[01:29:34] i take these surveys and criticize fandom in all of them [01:31:00] dont know if they actually read them but its worth a try [02:03:26] <.labster, replying to solodayheavenofficial> Having worked at a company that does surveys: yes they do read them, although lately they may let AI read them and do sentiment analysis instead. Then they will look for the cheapest possible items and implement them, as an example of how good they are at listening. [05:38:30] <.labster> [1/3] I have introduced a new section for RfCs called feedback, and made voting an alias for "open". Technically, it's just another name for a draft phase, but with the implication that the author would like you to read it so he can improve it before voting begins. [05:38:31] <.labster> [2/3] The impetus for this was @serverlessharej needing to close an RfC that was already being voted on, because he got some suggestions that were too late to include (also my fault). This is a way of saying that the draft is not just an idea that you're still writing. [05:38:31] <.labster> [3/3] This more-or-less parallels legislative bodies, which may have a first reading that occurs after drafting, but before going to a vote. [07:13:21] [1/2] Currently leaning towards the slug/egg design [07:13:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1266292259536633947/1a29f56c-82e3-4b4c-9147-be19c46377f8.png?ex=66a49e11&is=66a34c91&hm=e9f0cfd0b6f2fa5e5e9e6ffa0e30d2bfb2e7105d82484c8266ef5d04bce36fd2& [07:14:22] Tho the 2nd top one is also quite nice [10:39:55] [1/2] me in another wiki [10:39:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1266344245057294377/1721990394763.png?ex=66a4ce7b&is=66a37cfb&hm=e07fa7a00e26f38f621b552dade5f5925a3e2c334d4c563243d6774787bc7de2& [11:13:31] We have been trying to encourage people to draft RfCs for a while [11:13:46] They should have a feedback stage before actual vote on the contents [12:33:34] ncs wiki :p [12:37:47] indeed [12:45:48] ncs wiki my beloved [12:46:24] even tho I don't edit there anymore (and even if I want to, I can't atm cuz of my gblock), I'll always view that wiki as a great wiki [12:46:42] and almost on the same quality like the monstercat wiki [13:09:23] Hi all, can anyone please let me know how much time will Miraheze volunteer take to review my wiki request? [13:12:04] iirc a few days [13:12:27] [1/2] depends on size of request queue and volunteer availability, from several of hours to few days [13:12:27] [2/2] make sure to check comments on your request, reviewer might ask a question in there [13:16:57] Thanks for the information, we requested a wiki today around 3-4 hours before and there are no comments yet. [15:18:22] [1/2] Surprisingly, Fandom now supports TemplateStyles😮. [15:18:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1266414317687930990/15d2b1718cd6498d.png?ex=66a50fbe&is=66a3be3e&hm=32b4f40a311ab49516b97ab569501fac34c4cd95525050e3f1e0234f918f68f7& [15:27:54] cool [16:31:18] you can check how many wiki requests are accumulated at [[User:Waki285-Bot/RWQ_backlog]] (this is a rough estimate) [16:31:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Waki285-Bot/RWQ_backlog [16:31:20]