[00:40:19] Good thing you reminded me of testwiki, I forgot I wanted to clean up uw teamplates in there. [00:42:53] https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/Template:Uw-vandalism2?diff=prev&oldid=58382 local pages existed for a while but the links pointed to en.wiki so might as well [01:02:16] Jesus fuck [01:02:22] they missed [01:08:08] i [01:08:10] hate [01:08:11] new york [01:08:14] šŸ˜­ [01:20:58] well time to put on a tinfoil hat and make some theories up [01:27:20] I don't like where this event could lead next, that's all I'll say for now. šŸ˜Ÿ [01:28:03] something i'll say: https://transfem.social/notes/9vob49fty6lu036h [01:52:41] Remember the Capitol lectern? [02:43:25] BlankEclair: just noticed that misskey.io federation is limited on mastodon.social (the OG and really big instance) [02:43:26] huh [02:46:13] mastodon.social has [02:46:18] quite a list [02:46:22] of moderated servers [03:28:28] that bullet was 1 inch away from causing more political turmoil that what was happening prior [03:29:55] I'm honestly wondering if a martry would be better or worse then the current situation [03:36:59] this entire election cycle has been terrible [03:42:27] BlankEclair curious, since the wiki list MIS as a prequel to Rain, would you say to read it first or after?(not any time soon i need to reread 1HP club and SOMEHOW finish Aroura [03:43:04] the web comics are standing behind my desk, cracking their knuckles LMAO [03:46:01] aight [03:46:06] i need eep [03:50:55] @jeanboulanger , which wiki is being hit w/ vandalism on your CU report? [03:51:26] Worse - this country would absolutely devolve into civil war. [03:51:37] dont worry [03:51:41] its getting there [03:51:47] hows rent in germany these days [03:51:55] The cult-like leader of the Republican Party being killed by an extremist? Instant. Thank god Trump is okay. [03:52:17] that is the most backwards thing i've heard in a while yet i kinda agree [03:52:26] I have zero respect for the man, but political violence is unacceptable. [03:52:30] I take it your not a fan of the right? [03:52:35] No, not at all [03:53:00] I would probably identify as a left-leaning moderate. [03:53:28] i would identify as "man i dont fucking care just gimmi a good country" [03:53:39] although i very much agree with the left [03:53:46] as to me their thigns are like [03:53:49] common sense? [03:53:50] > [14/07/2024 13:42] BlankEclair curious, since the wiki list MIS as a prequel to Rain, would you say to read it first or after?(not any time soon i need to reread 1HP club and SOMEHOW finish Aroura [03:53:54] The shooter was identified also. [03:54:01] why is their debate? [03:54:03] anywyas [03:54:05] they're both standalone, but you can understand some references if you read rain first [03:54:05] its too late [03:54:09] im done with politics [03:54:15] adios [03:54:25] noted, thanks [03:54:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261893549784432721/GSapeevXAAAg2Y0.png?ex=66949d73&is=66934bf3&hm=9d14f16d58fa8c83641203a0b6dabe43f966d34b4831bc5d767926dbfa1ef9e8& [03:54:29] how many pages is rain? [03:54:34] ~1300 [03:54:55] that image is going to be the death of this place istg [03:54:55] 1381 [03:55:11] mis currently has 167 but it's ongoing [03:55:18] _cri_ [03:55:19] It's already one of the defining images of the century, honestly. [03:55:30] thats sad [03:55:52] I don't want to compare it to something like 9/11 but the significance in some ways is greater. [03:56:01] We as a democracy have reached the tipping point. [03:56:06] It's frankly horrifying. [03:56:11] no shit [03:56:12] anyways [03:56:17] thats my cue to leave [03:56:20] I am going insane [03:56:30] between politics [03:56:31] and [03:56:33] It's midnight ET right now? [03:56:33] new york [03:56:39] no of course not [03:56:45] its 11:56 [03:56:46] sleep [03:56:54] can i mention one post in reference to uspol? [03:57:00] ITS BEEN AN EVENTFUL DAY OKAY [03:57:06] s u r e [03:57:11] ill see tmr i need eep [03:57:19] "[my rights now have a half life of 4 months](https://transfem.social/notes/9vodg0u0c1fm0bvy)" [03:57:23] and water [03:57:36] Last thing for the day: FBI briefing underway right now on the incident [03:57:42] Officially termed an assassination attempt [03:58:18] to semi quote someone i saw on a fourm [03:58:38] this country is about to get a whole lot worse if you aint a cis christian white male [03:58:47] yep [03:58:57] enjoy australia claire [03:59:13] unrelated how much is rent down under [03:59:15] Think I'll probably head to bed for the night to [03:59:19] Night all [03:59:22] same [03:59:23] cya [03:59:34] nini [03:59:40] lets see if i can sleep tonight [03:59:46] wheres the pig [03:59:51] try to nini [04:00:00] aye [04:00:09] i slept at 1 yesterday [04:00:10] achievement [04:00:26] im gonna cram my head with programming and django so no room fo ricky politics [04:00:36] pol [04:00:38] have a splendid day claire [04:00:39] oops accidentally hit enter [04:00:59] politics is annoying and has lots of aggressive people [04:01:14] i prefer mentally debating whether or not to add the ability to change default video volume in misskey [04:02:31] my pc literally woke itself from sleep [04:02:36] i refuse to take this as a sign [04:02:39] on god [04:10:38] what? [05:38:09] An ant was able to push a little bit your mouse lol [05:40:47] Here on Mexico recently they killed a candidate for city mayor iirc [06:09:55] This also happens when I put my Pc for sleep. Sometimes, decides to wake up by it's own. [06:15:21] wasn't this server level 2 like a week ago [06:15:26] now it's not even level 1 now [06:16:28] thx for the boost [06:16:46] this server has very random boost levels [06:17:06] i think once it went from level 3 to level 1 or even just 1 singular boost [06:17:08] What's the deal with levels on Discord? pretty geek for me... [06:17:33] discord wants money so the more server boosts a server gets the more perks it gets [06:18:38] If they want money they should work outside. Never seen a chat company which offers levels in exchange of money, like it was a game. [06:19:00] tbf discord started off as a teamspeak and skype alternative for gaming [06:19:47] covid was when they decided to branch off from their gaming focus and just go all in as a chat app [06:20:09] This reminded me of Habbo Hotel; if you wanted to play some minigame, buy clothes and personalize your home, but they asked you for money in exchange. [06:24:49] i love microtransactions in games [06:25:06] thats honestly a common type of revenue making in those types of games [06:26:17] anyways i might finally go to sleep before i die of sleep deprivation or smth [06:26:33] spent most of this time just playing minecraft creative for some reason [06:26:37] good night #offtopic [07:04:38] a wiki got forked to wiki.gg but its admin doesn't seem to get the memo that vandal raiding fandom version doesn't do good to the fork [07:05:15] I left a comment but it probably fell on deaf ears [07:09:45] like, their case is no near of calamaty mod, pizza tower or fear and hunger level of "constant vandalisation shows everyone where to actually go" [07:10:34] now that SOAP is definitely keeping an eye on it [07:39:10] Tbh, this sort of vandalism just wastes everyone's time, when that time could be used to persuade others to keep on using, linking, and editing the new wiki (other than on Fandom). [07:42:33] exactly [08:11:48] Is it pvz? [08:12:14] here's the King Destroyer of Minor Inconveniences: https://youtu.be/3KDOTRy7Zd0?feature=shared [08:12:19] oops wrong url [08:12:20] If so, I could probably talk to em about it [08:12:22] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26-4oARwfF4 [08:23:49] Limbus Company [08:29:37] [1/2] my cat wanted to help me write my post in the support forum [08:29:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1261962796887838740/image.png?ex=6694ddf0&is=66938c70&hm=4a4dcd0aeffcf5620ecdea03820c7c15220e23762c558946da60f5ddb602efe7& [08:59:24] mrrp [09:03:53] Ah [11:45:09] Why I was mentioned? [11:45:52] Oh, it's that [11:46:48] https://fiction.miraheze.org/ [11:49:42] As a result, I can see that something has been done, even if I still don't know if it will have a lasting effect. [13:31:04] @rhinosf1 my brother in Christ can you help me explain to my dumbass friend why you use fucking ENV VARs for secret tokens instead of hard coding and ā€œjust resettingā€ [13:34:41] there is a menu to see the pings you get, 'inbox' on desktop but similar exists on mobile [13:34:58] unless they were later deleted, pings should never be a mystery [13:35:04] Or searching [13:35:13] that's the long way [13:35:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1262039742250225815/image0.jpg?ex=6695259a&is=6693d41a&hm=e3490eb38bda1a20846ff2c7cceffcbf42e6dc2e186059edf9a06b3a36282bd2& [13:35:27] Hardl [13:35:30] but it can be more fruitful than 'where was my ping' [13:35:48] multiple options and none terribly complicated [13:36:00] pixldev: good luck [13:36:02] though I admit discord sometimes just doesn't want to behave [13:36:15] Itā€™s discord [13:36:22] but only after that should one wonder by hand why/when they were pinged [13:36:28] This bot will use envs [13:36:29] I swear it [13:37:03] If itā€™s a ghost ping, thatā€™s technically against the rule [13:37:06] s [13:37:29] I will force in Envs in my code review [13:38:12] good [13:38:31] If you try and push an API key or something like that to GitHub anyway it will be redacted [13:38:37] _usually_ [13:39:02] Chat should I leak my friends bot token [13:39:17] i neither condone or disapprove of this [13:39:37] Someone leak the nuclear codes [13:39:43] indeed [13:39:47] [1/2] But yeah itā€™s not(token is very long) [13:39:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1262040852860244018/image0.jpg?ex=669526a2&is=6693d522&hm=5818742886f332125fa1a36fa4ab5f2421d344379be488095931933dadfcd296& [13:39:54] of course you kinda need to know who did it in order to enforce it [13:40:05] #chat-log we are 1974 [13:40:14] yes, in this case we do [13:40:22] oh lmao `__test__` is bold in nheko (matrix client) [13:40:34] 1234 [13:40:41] iirc that's also markdown behavior [13:40:54] Is it [13:41:47] yeah? [13:43:16] https://git.average.name/BlankEclair/misc/src/branch/main/files/test.md [13:58:50] hi [13:58:53] I haven't been here in a long time [13:59:01] yo [14:11:27] If I could get out of bed I'd murder them [14:12:02] Lying down is the only way to not cough so heavy I'm surprised my lungs haven't come through my mouth [14:12:16] Oh god [14:12:41] feel ya [14:14:27] Ye this cough and the lack of sleep is awful [14:23:39] @giantesselsie do you have any sources for your claim? [14:23:55] apparently it's the gender option that's supposed to mean it [14:24:02] Plus, how does adding gender make something nsfw [14:24:05] to which I say no, that in no way corresponds with nsfw [14:24:18] about the gender option [14:24:21] pix [14:24:36] Gender isn't sexual [14:24:48] Iā€™m sure they could manage it but good fucking luck risking their bottom line [14:25:04] Of course [14:25:32] Unfortunately people often make it. But I canā€™t see that happening here [14:25:37] Yes? Go on [14:25:46] https://x.com/mineportalcraft/status/1802312844941111376 [14:26:10] yeah that's just basic character customization [14:26:31] how would they do if they choose female add breasts long hair maybe ass etc [14:26:36] They won't [14:26:43] maybe maybe not [14:26:55] An unofficial Twitter account, posting a screenshot credited to anonymous, that doesnā€™t even line up with MCā€™s visual style [14:26:59] if they do we can have that discussion but as someone who's been around minecraft since 2011 or so that's just not at all probable [14:27:10] The world is run by profit [14:27:21] that's not in mojang or microsoft's interests [14:27:25] How do you think Minecraftā€™s bottom line will take it when parents see this being added to the game [14:27:37] u got a point [14:27:41] and there is plentiful evidence otherwise with actual nsfw being exterminated on detection [14:27:54] Alex is female, and she's practically the same model as steve [14:27:55] like I can see where you are coming from, but it's incorrect [14:27:58] Do you have any other sources whatsoever? [14:28:07] no [14:28:09] One pixel thinner arms [14:28:27] Practically the same [14:28:38] use a different skin and it's just a slim male [14:28:43] Iā€™d advise not believing every bit of information you see from a single Twitter post with no sources [14:28:53] it maybe a leak [14:28:56] retheme steve and it's a slightly bigger female [14:29:11] even if that was a leak it would not support the point, and the chances it's wrong make it a moot point in any case [14:29:32] anyway I'm getting distracted from giving pixel superpowers [14:29:36] okay u guys may win [14:29:37] Thereā€™s no evidence [14:30:15] The Twitter account has nothing to prove itā€™s reliability and could be any troll [14:30:33] The image donā€™t match mojang visuals and is most likely photoshopped in [14:30:44] Even the screenshot is credited to anonymous [14:31:55] well a leak would probably be anon tbh [14:31:59] it's just not otherwise credible [14:32:31] even the jank appearance could be a concept piece, but at best that puts it in dubious 'well who knows, don't bet on it' territory at best [14:32:36] Idk how leaks for Minecraft work, but wouldn't they be datamined? [14:32:53] ok [14:32:54] leaks can be any number of sources really, datamining would be a reliable way [14:33:15] proper links do have actual data to them to have credibility [14:33:21] leaks* [14:33:37] With an app like minecraft how do you data mine [14:33:42] Discord is a web base app [14:33:59] Yea, I meant more whats the regular form of leaks for mc [14:35:06] @raidarr so must i add the invite to my partners channel with your name [14:35:20] and on the website [14:36:34] no [14:36:59] the server invites channel has no stakes or requirements except that the server links up with a miraheze wiki [14:37:09] in effect it is just a free service [14:37:45] there is non other discord server channel maybe for content creators [14:38:02] [1/2] oh yeah, and this too: https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/1e0uzr9/what_happened_to_the_wiki/ [14:38:02] [2/2] vandalizing the old wiki (regardless if it is obvious vandalism or vandalism that is only obvious to the fans of the wiki's topic) only confuses the people, as shown in this thread, especially if the fork of a wiki is really new and hasn't gone up to the search results too [14:38:07] those servers exist, dunno how well they'd do for you [14:38:20] huh [14:38:42] what I can say is that miraheze itself is not a good advertiser since everyone who comes through here or meta usually has their own projects to worry about [14:39:01] ik [14:39:06] i dont mind [14:39:07] so advertising is best sent in the direction of people who would be interested. I dunno how that would work for an nsfw minecraft server since that would be immediately flagged in minecraft circles [14:39:20] oh [14:39:53] less moderated server lists I guess [14:40:17] planet minecraft I recall is one of the best but also one of the best moderated and probably wouldn't accept such a server for long [14:40:30] [1/2] lmao what is this ad šŸ˜­ [14:40:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1262056131472265286/Screenshot_2024-07-14-22-39-38-296_org.mozilla.firefox.jpg?ex=669534dd&is=6693e35d&hm=1c6ee074bb39446246e5e2f0840740c52d4599b9d74f04df9b0195da6166028a& [14:41:04] I wouldn't know, I have zero tolerance towards ads [14:41:24] can i ask something regarding discord and website aka wix [14:41:41] can't promise an authoritative answer but sure [14:42:27] i see this `https://miraheze.org/discord` how can i put mine `https://discord.giantesselsie.net` or `https://giantesselsie.net/discord` [14:42:39] i cant change my nameservers [14:42:47] Thatā€™s a quest for people who know wix ngl [14:43:07] eish [14:43:10] what do u use [14:43:14] wordpress [14:43:26] I donā€™t [14:43:59] You mean Miraheze? [14:44:26] what website provide does miraheze [14:44:28] use [14:44:31] We dont [14:44:38] We host our own servers [14:44:45] oh [14:44:48] Running MediaWiki [14:45:15] how many pages can i link to `explore` [14:45:40] or is there a limit [14:45:51] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Home [14:45:54] What [14:46:10] cosmos navigation [14:46:15] I don't think there's a limit [14:46:23] as long as it fits the screen lol [14:46:37] in the cosmos there is navigation which is now gone then explore then administration [14:47:40] i have ideas like Donation lists for patreon kofi like a table with 3 or 4 1 the name 2 the amount 3 the tier 4 the status [14:50:45] this should be possible with a domain level redirect, so something you should handle through your domain provider [14:50:56] at least for the `discord.` part [14:51:10] the `/discord` is probably something you can do within wix but I don't use that service [14:51:29] i use wix as both [14:51:37] domain and website provider [14:51:50] if they give access to dns settings then that is where you'd look [14:52:04] though it's possible there is something simpler within the wix interface, I'd look it up with wix as a search term [15:07:03] Way too insane, all types of worst ads in 1 package. [15:07:42] And that Fandoom is an ad company, not a wiki company anymore [15:09:52] [1/2] Someone cares about my work, no way! [15:09:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1262063524922916955/ecb2f17fc0d8f865.png?ex=66953bc0&is=6693ea40&hm=6f3056e6c029529a843bf162d31caa6457a52f382b3693dbad2851f90f826ac4& [15:10:29] I love that extension [15:12:06] An easier way to tell someone they made a good edit that does not involve writing to their talk, I still write on talk if someone went ahead and beat me to imporving something [15:53:14] Did anyone watch Charmed back in the day? [16:12:16] I watched it for a while years ago [16:12:24] barely remember anything though [16:12:41] it was before they replaced a lead actress and I only saw that around the internet much later [17:16:21] Yeah, Shannen Doherty. She passed away yesterday [17:23:13] ouch [17:23:30] must have been rather young [17:23:56] 53 [17:27:26] FYI, the suspected assassin was a Republican [17:28:00] šŸ„· [17:53:21] [1/2] Kinder World is going to have a huge update soon and I'm kinda worried about documenting it [17:53:21] [2/2] Like, it's changing the whole structure of the game Ā°~Ā° [17:53:52] oof [17:53:59] didnt it just come out or something 0_0 [17:54:19] Nope, Kinder World has been around since 2020 or 2021 [17:54:39] This version of the game has been in testing for a while [17:54:55] And it's coming out for everyone in a month [17:54:59] ohhh [17:56:52] Unfortunately it's really hard to get any feedback from the community (for both of my wikis) so I would have to figure out how to go about it with myself and the other contributers (who don't directly edit the wiki, they just provide screenshots/info since idk how to datamine the game) [17:57:33] Updating everything will be fine, it's just how to go about "Hey, this used to be different" [17:58:02] feel ya [17:59:26] oof yeah, a "history" section like on the minecraft wiki mebbe [18:01:00] I guess a subpage or reg page for Development would be plausible [21:34:25] Making IceChat TTS read out loud anything I that has my username in it is so nice, I don't have to look at it to know who is trying to get my attention and what they need from me [21:40:01] smart [22:14:37] interesting