[02:17:15] BlankEclair: im in shock [02:17:25] i didn't think it was humanly possible [02:17:31] but yet [02:17:33] here it is [02:17:56] a software with more forks then the minecraft craftbukkit family [02:18:00] misskey [02:18:01] what [02:52:43] lmao [02:52:54] i don't even fully know about the forking history [02:54:09] let me try and give the basic lis [02:55:13] vanilla -> craftbukkit -> spigot -> paper -> purpur -> ????? [02:55:15] theres also [02:55:24] i assume you meant misskey [02:55:29] but damn, that sure is a family [02:55:53] folia, shreddedpaper [02:56:13] which are more esoteric and focuse on adding multithreading and sharding [02:56:23] sharding? [02:56:27] theres more [02:56:37] yeah spreading it over multible servers [02:56:56] in infancy rn so the server i play on that uses it has had lots of dupe bugs and plugin issues [02:58:17] https://papermc.io/software/folia [02:58:23] oh right [02:58:25] multipaper [02:58:28] thats the other one [02:58:31] plus more prob [02:58:44] no reason to use anything below paper [02:59:12] Miraheze SMP server runs purpur [02:59:36] https://multipaper.io/ [03:01:46] also claire awesome job on the cat ear thing lmao [03:02:07] my motivators are weird [03:02:49] all programs and features came from someones pet peeve [03:08:53] pixldev: related from the conversation in #general: https://transfem.social/notes/9vlomqedbwiz0j6v [06:09:00] kind of crazy to see one of the wook admins that I know well, is now permanently blocked from wook. haven't looked into the drama yet, but I'll look into it [06:10:10] either way, it's pretty sad to see wook fall into a lot of drama recently [06:16:14] from what I gathered wiki people didn't like how the guy behind twitter account was too friendly to other fans and folks? and couple of fuck ups made them go full-on offense, idk [07:24:14] I'm sure that the person behind the twitter account was the same person as the wook admin [07:24:21] imo, he's still a good person, everyone makes mistakes [07:24:59] yeah, figures [07:25:06] I saw his thread [08:22:54] I'm seeing more active discussions of a new sw wiki and traction goes to new discord but it's unknown whether the person starting it wants to start from scratch (good luck) or fork wookipedia (god luck [2]) [08:50:53] an independent sw wiki would be neat [08:51:13] I followed these about up to 'oh paper is the norm now' [08:54:56] [1/2] imo independent wiki is the only right root for this subject, much like for tardis wiki [08:54:57] [2/2] but they gonna have a much harder time being a separate, breakout project, unlike same tardis where almost the entire community was unified to move away [08:56:27] this is more of community drama issue than hosting itself issue, being the fork reason in majority of cases [09:04:02] [1/2] why tho [09:04:02] [2/2] [09:04:26] that's far from the first page about just random stuff that has nothing particular to say [09:05:16] lmao [09:08:06] [1/2] anyway [09:08:06] [2/2] [09:08:11] this one was always better [09:14:09] lmao [11:32:58] this gives me "a spambot is about to respond" vibes: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Meta:Community_portal?curid=33&diff=408226&oldid=407116#Unlocking_the_Power_of_SQL_Triggers [11:42:54] https://wikimediafoundation.org/news/2024/07/11/accreditation-world-intellectual-property-organization/ [11:43:08] Tut tut tut [11:51:18] China eh [12:30:45] The UN is the most undemocratic NGO in existence [13:45:33] [1/2] both wooks are cool [13:45:33] [2/2] one has tons of info and the other is funny [14:55:13] @WikiBot [15:06:30] [1/2] LMAO [15:06:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261337902512869386/Su8Wwkl.png?ex=669297f6&is=66914676&hm=8a199ceab54f07b74c70229db7ad51eb79eb0ba8b6571baa469dc67ee769b9ec& [15:18:44] thank you @theresnotime that made my damn day [15:19:06] Aw :3 [15:19:26] i love the mediawiki community lmao [15:20:24] https://wikis.world/@mediawiki/112163616850326916 [15:21:25] who have you access to this account [15:21:33] it was a great idea i love it [15:24:43] I don't think they're yet to regret it.. :p [15:25:56] whats there to regret [15:26:59] a:foxxopop: [15:31:18] omg i didn't know that @theresnotime would be right here [15:31:29] (i... don't know you but i'm pretty sure you made that post) [15:31:39] I did :p [15:32:49] we drew them in yesterday with my very comedically timed follow [15:34:39] I can't remember if idling here causes stray pings if I get mentioned on discord o.o [15:34:49] BlankEclair how many pages of my impossible soulmate have you read btw [15:34:56] all of them? [15:35:19] @TheresNoTime we can test [15:35:26] which is..? [15:35:41] i didnt know if the number i saw was all pages or just C5 [15:35:52] this is complicated [15:35:58] where did you read the comic [15:36:01] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/GitLab/Migration_status [15:36:03] (i read through comicfury) [15:36:04] It does (: Will have to mute the IRC channel [15:36:07] This is really sad news [15:36:43] ? [15:36:44] i wonder how many git workflows there are [15:36:52] its gitover [15:37:17] Gerrit fuckin sucks I hate it bad [15:37:22] i've used the github-style merges, ~~shart~~ sr.ht-style patches, and now gerrit [15:37:32] Aw I really like Gerrit :/ [15:37:34] > [13/07/2024 01:36] ? [15:37:39] The ui looks like it was made in 1845 [15:37:46] comicfury has its own numbering scheme [15:37:55] but the pages are numbered separately [15:37:59] to \@theresnotime we can test [15:38:04] chapter covers do not get a nu- oh [15:38:13] > [13/07/2024 01:34] I can't remember if idling here causes stray pings if I get mentioned on discord o.o [15:38:48] Yeah I had to leave the IRC channel else I'll get two pings :p [15:39:03] > [13/07/2024 01:32] we drew them in yesterday with my very comedically timed follow [15:39:12] "we drew them in" makes it sound like we're aircraft carriers [15:39:20] Really only use IRC for work [15:39:39] i had the name [15:39:51] hence changing my nick here [15:40:10] compared to my discord usernam [15:40:27] It's not exactly a surprise [15:40:57] i'd totally be the person who'd implement per-channel ignores into my irc client [15:41:26] I once tried to use Gerrit for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T356971 [15:41:29] welp in hindsight they should have built more portable workflows [15:41:29] I gave up [15:41:57] Mailing patches Linux kernel-style would be unironically better [15:42:07] Can i just print it off and weite it by hand? [15:42:15] thats sad [15:42:17] Ill use a highlighter to show what changed [15:42:29] y'all can yell at me if you want a hand with Gerrit patches fwiw ^^ [15:42:37] Please do this [15:43:19] 😂 [15:43:21] Didn't you immediately start contributing to Sharkey? [15:43:23] Bring back SVN [15:43:24] :p [15:43:26] yes, yes i did [15:43:33] (well, misskey) [15:43:39] Same as what @theresnotime said [15:43:43] key is key [15:43:47] I don't mind helping people with gerrit [15:44:04] sometimes i feel like i can cast magic [15:44:14] Claire be like: This displeases me. It shall not stand. SMITE [15:44:28] i don't like my cat ear colors [15:44:34] time to spend two days devising a patch [15:44:52] i basically used gerrit more or less effortlessly (at least from the perspective of someone wanting to introduce code) [15:45:01] I tried to get fox ears added when I was in a Sharkey instance :3 [15:45:07] I mean it's a classic WMF migration [15:45:14] all hail claire, queen destroyer of minor inconveniences [15:45:19] 70% and then give up? [15:45:21] AHAHA YEAH [15:45:36] 70%? [15:45:49] I'd go close to about 40% [15:46:02] Fandom does fine with GitHub I don't see the issue [15:46:03] :3 [15:46:09] Well I mean i do see the issue [15:46:12] I read the page [15:46:14] But [15:46:21] "damn i don't like that i have to mention stuff in the infobox and add categories manually" [15:46:32] why did you choose fandom as an example we use GH stuff [15:46:37] "brb gonna make a chimera of an infobox while half of its fields use lua to automatically add cats" [15:46:46] Cursed [15:46:54] show [15:46:54] Because Fandom is more similae to the scale of WMF. [15:47:03] For now [15:47:11] [[mh:miraheze:Template:Pagebox]] [[mh:miraheze:Template:Infobox character]] [15:47:11] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/miraheze:Template:Pagebox https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/miraheze:Template:Infobox_character [15:47:18] am i stupid [15:47:23] I'd actually be interested to know who has more tech employees [15:47:27] Its probably Fandom [15:47:31] [[mh:rainverse:Template:Pagebox]] [[mh:rainverse:Template:Infobox character]] [15:47:31] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/rainverse:Template:Pagebox https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/rainverse:Template:Infobox_character [15:47:35] miraheze.miraheze.orh [15:47:43] [[mh:rainverse:Template:Pagebox]] [[mh:rainverse:Template:Infobox character]] [15:47:43] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/rainverse:Template:Pagebox https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/rainverse:Template:Infobox_character [15:47:50] links dont relay here [15:47:52] Wdym? [15:47:56] i know but i'm lazy [15:48:10] https://tenor.com/view/awkward-im-out-byee-ok-gif-20813720 [15:48:32] huh i just realized, no discord bot relaying the links here? [15:48:48] There.. is [15:48:49] why did it not [15:48:51] post [15:48:54] [[wiki]] [15:48:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/wiki [15:48:55] [15:48:57] okay [15:49:00] oh there it is [15:49:11] [[mh:rainverse:Template:Pagebox]] [[mh:rainverse:Template:Infobox character]] [15:49:11] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/rainverse:Template:Pagebox https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/rainverse:Template:Infobox_character [15:49:12] [1/2] [15:49:12] [2/2] [15:49:18] hes eeoy [15:49:38] me trying not to fall asleep rn: ^ [15:49:54] oh right you aussies are 12 hours ahead [15:50:06] wait you're utc-2? [15:50:23] -5 I think, EST [15:50:31] im a new jersite [15:50:40] shouldn't it be a 17 hour difference then or something [15:50:42] https://tenor.com/view/wawa-new-jersey-jersey-childe-city-anwyn-gif-20465903 [15:50:56] what timezone are you in? [15:51:00] utc+10 [15:51:05] I love Wawa [15:51:07] I may be getting confused with CA since hes 12 ahead [15:51:12] oh right i forgot that this country has multiple timezones [15:51:34] i thought wawa was referring to awawa [15:51:40] no shit fourth of july the camp I was at like half the staff were wearing I <3 wawa shirts [15:51:45] awawawawa [15:51:49] awawawawawa [15:51:58] awawawawawaw [15:52:06] this https://store.wawa.com/products/heather-black-i-love-wawa-t-shirt [15:52:17] btw i have a quick primer on tcp [15:52:31] Their sandwiches are so good [15:52:32] lemme send the link [15:52:42] https://web.archive.org/web/20230731145239im_/https://i.redd.it/quiaie04cbfb1.png [15:52:58] nyaa~ [15:53:12] n-nya~ [15:53:29] https://wikis.world/@wikipedia/112247506090885431 [15:53:48] rain spoilers (but i don't think it matters too much if you don't know anything about the story): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPHqvjntTbU [15:54:08] _dies_ [15:57:16] discords AI chat summeries are interesting [15:57:31] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261350738584535150/SZvjFg2.png?ex=6692a3ea&is=6691526a&hm=032a0c64faf176f63db74829e547edf1ef9c1683bea34beea118f0ba814a9553& [15:57:58] 🦀 git over 🦀 [15:58:05] its gitover [15:58:05] where's fandom vs wmf lol [15:58:16] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/615786602454581249/1261347850994974901 [15:58:28] ends https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/615786602454581249/1261348206554386453 [16:05:21] https://shonk.social/notes/9vmgdjchrm4m01ck ! [16:05:49] lmao [16:05:54] go claire! [16:07:40] https://wikis.world/@chlod/112774187258841127 [16:08:27] :miscBlahaj: [16:16:43] Aw miraheze merch would be cool [17:01:20] @theresnotime who manages the MW developer survey? [17:02:52] Probably developer engagement or whatever they are called [17:03:04] gotta lobby them for https://wikis.world/@theresnotime@fox.nexus/112774150248389255 [17:03:58] Experience [17:04:04] That's the word [17:05:06] Tyler sent the last one [17:05:11] hm? [17:05:17] So that's Release Engineering Team [17:05:34] Which is part of the developer experience group [17:05:39] In WMF Product [17:05:54] It's developer experience not engagement [17:05:58] oh [17:07:01] It's been called Technical Engagement [17:07:09] Developer Advocacy [17:07:40] It's had a lot of names [17:07:54] department of blahaj [17:08:06] wut https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Meta:Community_portal#Unlocking_the_Power_of_SQL_Triggers [17:16:54] Give it 9 months and that's probably next on the list [17:17:30] I'm sure @theresnotime can add it to the suggestion box [18:03:27] [1/3] my cats should apply then! they adore their blahaj [18:03:27] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261382428887613510/P_20240325_2348192.jpg?ex=6692c16e&is=66916fee&hm=2a789dd976c9d047e8e8ef5c6d0d369d475110f273e16d88f60c7d66db5a4f1b& [18:03:27] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261382429210316943/IMG-20231127-WA00052.jpg?ex=6692c16e&is=66916fee&hm=45777ec87d6c7fa893960d44a804d8a8a6c9688e7ffee7f8ad5ebea4bcb14624& [18:05:04] [1/2] 43errrrrrr [18:05:05] [2/2] ^ baloo the black cat just happened to step on the keyboard lol [18:05:11] cats AND BLAHAJ [18:08:32] i got it as a kicker toy big enough for them, but all they ever did is cuddle and knead biscuits on it [18:08:53] as god intended [18:21:24] i need to convince the admins to do a blahaj census pol [18:21:48] or just make a poll [18:22:45] I have no cats nor any blahaj [18:25:05] @theresnotime i have made a Blåhaj poll [18:26:26] the silly part of me wants to promote this in minor announce. the rest of me knows better [18:26:38] i will not let the intrusive thoughts win [18:30:14] although community fun polls may not be a bad idea [18:34:33] 5! :3 [18:38:24] @pixldev having none surprises me [18:44:53] my friend has an ungodly amount of stuffed animals at he rplace [18:45:08] i have a few from when I was a little kid [18:45:49] i got him https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261026259094343800/IMG_3952.jpg?ex=6692c738&is=669175b8&hm=f76e98b4493cb911be6bb00a22863edf943469c0041d695fcce47f0552809237& [18:48:41] Cute [18:49:18] very drop kickable [18:49:53] @pixldev stress toy? [18:50:05] For when tech breaks [18:53:07] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261394928521580565/IMG_3955.mov?ex=6692cd12&is=66917b92&hm=0775e9ece9b51fb6eaba632ecdc7a53927edcc305f1730a8ae0debb8ed561e7c& [18:53:41] You should chuck it against a wall [18:53:46] It looks good for that [18:55:57] [1/2] you need this [18:55:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261395642379407463/Punchable-Big-Enter-Key-Plush.png?ex=6692cdbc&is=66917c3c&hm=15aab8c48ea9fe0a8965f8b2f0561fcbfe7ee64b8185f8cefb0f7284daab30da& [18:56:04] country tier list [18:56:15] argentina, united states, brazil, italy, spain, germany, france, [18:56:19] and others [18:56:43] [1/2] So anyway, remember when I told @pixldev I don't want a WMF account [18:56:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261395836080881674/6716f57a74a0d60c.png?ex=6692cdea&is=66917c6a&hm=dc18e6422e6e376bab34f44a650e707f3a772f9709e938925bd3b3ecf6621024& [18:56:49] I can now has WMF account [18:56:56] I LOVE ARGENTINA [18:58:19] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261396239371472946/IMG_3958.mov?ex=6692ce4b&is=66917ccb&hm=43b858ee0cc4da0f9c9b4090ac00616f10a6707edfa441a37e9efd8b69b5e7bb& [18:59:11] Like that? [18:59:26] Told ya, perfect! [18:59:44] You can throw it when you can't solve an exception if it doesn't help [18:59:50] You have to explain the problem to it first [18:59:55] was thinking it would have been funnier to smack with a chair [19:00:04] lol [19:00:07] but i dont have a chair thats small and durable enough [19:00:25] was i pinged [19:00:26] i love the end [19:00:31] its just laying ther [19:01:12] Don't see any [19:02:09] not an exception but a headache [19:02:10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261397208209821907/zaWF7aF.png?ex=6692cf32&is=66917db2&hm=b28d4b382e086cb19131fd0bb0457d615c405e063a7d9712be85268703690a9e& [19:02:17] WHY DO YOU NOT SEE THE FULE [19:02:27] YOU SEE ITS NAME IN POST [19:02:55] Yes [19:02:58] Ask the cute pig [19:03:07] And if it doesn't help you solve it, it gets thrown at a wall [19:03:20] motivation [19:03:36] does the same work for django community support? [19:04:24] You can't throw them at a wall [19:05:22] are you sure about that [19:05:57] Sadly [19:07:15] @rhinosf1 i may be stupid [19:07:27] You may but go on [19:08:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261398680515117106/p6thLAO.png?ex=6692d091&is=66917f11&hm=0562f4c6f0fc5034fa28fbcb6f0a1bfb65e4af106936f4efea51856b293fd334& [19:08:18] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261398750761451622/aBu9mWx.png?ex=6692d0a1&is=66917f21&hm=6c1c27b7bf7aadfaa07c8cf90022421ee5c14c09cedc6805ef9274759a9a1c33& [19:08:31] So! Who want's to find our how far I can throw a pig? [19:09:12] _goes to put his shoes on_ [19:09:20] Me! [19:09:45] It's POST and has a file [19:09:52] Maybe it's the attribute [19:10:57] It was the attribute [19:11:00] Also [19:11:09] [1/2] About yay far [19:11:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261399469522550856/IMG_3960.jpg?ex=6692d14d&is=66917fcd&hm=564124fd3d248dd0e6ed8c0c7d8bd8c90ad386b1091b12290d82f22c9ad3fe31& [19:11:17] That's decent [19:11:24] You go! [19:11:31] You're a proper developer now [19:11:39] No I’m not [19:11:46] I haven’t put any holes in my wall [19:11:54] And note I have American walls not German ones [19:13:51] Ye don't do that [19:14:08] In germany the wall breaks you [19:14:09] Your parents might like us if our discord advised us to put a hole in your wall [19:14:26] LMAO [19:14:31] KEK [19:14:52] Fixed [19:14:55] I meant to say not [19:15:03] Unless your parents want a renovation [19:15:27] [1/2] Man idk how to feel about Monday [19:15:28] [2/2] I'm not ready for the arguments that are going to happen [19:15:38] What arguments [19:15:48] our gutter got ripped off and the insurance doing jackshit soooo [19:15:48] nah [19:15:58] Insurance companies suck [19:16:24] I wonder what my home insurance will be next year [19:16:26] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261400797149663372/tZtCBwo.png?ex=6692d289&is=66918109&hm=9fbc719ac7c943e71c18a0f4fd2b35e69009792a5d131fda447b94e76bd3cdde& [19:16:29] That bill can't be far off [19:16:54] Oh yea I know that [19:17:05] Almost broke my wrist on that [19:19:14] looks like someone schnapped [19:21:19] [1/5] My cousin wants to go to a waterpark [19:21:19] [2/5] And I don't want to be forced to get rid of my leg hair just because I'm a "woman" [19:21:19] [3/5] I tried doing a bit just an hour ago just to test that if I could be okay with it, but mentally throughout the process, I was just super unhappy [19:21:20] [4/5] And unfortunately my leg hair is such a huge ass problem for my family. When they first brought up the issue a few years ago, I originally thought it was to do with creeps/pedos at the swimming pool, but their issue is actually that it's "unsightly" for other people to look at my legs and that I'm "selfish" for not wanting to get rid of it to please pote [19:21:20] [5/5] ntial strangers [19:22:22] What? [19:22:48] That is twisted [19:23:11] the question is [19:23:12] how hairy is it [19:23:55] @almarsiliyya no that is not the question [19:24:05] Please go take a long hard look at yourself [19:24:10] and log off the internet [19:24:26] whats wrong with you [19:24:41] i asked a simple question [19:25:05] fine ill just never talk to you people again [19:25:31] [1/2] It's quite inappropriate to ask [19:25:32] [2/2] Plus if I was amab it wouldn't matter much :/ [19:25:51] you asked someone raising the fact they don't feel comfortable shaving the legs after being told to shave for others because it's unsightly if they don't how much hair they have [19:26:11] If you don't see the issue with that, please seriously log off the internet. You ain't welcome. [19:26:30] i dont even understand your first sentence [19:27:10] Going to remind 23isnumber1 about our prior conversation about overly personal topics and ask that we all move on with our days [19:27:45] i mean they brought up an entire argument with family [19:27:48] isnt that overly personal? [19:27:56] I asked them what was wrong [19:27:58] Guy [19:28:03] It was asked for [19:28:04] you shouldve gotten the same answer then [19:28:10] That's enough 🙂 [19:28:14] Your creepy and insulting response was uncalled for [19:28:38] And I'm going to call out people when they act like that [19:28:47] Muted for 24 hours, going to ask we move on now [19:28:57] Thank you @brandon.wm [19:29:07] now then [19:29:14] moving on with our lives [19:29:17] And apologies you had to put up with that @ghaztliousmoths. We try to be welcoming here. [19:29:34] Thanks go to @notaracham for this one [19:29:48] [1/2] It's okay ^^ [19:29:48] [2/2] Anyone watch Chikin Nuggit? [19:30:03] No idea what that is [19:30:20] It's a buzzfeed animated series [19:30:29] About animals named after foods [19:31:11] [1/2] It used to be cute and funny and Quirky [19:31:11] [2/2] And now it's about a demigod breaking reality [19:31:15] found a bit familar but no [19:31:19] Isn't food named after animals [19:31:30] Yea [19:31:50] But Chikin Nuggit is a Dog, not a Chicken [19:31:58] oh [19:32:01] Weird [19:33:27] But yea, there's this clock guy called Bezel who's a time god/demigod and set up the situation for Chikin Nuggit to realise that he's able to do anything [19:34:28] So the universe is probably going to reset or something [20:03:38] so few blahaj [20:40:57] [1/2] I'm going insane with these calls [20:40:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261422066452926505/Screenshot_20240712_143945_Phone.jpg?ex=6692e658&is=669194d8&hm=3cd2a36cf2bd60f3662c8f137be138772d0cef740f6597f41a6cbca96911da54& [20:53:04] why would i need a blåhaj [20:53:13] and who would need more than one [20:53:24] why would you not need blåhajs [20:53:26] blåhaji? [21:52:43] [1/2] yeeaaaa [21:52:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261440130850230272/PtAZ2FM.png?ex=6692f72b&is=6691a5ab&hm=c4365b85da40cec6cfebd051afa999ff7dac6ae7c8b9a760311f1bb7fd670320& [23:14:12] There's no IKEA in the Mexico state where I live