[00:42:21] @luca6457._52922, I'm going to give you this warning directly: refrain from spamming about reception wikis or you are gone, full stop. [00:42:28] Not going to play that game here. [03:54:40] I got ripcord [04:04:24] [1/2] Which autist are you? [04:04:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1269143811607625841/IMG_4573.jpg?ex=66aefdc8&is=66adac48&hm=83a331151c368e19ed8c00a0bd2a598600c78eeb052fab3bb8c4223bffd82b2d& [05:19:35] 1 and 3 [05:20:05] I'm just not any of them [05:20:28] same [05:54:03] me too [06:21:44] [1/2] stopped for some drinks yesterday in mürren. in switzerland the legal drinking age (for beer) is 16 so i was able to get a beer 😄 [06:21:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1269178372135587933/IMG_0304.jpeg?ex=66af1df8&is=66adcc78&hm=c690291916386b98e53cd2315e001f4ad0f7f82821fa80c6ee53205d487edc02& [06:30:10] woah, pretty [08:49:34] Hi! guys good morning [08:53:29] @gl0v3 But it's the switzerland? [09:13:48] yes it is switzerland, specifically mürren [14:50:51] BlankEclair: this shit pretty funny https://retro.pizza/@LynnSenpai/112898619687047899 [14:51:11] omg new page dropped [14:51:55] Me when the wiki goblin beats the high archivist of rainverse in reading a page of a comic he doesn’t even read [14:52:50] i don't check newsboat that constantly >_> [14:56:43] I forgot I was following Lynn for a sec [14:58:20] god i fucking love my auto description tool [14:58:50] https://files.catbox.moe/wtmagx.png [15:00:50] Give [15:00:59] [[mh:rainverse:Special:Upload]] [15:00:59] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/rainverse:Special:Upload [15:01:04] lazy to type the url :3 [15:01:54] IRC wiki bot don’t relay [15:03:46] i know :3 [15:05:53] Evil bitch [15:07:47] <3 [15:17:54] I hate this bot [15:20:32] heh? [15:22:00] What does the relay bot do again? [15:22:15] It’s more of a message archiver [15:22:54] Hi, please change your username to something appropriate, as your current one is a gross violation of our global conduct and username policy. [15:22:59] Ok [15:23:13] uh, what's seaborgium? [15:24:04] of course irc just decided to timeout [15:24:24] also, a relay bot feels like such a weird thing to hate on [15:25:08] If you are referring to what I just said(which is mute since they were banned, note that the username and display name of an account are different [15:25:35] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1269315234238173207/image0.jpg?ex=66af9d6e&is=66ae4bee&hm=7fc4ed16ad36600e525ae459fac6dd7898b91957180951e5048c599f95cc5cbc& [15:25:53] oh i assume you meant display name in your first message then [15:26:05] Yes [15:26:18] re relay bot: it just reminds me of https://files.catbox.moe/oj5ala.jpg for some reason [17:06:27] installing canasta on my VPS rn [17:09:30] lmk how it goes [17:09:56] thanks, mostly for testing and developing wikis pre-release [17:12:56] just replaced sources.list with our local one and now running updates [17:14:32] looking good rn, waiting on "farm creation" [17:14:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1269342713535402054/n.png?ex=66afb706&is=66ae6586&hm=36d59e944dc755631e59bb0e138ae92fbcd0aec2075a779134170e9c81a527f5& [17:25:27] nvm, I forgot to follow Docker's official installation process, I just `apt install docker` and stuffs [17:25:50] lemme just re-bundle it again and try to do it properly this time [17:37:23] [1/22] IK, not the greatest practices to do when sharing out codes, but this is what I had done to get it working [17:37:24] [2/22] ```bash [17:37:24] [3/22] apt-get update [17:37:24] [4/22] apt-get upgrade -y [17:37:25] [5/22] for pkg in docker.io docker-doc docker-compose docker-compose-v2 podman-docker containerd runc; do sudo apt-get remove $pkg -y; done [17:37:25] [6/22] apt-get install ca-certificates curl -y [17:37:25] [7/22] install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings [17:37:26] [8/22] curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc [17:37:26] [9/22] chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc [17:37:26] [10/22] echo \ [17:37:27] [11/22] "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \ [17:37:27] [12/22] $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \ [17:37:27] [13/22] sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null [17:37:28] [14/22] apt-get update [17:37:28] [15/22] sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin -y [17:37:29] [16/22] DOCKER_CONFIG=${DOCKER_CONFIG:-$HOME/.docker} [17:37:29] [17/22] mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins [17:37:30] [18/22] curl -SL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.29.1/docker-compose-linux-x86_64 -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose [17:37:30] [19/22] curl -fsL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CanastaWiki/Canasta-CLI/main/install.sh | bash [17:37:31] [20/22] canasta create -i -n -w -a admin -o compose [17:37:31] [21/22] ``` [17:37:32] [22/22] sinces I'm using an VPS, I may have to clicks sometime, but it doesn't matter much [17:42:11] [1/2] Is it just me or is there something off with the placement of the "Inventory" and "Store" buttons? Feel like they aren't centered properly but I'm not sure. [17:42:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1269349611399548948/image.png?ex=66afbd72&is=66ae6bf2&hm=36c1a8de5e9d43178a2766f0e808e57201c7f3090fa3d5bc9195ea591d9a015d& [18:18:00] @originalauthority hows better SocialProfile coming mate [18:38:49] Testing emage embed [18:38:50] https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/4/4a/0025Pikachu.png [18:38:56] did not work lol [18:39:00] Pretty good -- thinking about implementing some default avatars like Fandom with a choice [18:39:11] Translate wiki taking the piss with adding it though [18:39:21] I'm exited: Horizonspedia uses social profile [18:39:24] I'm working on message wall to go with [18:39:55] is it going to be different from user talk page? [18:40:15] at the same time or as replacement? [18:40:36] I'm fine with user board, never edited fandom so no idea how message wall works [18:41:20] basically just DiscussionTools but for non-Fandom people [18:42:01] Ohh, also OriginalAuthority are you planning on adding that forum feature? Just curious [18:42:43] If I want a discussion medium fpr Horizonspedia, ill make an IRC 😎 [18:43:00] I was an admin on a fandom wiki which actively used old wiki forums, we were mourning when it got deprecated [18:43:16] yee [18:43:20] As someone who helped them with making the mediawiki page for it ([[mw:Extension:SocialProfileV2]]), I personally don't think that it would happen [18:43:20] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SocialProfileV2 [18:43:21] [18:43:26] there's still no replacement for it, it seems [18:43:46] oops [18:43:55] Is the page supposed to be empty lol [18:44:05] too late I clicked lol [18:44:10] [[mw:Extension:UserProfileV2]] [18:44:10] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UserProfileV2 [18:44:11] [18:44:35] is it enabled on Miraheze yet I trust beta stuff wayyyyy to much [18:45:28] not yet, but I made a task: [[phab:T12394]] [18:45:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phab:T12394 [18:45:29] [18:45:34] But wait, will it convert from SocialProfile to SocialProfileV2 easily? [18:45:39] Like it! [18:46:17] If you want an extra challenge for some masochistic reason i have intrusive thoughts ERM ideas to share [18:46:20] No, I have no real desire to make a forum kind of thing. I want to make a MessageWall because thats what people are used to and its a bit simpler than Talk Pages. [18:46:40] I was just wondering [18:46:50] Any free services for IRC servers? [18:46:52] could you just intergrate with discussion tools? [18:47:02] I wanna make a #horizonspedia [18:47:02] Like hosting a message server? [18:47:19] Basically, like this one, but for my wiki [18:47:20] interesting idea [18:47:23] you can try to ask libera chat staff [18:47:29] if you want fully your own [18:47:43] your best bet imo is do it yourself [18:47:44] I don't really like the idea of expanding visual editor into other areas. I think its rather buggy. [18:47:49] Ayyy it works [18:47:58] No idea how tho [18:48:07] if you want it quick use quakenet.org [18:48:11] Also i have no idea how to do that. It's simpler for me to just create my own mini editor using Codex. [18:48:12] get your hands dirty, get a free vps from oracle cloud, set up the server [18:48:24] will it support wikitext [18:48:42] fair [18:48:50] Just click this and it works magically: #horizonspedia [18:48:56] How, no idea [18:49:01] magic! [18:49:31] But seriously who's hosting that [18:50:45] Haven't decided yet. But it won't support source mode, it will just be a pure visual kind of things. But it supports keyboard shortcuts at the minute for bold, italic, etc. [18:51:35] You’re connected to Libera chats server [18:51:38] so libera chat [18:51:57] Channels are made when people join [18:52:03] but its not registered [18:52:05] Sooooooooo I just got a server for literal stinking nothing in 2 seconds [18:52:15] ? [18:52:17] I'll take it! [18:52:33] PawnShop75: it's a channel [18:52:40] On an irc network [18:52:43] Not a server [18:52:43] if you leave anyone can come when it’s empty and take it over [18:53:01] its like if discord channels were created on demand kinda [18:53:04] but aldo not really [18:53:04] Ok not a long term solution [18:53:16] I just left it [18:53:32] You can register it [18:53:35] I'm the only editor so it's useless lol [18:53:38] you can try to register with Libera if other people use it [18:53:46] Why would you even [18:54:15] What is libra even [18:54:46] What you're using now [18:54:57] Is it not the official IRC website? [18:55:14] All this time I thought IRC was owned by libra or something [18:55:21] it's just a client ain't it [18:57:04] IRC is a protocol [18:57:12] Libera chat uses it [18:57:15] so do others [18:57:22] Ohh like https it all comes together now [18:57:26] thx [18:57:49] Also is there a way to get avatars that's the only thing that bugs me about irc [18:57:52] https://netsplit.de/networks/top100.php [18:58:24] No, IRC is a text format. Avatars in chat were hardly a concept when invented [18:58:48] some clients add avatars based off the name for the look [18:58:54] So does libra have avatars? [18:58:55] [[w:IRC]] [18:58:55] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC [18:58:56] [18:59:11] I just said IRC doesn’t do avatars [18:59:26] I meant does Libra do them [18:59:38] liberas web client has a mode that shows an avatar based off the first letter of a nickname [18:59:42] i dont use it [18:59:46] waste of space [18:59:52] https://libera.chat [18:59:59] I mean like custom avatars [19:00:07] just forget it im being dumb and picky [19:01:15] Also just to get it off my chest, best song ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt27fhgFSYE [19:01:23] You could theoretically write a client that has it [19:01:45] but it wouldn’t send over the protocol [19:01:52] at that point use Matrix or Discord [19:02:04] Or signal or telegram if they have avatars [19:02:11] Ok so avatars: not a thing [19:02:28] I'll just use morse code [19:02:37] Their avatars are the best [19:02:39] lol [19:03:12] what [19:03:39] XD [19:03:58] No idea that was going to turn into a giant emoji! [19:07:49] I can't belive miraheze [19:07:56] they don't log the best irc channel [19:08:00] offtopic [19:08:33] nevermind im soo dumb [21:36:08] 🤔 [21:41:19] [1/2] "hey man you know how to use checkuser, we need you to help us with securepoll" [21:41:20] [2/2] That was the last thing I wanted to see in my inbox today [21:41:55] from whom [21:46:17] LMAO [23:44:11] a project I gave my assistance to a few times [23:55:00] a:ltaspray: [23:57:16] Fun fact: Morning in Japanese sounds like Ohio [23:58:21] Thank you I hate that [23:58:56] Hehehehhe watching Jp Pokemon Horizons has it's benifits :)