[01:40:37] lol [05:43:04] [1/2] a dedicated fan creates a cool looking and very in-depth static fan site: nice, nice [05:43:04] [2/2] said is called a "wiki": buddy ... [05:44:37] [1/2] I've seen a static website encyclopedia which heavily mimics Timeless lol [05:44:37] [2/2] but it offered limited editor registration and said editors could contribute, albeit in raw HTML lol [05:45:46] I suppose the said has to be either collaborative or powered by a wiki engine - or both, to be called a "wiki" [08:57:52] when you import a wikipedia template, but then decide not to use it [12:31:01] Can someone tell Trashy Vyond Videos Wiki to delete the NSFW and NSFL templates - a Content Warning Template already exists. [12:31:28] okay that's better [12:31:43] but to answer your question (again), you should bring it up with those who maintain the wiki [12:32:19] stewards generally don't touch wikis unless if it's to enforce global policies [12:34:23] I've timed you out now for repeatedly continuing the topic in #general despite many people telling you it's not the right place. Even in #offtopic I don't think randomly telling us bad things about that wiki makes sense because we're not the target audience here, people currently online don't run/contribute to the wiki afaik [12:34:50] it's a less unsuitable place to vent i guess [12:34:56] The comments made so far haven't been constructive or in a dialogue, they've just been single statements about why the wiki is "bad" [13:25:06] We have a running joke that the crew series of games are basically Texas driving simulator [13:58:26] hello it's 8 am [13:58:31] i have had no sleep [13:58:33] help [13:59:35] [1/2] hello [13:59:35] [2/2] be strong [14:11:18] Poor baby [14:18:30] elliethepwincess: hang in there 💜 [14:19:12] to quote a post i made: what a crime,,, forcing eepy girls to stay awake,, [14:37:41] That was a funny one [14:38:17] I love Fedi [14:44:01] aaaaaa DNS [14:44:33] cache propagation is a funny term [14:45:18] s/cache/dns/ [14:47:03] https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/as203024.net *screams* [14:48:55] TheresNoTime, i tried to directly hit the authoritative nameserver, got no As [14:49:07] see also: https://jvns.ca/blog/2021/12/06/dns-doesn-t-propagate/ [14:50:24] Please do not hit the servers [14:50:27] They are expensive [14:50:45] i generally don't yeah [14:51:01] but if i'm debugging dns issues, i typically hit them directly [14:53:11] BlankEclair and TheresNoTime: are you asking ns2 btw? [14:53:30] bluemoon0332: coincidentally yes [14:53:31] because Puppet failed there due to a syntax error on our DNS settings supposedly [14:53:42] I'm looking into it rn [14:53:48] oh it's not mh [14:55:37] nae, unrelated to miraheze, sorry ^^' [15:39:08] @felenov you may appreciate this [15:39:11] https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/AU7VUnxR6snAnmqnK_sH [15:50:08] It's a clueocracy! [17:06:41] Well, I'm screwed: Israel is bombing Beirut, the capital of Lebanon aka my country [17:08:22] Oh no >:/ [17:11:50] Stay safe. 😦 [17:15:30] will do [17:18:25] @pixldev ( re #bots ) 16 days ago, whoops, congrats again though [17:18:43] Thanks ^^ [17:19:09] Gonna try to do more AbuseLog watching when I can [17:19:24] I do wanna work on improving our detection tools though [17:19:42] I have a plan for something based off ClueBotNG’s core [17:19:50] What tools do y'all have already? [17:19:52] Gonna work on that [17:20:03] We have #cvt-feed but it’s um [17:20:07] Rudimentary at best [17:20:18] Very simple heuristics [17:21:23] How's it work? ^^ is the source available [17:21:26] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1264067105716699176/acrVgnv.png?ex=66aa5d7b&is=66a90bfb&hm=6132d8ac4916c3a11072743e0631c60060e69fff40db15988de894b98535dc44& [17:21:40] I think so? I’ll have to check but it’s probably OSS [17:21:43] My plan [17:21:55] MacFan4000 do you manage #cvt-feed ? [17:22:26] It may be CA [17:22:33] I’ll dm him later if it’s not Mac [17:22:39] I don't control the bot [17:22:45] Does that say ai thonk [17:22:50] 😌 [17:22:59] I can do stuff with the channel on the IRC side anyway [17:23:23] Hey I’m using a scoring system that’s a bit less old as I am [17:23:33] :p [17:23:33] This face is Sammy about to murder me [17:23:49] Take it up with [[w:User:ClueBotNG]] [17:23:49] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:ClueBotNG [17:23:51] [17:23:57] Or what maintainers are left if any [17:24:28] hehhhh :p cluebot tends to be okay for most obvious vandalism though, right? [17:24:42] (afaict) [17:24:45] bot code is https://github.com/Universal-Omega/CVTBot @pixldev @theresnotime [17:25:10] Ah thank you ^^ [17:25:19] Yeah [17:25:26] That’s what CVT typically handles anyways [17:25:34] (for things like this, if you look at the puppet repo in the manifest files, you can see where we download bot code from) [17:25:43] We can’t moderate things related to conduct since we don’t know about every singe wikis topic [17:26:49] sorta-related, does miraheze have global edit filters enabled? [17:27:00] AbuseFilter? [17:27:01] Yes [17:27:09] Some are private but they exist [17:27:37] Global ones, or just per-wiki? [17:29:11] (also also, @nibblypup hi dork been a while! :3) [17:29:31] both exist [17:29:51] Yeah [17:30:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/?rulescope=global&deletedfilters=hide&querypattern=&limit=50 [17:30:25] Ah cool ^^ [17:45:33] https://wetdry.world/@micr0/112874317394528691 [17:46:05] Very much me today :scremfox: [17:46:17] Hey! Nice to see you [17:46:24] :3 [17:47:38] It’s always DNS [17:47:46] Lmao [17:48:12] I’m waiting on my request for a subdomain from obl.ong to be approved so I’ll have an actual domain to control myself for my VOS [17:48:54] That sure is a domain name [17:49:33] :ablobfoxbongohyper: [17:51:03] http://as203024.net is still dead [17:51:46] Big oof [17:51:48] I think I borked DNSSEC, removed it and now have to wait for all the caches to expire >< [17:53:48] DNS is always the issue [17:55:15] Ouch [17:55:23] Except when it's BGP [17:55:34] Disgusting /j [17:55:39] Did you mean MPLS? [17:55:48] No [17:56:04] I have the (mis)fortune to be using both MPLS and BGP at once [17:56:30] Never heard of MPLS [17:56:33] I don't think [17:57:01] Worst you seen BGP behave but 10X more evil [17:57:16] oof [17:58:06] Messing around with AS203024 is enough pain for me thanks [17:59:19] Why do I feel like this is your spirit animal [17:59:29] It is [17:59:31] Literally [17:59:39] :3 [18:00:10] @theresnotime sneaks foxes everywhere [18:00:16] When your MikroTik router update goes sideways and you loose your config and end up stumbling in the dark to try and get yourself online [18:00:19] that or a:fox_dance: [18:00:49] a:AFoxy_HyperExcited: [18:01:06] a:DNSpuppywag_sorivel: [18:01:11] Meanwhile I sneak puppies everywhere [18:01:51] it doesn't >:( [18:01:53] yes i am alive [18:02:05] Oh hey @lakelimbo [18:02:07] What's up [18:02:11] In such cases, don't try to do any of the multihoming shit, at least get yourself with one of the links you have (I have two as of writing) and then use that to look on the interwebs for the section to paste into your config [18:02:27] hello rhinos [18:02:37] I hate to disagree with the dead but [18:02:37] been absent for a very long time because, well, college [18:02:43] SRE TL:DR Shit works until it does not [18:02:48] Hope your doing good! [18:03:03] thanks [18:03:11] Felenov: yup [18:03:37] Summer now or have you finished altogether? [18:03:46] Just foxes [18:04:00] summer (winter for me actually), I still have a while to go [18:04:15] Enjoy your break [18:04:19] You deserve it [18:04:23] Also when shit does not work you are suddenly expected to know how to fix it and be fixing it or have had it fixed an hour ago (both of which are rarely true, especially at the same time) [18:04:46] @theresnotime I think the Zuul one is my favourite [18:04:53] Of your hiding places [18:10:27] One thing I seriously got to consider doing is break the habit of pasting images but instead paste links to images that I host, that way I actually control my shit [18:37:59] yooo man [19:57:21] How is being the discord manager for this server going for you [21:29:35] https://wikis.world/@PixDeVl/112877538070202633 `mwcli` user spotted :3 [21:35:11] real [21:35:16] its slow though [21:35:49] fantabulous [21:35:57] Good [21:36:28] That's because I wrote some of it /hj [21:36:50] that explains it /j [21:36:56] also [21:37:07] why do you guys add so many seevices [21:37:12] keycloak???? [21:37:20] It does everything [21:37:28] The toolforge stuff is really useful tbh [21:37:42] hm? [21:38:34] *toolhub even [21:39:04] I have no idea what the difference is at this point [21:39:50] toolforge toolhub the other toolforge thats a library to interact with read replicas that legoktm wrote [22:28:11] [1/11] >me [22:28:11] [2/11] >drunk and seeking adventure [22:28:12] [3/11] >log into a VM on ESXi [22:28:12] [4/11] >check fail2ban logs for no good reason [22:28:12] [5/11] >lots of jails from this one IP [22:28:13] [6/11] >run the IP [22:28:13] [7/11] >hetzner, I am a good client of theirs [22:28:13] [8/11] >call their NOC, explain the situation [22:28:13] [9/11] >unjail the IP [22:28:14] [10/11] >at some point the find entries stop. [22:28:14] [11/11] >given 20 EUR credit for my work [22:43:50] Hetzner is boss [22:49:12] whats hetzner [22:49:44] drunk and seeking adventure is hilarious though [22:50:26] Also someone remind me what fail2ban is plz [22:51:43] TrollingSystem security tool that blacklists for a time if too many login fails [22:53:42] Alcohol is certain to do one of two things: make one seek adventure or make one seek rest [22:54:04] LmO [22:54:15] i have no intentions to drink really [22:57:12] Don't. Depending on the peak BAC next morning might not be very nice [23:15:27] Cloud provider [23:15:48] If you ever need a cloud server id deffo check them out, really cheap and really reliable [23:16:02] Customer support is exceptional [23:16:31] Im waiting for their s3 object storage to arrive [23:20:03] I currently have a small VPS gifted to me for a year but if i need something else will do [23:20:06] also [23:21:08] anyone know a way to view rust documentation from the CLI? If someones shitty school laptop theoretically blocked rust-lang.org [23:21:12] asking for a friend [23:32:17] that school hates you bad