17:23] they are fucked [16:17:30] I think tee spring May be an option [16:17:37] Miraheze pin could be cool [16:17:43] A baseball cap [16:18:01] I'd wear a Miraheze pin tbh [16:18:17] Yeah, or a pen could be nice too [16:18:26] though shipping would probably cost more than the actual items since we're not amazon šŸ˜„ [16:18:34] writing templates when no devices work? [16:18:43] so would I [16:19:00] Stickers obviously [16:19:20] T-shirt and hoodies would be what I would go for it [16:19:44] I was eyeing a vinyl single from Bandcamp but then saw how shipping from US would cost trice lol [16:20:45] Minimum from my snooping around is you'd be looking $31 USD for small batch tees, with logistics handled by the producer [16:21:10] Hoodie, around $80 USD [16:21:41] Jesus [16:21:52] Yeah, small batch isn't cheap! [16:22:45] Folks are welcome to do their own digging and come w/ proposals though. [16:23:45] Aw dang, Spring doesn't ship to Brazil. [16:35:58] [1/2] What would the mascot be? [16:35:58] [2/2] I personally think a bee [16:39:24] Definitely [16:39:39] My favorite concept was the robot bee [16:39:43] there's an old thread in #general [16:40:11] yee Xena's mirabees are best [16:42:54] Can we call the bees Mirasonas? [16:43:10] Hm? [16:44:03] Like a fursona/persona, but unofficial Miraheze bee mascot [16:44:35] Eh [16:52:50] Oki [16:55:01] persona would make sense if people would start presenting themselves as similar mirabees like gemsonas [16:55:29] being presentation of self as gem aliens from steven universe [17:02:19] Huh [17:09:58] [1/2] idk how word this properly but you usually need more than one character/a species to go w/ persona thing [17:09:58] [2/2] fursona is based on a very very broad definition - anthropomorphic animals, plenty of types, species and even fusions [17:12:17] sonic inspired personas too, pretty much, they just have an additional treat of visual style [17:12:51] or perhaps restriction is a better word [17:14:03] Thanks for da knowledge [17:38:11] I'd say maybe, but it would be more about the cost of shipping. I don't tend to buy outside the UK anymore because of how frequently I get hit by massive customs charges on top of the high shipping costs on what is otherwise a small order. [18:03:58] would it be financially viable? [18:04:11] not a lot of people are aware of this organizationā€™s existence to begin with [18:04:24] option 3 [18:04:54] seems not many are up for it [18:13:56] [1/2] Personally, I probably would want a sticker of the logo [18:13:56] [2/2] It's basic but it will probably be the only sticker I'll actually use [19:15:14] [1/2] okay i have to share this LMAO [19:15:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260313332339179691/image.jpg?ex=668eddc1&is=668d8c41&hm=6d27430a0bb0229f10e935ddaa1902689242c7b3e94fad5d07410f12bc92e747& [20:49:28] I feel euphoric for no reason [20:49:42] It's like for once I'm...TOO happy lol. [21:22:24] @lullabwy https://tenor.com/view/mapache-pedro-gif-7206648027763736533 [21:22:43] lol? [21:24:15] i actually have a version with my minecraft skin [21:24:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1227232531716374590/1243929018366038146/PredopixDeVl-ezgif.com-video-to-gif-converter.gif [21:24:29] nice [21:39:13] would be hard to do with my current pfp [21:40:49] [1/2] Would anybody know what copyright this flag would fall under? I'm presuming public domain since the only distinct symbol (Nebraska state seal) is in the public domain, but I'm not sure. [21:40:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260349968409956442/IMG_0062.png?ex=668effe0&is=668dae60&hm=49f174229a1cb3e3274a60c86a517d9b8701fb61d29e9d27572a3dbb43c73da9& [21:41:22] (fyi this is for Wikipedia lol) [21:41:23] Wow my birthday [21:41:37] happy late birthday ig lol [21:41:43] lol thanks [21:41:53] I love when some things are somehow on it [21:41:55] public domain seems correct in the case of US government content like that, however I'm notoriously a bit rough with such things and defer to a more educated eye [21:42:13] Good days are good, enjoy! [21:42:22] hm [21:42:23] lol thanks [21:43:17] i tried uploading it already under public domain but it thought it was "non-constructive" [23:52:36] gifs are banned in this server? [23:57:08] No