[00:06:57] <.labster> I'd be happy to run a one-shot, I guess [00:08:40] <.labster> At this point, though, I really haven't played since D&D 3.5, which means I'd need likely need to learn a new system to keep up with people. (I played 4e once, discovered that my fighter played exactly like a wizard, and instantly disliked it) [02:23:20] [1/7] Don't want to "flood" the general just for illustrating my point but here's how it was before and it not working on Mira without tweaking was the reason I changed it, can't remember who had mentioned flex to me but you're the best because it uses it now. [02:23:20] [2/7] This old version was a combination of several subs and sups with a relative offset, saying it was sketchy might still be an understatement and I wasn't seeing myself trying to fix. Now it uses a flex grid and there isn't even a offset issue, it's just perfect and it even works inline has I had wished since even before switching. [02:23:20] [3/7] Anyway all of that just to express how I'm so happy to be able to improve stuff, especially since I have several setups that use a similar thing and before each one used to need individual tweaks that was just pure insanity.. [02:23:21] [4/7] Pic.1 Straight out of Fandom [02:23:21] [5/7] Pic.2 New version on Miraheze [02:23:21] [6/7] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1273829416757362738/image.png?ex=66c00997&is=66beb817&hm=f67c411f5126dd61d87a83907b4fb05ec02d2c3b54341ba9565a408c2341c768& [02:23:22] [7/7] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1273829416983859302/image.png?ex=66c00997&is=66beb817&hm=7baeeb357345c412ce2e73e173b61627076bbe84b00f0a26919f5201a53179f7& [06:03:08] oh, /lit/ wiki requested [06:04:06] re https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/615786602454581249/1273373376454328402 [06:27:14] ah hell nah chanserv just left [06:27:17] [16/08/2024 16:26] <-- ChanServ (ChanServ@services.libera.chat) has left this server (shutting down). [06:27:32] (this is expected, but i thought it's just funny: [16/08/2024 16:09] [wallops] We'll be restarting services for maintenance shortly. Downtime should be very short. If you need help while they are down please ask in #libera) [06:27:50] what's that [06:28:02] fake user account that handles authentication on irc [06:28:17] oops i was thinking of nickserv [06:28:24] fake user account that handles channel registration and such on irc [06:29:08] It's not fake [06:29:20] IRC is weird [06:29:38] It's just more a special bot [06:29:44] hmm yeah i suppose [06:29:50] damn that would've been a great time to try /nick ChanServ [06:30:01] I would bet that's blocked [06:30:16] [16/08/2024 16:30] [Nick] Erroneous Nickname [06:30:44] hmm you can't be *Serv [06:34:10] That makes sense [06:34:22] There's at least 4 services packages that are common [06:34:28] Nick, Chan, Host & Oper [06:34:46] Memo and perhaps SASL [10:22:41] [1/2] Has anyone ever played Torpia? [10:22:41] [2/2] It's coming back of sorts as https://www.oilybeard.com/ [11:08:05] No one likes 4E [11:10:54] [1/2] Oh boi, the Kinder World update is coming possibly next week, depending on Apple/Google's review times [11:10:55] [2/2] I'm thinking of using tabber for the time being to have both versions of progression on the same page whilst people are migrating to the new system [11:40:45] >[16/08/2024 21:36] <-- Umbire (~Umbire@user/meow/Umbire) has left this server (Ping timeout: 264 seconds). [11:40:48] that cloak [11:45:08] Not as fire as a miraheze one [11:48:45] true, but the meow is alluring [11:49:01] also, i have a wikitide one :p [11:49:12] Booooo [12:09:53] > python client.py http://localhost:8080 [12:09:54] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_9.8 [12:09:56] awawa [12:09:57] Invalid SSH identification string. [12:09:59] i did a thing [12:17:31] Claire… [12:18:01] i actually read one of the http rfcs to figure out why nginx was sending apparently-invalid response headers [12:18:30] turns out that the value of the "Connection: Upgrade" response header is case-insensitive [13:17:40] pixldev: i wonder, how did you connect to your server's vs code (i forgot what it's called) instance? [13:18:07] code-server, it’s an open source thing that runs in browser [13:18:24] https://github.com/coder/code-server [13:18:30] huh, neat [13:18:54] btw, a thingy: https://git.average.name/BlankEclair/csp [13:19:00] Main annoying is extensions [13:19:10] It don’t use Microsoft’s marketplace [13:19:16] It uses its own ecosystem [13:19:32] And must enable each in CLI [13:20:45] i was about to host a socks5 or http proxy on my server until i remembered that i have ssh [13:20:51] so i just proxied that instead :p [13:24:18] BlankEclair: You might also be interested in https://blog.torproject.org/introducing-webtunnel-evading-censorship-by-hiding-in-plain-sight/ [13:25:19] It's a similar idea to your proxy, hiding behind a HTTPS website [13:25:33] oh... someone already made my idea [13:25:39] though it might be wrapped under ws [13:25:55] i actually use tor to get past the firewall, but tor is slow so :p [13:27:31] [1/5] The spinoff of modern systems has been really refreshing/interesting. My hot takes: [13:27:31] [2/5] * 5e, for better or worse, removed a lot of the complexity and streamlined for storytelling, though combat remains a bit of a slog given its origin. [13:27:31] [3/5] * Pathfinder carried on 3.5e's fun and complexity while sanding down rough edges, Starfinder took that up to 11 with its own concepts and an intercompatible sci-fi setting [13:27:32] [4/5] * The second edition of both PF/SF went even further away from 3.5e origins while taking some cross pollination from 5e to make something truly distinct from D&D. [13:27:32] [5/5] * Powered by the Apocalypse (aka Apocalypse World) spun off a slew of d6-focused games (notables include Ironsworn, Dungeonworld, Monster of the Week, Urban Shadows) that dabbled in narrative/systems spaces that D&D would be hard pressed to handle without heavy homebrewing. [13:29:08] (to the surprise of nobody, I've GM'd and played in most of the above systems) [13:30:19] 👀 [13:31:13] I suggested that we should run a WebTunnel proxy in Miraheze back before this was even announced in the TP blog [13:31:23] I agree combat can be a slog in 5E [13:31:37] There's a low chance I'd managed to get approval for such a server though [13:31:51] fun fact: my entire motivator for this is *.wikitide.net being blocked for "insufficient-content" [13:31:59] Although the new 2024 PHB does seem the switch some stuff up [13:32:08] Namely with the new Weapon Masteries [13:32:13] I’m excited [13:32:29] I’ve already submitted a request to my local library to order a copy [13:33:19] Another thing I’ve seen people recommend is quite simply, add new, inventive spells to the game [13:33:24] Loving the continued chipping away at the tech challenges, thanks for bearing with our TTRPG side-chat [13:33:27] Especially for veteran players [13:33:45] Like, imagine you’ve been playing dnd for years [13:34:16] Why run proxy? [13:34:37] And you’re fighting idk a necromancery’s troops [13:34:42] in terms of tor? who doesn't want to try to stop censorship [13:34:43] cuz fuck oppressive countries [13:34:50] Heh, the most obscene version I've seen this take was the 'ring of replacement'. Allows a caster to replace a letter in their spell's name, DM determines the effect if it's not an existing spell. [13:35:12] unfortunately there's this pesky thing called "misappropriating resources" or whatever (/s) [13:35:44] And DM starts describing as one of the ghouls slashes it’s own chest, blood flows out and begins to float and circle the creature, as it slashed toward you an arc of flaming crimson [13:35:59] That would be a pretty awesome way to mix it up [13:38:33] To give credit to where I got the idea, https://youtu.be/2RWv7vmhnFg [13:39:55] Ginny Di is a pretty neat D&D Creator [13:40:01] [1/5] Best part of homebrew, you can get reeeally weird with it. One of the first proper campaigns I ran: [13:40:01] [2/5] *An entirely homebrew setting that used D&D as its base [13:40:02] [3/5] *Set in the post-post-apocalyptic pacific northwest [13:40:02] [4/5] * Society had rebuilt to a high medieval/renaissance level but... [13:40:02] [5/5]  Lots of wild old world tech still littered the landscape and the folks of that world were very* scrappy with it. [13:40:29] That sounds awesome [13:40:43] I’ve always run in Faerin [13:41:07] By the end of it, the barbarian with the help of the artificer had helped 'liberate' an AI from a subway station it had been stuck at for centuries, slap it into their battleaxe with some anti-grav repulsors [13:41:13] Although I’m planning a new world so my next session will probably be in a Russia styled co [13:41:16] Boom, floating, levitating sentient axe friend. [13:41:34] Oh my god [13:41:47] The barbarian was very happy with this outcome [13:42:07] Now I wanna play in this world lmao [13:43:41] [1/4] Another wild-ass thing that D&D had no native way to handle from this campaign: [13:43:41] [2/4] * Party liberates an early quest-hub town from an occupying force [13:43:41] [3/4] * Rather than reinstalling the imprisoned ealderman and accepting they town's thanks... [13:43:41] [4/4] * They decided they wanted to run for mayor. All of them. At once [13:44:20] So I had to jury-rig a five-way electoral system, complete with speeches and determining effectiveness of voter canvassing efforts. [13:44:48] And when you have a levitating axe, holograms, and all sorts of magical nonsense... that gets very wild. [13:44:53] What the fu- [13:45:09] I’m not sure if I should feel jealous or sorry [13:46:01] That was definitely one of those 'uh oh, we broke the GM' moments, had to call a 10 minute break just to have enough time to cobble together an idea on that scale. [13:46:18] Lmao [13:47:24] The barbarian won but had no interest in actually ruling, so they instead created kind of a city council, which ended up being a fun way to both expand the settlement world + deliver new plotlines. [13:47:45] That actually reminds me of what I heard someone else do. One DM apparently made pieces of paper that said “Loading” along with facts like “Did you know: You get a +2 to AC when behind partial cover” and put it up on the DM screen whenever they needed to loook up stuff or think [13:51:14] I wanna see if I can compile a list of those facts hash [13:51:44] Although speaking of DM screens I did find one a while back that had a bunch more facts for the DM then the real one I have [13:51:45] Let me find [13:52:26] Had them on my phone [13:52:34] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274002870605189212/Bens_5e_Screen_Color.pdf?ex=66c0ab22&is=66bf59a2&hm=dc22fc6828922a7d73e9487003855b456ef2cb12b552c94e9b44e6b6fadce4f7& [13:52:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274002871024881684/Bens_5e_Screen_Vertical.pdf?ex=66c0ab22&is=66bf59a2&hm=297b82c464893ad44d7ccaa894b88ad8369604c9594326706d911f8c2f53339f& [13:52:49] DM screen of greater referencing [13:53:04] DMGuild is awesome [13:53:15] I’ve gotten so much stuff from it for free [13:56:34] Yep great resource, and to circle back to earlier, Ginni Di and others are doing a great job at making play and running games a lot more accessible/well-rounded [13:57:08] Agreed [13:57:16] Pointy Hat is also awesome [13:57:21] Early versions of D&D position the GM as an opponent to the players, with the win state of 'all players are dead'. In retrospect, that's not a particularly healthy mentality. [13:57:40] Yeah [13:57:44] But that's also what you get from something that was specifically born from a tabletop war game. [13:57:51] True [14:02:45] If scheduling wasn’t such a bitch o would say we should do a miraheze dnd game :p [14:09:42] there was a time none of VPNs worked for several weeks and I had to rely on Orbot, and on GBDPI on PC [14:26:23] Yikes! [14:35:37] What’s your favorite TTRPG combat system [14:41:41] This should be a fun thought experiment to entertain myself with [14:44:26] [1/5] That's a tough one. [14:44:26] [2/5] * I like the weird/flavorful combos Starfinder allows. I once had a big hulking lizard person in power armor whose whole thing was jet-assisted flying roundhouse kicks paired with laser-axe follow-up attacks. [14:44:26] [3/5] * I like how narratively flexible Monster of the Week and similar systems can get where you just have a basic roll but have a lot of free-reign to describe what you're attempting to do/pull items out of nowhere. [14:44:27] [4/5] * I like how blades in the dark allows you to utilize flashbacks to insert new plot elements during encounters, at a cost depending on how improbable it is [14:44:27] [5/5] * I like how DC20 (another 5e offshoot) is trying something wild by giving you actions you can use flexibly during your 'turn' but also outside your turn to impact the flow of combat or supercharge a particular action. [14:47:24] [1/4] Lots of honorable mentions, but the throughline in those is I like systems that: [14:47:24] [2/4] * still have rules [14:47:25] [3/4] * give room for creativity [14:47:25] [4/4] * simplify flow of encounters to avoid everybody punching the same big mushroom guy for 2.5 hours in real world time [14:47:52] Flashbacks? [14:48:56] Oh, like in a heist movie, where someone might reveal something unexpected and then you cut back to a scene where they set up that thing. Ocean's 11 being a great example of this. [14:49:35] Flashback = skipping back to an earlier point in the narrative to introduce something that was intentionally hidden before. [14:49:41] Intriguing [14:49:49] I’ve only ever played 5E for context so [14:50:43] If this one shot goes well and turns into a full campaign I do want to see about trying new 5E compatible combat systems [14:50:49] https://www.nimble5e.com is one such I found but haven’t tried [14:51:07] Their core V1 basic rules are free so I may read through [14:51:19] Since I don’t wanna change to an entirely different system [14:51:26] My players also probably don’t [14:51:46] That one's new to me as well. The absolute bummer with D&D's combat system is with larger parties, you can sometimes have up to 30 minutes before your next action, and if you roll shitty, well, so sorry, we'll see you again in another 30 minutes. [14:52:04] Great way to disengage players if they can't provide support narratively. [14:52:05] I’m gonna probably have 4 players [14:52:11] Yeah [14:52:35] What’s the point of hand picking the most horrific monsters in the game if no one cares [14:52:45] And oh boy there are some fun ones [14:52:52] I’m gonna start my next session with a snake [14:53:00] Who’s tail is also a face [14:53:24] and it moves by it’s two heads biting each other to turn into snake wheel [14:53:29] Wooooo nightmares? [14:53:41] [1/3] Yep. [14:53:42] [2/3] Turn 1: "You got stuck by electrofish and failed your save, so sorry, you're paralyzed" [14:53:42] [3/3] Turn 2: "Yep, still paralyzed" [14:53:55] Cool creatures can sometimes, uh... kinda break things. 😄 [14:54:15] Lol [14:54:33] The snake is a CR 1/2 (at least this one is, there’s another CR I think 3 block) [14:54:43] But the one i found yesterday [14:54:46] Oooh boy [14:54:50] What was it called [14:55:07] Let me look rq [14:55:53] Catoblepas! [14:56:00] If you’re in a swamp and don’t want your players to sleep [14:56:01] Good choice [14:56:13] https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560750-catoblepas [14:56:24] Booo pay wall [14:56:33] https://www.dndbeyond.com/avatars/thumbnails/25746/205/1000/1000/637880557250695125.jpeg [14:56:53] “The catoblepas is as loathsome as the vile swamplands in which it lives, a conglomeration of bloated buffalo, dinosaur, warthog, and hippopotamus parts.” [14:57:05] Don’t worry it gets worse [14:57:12] It’s stink is part of the star block [14:57:20] I love these horror bastards <3 [14:58:10] Summon the tarasque [14:58:29] 🙃 [14:58:43] Hahahahahahahahaha [14:59:52] [1/2] That reminded me of another chaotic moment from same campaign: [14:59:52] [2/2] * The party found a bandit stronghold where they had attempted an ill-advised tarrasque domestication program with some newly-hatched baby tarrasques [15:50:04] Fortress siege.. [15:50:18] What star block did you use for baby tarrasques [16:15:00] Me when I get my school schedule but it’s fucked and just not how my schedule should be [16:16:29] Honestly couldn't tell you, this was like, 2016/2017 [16:17:04] I hadn’t even reached double digits back then [16:50:55] I don't think our school timetables were ever right first time [17:19:43] seeing more and more signs of Fandom now going after fanon and tabletop wikis [17:20:01] expect more such requests [17:20:47] Huh? [17:28:51] and OC/worldbuilding wiki too [17:29:09] looking trough twitter, Fandom is on shutdown spree [17:37:56] https://wikis.world/@MinecraftWikiEN/112972891491685892 fuck yes [17:39:16] ? [17:39:52] Bundles are back [17:39:56] well, shit [17:40:14] I have a big wiki there I've built for years [17:40:19] minecrats don’t immediately just fall on an upwards ledge [17:40:27] new redstone mechanism [17:40:30] thankfully I got it backed up [17:41:06] I'm trying to spread the word really [17:41:27] this is devastating, you can tell some people won't get back to their works [17:41:32] because of that [17:43:32] yeah [17:44:29] it's possible my wiki would stay up, since it has been there for years and has been actively edited, but idk [17:44:43] in all cases, it's backed up [17:51:27] @theoneandonlylegroom seems like the fanon/oc/worldbuilding wikis are back up again [17:51:44] at least this one: https://the-ethanvanii-verse-oc-wiki.fandom.com/wiki/Edric_Parodies_Universe_Wiki [17:53:00] lemme see other examples [17:54:45] [1/2] oh yeah, another random example of a worldbuilding wiki I remember, the one by my brother: https://302-cinematic-universe.fandom.com [17:54:46] [2/2] it has zero activity now, but it's still up [17:55:49] I'll look into this further [17:56:09] but in all cases, I really hope the closure of all those wikis was just a bug/mistake and it was reverted [17:58:54] Hey @markusrost, question about @Wiki-Bot, is there any way for someone to set a person wiki selection for a server using slash commands, since every time I use the bot as a user installed app i get a dm complaining it don’t have a set servwr [18:00:41] it's still not a good precedent, and I've seen random shutdowns of such wikis before current spree and really not seldom, Fandom clearly doesn't like having niche wikia [18:01:02] The only precedent Fandom sets it power tripping [18:02:24] agreed, it's sad, but what can we do [18:02:40] and besides, if it was a bug, it wasn't the first time this happens [18:04:08] and I was concerned to see many of the smaller game wikis I've edited/made get closed, though thankfully it was resolved [18:35:34] Just go to Wiki-Bot's dashboard and set it up afaik [18:35:51] its on a server i have no persm on [18:38:57] Yea, it worked for me before [18:47:16] [1/2] Go to the dashboard and set up your user wiki: [18:47:16] [2/2] https://settings.wikibot.de/settings [18:47:43] Alternatively you can use `!wiki settings` in the DM [18:48:25] o, gracias. Is that global or can be per server [18:49:26] Can be per server as well, as long as Wiki-Bot isn't a member of it, just select the server on the dashboard [18:50:30] lerfect, Thanks! [19:03:23] [1/6] im so lucky [19:03:23] [2/6] i have a special alt for like, news posting, in a server i admin [19:03:24] [3/6] and when i decided to login in it, roughly 3 months after previous time, discord said "nuh-uh, u r sus, please check your email" [19:03:24] [4/6] and I said "ok, I'll check my email" [19:03:24] [5/6] but I made it as throwaway email on fucking yandex in 2019 [19:03:25] [6/6] and it said "nuh-uh, u r sus, please answer the quest" [19:03:26] :moonch: [19:03:34] and I can't answer ... [19:04:50] and to recover access yandex asks for your full name and shit [19:09:08] avoid yandex like plague, n=honestly [21:22:29] proton with a fallback of tuta are all I'd really indulge these days [21:23:16] yeaah, I got proton too (but then russia blocked it lol) [21:24:29] and I recently saw a report how fsb fished independent journos and opposition folks from proton emails 😬 [21:41:26] I cleaned my keyboard today - took about 30 mins and I have still not got all the gunk out of it [22:37:25] Also, is CirrusSearch worth it for a 1k page wiki? [23:06:56] I dunno how much better tuta would be but it's a neck to neck option [23:07:31] mailbox.org I hear comes close to the niche but they do some things oddly and my trial found it substantially worse in dealing with spam and in service speed [23:50:58] that and “quality” support after the fact