[00:13:57] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db225xgSNZs - this makes me very concerned about Firefox's future [00:14:22] 💀 [00:14:25] RIP mozilla [00:15:04] should I move to waterfox or DDG browser [00:15:54] librewolf [00:16:22] Safari [00:16:24] that just sounds like waterfox [00:16:38] https://tenor.com/view/manuka-mod-r1kk4-mod-r1kk4-manuka-gif-3317962249931337245 [00:17:02] mac users [00:17:27] As soon as Mozilla starts putting ads in Firefox, that's where I'm going [00:17:54] I use Opera its brilliant [00:18:02] why wait [00:18:04] Mostly because you dont have to open file explorer to upload images [00:18:05] opera, pff [00:18:19] Its a small thing but it really speeds up workflow [00:18:31] I did use opera for about a year at one point [00:18:39] it's another chromium shell at this point [00:18:42] THIS VIDEO IS SPONSERED BY OPERA GX [00:19:02] Also sometimes i use the free vpn to do not so legal things on netflix if you catch my drift [00:19:08] spot the difference https://www.waterfox.net/ [00:19:27] waterfox I used before I discovered librewolf, which does the benefits you might imagine from waterfox better [00:19:55] waterfox has a cooler logo [00:19:57] putting it this way, librewolf is the only browser I need to make less secure [00:20:09] lmao [00:20:21] and have zero actual bullshit features or malcontent to deal with [00:21:44] Back then you had a phone within 100 meters walk wherever you were in a city [00:22:11] Phone boxes are still a thing in the UK [00:22:17] Still pretty common [00:22:29] Ive seen em! theyre real! [00:23:36] There's also this funky thing where you can dial 100 from a pay phone and then call someone and they pay for the phone call [00:23:43] Useful if you have no money and need to make a call [00:40:39] > [11/07/2024 10:17] As soon as Mozilla starts putting ads in Firefox, that's where I'm going [00:40:44] does pocket count [00:57:54] That can be disabled easily, so no [01:15:24] anyone here into photography? [01:15:49] [1/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260766462357016697/IMG_4697.jpg?ex=669083c4&is=668f3244&hm=2f9237df0d3695827a4127b7558f73dc7eb24a89ae5c300ac47ec4dfdf95d194& [01:15:49] [2/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260766462923112448/IMG_4695.jpg?ex=669083c4&is=668f3244&hm=2e7476174db490c53f3087e2ec7fe128857928eed69777599b21222fed5ee4cc& [01:15:50] [3/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260766463497732136/IMG_4703.jpg?ex=669083c4&is=668f3244&hm=29ff2483cacad4fca619640922d50f85fe0fdc2a76dfb7a081730bb5189848a8& [01:15:50] [4/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260766463908904990/IMG_4704.jpg?ex=669083c4&is=668f3244&hm=e955000096d4a28ef46290340cc7398e3fab88a07b2270f20657aa1f027a4ea0& [01:15:50] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260766464231604274/IMG_4709.webp?ex=669083c4&is=668f3244&hm=69fbf9016d07c417a3f3c57f229264f4b888c7cbe39a231794feb1158a4a6874& [01:15:53] what camera were these photos taken with [01:16:23] one that someone dropped in tomato soup [01:16:25] i think its a polaroid but im not sure [01:17:31] ive never used opera, only used opera gx, brave and currently vivaldi [01:17:52] maybe [01:17:58] I have a polaroid nearby [01:18:02] lemme grab [01:18:12] is it one from 1973? [01:18:22] uh [01:18:25] last thursday [01:19:49] [1/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260767469920845884/IMG_4689.jpg?ex=669084b4&is=668f3334&hm=dc9e9f0e2b40caec4a76285e9c42daa5c28e6667a2bbe87ddd685137abfb6f42& [01:19:49] [2/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260767470252331059/IMG_4687.webp?ex=669084b4&is=668f3334&hm=e9bd2bde4757939cf4f32b6ad636bb164c2d46f5cb9a353cd026cecde671a4d0& [01:19:50] [3/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260767470545801397/IMG_4674.gif?ex=669084b4&is=668f3334&hm=2cfe6c48b7e10e5bf963d8a6ef227aaa2f50153c6a4537a87b6524fe31289f78& [01:19:50] [4/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260767470982266974/IMG_4650.jpg?ex=669084b5&is=668f3335&hm=36cb82b8f30305b8be404877c2840ebe08ae6fa1b480cff41157a0eecebe4cc0& [01:19:50] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260767471334330388/IMG_4651.jpg?ex=669084b5&is=668f3335&hm=d5dafc8c2ebbb4d8d71cba2bd22c5f9d52d8bd22d98601aec5c84ae768a0b77b& [01:19:52] got some more references [06:30:58] I was a little tired from processing a large number of wiki requests, but now I've had a long sleep and I'm fine [06:50:32] [1/2] is this a troll or actually one of their intellectual property cronies because if it's a real crony that's very funny, I offered to write a guide on how to circumvent website censorship and am being accused by the bot of copyright infringement [06:50:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260850700968263680/dOIa84Bf.mp4?ex=6690d238&is=668f80b8&hm=2987b30f5dbd019ab73dfe9ba3d9300ed83939e5a49f81acec599bdc5ff630b0& [11:56:52] reads like a copyright scam [12:22:55] soon: firefox will be CLOSED source and will behave like an chinese browser and will send data to CCP [12:22:57] jk [14:30:51] man, something happened to wookiepedia again, another admin ban, there are talks over twitter [14:33:06] By FANDOM? [14:34:56] nah, internal affairs it seems [14:35:17] something involving some youtuber [14:35:38] star wars fandom (not hosting) moment [14:36:45] some people not involved talk about starting a new indie wiki ... you guys will have so much work ... [14:37:14] also I remember there was some SW themed wiki on Miraheze [14:37:34] wonder if it's still there [14:38:01] can't remember how it was called sadly [14:38:13] think it was snip off focused [14:38:42] can fandom just close their wiki rq so they can move to indi [14:39:13] wookipedia is a mammoth which didn't move away in the end [14:39:28] mammoth? [14:39:30] was amongst first to thinking about it back kn 2010 [14:40:00] [1/2] its a Levithan [14:40:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260968845296926823/YBqIgup.png?ex=66914040&is=668feec0&hm=c65ccf04f5896b1f269439c4cd9f80a2ae3c4e247eb9c3926e79066fcb5f6c4e& [14:40:30] I've seen bigger amounts of pages, but you can't deny it's popular as fuck [14:40:51] fandom cherishes it like nothing else [14:41:27] it's precious for them and they'll try to do anything to keep it [14:42:44] unless Disney will rise a finger they won't close it [14:43:07] can you imagine [14:43:15] [1/2] ikr lol [14:43:16] [2/2] Disney pretty much can close all related to it wikis [14:43:19] disney strong arming fandom to let the wiki for indie [14:43:28] hell nah man [14:43:34] they will control the wiki [14:43:39] its a fever dream sure [14:43:44] REAL [15:12:11] https://cdn.transfem.social/files/bf6b6d3d-4a33-430c-91c0-772456d2df15.png [15:15:21] i need to get a mastodon [15:15:43] i got on fedi like yesterday lol [15:17:19] im probably going on wikis.world [15:17:44] I think I know some of the admins [15:18:12] clearly, the best criteria for instances is the name [15:20:30] of course [15:20:49] plus iirc the emojis you can use depend on the instance your hosted on? [15:20:58] oh yeah that too [15:21:07] though i don't really care that much about custom emoji [15:21:09] wiki emojis go brrr [15:21:30] okay so as I thought one of the moderators of wikis.world is someone I've met IRL [15:21:41] cool [15:22:23] ill dm him later [15:22:32] if you use a misskey instance then you can be a cat [15:22:46] misskey? [15:22:57] https://files.catbox.moe/b3uq25.png [15:23:14] another part of the fediverse... not sure what its relation to mastodon is tbh [15:23:30] i see it as mastodon but another implementation + another UI [15:24:21] https://transfem.social/notes/9nuzn6jk6j87016a [15:25:00] counter point [15:25:01] https://emojos.in/wikis.world [15:25:43] https://transfem.social/notes/9nuzsgcwjxoc014l 😂 [15:26:29] https://emojos.in/wikis.world :) [15:26:29] What did they do to Miku 😂 [15:26:33] oops forgot to copy [15:26:35] https://emojos.in/transfem.social :) [15:27:52] discord emoji limit: [15:28:07] https://tenor.com/view/boom-gif-20562682 [16:03:25] BlankEclair: AntiComposite W https://wikis.world/@PixDeVl [16:04:05] i am now following you :) [16:04:27] i was just bout to ask for yours to follow [16:04:28] lmao [16:06:06] My old fediverse account has been unused for so long [16:06:33] I don't really have anything to post on social media anyway [16:06:41] i can shitpost on fedi, and it's been a while since i've done so [16:06:44] wait, oh can you not see emojis from other instances? [16:06:52] other than rant about our mediawiki setup 😂 [16:07:01] i can? [16:07:27] https://files.catbox.moe/j5jw90.png [16:07:32] [1/2] the masocism part was implied lov [16:07:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1260990871768141917/vGk7rwG.png?ex=669154c3&is=66900343&hm=15ade75b56f4fcfcac0c023019ac8fb545b10316de3970ad204a29ec0d6ea637& [16:07:38] we are devs [16:07:47] yeah but i want it spelt out [16:08:21] is my first post on the fediverse gonna be pointing out that joke [16:08:21] yes [16:08:23] Mood [16:08:30] MirahezeFunctions makes me gag [16:08:43] i literally made my fedi account just to reply to someone with a link lmao [16:08:50] LAMO [16:09:06] that someone was another rainverse wiki editor so i could've also told her from there xD [16:09:21] but i was like "yeah nah, let's make an account" [16:10:18] always live your life my spite [16:10:21] by* [16:11:27] me on my way to learn enough vue just so i can change the color of my cat ears [16:36:03] @rhinosf1 what are your thoughts on Sam Carling [16:36:30] Who [16:36:47] That 22 year old MP from cambridge [16:36:51] Youngest ever MP [16:37:06] Nothing yet [16:37:19] At most he's been sworn in [16:37:23] Give him time [16:37:41] I just saw a video of him saying he grew up in a "deprived area in the northeast" but that does not seem to be the truth [16:37:45] Very disingenuous [16:47:05] Yeah it does seem like a scam to me [16:47:59] No anti piracy group is going to expect any serious cooperation from a group called "Anna's Archive devs and translators" [17:00:11] Where did he grow up? [17:00:24] Durham [17:00:38] + went to private school [17:01:05] Fuck off mate [17:01:16] That's far from deprived [17:01:26] Yup that was my thought [17:01:38] He doesn't look like a deprived lad from the northeast if I'm gonna be honest [17:01:43] copyright scams are relatively common tbh [17:01:43] He looks like a posh twat [17:01:54] Yeah he carries himself pretty well [17:05:04] That's one way of putting it [17:05:46] So would I if at 22 i was making 80k though [17:06:03] Oh its actually 91k now [17:06:14] Well ye [17:06:20] Sadly I earn £26k [17:31:21] Something tells me this is going to be good [17:48:57] BlankEclair: how long did RealMe take to kick in for ya [18:10:47] @felenov gif yoinked https://wikis.world/@PixDeVl [18:10:55] lmao [18:20:13] ? [18:20:30] your miraheze ad thing [18:20:36] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/615786602454581249/1209261938048114768/miraheze.gif [18:21:13] Oh I remember that, those minecraft server lists literally look like ads on malware forums [18:23:00] lmao [18:26:16] @rhinosf1 so how many ducks am i ordering again [18:26:38] All of tech team and blankeclair [18:27:25] I already have my version so [18:28:02] Are you actually going to buy them and ship em out? [18:28:09] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261026259094343800/IMG_3952.jpg?ex=669175b8&is=66902438&hm=820b3b94239e60ea6881cbc5aaae9325250bca73b8ce65ee36b43a2b6219e027& [18:28:16] If someone wants to cover the cost sure lmao [18:28:21] Hold on what's up with the ducks [18:28:28] Who needs a bee when you got this bastard [18:28:38] Wait not ducks my bad [18:28:39] Bees [18:28:46] Tell my boss to give me a bonus [18:28:50] https://www.amazon.com/Ariel-Premium-Supply-Inc-Stress/dp/B008A0NYOQ [18:29:08] I’ll go ask James if we can use the foundation’s money on this [18:29:25] Seriously, we need proper merch and all, I keep saying i will throw together something and not do it but I will do it eventually [18:29:48] real [18:29:51] so 9 bees [18:30:12] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261026775488790648/dG2hmjd.png?ex=66917634&is=669024b4&hm=b4ae7aafa8ff16eb140f55da88bc5519f8c62186ebf8fdd8a428e0dcff34cad0& [18:30:17] That's is one extra avenue to fund WikiTide Foundation, WMF does it, but we all know about [[WP:CANCER]] [18:30:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:CANCER [18:30:34] [[WP:CANCER]] [18:30:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:CANCER [18:30:35] [18:32:43] @serverlessharej yo can I use the foundation's money to buy these for the tech team? like the rubber ducks but on brand. also claire cause [18:33:29] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261027603788202084/pqaQQMy.png?ex=669176f9&is=66902579&hm=41db7b705df33bcdc8782a7603194a8c942c0a20c7fbb6a3d5ec4d892412f251& [18:40:30] got a quote from ward on my gh readme https://camo.githubusercontent.com/8c80c25a592bea3e2b5d44a3c7c1fd78315f726212bdf755ce5c674817e45e07/68747470733a2f2f71756f7465732d6769746875622d726561646d652e76657263656c2e6170702f6170693f747970653d7665727469636c65267468656d653d636861727472657573652d6461726b [18:40:34] https://camo.githubusercontent.com/8c80c25a592bea3e2b5d44a3c7c1fd78315f726212bdf755ce5c674817e45e07/68747470733a2f2f71756f7465732d6769746875622d726561646d652e76657263656c2e6170702f6170693f747970653d7665727469636c65267468656d653d636861727472657573652d6461726b [18:40:49] [1/2] Putting a new feature into a program is important, but refactoring so new features can be added in the future is equally important. [18:40:49] [2/2] - Ward Cunningham [18:40:50] so true [18:40:56] not like i do it but [18:42:18] too gamer [18:44:04] I'm going to do one later; if I have the time [18:48:02] That's smart [18:48:26] mac I love it for the UI, the comfort, graphic design is snapier for me and all that, but for playing games and doing other stuff Windows [18:48:46] that weird sausage tube minimize animation [18:50:38] Its called Aladdin btw, and it's oddly satisfying to see it lol [18:50:49] There's a name? [18:51:59] [1/2] Yeah [18:51:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261032255522869309/Grabacion_de_pantalla_2024-07-11_a_las_12.51.26_p.m..mov?ex=66917b4e&is=669029ce&hm=ad87bcfab4edaf45930f9307f926a80c9d92d07cd4798139a1a88fc53c72f321& [18:55:46] Safari is kinda good but not my daily driver, tho I don't understand why extensions are separate apps [18:59:41] [1/2] FFX all the way [18:59:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261034193358553190/cd1c7b59df2b9a1d.png?ex=66917d1c&is=66902b9c&hm=d3fcb4f19f9a076da331fb20626618541f73ced68adbddbf856123483e79bfc4& [19:00:52] [1/2] of course lol [19:00:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261034493884633219/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-07-11_a_las_12.59.27_p.m..png?ex=66917d64&is=66902be4&hm=7d0b05072792f5d2a68e67a02f9a592a3bec888f730c981767c44f8ecf987b85& [19:02:27] BlankEclair: did you happen to do anything special with RealMe/cross verifiying the wiki url on fediverse? asking since mastodon aint seeing it but may be software differences [20:46:06] [1/2] hmmmm [20:46:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261060978129240135/IMG_20240711_234529.jpg?ex=6691960e&is=6690448e&hm=dfd310074034988df14f8bd959893327bf061d79e39220746a92918c76e4cc3b& [20:48:49] [1/2] other side [20:48:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261061658873298945/IMG_20240711_234827.jpg?ex=669196b0&is=66904530&hm=1e58fa9f6a437aae032e4cb67431465718bf84db157a545153702cb4c5ee8102& [21:18:55] I'm not taking sides btw, just watching 🍿 [23:57:20] what happened [23:57:42] im not involed in anything relating to star wars but i like drama lol