[06:16:30] [1/2] oh [06:16:30] [2/2] [06:17:08] I assume the latest request is what currently in that database now [06:18:57] the wiki is private too [06:29:28] [1/2] in Other News, they don't say "community" anymore lol [06:29:28] [2/2] https://x.com/gayman_tweets/status/1811964548909334555 [08:11:54] "the content on this platform belongs to fandom" the amount of misinformation there is about copyright ownership re:Fandom makes me want to bite the doorframe [09:33:00] Youtube's pip is so confusing [09:33:50] I feel like it has to be some sort of setting that the channel needs to enable cuz it only works on certain channels [11:37:49] Where is the misinformation? [11:41:41] there's some kind of sneaky wording - they said "fandom" which could mean either the company itself, instead of what we usually heard, "the wiki belongs to community", or used as synonym of community [11:56:48] The wiki and its content though does belong to Fandom. [12:09:35] CC would like a word with you [12:10:35] You can still own something and it be licensed under CCBYSA [12:11:04] fandom the company wouldn't own the contents of a wiki, right? [12:11:24] unless if their employees were editing the wiki on their behalf? [12:13:47] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12310#246597 [12:14:03] i want to know what events transpired that suggested to log in and out under incognito [12:14:49] what I meant they used to appealed to "wiki doesn't belong to admins, it belongs to whoever read/edit it", in case of PTW the former rep guy was like "shutting down fandom wiki would hurt a lot to folks who still go there" yada yada [12:16:15] Yes they do [12:17:48] I'm trying to find the but in their ToU [12:18:04] oh as in the sneaky license edit? [12:19:14] [1/2] > you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display such submitted content (including comments and quizzes) in any medium and for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and to authorize others to do so (this license right includes th [12:19:14] [2/2] e name, identity, likeness and voice you submit with such content). [12:19:27] They've never been sneaky about it its been tgere all along [12:20:35] hmm i've heard that fandom apparently edited their copy of the creative commons license, but i'll need to find my source on it [12:21:17] That wouldn't surprise me but the licensing link at the bottom if mediawiki links to the original CCBYSA [12:21:33] Don’t that violate CC? [12:22:10] I wouldn't think so but idek [12:22:40] https://awa.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Buy_outs#Memory_Alpha_CC-BY-NC_License [12:24:26] Oh yeah isnt that the same as the above though? [12:38:52] No [12:39:00] We have a slightly less extreme version [12:42:20] > Regardless of chosen license, by editing a wiki on Miraheze or hosting your wiki on Miraheze, you agree to grant Miraheze a limited, worldwide license to redistribute the contents of your contributions. [12:43:30] You can grant other licenses to CC that give people more rights [13:08:24] [1/2] quick question - what the hell is this page [13:08:24] [2/2] [13:09:51] > Wikis is used to be that for they herd wikis are millions of websites. [13:10:08] > It will be saving. [13:21:16] BlankEclaire do you want to hear a silly ah idea I had last night [13:21:36] Since my car tire decided to go adios and I don’t got much else to do [13:34:50] pixldev: sure why not [13:35:18] Unofficial Blåhaj Obsession Committee [13:35:30] yeah sounds about right lmao [13:36:14] i wonder how many rainverse wiki editors would be members of it [13:36:36] (also, you tried to ping my other irc nick lol) [13:37:08] > They are all Miraheze languages [13:39:08] Oh my bad [13:39:26] i don't blame you lol [13:39:40] would've picked it myself had i spent just enough time thinking of a username [13:39:48] Or to be inclusive, Sillyness obsession committee [13:39:58] I like your current system [13:40:02] Reminds me of mine kinda [13:40:18] system? [13:40:41] Having one e and just moving it [13:41:40] I do that with mine kinda (PixDeVl, PixlDeV, same letters different order) [13:42:06] with each alternate account i should increase the amount of E [13:42:45] BlankEEEEclaireee [13:44:03] irc clients typically add a _ [13:44:07] i should do e [13:44:13] Yeah [13:44:20] BlankEclairee [13:45:06] hopefully BlankEclair is unique enough that i can have a single username for everything [13:49:25] https://rain.thecomicseries.com/comics/pl/2114576 [13:49:34] i reckon it's non-spoilery enough to share <3 [13:50:27] Why can't adult medicine be flavoured too [13:51:10] Why does cough medicine have to be so disgusting I now want to cough and throw up [13:52:24] iirc people eating it spoiled the fun... or so the people who make those decisions fear anyway [13:55:03] Why can’t you just buy kids flavored on [13:55:17] Good question [13:55:25] Because when you're ill your brain doesn't work [13:55:40] So I didn't think of that until after I'd got home and had the first spoonful [13:56:01] Although im not sure what the difference between kids and adults liquid sugar could possibly be [13:56:22] This is adorable, I love this [13:56:28] (Replying to comic) [13:56:33] yeah i know right? [13:58:47] I don’t know the story or truthfully know a lot about how trans works or the things that come with it but still it’s awesome that this exists [13:59:53] The art style kinda reminds me of an animation series I used to watch an the earlier chapters of a web comic I need to catch up on [14:00:23] Why are you still having medicine in a bottle at the ripe age of 20 [14:01:55] /consumed two bottles of cough syrup last autumn at the age of 28, it was that bad/ [14:03:15] You make me feel way too young [14:03:49] Rip [14:04:24] I have a horrendous gag reflex, capsules just don't work for me [14:04:54] Also rip [14:05:14] > I don’t know the story [14:05:23] I need breakfast [14:05:45] I take pill meds each morning. I’ve barely even used water ever [14:05:54] i mean, i don't expect you to lol :p (the main story is not all sunshines like this mini post-comic arc, but i still like it) [14:06:24] > or truthfully know a lot about how trans works or the things that come with it [14:06:34] Are you trying to show Avicii that you're cool? [14:06:43] honestly me neither until like eight months ago lol, though i can say that everyone here is handling it better than i expected [14:06:50] (if you want, i can send some sites i read) [14:06:55] > but still it’s awesome that this exists [14:06:56] Sure [14:06:57] yes [14:07:57] pixldev: figure i can dm you or so? [14:08:07] eiher on irc or i can do so via fedi [14:08:10] I’m not on IRC rn [14:08:15] Fed works [14:08:50] Ie part of what made me realize Dang I never really understood how trans life is was your post on fedi an hour ago [14:08:55] It's 3pm [14:09:20] Time is a human construct. It doesn't exist. [14:09:44] Also i didn't sleep until 5am so i didnt wake until like 12 [14:10:35] I'm not sure I actually slept tbh [14:10:42] It certainly didn't feel very good [14:11:17] I slept and had the weirdest fucking dream in a while [14:11:43] Me too omg [14:11:55] I saw someonr get shot with a shotgun in Altrincham in my dream [14:14:11] Mine was some fever dream of summer camp smt about the fourth wall then a high school elemental magic tournament [14:14:13] Idk man [14:14:22] Your dream sounds nicer than mine 🤣 [14:15:29] I remember my “sIdE” won using a bunch of smart ace tricks idfk [14:15:44] He was smoking something [14:22:37] BlankEclair random question do you know the band The Crane Wives? [14:22:45] nope [14:23:17] :( dang [14:23:28] I love them. Just wondering if you heard of em [14:23:38] Anyways blahaj committee [14:24:41] Who else would wanna join up [14:24:54] if i want i could post it in the rainverse wiki matrix room [14:25:15] You guys have a matrix? [14:25:23] yeah, most collaboration goes there [14:25:32] i sometimes archive decisions from there onto the wiki [14:25:32] Dang [14:26:06] We need a committee logo [14:26:17] Wait actually my original name was cabal not committee [14:26:32] This would exist under my user page probably [14:27:58] My idea call dibs on chair [14:28:05] Do cabals have a chair [14:28:15] i thought a chair as in the thing you sit on lmao [14:28:32] Have you ever seen labsters discord profile pic [14:28:47] nope [14:28:57] No. They don't exist. [14:29:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261690854641504457/image0.jpg?ex=6693e0ac&is=66928f2c&hm=4f01a2d2c845467008b0e15458c97114ef987c21846c0ff94157f0462b8a1370& [14:29:10] I can’t claim supreme overlord [14:29:16] That’s the blåhaj [14:29:23] wha? [14:29:34] Since he’s the board chairman [14:29:46] OH LMFAO [14:29:46] It was my idea months ago [14:30:23] https://tenor.com/view/spinning-chair-spinning-man-chair-gif-18762511 [14:30:44] oh wow that's impressive [14:32:28] There was another gif [14:33:23] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/615786602454581249/1206378357902807050 found it [14:33:24] Wait [14:33:26] Oh [14:33:31] This isn’t much help is it [14:33:43] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1206378357571190877/image.gif?ex=6693b3a5&is=66926225&hm=345b6bb9ebb0b8b2f75f9b259d0d267aa74ca0179c1b47cf254eb0e283764e12& [14:34:48] https://myanimelist.net/character/116319/Shalltear_Bloodfallen/ [14:34:50] chairwoman- [14:37:01] `Karma: Negative 450 (Very~Extremely Evil)` [14:37:25] Sexy vampire bitch? [14:37:52] i mean, she is [14:37:56] but not why i called her a chairwoman [14:40:05] damn i'm not sure if i can find the clip i want [14:45:47] pixldev: overlord season 2 episode 5 is why i called her a chairwoman [14:46:26] uh, cw for the part i mentioned: lewd? [14:46:39] if you want i could clip it for you [14:50:56] Im New York rn you can send later if you want [14:51:08] hello new york [14:51:25] It’s rainy af [14:51:27] the part is a bit lewd so i wanted to ask you first [14:51:45] Eh I’m morbidly curious [14:51:58] Q60 in the rain is a sorry sight [14:52:24] Q60? [14:52:34] [1/2] hmm [14:52:35] [2/2] [14:53:04] Right. Q60 is NYC’s wiki data ID [14:53:11] oh okay [14:53:30] Wikimedia New York City(of which I am a member) uses I heart Q60 as a tag line [14:53:32] I have a sticker [14:53:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261697099913760899/image0.jpg?ex=6693e67d&is=669294fd&hm=004f28a6cdcfd524866a665c253d5c5beefb98ca99139379b7aa6984a2b40e6d& [15:00:14] i'm gonna spend 10 minutes of my life relearning how to hardsub video using ffmpeg aren't i [15:02:35] No idea what that means but yes [15:04:19] https://superuser.com/questions/869248/hardcoding-subs-with-ffmpeg [15:04:20] that was easy [15:09:47] ight imma eep, nini [15:11:37] Night [15:11:43] Cya later//tomorrow [16:05:18] Found a quote I love [16:05:20] > “Every great developer you know got there by solving problems they were unqualified to solve until they actually did it.” – Patrick McKenzie, software engineer [16:09:14] Absolutely true, and failing at problems still teaches you things for next time. [16:09:32] Yup [16:15:29] 100% [16:16:10] The school idea of never failing is just nonsense [16:16:20] Making an error or forgetting something isn't failing [16:16:31] If you fail [16:16:33] You learn [16:16:37] Which means you succeed [16:16:43] Ergo [16:16:58] The concept of failure is a lie made up by big skool to sell more textbooks [16:20:51] Pretty much [16:21:05] I mean if you completely screw up repeatedly and don't learn, that becomes an issue [16:21:19] But real life mostly expects you to be dumb [16:21:24] And learn [16:23:54] Since this is off-topic to mention, absolute weirdest symptom I had with a prior bout of covid was briefly losing the ability to react to capsaicin. [16:24:11] All other flavors were still intact, just didn't react to 'hot' for about a week [16:25:44] Huh [16:26:21] Yeah, damnedest thing. Happened to both the SO and myself. [16:27:08] You could have eaten a super spicy pepper or smt to freak your friends out “wtf are you insane man”?? [16:27:38] I mean, it didn't save us from chemical burns, we did do some slight damage by testing this theory. 😄 [16:28:15] LMAO [16:28:22] for science [16:29:19] I've got a really dry cough that I can literally feel coming from my chest when I cough and a headache that makes my head feel warm [16:30:20] Every is sick these days [16:30:32] Yeah, if it's a summer cold, it's probably covid. [16:30:37] Although I just have a stuffy nose and slight cough [16:31:15] I rarely get unwell [16:32:31] Yeah, anecdotally this new variant is spreading quite fast, seems like every 5th person I know has come down with it. [16:34:15] My mum and her friend had been near people with covid [16:35:21] But neither of them developed it and they should have been passed the time to spread it [17:05:34] Haven't gotten COVID here yet but from a different country pretty sure [17:19:18] here's something I am thinking, if a user does not specify a country, do I just throw a UN flag on their profile? The software requires a flag so... [17:19:57] interesting [17:20:19] this made me think of worms tho lol [17:22:07] what software [17:22:23] earth? [17:23:14] [[w:Flag of Earth]] [17:23:14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Earth [17:23:15] [17:24:02] I like 2015 and 2019 ones [17:25:43] i like i think 1970 [17:25:56] yea [17:34:08] That would look wierd on a small icon, hmm [17:35:56] 9 month old covid test pack started [17:44:52] Why the test waste bag is labelled biohazard is beyond me [17:45:03] I don't remember any of the others having that [17:51:42] Negative [17:51:52] So it might not be covid for me @notaracham [17:51:56] Whatever it is it's shit [17:53:27] +1 [17:56:41] Real [17:56:55] [1/2] dies of lies [17:56:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261743176029437993/486C66BF-D33D-45B5-8C85-29273B2C3A3A.jpeg?ex=66941167&is=6692bfe7&hm=24f4bdc221a34ee210b9691ec94d47b4e3f5ecf96b61defc69459f83667ef873& [17:59:22] I mean it is [18:32:04] just don't look at apple themselves too closely and sure, they've got your back [18:32:17] slip into the long night of their walled garden [19:01:46] Waaaaah i wanna escaaaaaape [19:02:54] good luck [19:05:20] [1/2] > Privacy [19:05:20] [2/2] Right, it just that you are walled and can't see the outside while bunch of hidden cameras are around you. [19:05:34] 🤡 [19:48:28] I'm doing so well I had to use a knife to force my way past a childproof lid [19:49:47] [1/2] Next time use this [19:49:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261771577570103376/2H035_AA01.png?ex=66942bda&is=6692da5a&hm=0cdaf4f0df860121725c61b3812428e52d81fbc1f342f485bbe631385928c67e& [19:50:41] Sadly I didn't have any [19:50:50] I have like zero tools [19:50:53] I have a tape measure [19:50:56] That's like it [19:51:10] And a torch [19:52:03] I keep a pipe wrench at my desk at all times [19:52:42] I have questions [20:11:54] Explain [20:11:59] I’m curious [20:12:41] No questions, no problems, I insist. [20:13:03] i’m just surprised he didn’t say pipe bomb [20:13:45] The fact that I own pipebomb.org does not mean I am going to have said object at my desk, that is far too destructive for making technology behave itself [20:28:59] Mmmmmmm [20:57:39] ፨ [21:44:29] ugh my wifi is so slow today [22:22:22] Trump was just shot- [22:34:50] TRUMP WAS SHOT GUYS [23:27:22] He’s alright, it just grazed his ear and face a bit [23:33:26] https://tildes.net/~news/1hlb/donald_trump_whisked_off_stage_in_pennsylvania_after_apparent_gunshots_rang_through_the_crowd#comment-d6kk [23:33:30] well fuck (mentioning the comments) [23:36:56] This is really worrying [23:45:22] I wonder why! No matter if you agree with him or not, violence is never the answer! [23:45:56] Bit in USA almost everything is dealt with violence 🧐 [23:46:46] can someone send ? i feel like it's being stripped from irc for some reason [23:46:55] as in left angle bracket, /test, right angle bracket [23:48:40] /test [23:48:49] Can you see it? [23:49:49] [1/2] 💤 [23:49:49] [2/2] 🛌🏻 [23:49:49] i see only /test