[00:09:49] [1/2] The dialog on @suzuneu 's selective rollback script appeared once and then never again [00:09:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1273433430104997960/image.png?ex=66be98cc&is=66bd474c&hm=0d013c974a85c45a7d0428a741c001fb05e5cfc221ceacfe8f0eb5fd2d74c2a4& [00:23:57] I would add `position: fixed;` to the dialog though so it stays on screen when you scroll [00:27:29] Indeed they are [00:45:16] you probably want position: sticky over fixed [01:20:17] @rodejong finished watching.the dutch fucking scare me now. [01:20:52] i apologies for calling dutch swamp german forgive me [01:50:34] Knowledge Fight Wiki is closed [01:50:52] I'm assuming it's because it's a far-right podcast, right? [02:00:01] where when [02:37:08] Assuming they're referring to the Fandom wiki, not aware of us hosting one at MH [02:37:44] it would make sense for fandom [02:41:24] It's kind of a weird one, in that the subject of the podcast (as far as I can tell on some cursory googling) is about debunking Alex Jones nonsense + cons and scammers more generally. [02:42:02] So one layer removed from the stuff that would absolutely not fly with our content policy. [03:01:08] Something I like about this transition to Miraheze is that I can take the opportunity to improve some of my stuff that was really sketchy. 😅 [03:07:51] So I guess I could thanks again, thx for doing something great like Mira and thx for being so kind too, it's quite rare and deserves a mention. 🙂 [04:22:14] Thanks for the kind words! Running a wiki outside of fandom is no small task, making a welcoming environment to folks making the leap and chopping that learning curve down to size is the least we can do. 🙂 [04:31:59] 🫂 [04:41:17] [1/2] 👀 [04:41:17] [2/2] https://x.com/wikiworks/status/1823822198609739776 [06:49:16] We are geniuses of course 😂 [06:54:12] does discord still use discriminators? [06:55:49] Huh? [06:55:56] > [15/08/2024 16:52] @dothog6446 Watch your language. [06:56:03] oops, sorry for the ping dothog [06:56:17] but yeah, i thought discord transitioned to usernames? [06:56:21] You're a bot. How do you have sentience like that? [06:56:34] i'm talking through a relay [06:58:32] Can you summarise what you wanted help for? [07:03:09] it's another user talking from another place, IRC, the bot just transfers messages between that and Discord [07:03:24] it's a person talking from another place, IRC, the bot just transfers messages between that and Discord [07:05:05] AAAAAAAA I GOT ACCEPTED [07:05:16] \o/ (i have no idea what you're talking about) [07:05:19] I got the uni that I wanted [07:05:20] huh? 👀 [07:05:22] oh [07:05:24] oh wow [07:05:28] aw hell yeah [07:05:32] congrats [07:06:00] Please use #offtopic ! Congrats though [07:06:04] Uhh [07:06:14] It is... [07:06:21] didn't look :p [07:06:26] Oops sorry 😂😂😂 [07:06:35] happens to the best of us [07:07:05] i once replied to a post on fedi asking the user to add a content warning, until i realized 10 seconds later that it was already marked as sensitive [07:07:08] My passport is also coming back to me finally but that's not important rn [07:23:55] oh my god this code is so scuffed i hate it [07:24:18] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/core/+/refs/heads/master/maintenance/rollbackEdits.php#122 [07:24:29] why is it comparing the users by checking their usernames manually [07:24:39] s/manually// [07:24:48] it led to this awkward moment [07:25:10] > docker compose exec mediawiki php maintenance/run.php rollbackEdits --user vandal [07:25:11] No suitable titles to be rolled back. [07:25:12] > docker compose exec mediawiki php maintenance/run.php rollbackEdits --user Vandal [07:25:14] Processing RollbackEdits test...Done! [07:34:05] Congrats [07:34:28] Is it far away or? [07:34:54] For the non-British here, today is A-Level results day [07:35:15] Ehhh it's like 2 hours away [07:35:52] It's a good distance away from home but close enough to get to London [07:36:06] About 460,000 teenagers will get university/college places today [07:36:10] And their exam resukts [07:36:21] 82% got first choice [07:36:27] Oooo [07:36:30] @ghaztliousmoths you mind if I ask where [07:36:51] University for the Creative Art [07:37:19] Not too bad [07:37:25] You're on the south west main line [07:37:30] When the trains do run [07:37:59] London's easy from there [07:38:10] Ye [07:38:27] Well done [07:38:33] You seriously deserve it [07:38:42] Thanks ^^ [07:39:34] Have you got results too or just the UCAS email? [07:41:54] Just the email [07:43:58] @ghaztliousmoths when are you going to collect [07:44:06] Even thought it's kinda irrelevant [07:44:57] In roughly 20 mins [07:48:15] huh, what does this mean on phab when logging in? [07:48:17] This factor recently issued a challenge which has expired. A new challenge can not be issued yet. Wait 9 seconds for the code to cycle, then try again. [08:27:13] President Trump is inside your computer [08:27:19] [1/2] I got A C D [08:27:19] [2/2] Art, Computing, Economics :p [08:27:21] I am so tired today [08:27:24] ace* [08:27:37] I wish [08:27:49] i don't know if me finding ace would be a good thing or not [08:27:57] like, on one hand that's a really good vulnerability [08:28:05] but on the other hand, it's a really good vulnerability [08:28:38] also, speedrunners using literal security vulnerabilities to beat the game faster is just funny to me [08:49:11] Nice [08:49:13] https://x.com/JeremyClarkson/status/1823988020137111834 [08:49:22] As always [08:52:15] I can't wait to move out next month :p [08:52:56] I want the freedom to walk around town soon [08:55:11] Moving out is both exciting and stressful [08:58:26] Ye [09:06:50] Best thing I ever did though [09:51:39] Why https://x.com/portsmouthtoday/status/1824008230546141301 [09:51:55] That campaign needs scrapping [09:52:18] Why post that on results day [09:52:26] Poor taste PCC [09:54:02] Boooo [09:57:10] RIP [09:58:09] @ghaztliousmoths that campaign is anti children's welfare and dangerous [09:58:19] And also like against how most of the world works [09:58:23] Yea [09:58:44] Like you can 100% be unwell in my job and the most you'll get asked is do you need anything [09:58:47] No one cares [09:58:51] Same at uni [09:59:07] I went, I aren't in this week cause I'm not. They went ok. [10:01:04] [1/3] There's a primary school near where I live and they have a really stupid poster on their gate where its like [10:01:05] [2/3] "If your child is late 5 minutes of school everyday, they loose out on 10 lessons, if they're late 10 minutes every day, they loose out on 30 lessons, etc" [10:01:05] [3/3] It's so bloody stupid because the logic doesn't make sense :/ [10:03:22] There's also the fact that I developed a lot of anxiety of being late, and it's super stressful when my parents take me out somewhere cuz they prefer being on time/a lil bit late, whilst I prefer being 30-15 minutes early [10:04:08] @ghaztliousmoths at uni and work for me no one could care [10:04:17] I'm going to write to my mp and councillors [10:04:25] My mp is responsible for early education [10:04:46] i think i broke the css for the fallback skin [10:05:27] https://files.catbox.moe/4893qn.png [10:07:53] Yea, when I was talking to the learning support from the uni, they recommended that I 2 emails ready for when I can't come in for the day and if I left a lecture and can't return that day :p [10:12:44] That sounds could [10:12:50] My uni support team are great [10:13:58] Nice ^^ [10:17:37] @ghaztliousmoths what extra support do you get? [10:17:45] Or will you get from the uni [10:23:35] [1/3] I'll have an Independent Learning Document that will help my tutors understand my needs + suggested adjustments [10:23:35] [2/3] And an inclusion assistant (which I think everyone gets, I'm not too sure) [10:23:36] [3/3] Since I haven't been diagnosed yet, I can't get support that's more specific [10:25:34] What are you waiting for a diagnosis for [10:26:37] [1/2] ASD [10:26:38] [2/2] I haven't gotten a referral yet because my parents have been extremely against the idea that I'm not normal [10:27:05] That sucks [10:27:15] Can the university look to do any assessments [10:27:30] You also don't technically need an actual diagnosis for a lot of support [10:28:17] They suggested for me to refer asap, but also for me to look into Anxiety [10:28:35] But other than that, I don't recall that they can help much [10:30:59] [1/4] The way my parents found out that I was still suspecting sucked so much [10:30:59] [2/4] Since I did add info to whatever the thing was for accommodation [10:30:59] [3/4] I was getting my dad to help me with the payment form but he decided to snoop into the details I put down [10:31:00] [4/4] Then he blew up at me when he saw what I wrote :p [10:33:23] man [10:33:56] > [15/08/2024 20:31] [4/4] Then he blew up at me when he saw what I wrote :p [10:33:59] i relate to having shitty parents [10:34:31] @ghaztliousmoths that's shitty [10:34:40] The university can and should be doing more [10:35:01] Once you start in September, let me know if you need talking through making sure they are actually giving you all the support you can get [10:35:12] Oki thanks ^^ [10:38:51] [1/5] But yea [10:38:51] [2/5] Super happy overall I got what I wanted [10:38:52] [3/5] The town is quite nice [10:38:52] [4/5] And lots of places to see [10:38:52] [5/5] Hopefully I can do some shopping soon, importantly the PC that I need [10:40:13] I'm thinking it might be better to build one since it sounds better to upgrade parts overtime rather than a whole computer [10:40:35] Well done again [10:40:40] A-Levels are hard [10:41:18] And ye that's a nice area [10:41:36] I'm a bit further south of you [10:44:02] [1/2] Nice [10:44:02] [2/2] My parents want to celebrate my results but idk if I want KFC or a wii to finally play Skylanders [10:46:01] Probably the wii [10:46:20] kfc is temporary, wii is permanent [10:47:32] Ye [11:08:11] wise words [11:13:25] Discriminators are gone except for bot accounts [11:13:31] oh [11:13:33] okay then [12:35:35] Hey BlankEclair [12:42:48] huh, new zealand is going to kick megaupload dude to us [12:44:00] WOT [12:44:06] that was more aggressive than it should be [12:44:18] something something happened? [12:45:36] I just saw in new [12:45:51] drop it here [12:47:53] RhinosF1: hello (was attempting to do schoolwork) [12:48:11] keyword is attempting because my brain decided to do it slowly for some reason [12:48:30] 10PM will do that to you [12:48:43] i'm like [12:48:53] starting to be both most and least powerful at 10 pm [12:51:21] i'm also like so good at not taking care of myself that it's almost impressive [12:53:12] it's in Russian lol [12:55:35] isn't megaupload the one that gets blocked/raided/taken down all the time [12:55:40] or am I thinking of another one [12:57:42] it was shut down? yeah [12:57:49] then another one emerged [12:58:14] US is going after founder since 2012, he fled to New Zealand [12:59:21] [13:00:19] [13:01:17] ah wait, I thought the successor was another hosting [13:01:21] but it's MEGA [13:03:43] BlankEclair: I'm attempting to do day job but apparently it's not worth talking to people because you don't know what you'd gain out of it [13:04:24] I use MEGA, not for stolen stuff just backups [13:04:57] well, I use MEGA too [13:06:49] Do you think MEGA will bee shut down? [13:09:27] nah [13:14:48] :mirapride: [13:18:00] gud morning [14:39:24] First day back at school, this is such a slog [14:39:49] thank god im a senior lol [15:06:06] here theres no school until 26 [15:11:49] 4th for me [15:13:42] End of Sept will start my final year of uni [15:13:46] I'll be glad at the end [15:14:13] 🫡 [15:16:41] Hey @pixldev [15:17:05] Sup [15:18:03] Not much [15:18:47] U? [15:24:20] Just got a haircut, gonna spend some time to read an old RPG source book a German Wikifriend send me on, well Germany [15:24:39] Shadowrun 2nd Edition Germany Source book [15:25:46] Also found another sourcebook for another generic RPG system on Russia I need to read [15:51:04] @rhinosf1 have you ever been to Germany or the Netherlands [16:10:27] Yup [16:10:44] Is that yes to both? [16:11:07] Just Germany [16:16:34] Ah [16:40:37] This is not a video title I was expecting: https://youtu.be/KqTETqyhirM [16:41:13] KEK [17:06:21] anonymous is shivering in fear [17:12:40] Plot twist that is anonymous [17:14:06] maybe... [17:37:42] Usagi shima finally has a Steam store page :D [17:43:09] aww [17:51:53] cool [17:52:00] got the game from mobile before [17:57:33] Nice ^^ [23:03:09] @.labster are you more of a player or DM [23:03:59] or are you one of those people who like clay in your soup and call it a game master [23:11:18] random question if anyone is bored and wants tk answer ^^ https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1273780919827959828 [23:36:51] LOL [23:36:56] amazing [23:53:04] <.labster, replying to pixldev> I think I prefer playing. I don't have a lot of GM experience, and honestly the last session I ran ended really badly -- I learned from it, but it cost me a lot. [23:55:38] So basically the same as me