[00:16:18] Sending links or images while not authenticated as your wiki user is not possible. [00:17:03] You can verify via the #verify channel, however we do encourage that gif/image posting is kept to reasonable amounts [00:34:16] irc users have an advantage >:) [00:35:26] Brb gonna spread discord censorship to IRC [00:37:39] noo- [00:42:15] Bow to the soul sold overlords [00:42:20] the discord moderators [00:42:33] how do i interpret that sentence [00:42:39] "soul sold overloads"? [00:42:49] soul-sold [00:43:13] as you wish and find humorous [00:43:20] *pretends to understand what you just said* [00:43:28] bestie [00:43:33] i do that every day of my life [00:43:44] lmao [00:43:53] cris in pixl [00:44:07] when i think about it, i think that's what all our wiki editors think when i say stuff wiki-related xD [00:44:33] They all wonder [00:44:44] wat da hail she yappin bout [00:45:16] only the clinically insane i mean the enlightened may ever truly know [00:45:49] bow before me, as i can write `({{\s*(?:Template:\s*)?Comicfury\s*\|\s*link\s*=\s*|\|\s*comicfury\s*=\s*)https?://(\w+)\.thecomicseries\.com/comics/(\d+)` [00:46:27] i wonder when will i need an actual wikitext parser if i can continue creating eldritch horrors [00:46:42] regex moment [00:47:06] mwparserfromhell is a good library [00:47:15] yeah i know that parsers exist [00:47:22] how long can i get away with regexes though [00:47:34] I met the dev once actually [00:47:37] too long [00:47:43] lmao [00:47:51] nice guy [00:47:54] woah, this is interesting [00:48:00] extreamly funny circumstances [00:48:02] https://maksiorudzia.miraheze.org/wiki/Prof._Aleksander?action=edit brings up visualeditor [00:48:04] Hm? [00:48:26] Facepalms in VE [00:48:42] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12309 this user reported that VE doesn't work interestingly [00:50:37] unrelated but i made a meme: https://files.catbox.moe/e03grz.png [00:51:21] New York really trynna act like they invented the Wheelie bin [00:51:53] America still living in 1990 [01:06:19] no actually [01:06:26] its moving backwards farther then that [01:16:29] real [01:27:57] i am verified [01:28:01] https://tenor.com/view/dog-staring-skinwalker-dougy-doug-gif-16854398839794515932 [01:39:10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aDFp99_FqA [01:39:15] oh god [04:09:47] Hi everyone. [04:09:50] Anybody a good connoisseur of original Netflix shows and films? [04:10:17] it's an urgency, I need someone to recognize something. [04:10:28] @blankeclair do you live in russia? [04:10:44] almarsiliyya: no [04:10:53] also, does russia extend to UTC+10? i did not know that [04:11:05] lemme see what utc is [04:11:09] i’m thinking of the greenwich one [04:11:35] is it a sin that i don't really know the difference between UTC and GMT? [04:11:35] it is in russia [04:11:41] and the british colony of australia [04:11:42] also, til that russia goes up to +12 [04:11:47] and papua & new guinea [04:12:02] the entire south pacific [04:12:44] judging by your command of the english language i assume you live in the colony of queensland [04:13:04] Australia is a country [04:13:15] upwards country. [04:13:31] i believe it is still formally considered an external territory of the united kingdom [04:15:06] Wikipedia considers Australia a country [04:18:47] anyone very well-known of netflix? [04:19:07] i guess it’s a country [04:19:45] so what say you? [04:19:50] what? [04:22:09] you australian? [04:22:27] i live here yeah [04:22:34] i'm trying to change the color of my cat ears right now [04:22:53] your what now? [04:23:03] so much going on in these sentences [04:23:17] explain [04:23:18] now [04:23:21] did you immigrate your australia? [04:23:38] https://files.catbox.moe/n8ehg6.png [04:24:01] 😢 [04:24:02] i found this obscure post: https://transfem.social/notes/9jc6rl2guw0dsinp [04:24:20] but it appears that the cropper does not let you select cat ears, but only crops [04:25:01] not sure what this is [04:25:02] oh i thought you meant [04:25:06] your cat's ears [04:25:12] oh lmao [04:25:20] almarsiliyya: my profile picture with cat ears [04:25:24] they wiggle too :3 [04:25:46] oh i get it now [04:25:50] mreow [04:26:38] is what it is [04:27:05] i’m intrigued [04:27:21] were you not born in australia? [05:14:52] hi claire! [05:33:00] This server should get a starboard lol (joke) [05:33:17] mooncosmix: hello! [05:33:20] A friendly piece of advice that asking folks unprompted about their country of birth/origin, year of birth, or other highly-personal details can be off-putting. Not an explicit 'don't do that', but just a friendly caution. [05:33:20] solodayheavenofficial: wdym? [05:33:45] it's in response to "I'm trying to change the color of my cat ears right now" [05:33:50] Sounds very funny out of context [05:33:58] oh lol yeah [05:35:00] wait what's a starboard [05:35:12] quotebook [05:35:40] oh [05:36:33] When you like a message you react with the star emoji to it, if enough people react with the star it shows up in a channel called "starboard" where funny messages go [07:06:13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgBYohJ7mIk [07:52:11] The starboards I have seen are for useful messages highly regarded by the community. Good tech advice, minor announcements, showcasing quality material. [07:54:44] [1/2] I have never seen a starboard used like that [07:54:45] [2/2] Though I am also not in that corner of discord [07:55:32] I've only seen it for memes or messages/art that people deem worthy [07:55:55] actual good advice is for pins or for being lost to the annals of the backlog, starboard is for jokes :nomChocoStrawberry: [08:36:57] [1/4] Come on England! [08:36:58] [2/4] We like you raw! [08:36:58] [3/4] 🤣🤣 [08:36:58] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260515093557416097/20240710_094700.jpg?ex=668f99a9&is=668e4829&hm=704725397c2991d463b48485862b28e521e59059a0fcd431d630d40b3ccdd6f3& [10:10:22] knowing this community, 13% of messages on the starboard will be actual good advice, the last 87% will be memes and random images [10:20:20] huh, i was expecting it to be 0% advice and 100% memes [11:09:38] The usefulness of the starboards have come from creativity focused discord servers. Maybe there is a better sense of community contribution in those kinds. [11:59:54] too much meme culture in here for it to be an advisbale idea [12:00:00] advisable... can't spell [12:04:58] Same [12:50:47] @originalauthority I have more [12:50:56] Behold [12:50:58] https://youtu.be/dWXuz95uBQo?si=m1zWkeby1yZ5nLgx [12:52:36] [1/6] SPANISH OR VANISH [12:52:37] [2/6] FRENCH OR THE TRENCH [12:52:37] [3/6] DUTCH OR THE CRUTCH [12:52:37] [4/6] JAPANESE OR BROKEN KNEES [12:52:38] [5/6] CZECH OR YOUR NECK [12:52:38] [6/6] HAWAII OR YOUR CRYIN AND LYING IN THE STREET NOW [12:55:28] I love that they finally caved into the memes and gave people what they want [12:56:02] your username being both pixdevl and pixldev can confound me lol [12:56:50] This is amazing [12:57:02] Listen [12:57:08] I’m indecisive [12:57:18] Someone took pixlDeV on minecraft for some reason [12:57:32] Legitimately [12:57:37] Do you want to see the comment DLC [12:57:56] spanish or vanish lmao- [12:58:08] You saw the one in tech? [12:58:31] There’s more I saw in the comment [12:58:33] S [12:58:39] Greek or your teeth [12:58:47] Italian or battalion [12:58:57] Chinese or ciao knees [12:59:15] Russian or concussion [12:59:23] Finnish or be finished [12:59:51] > [10/07/2024 22:57] I’m indecisive [12:59:52] story of my life [13:00:06] 🤝 [13:00:42] And finally, Portuguese or the authoritarian regime [13:01:15] I’m sane right guys [13:01:35] is there anyone sane who volunteers for wiki farms? [13:01:48] Sanity is overrated [13:01:52] We’re fun [13:03:45] @jph2 THANK YOU. [13:03:48] My first oppose [13:03:50] Wooooooo [13:04:52] 🎉 \o/ [13:05:00] I’ll formulate a proper response on wiki you are entirely valid in your oppose [13:10:29] oops i got sniped on meta [13:10:45] https://files.catbox.moe/yepkmn.png [13:11:03] [1/2] Gonna think on it myself but part of it is I think as you pointed out with my relative inactivity in WC is partly because of how my brain works with ADHD and just being my brain. I’m not making excuses it’s a perfectly valid failing to bring up. I’ve noticed(since someone recently brought it to my attention) I have a bad habit of neglecting indefinite queue tasks with no end in sligh [13:11:03] [2/2] t, but comparatively am much more efficient at definite tasks like deal with vandalism on this wiki, review this wiki for policy violations, etc. I’m not asking you to change your oppose of course it’s a valid concern but I will respond on wiki later [13:11:16] @jph2 as a tldr [13:13:03] also, how do you search on Special:Log/managewiki by wiki database name? [13:13:21] an action done for "reisawiki" exists: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log?logid=1148955 [13:13:55] this, however, does not work: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log?type=managewiki&page=reisawiki [13:17:42] i know this is pii related, but i kinda wonder what will happen to reisawiki [13:17:56] will mh offer a data dump to crats, sans pii (if it is easy to remove)? [13:31:38] Windows does not like local pass keys [13:34:01] btw did you see my messages in tech [13:40:44] yea [13:40:56] i dont use a pass manager beyond iclouds native :p [13:43:29] oh [13:43:57] well the point is that you can generate totp codes on your computer [13:52:58] which do you use [13:53:21] password manager? keepassxc but i keep my totp secrets in my phone's authenticator app (andotp) [14:00:01] does windows 10 home just downright not support passkeys [14:02:28] found this https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9p9d81glh89q?hl=en-us&gl=US [14:03:48] you can make your own if you want to :3 [14:04:12] im stoopid and dont know how to make windows apps [14:04:18] may be interesting though [14:04:21] for nopw [14:04:38] ill settle for being able to login on desktop [14:31:29] Works fine for me? [14:31:50] Java [14:31:54] Or C# [14:32:02] AWB is C# [14:32:14] I hate that C# is C# because thats C Hash [14:32:48] im allergic to java [14:33:00] do you have 10 home [14:33:19] Oh im on 11 my bad [14:33:33] i think 10 pro supports [14:34:09] I really wanna learn Java so i can experiment with Solr [17:41:39] @clockworky fyi I’ll respond to your question soon hopefully, waiting on resolving some issues with 2 factor authentication [17:42:08] And yes the timing is hilarious [17:42:32] Blasted webauthn [17:46:53] @suzuneu what happened to your HPman [18:27:22] i got the hint from the guy ignoring me [18:27:28] it is what it is [18:28:10] time to go inactive for another year [21:14:11] @Stewards as a heads up https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:DefectiveCoreShell [21:16:45] @clockworky yapping in progress [21:16:50] gimmi a bit to type out [21:23:09] no request in the queue [21:23:23] huh [21:52:48] I cancelled their request [21:53:06] Didn't have time to complete a manual rename though [21:55:21] ah [22:18:56] @jph2 @clockworky replied on wiki [22:19:13] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/463784786050416690/1037489567969837267/969366865199648838-1.gif [22:19:19] alright thanks [22:21:49] https://tenor.com/view/emoji-happy-gif-10854115139959122445 [22:21:50] my pleasure [22:29:08] [1/2] Okay, tell me you don't want that on your belt [22:29:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260724516498309270/iu.png?ex=66905cb3&is=668f0b33&hm=7359912db28e67318e057d5b5ed8747e7bfce8c34bff5bdb21374923ffecac4b& [22:30:12] i have no idea what it is [22:30:15] and still want it [22:30:42] It's a pager, that's how people would get your attention, It can receive messages and store them, that's it. [22:30:47] oooh [22:46:43] you were somebody back in the day if you had a pager. basic pagers just displayed a phone number you had to find a pay phone to call back. but messaging pagers like this one could give some brief info, like maybe meeting date/time, or appointment canceled, so you might not have to find that pay phone. [22:57:12] I appreciate your thoughtful response. I'll admit, I hadn't considered the difference in the roles and how one might better suit you. I just looked at what I could see on-wiki and off-wiki (you are quite strong here, btw). In any case, you have overwhelming support, but it appears my opposition gave me (maybe both of us?) a bit wider perspective, so that's a win. [23:05:41] No worries, and indeed was useful for us both