[00:17:29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTm0du4kUH0 - this is absolutely not good [00:19:22] Do I even wanna watch [01:02:41] I know I don't [01:03:02] There’s a lot of context missing. In the original context, Trump boasts about solving all of the countries problems so they won’t be a concern the next election cycle. A definite exaggeration, but not a threat of dictatorship. Contrast that with the Democrats totally ignoring their representatives to replace Biden with Kamala with no input from the voters. [02:30:11] a:BLJ: a:mariospin: a:Stretchymario: a:Wild: a:Breakdance: [02:31:15] This is meant as a joke tail [02:31:49] He means that you won’t have to vote for him again right after his current election because his term will be done [02:33:25] I would not be surprised if he meant that people wouldn't have to vote again because he's made himself dictator for life or some shit; the country's better off without a second Trump term [02:34:11] oh this place is fucked with one [02:34:14] He never would make himself a dictator in the first place he never said anything like that plus you kinda misinterpreted the context a bit let’s not get heated here [02:34:38] Because political stuffs is one main reason [02:35:42] It's not unreasonable to assume that he would do so given his inaction during the January 6th riots; that is all I will say as I'd prefer to spend my time doing other things [02:36:18] At best he told them to go home he didn’t want it to be a riot in the first place [02:41:26] The Christians not having to vote again means that once his term is over no one can vote for him again as their is an amendment that prohibits that which is what he meant by the context that Christians don’t have to vote for him again after he gets elected. And that’s all we will discuss for political stuff as waring never solves anything [02:47:04] I agree sometimes people mis the context of a joke which trump is known to do plus in the simple context he means that Christian won’t have to vote for him again as this is his last term [03:08:08] hot take: i dont really think a dictatorship is good [03:10:51] there's new anti privacy bill too [03:11:21] just tell your shit brained politician to not become like Russia, please lol [03:11:32] pfft, as if they need one, they have the nsa and "for national security" [03:12:52] also can u plz send a link to the bill [03:14:08] Never was [03:14:29] Look at people that weee just one view and you had to obey them instead of having a group effort [03:14:33] It’s just like a king [03:14:42] Limitations exist with one in power [03:15:50] [1/2] A group of elites are still dictatorship. [03:15:50] [2/2] And the problem is, there is no democracy in the US. The whole country was controlled by CIA, FBI and NSA. [03:16:42] Yeah still limitations really limit what you can expect from a country [03:17:19] really putting on a tinfoil hat there arent you lol [03:18:10] Yeah but I agree dictatorship is only good if the person can be competent and have changes that help all instead of being a greedy prick [03:18:46] Which most of the time has shown be negative [03:21:47] [1/3] must be this [03:21:47] [2/3] [03:21:48] [3/3] [03:25:45] you have these big lobbying groups putting their money on candidates, like the nra, aipac, pretty much every banks, it's not just governmental [03:26:09] oh yeah heard of that [03:52:46] Israel owns like 70% of the lawmakers right now [03:53:15] Israel did to the US what Democrats thought Russia would do and what Republicans thought China would do [04:08:38] https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/07/digital-apartheid-gaza-unjust-content-moderation-request-israels-cyber-unit [04:09:53] [1/2] 7am tunes for your soul [04:09:53] [2/2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=LPZpn_pVGao [06:47:53] a:mariospin: a:Stretchymario: a:Wild: a:Breakdance: [06:47:58] a:mariospin: a:Stretchymario: a:Wild: a:Breakdance: [11:40:06] why do i keep finding bugs in cargo [11:58:20] bugs is everywhere, it just the matter of time whenever the bug is squashed or not [12:05:39] cus it's cargo d'uh [12:07:38] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T371246 [12:07:43] the compulsive urge to also fix the bug [12:09:46] heh, Cargo is one of those extensions where instead of having it Steward restricted I'd put a pop-up warning in ManageWiki that says: "Warning: Cargo is a mess. If something happens don't count on us to fix it because we've got no idea how!" [12:10:25] get your resident nerd (hopefully every wiki has one) to debug and fix the issue xD [12:10:35] i've done that twice [12:12:46] BlankEclair: if that's what you like, there's still https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T11688 but I wonder if they still even need that [12:13:23] oh no [12:13:36] that does remind me of a bug i recently squashed [12:14:27] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T370592 [12:15:29] ultimately too little detail in the original task (and i have no idea about the failed replacement table creation), but perhaps we can ask them to try again? [12:16:24] https://wiki.whentheycry.org/wiki/Special:CargoTables/GalleryImages?_replacement -> [b8f987a1722cf41c9578790b] 2024-07-29 12:16:13: Fatal exception of type "MWException" [12:16:26] lovely [12:16:55] should i file that on the issue tracker? [12:18:45] sure [12:20:33] done: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12404 [12:21:43] i feel sorry for the person who eventually has to debug this: https://files.catbox.moe/bp3qmo.png [12:22:31] too little details for whentheycrywiki, and i'm too lazy to try to get a local clone to test further, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [14:15:16] @suzuneu what happened to make it a quote [14:16:20] In the new version, the bot is down for some reason. It is impossible to revert to the previous version due to lack of memory [14:17:06] RAM memory or do you guys not have the code memory [14:17:35] RAM [14:17:50] Previous version needs 50GB+ ram [14:20:52] the price of popularity [14:21:09] so is it only some shards? [14:21:10] [1/2] > Previous version needs 50GB+ ram [14:21:10] [2/2] what are you running that needs 50GB ram? [14:21:16] the international space station? [14:21:22] discord bot [14:21:28] there is no way that should need 50GB ram [14:21:40] ram-backed filecoin [14:22:09] it's a fairly popular bot as i know, and renders images [14:22:24] what bot? [14:23:02] http://miq.moe/ [14:23:26] probably written in about 5000 if statements [14:23:49] @suzuneu can you confirm or deny [14:24:14] 350,000+ servers, 7M+ users [14:24:44] i wonder, if we were to calculate the amount of if statements recursively throughout a project (and its depedencies), how many if statements will there be? [14:24:56] did you hear about that game [14:24:59] i forgot what it was called [14:25:06] the source code leaked a while bakc [14:25:11] and it was entirely written in if statements [14:25:12] the status page is still green hm [14:25:13] i hope you aren't talking about The Game [14:25:15] like 5k lines of if statements [14:25:17] ih [14:25:18] yandere simulator [14:25:20] yes [14:25:46] and the dev was like "oh that was an earlier version" [14:25:51] why would you even do that as a prototype [14:26:24] undertale is the same i believe [14:26:27] its just all if statments [14:26:27] the whole game [14:26:29] yandev made ai before ai was popular [14:26:32] as i ehard [14:26:41] [cn] [14:26:47] all these if statements also reminds me of four billion if statements [14:26:59] bro codes worse than chatgpt [14:27:03] ahahaa [14:27:26] https://andreasjhkarlsson.github.io//jekyll/update/2023/12/27/4-billion-if-statements.html [14:27:29] wonder when chat gpt gonna get good again [14:27:50] i rendered a video in kdenlive, and now i'm running the rendered video through ffmpeg again [14:27:54] genius [14:28:25] did someone say albert einstein? [14:30:49] this is true [14:34:35] we was storing all guilds and user objects [14:35:12] That’s a lot of storage [14:35:13] Well [14:35:16] I mean [14:35:27] If we say it’s 3 rows per guild not much [14:35:29] Users though [14:35:32] Yeesh [14:38:12] so now what, are you guys gonna have to get bigger servers? [14:39:25] we rewrote the bot to reduce using memory but it has bug (down unexpectedly) [14:40:39] ah [14:40:42] rust right? [14:43:01] pixldev: here's my transcript tool on my test instance of the rainverse wiki (because i don't wanna make test pages on prod): https://cloud.disroot.org/s/94kBtBf9XjB3SFF/download/rtt-full-veryslow-v2.mp4 [14:44:18] yes [14:44:35] IN RUST WE TRUST [14:51:22] :DidYouJustSayRust: [14:51:33] :DidYouJustSayRust: [14:52:08] https://tenor.com/view/toothless-toothless-dragon-lizard-dance-dancing-gif-18147614732076936345 [14:52:40] tempted to make a feature request for cirrussearch to implement natural sorting... [14:52:52] Why not [14:52:56] What’s the worst that could happen [14:52:59] it's nearly 1 am [14:53:12] Go eepy [14:54:08] i wonder what wikis use datadump the most [14:55:05] That’s random [14:55:38] eh? [14:59:00] is it normal to nest your parenthesis (like this (i just realized that this is kinda like lisp)) [15:00:33] In what context [15:00:54] like when writing sentences [15:01:07] "the right video is kinda clickbaity (he installs arch 0.1 (apparently arch had version numbers?), but he doesn't really go much into the history of it)" (from https://transfem.social/notes/9waohtms3asm00b0) [15:01:12] No [15:01:53] Iirc it would be (this is a test-with additional context-of brackets) [15:02:03] Or The other way arouns [15:02:05] Nothing we do it normal Claire [15:02:21] can't believe i'm typing abnormally [15:02:26] That’s what makes its awesome [15:02:44] I've got the urge to rewrite extension:Comments [15:02:48] JavaScript style [15:03:11] Lmao [15:03:27] part of me wonders why php code is formatted the way it is, but it's not like i can really change anything about it [15:04:02] Because it copies most of its stuff from Java [15:04:11] Php and java are the correct way to write code [15:04:14] Not that python shit [15:04:43] But also rust seems to have weird syntax also [15:05:02] https://tenor.com/view/signalis-elster-cope-and-seethe-cope-seethe-gif-13513338139393107134 [15:05:04] CaN pRoGrAmMeRs JuSt UsE oNe SyYlE [15:05:06] Python on top! [15:05:10] No! [15:05:15] i've more or less exclusively seen people put spaces around function calls and such (e.g. if ( $blahaj->canHug() )) only with php [15:05:24] java i've seen that style in exactly one project [15:05:43] Trying to read python and make sure everything is on the same line to close a function gives me a headache [15:05:52] Correct [15:06:08] You can tell it to continue interpreting to the next line [15:06:10] (This is MediaWiki standard, not sure if its a php wide thing but it is MediaWiki style guide) [15:06:17] oh [15:06:26] oh yeah i forgot that most of my php experience is from mediawiki, oops [15:06:38] MediaWiki standard is to always have spaces in parenthesis, arrays etc. [15:06:49] And please ALWAYS OPEN FUNCTIONS ON THE SAME LINE [15:06:51] except when you're calling a function with no arguments, right? [15:06:58] Yup [15:07:02] wdym? [15:07:45] [1/6] Like [15:07:45] [2/6] ```php [15:07:45] [3/6] public static function printName ( string $name ) { [15:07:46] [4/6] echo $name [15:07:46] [5/6] } [15:07:46] [6/6] ``` [15:07:58] Phpstorm and other editors will try and enforce the bracket to start on the next line [15:08:02] oh [15:08:10] i swear there's a name for this [15:08:20] Yeah i forget what its called now [15:08:49] i do know a style is called K&R iirc [15:09:07] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentation_style#Notable_styles [15:09:13] gnu style is also >_> [15:09:16] That is the correct onr i think [15:10:05] oh yeah, i wonder how you feel about reading javascript [15:10:11] a userscript i wrote: https://git.average.name/BlankEclair/misc/src/branch/main/code/userscripts/Fix%20ctrl-clicking%20for%20SPAs.user.js [15:10:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1267499601200681000/image0.gif?ex=66a9027d&is=66a7b0fd&hm=70b941450706d93ccadbc95197ec06bd99067f8dec731e6786b7d2dc8f366664& [15:11:03] lemme look [15:11:07] Poor OA [15:11:15] i've written worse if you wanna have a look [15:11:25] Yall need some eslint in your life [15:11:44] sometimes i forget that linters are a thing [15:12:12] Mediawiki also provides config files for most linters 😉 [15:12:32] you will totally not regret reading https://git.average.name/BlankEclair/rvw-birthdays/src/branch/main/index.js [15:12:57] Oh you made the birthday thing on git? [15:13:06] Didn’t even realize it was a user script [15:13:13] the birthday thing is not a userscript? [15:13:20] Y u no use jquery [15:13:29] What [15:13:41] Mispoke sorry [15:13:43] Y u no use jquery [15:13:47] would you believe me if i said that i had never substantially used jquery in my life? [15:13:58] Boooooo [15:13:59] Claire [15:14:10] I’m almost sorry for what we must do to you now [15:14:13] I started with JQuery [15:14:17] Before learning js [15:14:23] OA [15:14:29] Do we have any French people here [15:14:30] i'm tempted to go for further kills [15:14:30] I dont really know js substantially but i can navigate [15:14:40] Bone jaw [15:14:49] I need someone experienced with a guillotine [15:14:57] OH [15:15:10] What [15:15:20] * BlankEclair runs away as far as possible [15:15:21] What else do you use French people for [15:15:29] Croissants [15:15:30] It’s either executions of baking [15:15:35] Or* [15:15:39] DUDE YOU ALMOST MADE ME DROP MY CROISSONS [15:15:51] LMAO seriously? [15:15:55] No [15:15:59] Havent you seen the vine? [15:16:20] spy tf2 [15:16:20] https://youtu.be/ScSp4mGIrdE?si=nkr-fw6ldTkaTRg2 [15:16:47] I forget yall werent around when vine was a thing [15:16:56] tempted to show OA more cursed code [15:17:02] like that one time i made a url parser out of regex [15:17:14] I refuse to touch regex [15:17:22] hell yeah job security [15:17:23] Curse whoever made something so disgustinf [15:19:17] i want to show you cursed c++ code i wrote, but for better or worse i can't [15:20:48] I have spent all day writing cursed c++ code [15:20:52] I am a master at that [15:20:57] ooo i'm curious [15:21:34] BlankEclair: my job is to write cursed c++ code [15:21:58] hmm i admit that i wanna see, but that'd make me a hypocrite [15:23:49] Php ❤️ [15:24:00] Other languages 😪 [15:24:29] meanwhile i'm here like "why the hell does 0 cast to ''" [15:25:04] oh yeah, why does php use \ instead of / for namespaces [15:26:25] Not sure, i guess whoever wrote that bit felt like jt [15:26:29] No real reason I guess [15:26:46] that's even worse than my headcanon [15:27:35] Probably the same reason java uses . [15:28:13] c++: :: [15:28:20] c: just prefix your functions lol [15:29:37] BlankEclair: sadly none of my work shit is public [15:30:03] Also that would expose my workplace if you find my work github [15:30:04] It would become a bit convoluted if php used :: for namespaces though because thats also how you access class functions in php [15:30:06] Which I'd rather not [15:30:33] Do you enjoy c++ [15:30:44] i am one of two people who does actually [15:30:47] I've never actually found any use for c++ myself that couldn't be done with anything else [15:30:55] So I never bothered even trying to learn it [15:30:57] Legacy stuff [15:31:07] Unless im going to remake Call Of Duty in Unreal Engine [15:31:07] i basically treat it like C but with constructors and destructors [15:31:11] Or Unity [15:31:15] Whichever uses C++ [15:31:23] unity uses c# [15:31:23] It would be far too much effort to convert all the existing C++ / C code to something else [15:31:30] So we're staying in C++ for now [15:31:41] Tsk tsk tsk [15:31:47] i think i have NIH syndrome considering that i've written a base64 decoder [15:31:55] I don't mind C++ though [15:31:57] I'd like to learn Java but again what would i use that for [15:32:00] I can understand it [15:32:04] Java fucking sucks [15:32:18] MediaWiki was almost Java [15:32:59] reminds me that a few days ago i caused my laptop to OOM by trying to compile some java thing [15:33:52] Rip [15:34:12] the systemd daemon for my user account was dead, which is rather interesting [15:34:30] I'm jealous [15:34:31] systemd --user ... failed and d-bus also failed [15:38:35] apparently firefox lets you go to http://,/ [15:39:19] anyway, nini [15:41:54] Opera my beloved [15:42:02] I finish work in 45 mins and ive done no work today rip [15:58:27] Rust lmao [15:58:32] Boooo [16:00:32] bet you use microsoft edge or sttn [16:01:05] Hell no [16:01:16] Firefox Developer Edition [16:04:41] well done [16:04:48] advancing [16:05:01] Although with Mozilla seeming falling from the sky [16:05:18] May move to a fork [16:05:22] c h r o m e [16:05:23] Like Waterfox [16:05:28] Boooooooooo [16:05:49] (it's for my job in Cambodia) [16:06:05] I got Firefox in most cases [16:06:30] Yup, if it was new I'd do rust [16:07:02] One ranking I like https://place.reeseric.ci/writings/2023-03-15/ [16:07:40] Cough @originalauthority [16:07:49] I need to get back to learning rust [16:07:56] I ddi not know this [16:07:57] I’m gonna have time during my vacation [16:08:09] And I sacrificed enough sanity to have a dev environment [16:08:15] ungoogled chromium [16:08:29] Ideas are welcome for mini projects to learn rust [16:09:00] Also why is it so warm @originalauthority [16:09:10] build a web server [16:09:11] It's like a thousand degrees here [16:09:18] I said mini [16:09:40] theres a github repo somewhere which ahs loads of small projects to write in different langiages [16:09:47] basic webservers can be done in like 200 lines [16:09:53] yeah I know its mad isn't it [16:09:56] i can't breathe [16:10:07] I am in the south [16:10:09] [1/28] here it is @pixldev [2/28] define( 'MW_NO_SESSION', 1 ); [16:10:09] [3/28] require_once '/var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/WebStart.php'; [16:10:09] [4/28] use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; [16:10:10] [5/28] function streamSitemapIndex() { [16:10:10] [6/28] global $wgDBname; [16:10:10] [7/28] wfResetOutputBuffers(); [16:10:11] [8/28] $url = "https://static.telepedia.net/{$wgDBname}/sitemaps/sitemap.xml"; [16:10:11] [9/28] $req = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest(); [16:10:11] [10/28] if ( $req->getHeader( 'X-Sitemap-Loop' ) !== false ) { [16:10:12] [11/28] header( 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error' ); [16:10:12] [12/28] return; [16:10:13] [13/28] } [16:10:13] [14/28] $client = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() [16:10:14] [15/28] ->getHttpRequestFactory() [16:10:14] [16/28] ->create( $url ); [16:10:15] [17/28] $client->setHeader( 'X-Sitemap-Loop', '1' ); [16:10:15] [18/28] $status = $client->execute(); [16:10:16] [19/28] if ( !$status->isOK() ) { [16:10:16] [20/28] header( 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' ); [16:10:17] [21/28] return; [16:10:17] [22/28] } [16:10:18] [23/28] $content = $client->getContent(); [16:10:18] [24/28] header( 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $content ) ); [16:10:19] [25/28] header( 'Content-Type: ' . $client->getResponseHeader( 'Content-Type' ) ); [16:10:19] [26/28] echo $content; [16:10:20] [27/28] } [16:10:20] [28/28] streamSitemapIndex(); [16:10:21] It's fucking awful [16:10:21] actually that was my sitemap [16:10:22] not what i meant to send LOL [16:10:28] @pixldev here it actually is: https://github.com/codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x [16:10:38] how many degrees [16:10:39] 27 up here [16:10:47] well it was this morning its cooled a bit now [16:11:28] speaking of, https://www.orientsoftware.com/blog/most-popular-programming-languages/ im surprised to see rust so far down [16:11:37] Interesting [16:11:51] Stack Overflow would disagree [16:11:53] Met office say 25C with 8 mph sustained wind [16:11:55] Although actually [16:12:02] Rust is ranked the most beloved [16:12:04] Not popular [16:12:17] don't you have to piss about with memory management and shit in rust? [16:12:19] It feels a lot warmer though [16:12:56] yeah its muggy [16:14:00] south vietnam, which right now are in rain season [16:14:47] rip [16:15:07] people here in south VN only have 2 season - dry season and rain season [16:15:40] isn't rust really performance heavy? @pixldev [16:18:14] u good for a GitLab merge? [16:22:41] https://tenor.com/view/zenless-zone-zero-zzz-belle-alleyway-gif-3239349112686033801 [16:30:22] why? Genuine question [16:30:38] just had a quick google and everyone is saying it requires like 16GB ram minimum? [16:37:12] Rust? [16:37:55] yeah [16:42:14] It’s borderline C level preformance [16:42:19] That’s one of its biggest pros [16:42:50] High level ergonomics with low level preformancr [16:43:09] And no GC [18:29:31] [1/2] what does this mean [18:29:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1267549585320968284/image.png?ex=66a9310b&is=66a7df8b&hm=b23a4af3e16dd5ba662761dafd9a76656088d84584266ac8f9bae1a8e95932d0& [18:30:01] exactly what it says [18:30:16] for some reason if you have an account you can create another account lol [18:31:01] if someone knows if there's posibility to limit account creation per IP, please tell [18:31:07] There is [18:31:15] $wgRateLimits [18:31:24] i mean [18:31:26] centralauth [18:31:27] for some reason users on Pizza Tower Wiki create a second alt account right after the first [18:31:30] And because you might want to create accounts for a bot or other people [18:31:32] not sure how muxh it helps [18:31:48] yea, you can see cvt doing it for emails [18:31:53] Yes [18:57:34] I only have one word to comment on this: Pizdec [19:17:41] signalis is a fire game [19:51:54] @rhinosf1 has it gone really cold for you? [19:52:21] It's cooler [19:52:22] Not cold [19:52:28] It does that in the evening [19:52:52] its freezing up here I might have to put the heating on [19:52:58] My smart speaker still thinks it's 22C [19:53:10] I do not need the heating on [19:53:55] yeah it says 22 here too but im freezing [19:54:02] I'm not freezing [19:55:27] i need to eat dinner [19:56:09] It's 9pm [19:57:29] i know i haven't eaten yet [19:58:02] I normally eat about 7 [19:58:29] i always eat at this time then go gym at like 1030 [19:59:23] I'm normally falling asleep at 1030 [20:00:01] I haven't done any gym or fitness in like 2 years [20:03:56] smh [20:04:00] celciusers [20:05:08] What does that even mean [20:13:13] @originalauthority I still excerise just not going to a gym or martial arts anymore [20:13:20] It's mainly long walks [20:13:31] I need to get back into doing stuff [20:14:44] You did martial arts, [20:14:45] ? [20:15:45] Yes [20:15:49] When I was like your age [20:15:53] Before Covid [20:16:19] I did bits in late 2021 - mid 2022 [20:16:32] But haven't done it since I moved cities [20:20:30] I could never [20:20:52] Could never what? [20:22:25] [1/2] On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is this idea? [20:22:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1267577995938234670/77bf9d9c29f8f4b8.png?ex=66a94b80&is=66a7fa00&hm=02298eca145fcb7a15625697b79c7940e512ef924ecfb2187c213bed1d9daa4b& [20:22:46] I still do it [20:23:02] Second degree blackbelt in taekwondo [20:24:06] Do martial arts [20:24:17] It's fine on a track [20:24:24] Sure you could [20:24:29] Awesome [20:24:42] I used to teach karate and do both karate and kickboxing [20:24:56] This is autobahn [20:25:14] The little tiny ones that were 7 when I started as an assistant instructor are now taking GCSEs [20:25:22] Oh do whatever [20:25:25] Don't crash [20:26:05] What I love about coming from US back to EU is the roads are suddenly good, I cannot help but drive fast [20:27:23] Seriously, only Germany trusts people to behave without a limit [20:32:48] Dunno where you're driving that has good roads [20:32:50] Definitely cant be england [21:34:53] Germany/Switzerland/Austria [23:28:08] I don't get why Nebraska doesn't do this with I-80 (same with Texas on most of their rural interstates, anyway) It's desolate as hell, let me drive 130 mph to get to Denver in 4 hours instead of 9. [23:28:42] could probably apply to most of the long-haul rural freeways [23:52:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1267630802552885299/image.png?ex=66a97cae&is=66a82b2e&hm=e87fb04ee2dfcc1cd1dd5969f57d6780445daf0d0192eec3c006680bb79b5d4f&