[00:17:06] Here where I live (Nevada) we had a Flash Flood, was actually really nice [00:17:12] Nevada needs the water lmao [00:17:20] why did i think of adobe flash [00:18:10] I miss Flash [00:22:03] Glad there's that team that made a extension that can play Flash extensions, though it's not perfect [00:22:17] I think it's called Rufflw [00:24:54] So blank what do you do at miraheze as I see your part of people who use the relay [00:26:02] i maintain the rainverse wiki (https://rainverse.wiki), help out on phorge and discord/irc, and occasionally check meta [00:28:01] Rainverse huh what’s it like in their [00:30:26] Blank what is the rainverse wiki like for you [00:51:31] i haven't been on meta in ages wow [00:52:33] One question how is telepedia going for you [01:09:20] good [01:54:28] yoshi459292927370272: there's only two other editors and they're both bureaucrat + admin, but otherwise nice [04:12:30] I would say in a healthy wiki there's at least 2 crats, 4 sysops, 1 person who can into IA and rollback coverage 24/7 [05:00:49] definitely at least 2 crats is a minimum [05:01:44] crat and sysop are synonymous most of the time [05:37:57] [1/3] a forked to independence wiki copied some bits of "moving from fandom" essay I did for pizza tower wiki lol [05:37:58] [2/3] not directly credited but there's a link to essay anyway [05:37:58] [3/3] [05:43:40] hate it when i find two bugs in cargo in under 24 hours of using it [06:24:50] The weather sucked yesterday [07:47:56] a bug i found is caused by type juggling >_> [08:16:10] should i bother reporting bugs in cargo that i haven't faced in the wild yet? [08:29:46] Ye but to Wikimedia's phab [08:31:28] i think i'm starting to see php's bad reputation [08:42:38] i thought i found four bugs in cargo [08:42:42] turns out it's just three [09:21:30] do fandom wikis have copyright disclaimer in editor, and does visual editor anywhere have that? [09:22:45] also we still haven't implemented a "warning" on request form? like we discussed on noticeboard that requester should consider if they'll be able to run a wiki at all, check guides etc [09:24:36] what kinda warning? [09:26:50] I think Legroom is referring to my idea since we've got an issue where people underestimate how hard it is to make a wiki [09:27:24] So we wanted to, at least in a first instance, have a warning that basically says "Are you sure you're able to create a wiki by yourself? See [{X page]] for more details" [09:27:37] eventually they'd have to answer an additional question but that could at least be a start [09:28:01] hmm that seems like something that could be done by changing a localization string [09:28:13] the hardest part is writing X page [09:28:45] yeah, the actual warning is easy but we'd need a page explaining why creating a wiki by yourself is a difficult thing and if you don't have someone to help you might want to think twice [09:29:07] not that it's not possible but it takes a lot of motivation to build a wiki by scratch and then also have people visit it and become editors [09:29:08] yeah you definitely want someone who'd spend hours to chase down a bug [09:29:21] (i kinda wonder how the rainverse wiki would've gone if i wasn't there) [09:32:42] my initial question still stands tho, I'm just on phone, re fandom and copyright/license disclaimer [09:34:24] an experienced admin will handle this ofc, we usually see total newbies getting disappointed by the whole process of setting up a wiki, even those who wish to fork but don't have enough experience get stuck [09:35:20] there needs to be some kind wiki editor + admin basics page [09:36:10] I was thinking about this recently actually, as I watched those SW fans who wish to start a new wiki don't know a lot even about editing [09:36:33] SW fans? [09:37:25] there was a Wookiepedia (Star Wars wiki on Fandom) drama and a portion of fans decided that there needs to be a new and better wiki, I checked their discord out of curiosity [09:37:38] I know there were attempts at an intro to admin page [09:37:52] na might have been one of the ones working on it [09:38:00] yeah, I think it was NA [09:38:02] is it just me or is miraheze kinda slow lately [09:38:18] yeah it's NA: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:NotAracham/Welcome_to_Miraheze [09:39:27] what I'm thinking which might compliment na's resource is a primer of key things to know initially, leading into those docs [09:39:39] that's not something I can even start until next month though [09:39:45] how's that new SW wiki business going btw @bongo50 ? [10:07:25] I've not really checked in on it [10:07:37] My interest declined when I realised it wasn't a proper fork [10:07:44] I don't even like Star Wars [10:26:54] I seen that [10:27:59] Their main account runner for twitter/X also unfollowed a ton of people. even my wiki, which had a Star Wars page (they were unfollowing accounts that didn't have relations to Star Wars media [10:28:18] I think it's leafy? or something like that [10:28:33] Was super chill with me, but after everything he's now stopped talking to me in full [10:29:58] He's going coperate lmao [10:46:50] [1/2] no lol, different guy [10:46:51] [2/2] he was booted from wiki [10:47:22] No, I'm not talking about the guy that got booted [10:47:36] I'm talking Leafy, he's a admin of the wiki [10:47:40] And runs the twitter [10:47:51] I should have specified [10:48:10] this @justleafy2003 ? [10:48:33] Hm? [10:48:37] Ya know what [10:48:49] I think I'm actually getting this mixed up 💀 [10:49:17] It's not that leafy, he's chill [10:49:45] Tbh I'm a little tired so yea I thinknI got that mixed up, Mb [10:51:14] 😭 [12:15:16] Thats not phps reputation you're seeing its Yarons poor coding [12:15:27] yeah half of it is the bad code [12:16:01] but like, why is (string)false equal to "" and (string)true equal to "true" [12:16:39] wait no, (string)true is "1" [12:21:50] https://unstable.systems/@AmyZenunim/112810984528719221 [12:25:00] Google Search is fuckin horrid they need to just shut it down. [12:46:15] Php is weird with true/false [12:46:23] When not as a Boolean [12:48:18] casting a boolean to a string though, just weird [12:48:58] i rewrote trim( $paramValue ) into $paramValue === false ? '0' : trim( $paramValue ) [12:50:03] ...and now i gotta check whether or not i used single or double quotes in my patch because i'm not yet used to php yet [12:50:16] Doesn't really matter most of the time [12:50:23] yeah it's kinda a nit [12:50:25] unless $ [12:50:42] oh okay i used '' [12:50:56] I always use doublen so i dint have to escape apostrophes etc [12:51:47] i started out programming in python so i used single because lazy, but then starting using c and c++ so i switched to using double quotes, and now i'm editing php lmao [12:56:06] i'm mildly curious, what style should edit summaries be? Add "I'm gay too." or Adding "I'm gay too."? [12:56:16] i do the former because i'm too used to git commit messages xD [13:00:44] Both work [13:01:03] I tend to just do "+ xyz" and '- xyz" if removing sttn [13:01:32] is there generally like a common style or something is more what i'm asking [13:01:44] though conventions can depend per-wiki so not like it matters :p [13:14:57] nini [13:15:59] don't think so [14:02:21] Nah, wasn't me at all [14:03:04] I'm no admin of Wookieepedia [15:09:41] Fork of what? [15:10:50] Wookieepedia [15:24:52] You do know we do not allow for forking other wiki's right? [15:25:18] this isn't related to Miraheze [15:25:28] Wookieepedia is a Fandom wiki about Star Wars [15:25:52] Ah, okay [15:25:55] I saw some people talking about starting a new Star Wars wiki and assumed they would be forking the existing Wookieepedia [15:26:17] But then I realised that they were planning to start from scratch and didn't even know what MediaWiki was [15:34:44] LOL, Ok [15:36:13] yeah, I'm not very hopeful either, plus no doubt there were attempts before [15:36:23] wookie is too big and too old [15:37:05] still can't remember what was Miraheze wiki, seemingly focused on some part of SW [15:37:23] I remember its admin asking for infobox help [15:38:46] if stars (lol) will align we are more likely to see full on community fork as they wanted to do ages before [16:01:14] Iirc there has been quite a bit of tension on wookipedia for years now -- i wouldn't be surprised if they did eventually fork. [18:18:25] https://link.springer.com/journal/12230 [18:44:58] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1264654369496760320/IMG_3148.png?ex=669ea8a9&is=669d5729&hm=5f7152a97af1420a23344df4fbb92769dfff0dd1b85f899703a6e0c692ec3f42& [19:16:34] Oof America [19:17:31] PRO BEAR [19:17:55] Good luck, everyone. [19:18:29] Warning this will may make your device load slowly as this is meant to be a thing on how to not make a page||Take a look at this reversion https://greatcharacters.miraheze.org/wiki/Mario_(The_Super_Mario_Bros._Movie)?curid=10213&oldid=104825|| [19:19:31] The NL is accepting skilled workers still. [19:19:46] Hi [19:22:44] Always register to vote and fight the tyranny at home. [21:02:04] Biden dropped out of the election? [21:09:14] I seen that actually, yes [21:09:40] Helloo [21:09:47] I'm not gonna get into it, Politics are a mess [21:09:50] Hola [21:10:30] yeah probably for the best...I could go on and on about protecting the NHS here in the UK [21:10:41] Lmao [21:10:43] How are you :-) [21:11:11] Good, just got my wiki approved, so I'm heading to work converting from Fandom [21:11:40] Ah awesome! I moved from Fandom [21:13:56] [1/2] Yea, it's this [21:13:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1264691857041133619/IMG_20240720_145049.png?ex=669ecb93&is=669d7a13&hm=99d1d0d2e3d1bc63bf364c0a2bc38c9e739350b943a35cca29a938daefc37da7& [21:14:07] It's definitely going to be for the better [21:14:08] Try to download the zip file from fandom first, its helpful [21:17:25] I don't know how to, so I'm being very Barberic & doing it all manually [21:19:00] ah fair enough, Yeah I did a few things manually too [21:21:28] [1/2] you know about page histories, right? [21:21:28] [2/2] I suggest to ask our folks w/ wikiteam bot to get dumps for you [21:22:33] Well I heard a little about the dumping in #how difficult is it to run a Miraheze wiki compared to Fandom? [21:22:57] I'm not completely dumb, only slightly. [21:23:54] I can relate lol [21:28:49] Jeehesus [21:29:02] This is gonna take a lot of getting used to [22:04:20] Dont even think he knew he was in the race [22:06:06] Wikis will be dead in < 2 years. [22:28:58] i doubt it [22:38:57] nope