[03:38:26] that would happen next year [03:38:35] 😮 [03:39:02] :O [15:21:53] I just realised CloudFlare R2 is a play on the name S3 [15:22:00] I always wondered why it was called R2 [15:34:50] [1/2] this is difference than what I remembered [15:34:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1265331295697899631/U.png?ex=66a11f19&is=669fcd99&hm=19e6661906682318415db4359d796fa0fd1a03ad8fc76b3530d652f177b89423& [15:44:56] yeah it got a revamp recentyl [16:00:54] definitely cleaner tho if I have tbh [16:17:27] [1/2] oh yeah, definitely having fun with it [16:17:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1265342021070225561/w.png?ex=66a12916&is=669fd796&hm=9dfc3d6043dcd320b895192612326065568a0925b78ef31916e9df6a2546c785& [16:17:50] I will see you in DM btw [16:18:09] Let me know any feedback, or changes [16:19:04] Some stuff is a bit borked at the minute such as displaying the avatar in the modal, and also some of the stuff like "show global groups" etc shouldn't show if central auth isn't installed which I shall fix [18:30:57] [1/2] I cannot wait [18:30:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1265375619496149054/60abec5c4f25ddc0.png?ex=66a14861&is=669ff6e1&hm=bc0e3d6ddede89d93cf0f6695dc516c39e1d2e05ebfacf0fc31c5d624dfe5a7d& [19:16:50] what game [19:17:15] Ready or Not [20:11:52] [1/2] This is not creepy at all 😄 [20:11:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1265401015935434824/image.png?ex=66a16008&is=66a00e88&hm=50d510eb5bc5fdb66b0c664176a1deec00a938ec2009fb0024ffcc18ff57e9f4& [20:12:12] Just found this in The Netherlands [20:12:20] (I am mapping) [20:26:16] lol [22:03:21] interesting