[05:24:26] [Saturday, 20 July 2024] [00.35.59 GMT+10] i'm p sure there's a masc version of it [05:24:34] pixldev: top panel of https://botsin.space/@egg_irl_bot/112839462889884950 [07:36:30] [1/2] looks like [07:36:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1265573306627657779/image.png?ex=66a2007d&is=66a0aefd&hm=ace9c4c04051cf34898945239de02dfbba6a8d4f238614ed33d4d77b1e3d7e2f& [08:55:41] I'm not with you here? [08:55:48] 😭🙏 [08:56:01] aint norway [09:47:14] I don't get any of this lol [10:03:49] Everyone doing good? ^^ [10:08:40] going to office from lunch saw a big soft looking american akita, never seen them irl before [10:09:31] i am doing very well, i did something with css other than changing the color of the skin, and i finally figured out how to change fonts, although the code certainly isnt pretty it works [10:09:34] how about you? [10:11:51] Been better, been worse, but carrying on :3 [10:12:48] that's cool though, well done! a:fox_dance: [10:26:15] My dad has a japanese akita they are scary [10:30:24] they're pretty intimidating dogs indeed [10:30:34] but that one looked so fluffy 😭 [10:31:17] and trim made it look like a soft toy [10:36:23] My image has a face in the grass 😄 [10:37:25] lmao [14:51:20] I have lost my data today, nothing that cannot be replaced but what was lost was of value. [14:53:20] oh no [14:54:01] It's 2024 and we still have not figured out for a standard way to store configs, and that's the most time consuming part of recovery from this incident [14:56:18] Every piece of software stores settings differently in a different place, and when you have to re-install 30+ complex pieces of software and then when going to use them have a "hold on I think I set this up to work differently" experience it gets infuriation. Lessons learned: keep track of settings [14:56:18] and back them up too. [15:27:52] from what? [15:27:57] that is why you should always use git [15:56:30] git bash FTW [16:14:58] VSCode is pissing me off [16:15:07] why can't you send a commit with no commit summary [16:15:09] grrrr [17:23:14] Lesson learned: back up your configs, or at least screenshot your settings [23:07:11] [1/2] Program that generates text based on user input...not like in answering questions, but actually basing which text to respond with off of text the user has input in the "conversation" [23:07:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1265807524444115045/image.png?ex=66a2da9f&is=66a1891f&hm=2aa1d76c9aa522f6c43227994dc4129925efb38ad70ce9f75bac1c6640924236&