[00:00:02] can take a while for them to review but still cool [00:01:40] oh dear [00:01:42] uh [00:01:43] claire [00:01:47] helo [00:02:10] can you do me a favor and not look at your quips page [00:02:16] tempting [00:02:17] i may have [00:02:19] but i will refrain for you [00:02:23] made a slight miss copy [00:02:36] and added something to the tune of abooooooouuut [00:02:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Restricted_changes?useskin=vector&curid=72048&diff=414377&oldid=414373; blame centralauth? [00:02:41] 42 thousand bytes? [00:02:57] why did you tell me not to look [00:03:03] i really want to look now >:( [00:03:18] its fine im fixing it [00:03:26] there all better :tm: [00:03:29] can i look? [00:03:34] yes [00:03:48] frankly i wasnt expecting you to not to look [00:03:55] yeah same [00:05:42] now lets try this again [00:08:32] there we go [00:08:36] all better [00:09:22] ty [00:12:14] sowy bout that [00:12:23] eh, i don't mind [00:13:08] [1/2] we do definitely needs help [00:13:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274521428695318591/HyuzjRd.png?ex=66c28e14&is=66c13c94&hm=59693f224f6fc8ea291fd74476cd0db020b3bcc803631d6745a4419b6d23e97f& [00:16:29] O:3 [00:16:40] what [00:16:55] why is the emoticon form of smiling face w/ a halo that [00:17:05] shouldn't it be O:) [00:17:08] claire [00:17:18] what black magics are these you have cast on IRC [00:17:36] eh? [00:17:46] i just use nheko (a matrix client) to get emojis [00:17:58] 😇 [00:17:59] this thing? [00:18:41] yea [00:18:52] i've never used that emoji in my life [00:19:03] same prob [00:19:20] what kinda cursed stuff can i get myself into today [00:19:42] Oh god [00:20:21] web server? [00:20:30] Complete the Eclair web stack [00:20:38] need a server [00:20:47] i technically do have one, but pseudonym [00:21:34] If you can find a way to appease NGINX complaining about something taking his precious port 80 feel free to use mine [00:21:42] I should have added the Key [00:21:47] oh oki [00:21:48] what username [00:21:52] beware he is not a strong boi [00:22:03] blankeclair, same as the key had [00:22:07] I think :tm: [00:22:08] kk [00:22:34] should be sudoed since i don't give a fuck and its already a mess [00:59:06] Very demure [00:59:34] too much irc relay, eyes hurt... [01:02:48] half of my personality is a sailor gremlin [01:33:13] only? [01:33:55] also im working with django and instead of typing `python manage.py ...` i type `python managewiki.py` out of instinct [01:34:17] @gl0v3 im quite happy with the pleasent colors of irc thank you [01:34:19] LMAO [02:51:13] on the discord relay it just becomes a wall of text 😭 [02:51:30] i would probably use irc more if i had an actual computer [02:51:57] anyways good night or early morning to europeans [04:23:53] why does centralauth keep logging me out :( [05:36:59] Ah, CentralAuth normal everyday [07:21:16] [1/2] @ghaztliousmoths My councillor said: "It is perhaps unfortunate that this came out on results day, and I can't speak on behalf of the education comms team, but it's this kind of time of year when the message needs to get out when parents are starting to think of back to school and emphasising the importance of attendance for children." I replied with a bunch of examples of why the c [07:21:16] [2/2] ampaign doesn't target who it actually needs to. [07:22:34] Like I fully agree that attendance is important, I just think if you're vomitting or have cancer, you should maybe be allowed a bit of time off without repercussions. I also think that if you're the kid who has constant panic attacks, the school should be looking harder at the why. [07:23:15] And not needing like a 15 year old to go you do realise it's every Tuesday. Maybe think about the asthma attack in PE and why he might be concerned about that happening again. [07:26:27] [1/3] Yea [07:26:28] [2/3] Not to mention inschool rewards that put an emphasis on attendance/punctuality [07:26:28] [3/3] It feels more like mocking when you were only 2% off from 100% because of something you couldn't control [07:27:00] Oh I mentioned them too [07:27:19] Yay [07:27:23] I hate them [07:27:31] Especially when they affect people with cancer [07:27:35] Which I've seen happen [07:28:10] The campaign targets the people at 98% or 99% not the chronic absentees at 50% [07:28:24] Who just don't want to to go to school and parents don't care [07:28:38] Yea [07:29:11] My form in high school was the worst attending form in the entire school [07:29:19] So I think I can comment on attendance issues [07:29:30] Same :D [07:29:47] I had to vomit in front of a teacher once to make them happy I was unwell enough to go home [07:29:56] Oof [07:30:29] man [07:30:42] @ghaztliousmoths do you remember the beast from the east too? [07:30:55] Nope [07:32:08] It was a bad weather front from @theoneandonlylegroom's area that hit the UK in 2018. Caused a lot of snow. We had to go into school for an hour despite everyone else in the area including the rest of the academy trust closing. [07:32:23] Eventually, they realised we'd be trapped inside if we didn't leave soon [07:32:55] [1/2] Oh I remember [07:32:55] [2/2] That's was a long time ago [07:32:57] huh [07:33:33] We once got a taste of Siberian weather in winter [07:33:41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_British_Isles_cold_wave [07:33:54] You make me feel old [07:34:04] 2018 is not a long time ago [07:34:48] [1/2] Anything that I struggle to remember is a long time ago to me [07:34:48] [2/2] So that has a range from a few hours to years :p [07:34:55] [1/2] lowest temperature: -14 C [07:34:56] [2/2] PFFFF man, I'm in central Russia and get -30 in winter [07:34:56] 2018 was when everything happened at my high school [07:35:02] I remember that year well [07:35:06] Not for good reasons [07:35:10] siberia goes to -50 [07:36:30] so yeah no, you are lucky you didn't get to actually tastte siberian winter [07:36:53] Yay [07:38:23] [1/2] I'll never forget the day where the fire alarm went off 3 times [07:38:23] [2/2] I don't exactly recall what caused each incident that day, but man it was an interesting day [07:39:01] [1/2] A bin was sent on fire and a kid was smoking in the toilets [07:39:02] [2/2] Don't recall the 3rd thing [07:39:30] @ghaztliousmoths our fire alarm could normally be blamed on food tech [07:39:36] Oof [07:39:46] why would someone set a bin on fire [07:40:13] We did have someone deliberately set it off once [07:40:22] We had a genuine evacuation in primary school [07:40:57] still burning cigs do that all the time [07:41:07] oh [07:41:14] i forgot that people smoke [07:41:37] I keep seeing that even w/ steet bins [07:42:14] There are 2 burnt out bins on the sea front [07:42:19] Probably from BBQs [07:42:52] Fireworks were also popular to set off in school [07:46:03] We never had that [07:46:20] We did have someone set fire to the PE store on the field [07:46:39] Oof [07:46:47] how many arsonists are there? [07:46:59] Not many [07:47:08] oh ok [07:47:11] I do have a lot of stories though Claire [07:47:16] About all sorts [07:47:23] well [07:47:27] i've got all day :) [07:48:31] There was a time where for a few weeks during breaktime/lunchtime, people would do fake fights to gather a large crowd in the playground almost everyday [07:49:02] Some of the fights were real, but many during that time were just for attention [07:49:14] I'm about to go out [07:49:21] I'm here all next week though [07:49:30] Oki see ya [07:50:24] We had a fight over a chair once [07:50:31] That kid was intelligent but dumb [07:52:29] Damn [08:29:55] In my school there was a huge rivalry between two kids who just hated each other and almost every break there was they'd chase each other and sometimes it ended up in a fight [08:30:55] There was also a time towards the end of term during summer when there was a huge waterfight inside school and the punishment was that everyone involved had to clean the toilets [08:34:22] how are all your schools so chaotic omg [08:38:10] Oh and I remember they frequently had to lock the toilets because people kept breaking things so you had to ask someone to open if you wanted to go 🙄 [08:38:41] So yeah, overall it was probably not the worst in terms of chaos (at least there wasn't any setting bins on fire) but it had its moments [08:38:41] oh people have stolen the soap dispenser, sink knobs, and door of a bathroom here [08:38:45] do i want to know why? [08:38:49] i had a dramatic anime betrayal fallout scene with a classmate who said she only talked to me because she pitied me and i smashed a chair over her head [08:39:49] Funny enough the toilets were next to the councillors office in my school so it was all happening right next door under his nose 😆 [08:40:29] to this day i can't properly clean my hands in that bathroom [08:42:58] In my school, there was a girl who basically prostituted herself. The toilets were across the administration room, ... they must have seen the girl going into the boys toilets. [08:43:24] That reminds me of one time when someone hit someone else so hard in the head (I don't even know why) that it broke their arm [08:43:29] Everyone knew it, no one said anything about it [08:43:53] Wow, that's something else... [08:44:01] Looks like everyone's school has something "special" [08:44:58] Same with dealing drugs in the bicycleshed [08:45:02] i think the bell curve of "being a psycho" peaks at like 12-15 years old [08:45:06] the saying "every happy family are all happy in one way, but every sad family are sad in their own way" (paraphrased), but applied to schools instead [08:45:09] Every school has that nowadays [08:47:02] Show me a school that doesn't have kids with issues [08:47:07] I'll wait [08:47:18] actually... good point [08:48:11] It's one of the reasons why we homeschooled our kid. No need to have the peer pressure too [08:49:35] Another thing I remembered. Not sure if it was just a rumour but apparently there was a guy in a lower grade that dealt drugs and managed to rent out a small studio where he stored them and people came to buy [08:49:42] So yeah, fun stuff... [08:50:01] He was like 13-14 I think [08:50:12] I would do same tbh lol (I was chaotic in school, much more chill after that) [08:50:39] 🤝 [08:52:10] > [18/08/2024 18:49] Another thing I remembered. Not sure if it was just a rumour but apparently there was a guy in a lower grade that dealt drugs and managed to rent out a small studio where he stored them and people came to buy [08:52:13] should i be impressed? [11:19:18] Whaf [11:46:41] god/diety [11:47:51] Yea pretty much. I don't get why discord added this field I just use it as the status field. Before I had a U+200D in there so it is technically not empty but it does not render [12:33:48] [[w:Template:Structural_evolution_of_the_European_Union]] - Look at what I found on Wikipedia today. Oh god, the complexity [12:33:48] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Structural_evolution_of_the_European_Union [12:33:49] [12:34:49] No thanks [12:35:59] I still have no fucking clue how [[wp:template:infobox]] works so yeah. [12:35:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/wp:template:infobox [12:36:01] [12:48:46] nobody should, it's dark magic [12:50:39] Dark magic comes in may types. I specialize in X86 low level dark magic and DNS dark magic (the latter is harder) [12:51:49] War crimes! [12:52:33] Is it me or is that link is weird, I never seen Wikipedia: before Template 👀 [12:53:10] It’s a mistype [12:54:35] Okay, no wonder why it seemed weird [12:54:52] wikipedia is kind of a eldritch god [12:55:23] \> makes u go insane when u look at it for too long [12:56:40] I wonder if... [[w:wp:stocks]] works [12:56:40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wp:stocks [12:56:55] [12:57:02] [[wp:STOCKS]] [12:57:02] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/wp:STOCKS [12:57:17] [12:57:34] [[w:wp:AAAARGH]] [12:57:34] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wp:AAAARGH [12:57:44] [12:58:00] 🤣 [12:58:08] Wtf is that redirect [12:58:09] Probably should print the interwiki table and stick it next to my desk [12:58:18] try it and see [12:59:00] Yeah but like why does that even exist 🤣🤣 [12:59:31] <3 enwiki [13:00:33] (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [13:02:54] En.Wiki is a hot mess. [13:03:14] I am not going to be caught dead editing en.wiki while logged in. [13:04:24] Don't be that crazy yeah 🤣 [13:05:36] Why [13:06:45] I think I told you what I think of the en.wiki community and some of the sysops. There are chill people there but I would rather hang out with meta-wikimedians [13:09:42] Also, I think [[WP:OHSHIT]] needs to exit [13:09:42] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:OHSHIT [13:09:43] [14:23:46] So, how can I rewrite my URLs to hide the namespace prefex in URL? [14:25:34] why tho [14:26:33] Just looks ugl; [15:30:42] You can't [15:57:28] Well I will have to take a break on wiki-ing... Keyboard is dead and virtual keyboard won't get me far... 😭 [16:08:11] I use macros. A somewhat complex piece of software that monitors keystrokes, when it sees a key combination that matches a `seek` parameter it either gives me an input box (if set) and then fires off keystrokes of it's own. A lot of shenanigans can be done around the INSERT, ScrLk, F13>F24 keys [16:16:46] [1/13] Wikimedia\Assert\ParameterAssertionException from line 72 of /var/www/html/taerelwiki/vendor/wikimedia/assert/src/Assert.php: Bad value for parameter $dbKey: must not be empty [16:16:47] [2/13] #0 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/includes/page/PageReferenceValue.php(66): Wikimedia\Assert\Assert::parameter() [16:16:47] [3/13] #1 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/includes/page/PageIdentityValue.php(89): MediaWiki\Page\PageReferenceValue->__construct() [16:16:47] [4/13] #2 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/includes/Revision/RevisionStore.php(1720): MediaWiki\Page\PageIdentityValue->__construct() [16:16:48] [5/13] #3 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/includes/Revision/RevisionStore.php(1613): MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore->newRevisionFromRowAndSlots() [16:16:48] [6/13] #4 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/maintenance/rebuildtextindex.php(116): MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore->newRevisionFromRow() [16:16:48] [7/13] #5 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/maintenance/rebuildtextindex.php(69): RebuildTextIndex->populateSearchIndex() [16:16:49] [8/13] #6 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/maintenance/rebuildall.php(48): RebuildTextIndex->execute() [16:16:49] [9/13] #7 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/maintenance/includes/MaintenanceRunner.php(698): RebuildAll->execute() [16:16:49] [10/13] #8 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/maintenance/run.php(51): MediaWiki\Maintenance\MaintenanceRunner->run() [16:16:49] [11/13] #9 /var/www/html/taerelwiki/maintenance/run(3): require('...') [16:16:50] [12/13] #10 {main} [16:16:50] [13/13] Why? [16:19:11] can you summary what are you doing prior to the exception? [16:19:24] Moved pages to main namespace via mysql [16:20:58] It fixed now [16:25:46] [1/2] My £2 furblets arrived [16:25:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274766201255366826/20240818_172253.jpg?ex=66c3720a&is=66c2208a&hm=4d1de043bff9960bc076d5f90c0749b3521f15b5a6e9acb53382cf811d1fbb6c& [16:27:01] [1/2] @rhinosf1 NCA is trolling again [16:27:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274766513420894341/iu.png?ex=66c37254&is=66c220d4&hm=1d58faf03d41e8d3519443d129f28edb5e18dedbcd1521c8c5ba78dfa1f98c71& [16:27:46] Link? [16:27:53] oh that [16:28:08] https://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/news/nca-shuts-down-major-fraud-platform-responsible-for-1-8-million-scam-calls [16:28:56] Why is it only Bundeskriminalamt and the NCA that do a little bit of trolling when they make another bust. Everyone else just slaps a seizure banner. [16:29:12] Not sure how it's trolling [16:29:27] 3 were arrested [16:29:35] The police will catch others at some point [16:29:44] Sorry 4 arrested [16:30:35] It's funny [16:30:54] But it's not exactly trolling to have a takedown notice on their [16:32:45] [1/2] Normally it's just "this service has been seized" (insert insignia of agencies here) [16:32:46] [2/2] BKA would put some taxpayer euro into an inside joke or a better banner while the NCA goes ahead and makes videos that parody the material of what they are taking down [16:33:35] [1/2] They done a great job with LockBit [16:33:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274768168648446085/iu.png?ex=66c373df&is=66c2225f&hm=9807e325a0c2f99fe8dc4403e63b78674fe24ca92535f58c6236aeb5344901da& [16:35:46] I swear to god the official NCA account will be rocking up to the comment section of those skid videos just to scare them with a pang of ironic cringe [16:36:44] Heh [16:38:22] I still die of cringe when I see cyber choices [16:38:50] [1/2] Don't forget we are on a "popular communication platform to share hacking tips" [16:38:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274769487991935146/kids-using-kali-linux-are-the-next-generation-hackers-uk-police-warn-529211-2.png?ex=66c3751a&is=66c2239a&hm=b2b9ecd627d3517aea07ffe80f3d0b83e6365f7f345eecd06abd1797f8a8e585& [16:39:48] I mean two of my servers have hack in the name [16:39:51] Scary [16:39:58] The Disocrd one is pretty silly [16:40:21] "Discord is so dangerous, kids can share _hacking_ tips on it!" [16:40:59] All are silly [16:41:00] Also I'm pretty sure most parents aren't going to tell the police about their kids hacking activities [16:41:18] But honestly the poster is just giving people ideas about how to do malicious stuff more than anything [16:41:41] I knew about all the other stuff but hadn't actually hears of wifi pineapple before [16:41:44] there is a skriptkiddie trend of them doing the "ROCU checklist" [16:42:06] Not surprised, that's exactly what I thought when I saw it [16:42:48] Hopefully that campaign was withdrawn [16:43:06] The current cyber choices campaign definitely doesn't use it [16:43:50] Some of them also hold up a 9mm when they take a picture, violating at least one rule of firearm safety and showing the serial number of the gun. A quick query to the ATF and a alias suddenly links to a identity [16:45:44] The NCA said they had nothing to do with it and the West Mids ROCU distanced themself and blamed a third party [16:46:10] Of course they did, but what goes on the internet stays on the internet. For good. [16:46:32] Yup [16:46:47] You'd think the NCA & a ROCU would know that [16:46:57] It sounds like it was written by a young intern [16:47:56] Young intern I doubt [16:48:10] They probably have half of them installed at a minimum [16:52:42] Probably written by an older person who isn't exactly computer savvy. [16:53:50] I would be surprised if VB with a kali image that contains MS is a part of the standard set of software that goes on an analyst machine. [16:59:53] [1/2] [[pagename|page name]] [16:59:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/pagename [16:59:54] [2/2] Is there a regex that can change stuff like that to stuff like [[page name]] [16:59:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/page_name [16:59:57] [17:04:27] first, that depend on your wiki's structure, and the other thing that matters was it requires some automated solution if you plan doing this in large quantities [17:06:33] Yes, using Java wiki broswr, and pageslinks are [[name|name]] I just want to make the links [[name]] [17:06:33] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/name https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/name [17:06:37] [17:13:54] [1/3] I try making one in Regex101: [17:13:54] [2/3] `\[\[(.+)\|(.+)\]\]` [17:13:54] [3/3] replace it with `[[$2]]` [17:13:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%242 [17:14:39] Dos nto select [17:15:05] ? [17:15:27] In JWB no changes [17:17:18] [1/2] consider the environment as of Java, I don't see any difference here [17:17:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274779169024376955/R.png?ex=66c37e1e&is=66c22c9e&hm=06e9e6407754c510de7293a8b193a5504b9dc898cff5ddb2a41661ded3210ebb& [17:18:24] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274779442979409991/desktop_1_001.png?ex=66c37e5f&is=66c22cdf&hm=4a8ad38e3fae69d89c034065a17498e64225fb96a954ab76eb8c0b8cddbe99ca& [17:18:35] LOL [17:18:47] Check the `Regular Expressions` [17:19:18] Oh forgot ty [17:19:38] working now? [17:21:16] Yes. Ty, JWB makes my arm store [17:22:12] turns out I'm not that bad at RegEx [17:27:49] That just replaces the content with the 2 thing [17:28:48] ye, but afaiu, you wanted the link to be replaced as the content of both was the same [17:29:45] but just in case you wanted to try again, I have issued a fix, to instead keep the first part [17:30:07] return to that message for new regex [18:01:23] [1/8] Searching for active revisions...done. [18:01:24] [2/8] Searching for inactive revisions...done. [18:01:24] [3/8] 2821 old revisions found. [18:01:24] [4/8] Deleting...done. [18:01:25] [5/8] Searching for active text records via contents table...done. [18:01:25] [6/8] Searching for inactive text records...done. [18:01:25] [7/8] 0 inactive items found. [18:01:26] [8/8] That is a lot of old revs [18:02:34] [1/2] Making my first complete page [18:02:35] [2/2] Feel unreal but here we are [20:20:46] [1/7] This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. [20:20:46] [2/7] Kin'toni clans in the Twilight Age [20:20:46] [3/7] Minor kin'toni groups in the Twilight Age [20:20:47] [4/7] Zu'aan cities in the Twilight Age [20:20:47] [5/7] Zu'aan tribes in the Twilight Age [20:20:47] [6/7] [ommited as they are not really relevent} [20:20:48] [7/7] Do you think this follows wikipedia style category names? ChatGPT, Germini and Freelancer Chat Bot seem to think they do# [20:21:20] Would Wikipedia say "during the X age" or "in the X age"? [20:32:40] @pixldev this is what you missed [20:33:45] _diss_ [20:36:41] `taking over Pix` [20:53:52] during the X age would sound better for a historical or past tense subject [20:54:09] or atleast it makes more sense [20:56:01] It appears Wikipedia may use "in the X age" [20:57:57] tbh it comes up to personal preference at this point [20:58:50] It should be from the beginning [21:18:04] [1/2] For the Middle Ages, 3 results popped up for "during" and 94 for "in the". Stone Age, 20 for "in the", 2 for "during". for the Bronze Age, 11 for "in the" , 5 for "during". [21:18:05] [2/2] Appears Wikipedia may lean towards using "in the" esp. in category names [21:19:08] [1/2] Link: [[w:Special:Search/intitle:"Middle Ages" prefix:category:]] [21:19:08] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search/intitle:%22Middle_Ages%22_prefix:category: [21:19:08] [2/2] Used this and then used ctl-F to find the places where it is menioned [21:19:09] [21:23:38] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1274841160992690176/image.png?ex=66c3b7da&is=66c2665a&hm=5a9cda22933686e9942256eaa9d725babfdcf97c38c40ca1a9e267113402d6bb& [21:23:53] "it's impossible to make a modern website support old browsers" my ass [21:31:24] hardly impossible, but tbh I see little reason to [21:31:54] on the other hand there are pretty good and extremely backwards compatible presets that don't take a lot of time to implement if you're doing a site from scratch [21:34:17] Did you make that site? [21:35:00] no sadly [21:35:08] https://www.mktoys.com [21:35:45] it does have issues on iPad quite ironically [21:36:02] though I suppose if you’re on mobile you’re supposed to use https://m.mktoys.com/ [21:37:15] I just find it really impressive that this website was made last year, relies almost entirely on JS based content (virtually no static urls for stuff like search pages), pulls JSON from an API and parses that on the product info page [21:37:22] and yet it still works on internet explorer 6 [21:38:02] minimal polyfills as well [21:38:39] I think everyone should aspire to the level of compatibility displayed by MKToys web designers [21:43:17] I found some super cute avocado toys [21:43:35] but they even have an api [21:43:57] https://www.mktoys.com/services/ [21:44:34] or http://www.mktoys.com:9075/ if you wanna perform requests over http [21:45:01] I just wonder how many avocado plushies I would end up with if I brought from there [23:00:18] Oi claire