[00:28:02] It's ok if I translate [[Miraheze-9-year]]? [00:28:02] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze-9-year [00:28:03] [00:29:42] For me is more easy to use {{#css:Foo/bar.css}} [00:29:42] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23css:Template:Foo/bar.css [02:15:52] Only if they mark it for translation [02:16:32] They don't install CSS extension yet afaik [03:10:51] yeah they haven't marked it for translation but they should [03:10:57] even if this technically doesn't fit within the translation scope it should [04:47:09] Wait, I can mark it I believe [04:47:34] Let just see if I remembered correctly [04:52:40] I prepared it, but there is still some links that are red [04:53:09] I will try to get to it when I'm back home and got my hands on the laptop [05:05:41] ohhh lmaoo I didn't realize that interpretation 💀 [05:06:11] I assumed it was a reference to some old TV show or something like that which I wouldn't understand [07:41:28] [1/2] I showed this vid to my friend many moons ago and he still adores it, brings it up/reminds me of it once in a while lol [07:41:28] [2/2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=n1UCxfRvRGo [12:30:01] [1/2] What do you do when you want to see racing, but it's raining? [12:30:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1266734339601727508/GTfmne_XYAAb_xi.png?ex=66a639c9&is=66a4e849&hm=0a156747a1ad0ddb05e85a0211f3d4e857efdcb500a3085d9e0a12c0fe254638& [12:30:11] He came prepaired 😄 [14:22:07] So, if you commit an act of extra-no-no in the States United, you have to be registered as an offender and you have a record and your residence is public in a database that is searchable. That way people can find sex offenders near them. [14:24:06] yeah i know this [14:51:42] Has a Steward ever removed their permissions by accident or as a result of being talked into doing so? [14:57:14] I don't think so but I've only been here a year so it's possible something happened that I haven't heard of [14:57:17] It's possible to do [14:58:54] Not that I know of [15:03:23] Well, let's see who is the first to do that [15:04:09] Hopefully no one [15:05:05] Godwin's bylaw says that as wikis operate, the probability of stupid acts being done approaches 1 [15:15:26] [1/2] Just FYI! 😉 [15:15:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1266775966651514991/GTgM89FWQAA8-9I.png?ex=66a6608e&is=66a50f0e&hm=c94b02d621c9a64957670ed1f22e89aa5ef419ed42dce3df0644154c0ccbdef8& [17:54:50] https://x.com/rbcp/status/1816933644872876274 "don't hate the player, hate the game" - attorney for guy who got arrested for copying simplest key ever to steal from USPS [17:56:13] Well he shouldn't have fucked with USPIS [17:56:29] i know lol [17:56:46] It is the oldest federal agency [17:56:48] but its funny how they made the simplest key and then provided a high-res copy of it to tell everyone not to copy it [17:57:43] I mean ye that's dumb but don't fuck with USPIS [18:19:27] I would like to know if posting art here is acceptable. [18:21:30] basically yes, just make sure to abide to the policies and you should be fine [18:22:40] [1/2] That's good. Here's my first art post here [18:22:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1266823084208296078/Turpis_Hoshizawa_-_Reference.png?ex=66a68c6f&is=66a53aef&hm=3e224f3c2c896680aa2887c0cac7cd4131f432fa964b178e21c5e2382521331d& [18:23:27] pretty good [18:41:26] [1/7] i propose changing this part of the terms of use: [18:41:27] [2/7] > Inserting malicious links or code anywhere on Miraheze can result in immediate sanctions up to and including a global lock. Depending on the severity of the offense, Miraheze may refer the matter to law enforcement for further investigation. [18:41:27] [3/7] to this: [18:41:27] [4/7] > By using Miraheze, you agree to not add content to Miraheze that does or attempts to: disrupt Miraheze, harm users, gain unauthorized access to Miraheze and/or the accounts of its users and/or volunteers, obtain unauthorized or counterfeit access devices as defined by 18 U.S.C § 1029(e), or is otherwise malicious. Violation of this agreement can result in immediate sa [18:41:28] [5/7] nctions up to and including denial of access to Miraheze. Depending on the severity of the offense and in Miraheze's sole discretion, Miraheze may refer the matter to law enforcement for further investigation or pursue litigation. [18:41:28] [6/7] rationale: ToU are a legal agreement (Swift v. Zynga Game Network, Inc., 805 F. Supp. 2d 904, 912 (N.D. Cal. 2011) “Because Plaintiff was provided with an opportunity to review the terms of service in the form of a hyperlink immediately under the 'I accept' button and she admittedly clicked 'Accept,' [...] a binding contract was created here”; Meyer v. Uber Techs., Inc. [18:41:28] [7/7] , 868 F.3d 66, 79-80 (2d Cir. 2017) “A reasonable user would know that by clicking the registration button, he was agreeing to the terms and conditions accessible via the hyperlink, whether he clicked on the hyperlink or not.”), so this gives Miraheze more basis to assert claims against someone who tries to hack users [19:05:36] [1/2] lol this account is still suspended but I can send messages if they don't have files in them [19:05:37] [2/2] account standing sure works great [19:21:39] discord :ManImDead: [19:24:14] That adds a lot of words to not change the status quo [19:27:21] And I don't have the time to translate to Spanish rn [19:28:35] What does that have to do with it [19:31:57] sorry I'll go simplify it once I'm back on pc [19:38:47] [1/2] The change will make the translation outdated and I need to translate it [19:38:47] [2/2] It's like the Phabricator to Phorge case [19:39:49] Translations are provided best effort [19:40:01] And in the event of a difference, English takes precedence [19:47:27] this is making text needlessly complicated [19:48:15] we all know that people Do Not Like reading long ass policies, the current text is understandable and full enough at the same time [20:34:47] ok ill go fix [20:39:24] fixed [23:06:15] their site is so cooked lol [23:07:06] Thats why they skip the TOS when installing stuff [23:07:43] I don't think people read the Miraheze ToS regardless [23:08:37] Fr