[03:19:19] @suzuneu seen discords new user installed apps? [03:19:43] yep [03:20:14] planning on adding them to MiQ? [03:20:21] Yes [03:20:24] awesome [03:20:34] I thought id add them to my own bot [03:20:38] pushing now [03:20:51] wanna see the commit to add them? [03:20:59] yea [03:21:27] https://github.com/pixDeVl/Bee-The-Indolent/commit/9bd91f229ce1023f04f892a9fc92a12c3f8fdfc2 [03:22:03] whats my vps ip [03:22:29] good [03:22:45] discord py is goated [03:23:09] my 11 30 pm brain very much appreciated the one liner [03:23:18] also need to enable in dev console ofc [03:24:02] how do i recreate a docker container again [03:24:09] btw what infra do you use for miq [03:24:40] [1/2] wtf [03:24:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1263335604989460490/Fo3vkOY.png?ex=6699dc77&is=66988af7&hm=025021e540db3f8f48f1efca7f4c6e6f1ce4a9b4e565d05c0ccadc2c6dd13793& [03:25:25] wait. did i actually set up basic docker permissions beyond sudo for all on this [03:25:46] [1/2] bye bye [03:25:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1263335882547658865/g9l4igw.png?ex=6699dcba&is=66988b3a&hm=24f8c1e7e0c84980ff9432b8210c67ea391cc08fe80b5af3a23d489b34453e79& [03:28:26] man i suck at docker [03:36:28] OCI Always free [03:36:57] Are you using shared server? [03:37:02] really? [03:37:04] nop [03:37:12] racknerd vp [03:37:18] i have root access [03:37:21] hmm [03:37:22] odd [03:37:29] its been a while [03:37:39] can you login as root? [03:37:42] also same server i tried to install elastia search [03:37:52] with a third the recommended ram [03:38:35] aye just did [03:39:02] i tried my damnest to get one [03:39:18] the credit card processer hated my guts so bad [03:39:24] average OCI [03:39:25] it would NOT accept [03:39:30] it was insane [03:39:42] ill look into it agaib [03:39:48] actually same for me [03:40:01] MiQ is using co-founder's OCI [03:40:04] this is a 12 month prepaid VPS an awesome friend gifted me [03:40:15] how many servers are you in [03:40:30] and can run on OCI free [03:40:33] OCI x 2 [03:40:43] sharded? [03:40:53] 320 shards [03:41:06] on two servers [03:41:12] (40 shard per process  4 process  2 OCI) [03:41:34] how much do those boxes have spec wise [03:42:16] [1/2] 2core (first one) 4core (second one) [03:42:16] [2/2] 24GB RAM [03:43:44] okay thats actually pretty big [03:43:54] how much ram do i have on my PC [03:44:08] [1/2] but now [03:44:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1263340505551601694/rf1JTBLN.png?ex=6699e108&is=66988f88&hm=5e21ec2b786eb9e140b550344411dc4134f8f3bd34e839e046075dce89d77d8c& [03:44:12] 20 GB [03:44:19] DDR4? [03:44:37] may [03:45:49] i got 20 gb of 3 [03:45:50] so [03:45:58] OCI outclasses me [03:46:33] I have 64gb ram in my mini pc [03:47:27] mini my ass [03:51:09] [1/2] when I develop Rust app: [03:51:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1263342270913052764/TMeCvxtp.png?ex=6699e2ad&is=6698912d&hm=a01f4b879dceced122826f4b68932ffa1f92756c33fb0e2b7d9cd2420930bbe6& [03:51:28] bruh [03:52:59] my bot [03:53:07] this is the staging/my general test bot [03:53:44] awesome [03:54:21] if you want ill send you the install link for the real verison [03:54:28] commands not synced yet idk why [03:57:19] time zones suck [04:11:32] [1/2] ygs think i should move the "contents" out or not? [04:11:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1263347399750058016/image.png?ex=6699e773&is=669895f3&hm=d4f901822b43004eae3cdcaeb7f1fdc1de91c0cc3276a1b26879ad9c639c38b1& [04:25:22] /pattify @clockworky [04:25:36] not even an hour and the bot is gone 😭 [04:27:19] it was never here [04:27:24] and yes [04:27:27] wait what [04:27:39] it always was [04:27:50] ^-^ [04:27:58] ok but how tf 😭 [04:28:35] black magic [04:28:44] user installed apps [04:28:47] i havent touched discord bots in like a good minute and somehow you are doing that 😭 [04:29:26] https://tenor.com/view/anime-seven-deadly-sins-black-magic-gif-13837894 mah dark magic [04:29:33] I wonder [04:29:43] might have to screw around with that on my disord bot [04:29:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1246937019888701480/1262923270962024468/S6MTjQP.png?ex=6699adf3&is=66985c73&hm=08f09f7d10a4a88e82645ddb08e0ce251a2ad7ea2beb6e4edcef9edf7cdcad70& [04:30:25] I used css to do the color bg and used a different font for the upper left [04:31:52] I hope it looks decent enough [04:34:58] Well I take it that it does then [04:37:01] not much to really say about it, its just a minor color change (and font change) [04:37:10] Forget I asked lol [04:37:27] its a good color of blue though 😭😭😭 [04:37:39] yay [04:37:41] lol [05:04:41] User installed apps are so silly [05:04:48] Don't get the point [05:18:24] yeah so silly [05:18:51] anyways time for me to sleep [05:30:18] lucky for me i do not have a best friend [05:43:17] i wonder if whois support can be added to the bridge [07:25:34] BlankEclair: intresting thought [08:35:35] [1/2] Y E S [08:35:36] [2/2] and I W I L L if neccessary [08:35:50] nah [08:45:42] Ooo I like how you did the content sections with the coloured lines [10:49:05] [1/2] Someone should give me access to merge `miraheze/mw-config` patches. [10:49:05] [2/2] You surely won't regret letting me merge config patches. [11:03:07] me too :) [11:06:40] feel free to ping me if patches are left unmerged for too long πŸ™‚ [11:10:14] reception123: https://github.com/miraheze/dns/pull/520 [11:10:31] please we've been waiting for two months now [11:10:35] oh yikes, that really is a _long time_ [11:11:16] I remember back in 2016 when I wasn't in Tech that it could get quite frustrating when PRs weren't merged for days so I get it [11:11:48] tempted to bump every day after a week of a pr not being merged [11:11:51] i refrained though [11:12:52] also https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12195 [11:20:06] i wonder if there can be a "PR Exists" tag like Patch-for-Review in wikimedia phab [11:22:46] ugh dns just makes me go "why" [11:45:25] BlankEclair: sounds good, I'll create a tag for that [11:45:37] hell yeah [11:48:40] BlankEclair: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/project/manage/94/ [11:48:46] ty [11:49:45] I also reworked the workboard of https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/tag/production_error/ [11:49:59] should i create a workboard for it? [11:50:17] not really useful for that project [12:12:22] @theresnotime I would happily support you for shell tbh [12:13:26] waiting for someone to enable $wgCirrusSearchPrefixSearchStartsWithAnyWord so i can start committing war crimes against mediawiki [12:42:24] I doubt it'd be useful for y'all, but thanks ^^" [12:43:30] You can write config patches [12:43:34] And you're a dev [12:43:42] You probably wrote some of our extensions [12:44:29] Not sure if carry-over trust is all too much of a good thing ^^" just because prod access on wmf, etc etc [12:44:51] @theresnotime I've known you a number of years around wikimedia stuff [12:46:17] True ^^ [14:46:21] yush! [14:46:27] @theresnotime pat [14:49:36] Patted [14:50:45] i made this bot 6 months ago and its janky as fuck but i thought id add support for user installed apps [14:50:46] so [14:50:48] now she works anywhere [14:51:05] the invite link is in the bio if yo wish to use her [14:52:57] I survived another academic year! [14:53:43] πŸ‘ [14:54:05] Next year will be my final ever [14:54:15] Cause next year is my final year of uni [14:54:24] And there ain't a chance I'm doing a masters [14:54:46] you go man [14:56:05] @pixldev 1310 miles travelling on the train between uni & home (including my final journey home now) too [14:56:14] And 4 hours and 13 minutes of delays [14:56:43] Compared to about 41 hours of travel [14:57:14] (About 193 minutes delay per 1000 miles) [15:39:08] is the local steward group used on Miraheze? [15:39:10] or just the global one? [15:39:15] I assume just the global? [15:41:45] i think so [15:41:54] coolio [15:41:57] oh [15:42:00] i know with global admin things like locks are only on the local group [15:42:02] not coolio [15:42:10] so we can only lock on meta wiki for security [15:42:17] interresting [15:42:56] i think userrights may also be steward local [15:46:31] I'm gonna look [15:47:14] [1/17] mostly because I'm doing: [15:47:14] [2/17] ```php [15:47:14] [3/17] if ($global) { [15:47:14] [4/17] $centralAuthUser = CentralAuthUser::getInstance($user); [15:47:15] [5/17] $globalGroups = $centralAuthUser->getGlobalGroups(); [15:47:15] [6/17] if (count($globalGroups) > 0) { [15:47:15] [7/17] // get the array key for the steward group [15:47:16] [8/17] $steward = array_search('steward', $localGroups); [15:47:16] [9/17] // if it exists, unset it so we don't show duplicate user groups (since the global steward will always take precedence) [15:47:16] [10/17] if ($steward) { [15:47:17] [11/17] unset($localGroups[$steward]); [15:47:17] [12/17] } [15:47:18] [13/17] return array_merge($localGroups, $globalGroups); [15:47:18] [14/17] } [15:47:19] [15/17] } [15:47:19] [16/17] ``` [15:47:20] [17/17] As I don't want to show two of the same user groups in the header, which happens if the steward group is both local and global and named the same. [16:30:13] yes, the local steward is used indeed for userrights for security reasons [16:32:49] it isn't given to anyone who isn't a global steward though? [16:33:28] ja [16:33:41] it is? [16:33:44] (worlds longest art commision later) new pfp moment again haha [16:33:50] it isnt [16:33:53] oh good [16:34:14] i'll just omit it from the local group array then heh [16:34:16] Yeah, no. That wouldn't make much sense heh [16:34:32] "Hey ill lend you steward for a day use it wisely" πŸ˜„ [16:34:44] but only on meta [19:01:00] :animated_sparkles: TIP: Anyone, even server members, can purchase premium for this server. [19:01:08] same [19:02:48] Let's avoid spamming off-topic with app stuff, please. You can use the #bots channel for bot and app-related silliness [19:06:22] Yeah [19:06:28] User installed apps are awesome [19:06:33] but if it gets to be an issue [19:06:53] remember it's a permission and privilege that we can and if needed will revoke/restrict [19:07:06] and I have my own funny bot, so i really don't want that [19:09:18] user apps are weird [19:18:32] It reminds me of that period when FB first introduced game apps and for a good few months everyone feed was "Jimmy needs your help to upgrade their pirate ship, click like to donate materials" "Pat needs four more turnips for the town festival, leave a comment below for 1 turnip" [19:21:25] what [19:21:32] facebook you dumb [19:42:46] random ahh [19:58:49] As one of the near-launch users from like, 2005, this isn't even the strangest early design choice they made. Posts onto newsfeed originally had a hardcoded start of " is..." like it was some kind of chatroom emote [19:59:14] i dont believe i was alive in 2005 [20:03:54] Probably not, one would have to be 19 today to have been extant then [20:04:22] i am not 19 [20:04:42] Yep, I am not either, by a good bit. πŸ˜„ [20:08:19] ahhh i remember those fb games i miss those [20:08:27] i would have 20 alts and run a turnip laundering ring [20:20:14] wdym people aren't aware of flash games being a thing on social media [20:20:29] flash 😳 [20:20:57] VK even let users upload flash stuff 😩 [20:21:10] I tried once I think [20:22:30] would you be surprised that a lot of those "user apps" were rips off Weebls Stuff, Newgrounds, z0r.de ... [20:23:16] my personal fave was ΠΊΡ…Ρ‹Ρ…Ρ‹Ρ…Ρ‹Ρ…Π΅Ρ…Π°Ρ…Π° [20:24:21] :animated_sparkles: TIP: Upgrade to premium to prevent repeated questions! [20:24:30] wha... [20:25:15] [1/3] which was this [20:25:15] [2/3] [20:25:15] [3/3] (I do not take responsibility if you will try to explore this place further, there are no warnings and it aged poorly) [20:26:42] user installed apps [20:26:50] able to run commands from a bot not in a server [20:26:50] ie [20:26:59] very cool [20:27:03] but lets keep it to non spam [20:29:02] https://copy.sh/v86/ (https://github.com/copy/v86) is so very cool [20:29:16] yeah [20:30:23] I remember back when I first saw it I thought about if it would allow running Dolphin in Firefox at a playable speed [20:30:31] too bad libdolphin doesn't yet exist [20:31:34] (of course, you would also have to add ppc support to the JIT, but at least it shows an example of WASM as a JIT target) [20:38:15] It also makes it so that there's only one place where that is logged [20:38:29] even better [20:38:45] easy to find the body count [20:53:21] that is so rough [20:53:40] https://tenor.com/view/baby-boy-cute-chubby-cheeks-speak-gif-12301947 [20:53:41] i have a talent to make people feel old [20:53:48] NOOOOOOOO [20:53:53] @rhinosf1 bullies me enoguh [20:54:11] anyway i want your feedback on current profile implementation I have [21:02:53] You do! [21:02:59] One way of putting it [21:03:30] You can only imagine me at WMNYC [21:03:50] with some members with white hair or started editing in 2003 [21:05:08] Okay I'm young now [21:05:15] I wasn't born in 2003 [21:07:00] https://tenor.com/view/baby-boy-cute-chubby-cheeks-speak-gif-12301947 [21:07:45] how old are you [21:08:49] 23 [21:08:56] 24 this year [21:10:13] @originalauthority you ain't got that much on me [21:10:30] you were a toddler when rhinos was born i assume so [21:15:56] hit me [21:16:50] [1/2] I know the user groups are out of alignment I don't have the energy to fix yet [21:16:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1263605424595406938/Screen_Recording_2024-07-18_at_22.16.22.mov?ex=669ad7c1&is=66998641&hm=9bf7545cd63bc6b75669b380413e2ee8fe8918a3d99dab15dc2b14e66e70c4cb& [21:17:53] noice [21:18:05] round avi tho :moonch: [21:18:23] video not loading well but looks great [21:18:25] I'm thinking potentially square with slightly rounded borders [21:18:32] I took inspo from cosmos [21:18:55] what if avi form also a setting [21:19:00] sheezy.art does that [21:19:08] yeah I can do `$wgAvatarBorderRadius` [21:19:19] that allows for complete control [21:19:49] I'm already doing `$wgUserProfileColor` for the bg colour of the user groups [21:19:55] wooo [21:51:30] πŸ‘