[00:45:17] funny proprietary L, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/File:MediaWiki_vs._Confluence_-_EMWCon_2018.webm (3:55) [00:53:56] lol L indeed [00:54:10] I wonder if it's still there [00:55:03] atlansian is Australian? [00:55:05] huh [00:56:08] may try setting up bluespice locally [00:56:10] for fun [00:56:47] oh they added ai [00:56:58] sigh [00:57:18] Summarize contents [00:57:18] Don’t waste time reading long texts. Simply ask for a summary of the most important information. [00:57:19] Write or improve texts [00:57:19] No more struggling for words. The AI Assistant creates suitable texts from your notes or suggests adaptations. [00:57:20] Have texts corrected [00:57:20] Save yourself the trouble of proofreading and automate it. [00:57:21] I mean [00:57:30] seems useful ngl [00:58:58] anyone have any experience w/ bluespice? [01:00:02] cc @.labster since I know you do enterprise mediawiki [01:29:04] <.labster> PixDeVl: not me, maybe @serverlessharej has used it? I have heard the Bluespice must flow [01:30:01] what? [01:30:27] also relatedish, are you an employee or contracter with wikiteq, curious [01:30:56] <.labster> I’m just a contractor right now, it might change in the future. [01:31:25] <.labster> I feel like AI is at a point where it is almost correct, which is another word for subtly wrong in ways that are hard to detect. [01:34:03] lmao [01:34:32] and okay thanks i thought it was full employee hence why i got confused checking their about page [01:57:36] I've never used Bluespice [03:00:13] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fe/MediaWiki_vs._Confluence_-_EMWCon_2018.webm [03:00:20] just embedding this for our discord folk [09:07:45] Who [09:44:54] o/ [09:45:01] o/ [09:45:15] hows folx doing? [09:45:24] reading https://maia.crimew.gay/posts/gps-track-deez-nuts/ rn [09:45:26] that slug [09:45:34] its a riiiide [09:59:47] > the api, for example, has sql injection built in as an internally used feature, allowing a client to add to any database query made by the backend and extract even more data or arbitrarily filter its result [09:59:52] c'mon... this is even worse than cargo [10:02:53] i have another wild ride :3 [10:02:56] https://mango.pdf.zone/finding-former-australian-prime-minister-tony-abbotts-passport-number-on-instagram [11:08:04] The company who makes JIRA and confluence and like idk status pages [11:08:33] ..what [11:08:37] This is sad [11:08:46] what? [11:08:54] The last one [11:09:08] at least it's not the no fly list i guess [11:09:22] Oh atlassian [11:24:56] That reminds me about how someone posted their flight booking on Twitter (I think?) and something like "excited to be going to this summer" and my first thought was that someone could just access their booking and cancel it if they wanted to [12:10:36] me on my way to figure out how to get access to the re module by traversing python objects [12:14:35] What in the depths of the Nine Hells of Avernus have you done this time Eclair [12:14:59] basically, i want to use regex in a jninja (i think that's what it's called?) template [12:15:09] however, the code that's calling it does not appear to give me regex afaik [12:15:17] but! i have access to a string!! [12:15:32] Jinja [12:15:48] oh oops [12:15:54] i blame the code comment i read :p [12:16:46] I must say I’m impressed you aren’t trying to just add it to your parser [12:17:00] ooo i have access to self [12:17:07]  [12:17:31] What are you trying to do with regex [12:18:09] https://drive.google.com/file/d/awawa/view -> https://drive.usercontent.google.com/uc?id=awawa&export=download [12:19:49] Replace? [12:20:23] yes [12:20:26] Why dont you just [12:20:30] Make a custom filter [12:20:31] oh hell yeah i got __builtins__ [12:20:34] ah [12:20:39] you see... i didn't want to modify the source code [12:20:51] why? ...i don't know [12:21:03] You don’t need to [12:21:12] wait [12:21:13] what [12:21:20] Jinja2 correct? [12:21:26] lemme check [12:21:45] yes [12:21:47] [1/6] ```py [12:21:47] [2/6] # Custom filter method [12:21:47] [3/6] def regex_replace(s, find, replace): [12:21:47] [4/6] """A non-optimal implementation of a regex filter""" [12:21:48] [5/6] return re.sub(find, replace, s) [12:21:48] [6/6] jinja_environment.filters['regex_replace'] = regex_replace``` [12:21:55] that's modifying the code though [12:22:17] no thanks, i'd like my self._TemplateReference__context.gettext.__builtins__.__import__('re') xD [12:22:20] Oh I thought you meant the library source [12:23:06] sigh stupid girl [12:23:22] You scare me you know [12:23:25] yeah i probably could get to a builtins from a python type [12:23:37] but i didn't want to look it up because i wanted to research the path byself [12:23:41] myself* [12:23:56] [1/2] Meanwhile [12:23:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1275067726456684564/image0.jpg?ex=66c48adb&is=66c3395b&hm=7b4bc2ea8ac61d5833751d4ae2e99478901b2f274fe22b4b9c9bd57b980b392c& [12:24:08] what in the fuck am i stupid [12:24:20] oh i still need regex though [12:25:15] Is that a rhetorical [12:25:29] you could answer that :3 [12:26:04] i hate that it works [12:26:38] So do I and I don’t see it [12:27:12] i may have a mild case of NIH syndome [12:27:19] Do I wanna know [12:27:31] nih = not invented here [12:27:33] https://files.catbox.moe/7ati59.png [12:27:34] https://files.catbox.moe/gs3gri.png [12:27:40] you can have the document id as a treat :3 [12:30:18] I’ll spend 5 minutes copying it manually later [12:32:22] What exactly are you trying to make [12:32:37] local wayback machine but for select websites that i wanna archive [12:32:58] it's more like protoweb or archive.today in that it tries to restore/retain functionality [12:33:13] The powers of being actually good at coding, you want something, you can make it in 3 days [12:33:19] 😔 [12:33:27] in my case i just ditched the non-working in-browser pdf reader and just made it redirect to the download page instead [12:34:55] also [12:34:58] > [19/08/2024 22:23] sigh stupid girl [12:35:04] new testimonial dropped [12:35:20] Sigh [12:35:44] Seriously? [12:35:51] That’s the one worthy of highlighting [12:35:59] Not the nine hells one? Lmao [12:36:14] i'm trying not to laugh lmao [12:36:17] D&D lore buffs weep [12:36:37] also, i forgot about that, that's going as both a testimonial and a quip [12:36:42] https://forgottenrealms.antifandom.com/wiki/Nine_Hells [12:38:45] btw, have you seen https://blankeclair.github.io/rvw-birthdays/? [12:39:27] Screenshots and the code ironically haven’t used it [12:39:58] huh [12:40:11] Cargo powered ja? [12:40:16] nah, not yet [12:40:21] i find live-replacing the current page with mediawiki more cursed than traversing python objects [12:40:37] What [12:40:52] Do they not use English in Australia after all [12:40:52] search for await generateTable [12:40:55] and read from there [12:41:43] What [12:41:49] Am scared [12:42:19] should i give you the experience of seeing how it works, or should i spoil you [13:08:12] Up to you [13:08:25] depends on if you're gonna read it or not then [13:08:36] Rainverse? [13:08:57] I mean fat bloody chance I remember the dates [13:12:32] pixldev: no, i mean the source code [13:27:07] Oh my bad [13:56:53] i'm the type of gal who would update an extension and wonder why the updates didn't appear to deploy, until i realize that i was in the wrong mediawiki install [13:58:49] Absolutely [13:59:55] do you think i can stick in a "nya" in a security issue [14:01:18] Honestly [14:01:26] I have no idea what you’re capable of anymore [14:04:43] https://files.catbox.moe/1sk1u1.png [14:06:00] Sigh [14:13:04] could you imagine being the maintainer right now [14:13:49] Not really since it’s redacted [14:14:00] So I don’t know who or what it is [14:15:55] actually [14:15:58] good point [14:16:20] hopefully it'll be soon... they've been dragging their feet which is kinda annoying [14:16:45] Bem vindo MediaWiki [14:17:04] maybe there's a good reason--i'm too shy to ask "oi i want to make memes about this already, what's the holdup?" so i'll just say nothing [14:17:53] anyway, nini [14:17:56] I've been reading that thread its very infuriating [14:18:06] LMAO [14:18:07] It gives a "i know better, ill make my own patch" vibe [14:18:12] And still fail [14:18:14] Relatable [14:18:21] and introduce more issues [14:18:24] My wiki lead once found a security issue in fandom [14:18:36] Luckily it was fixed super fast so I could make memes [14:18:45] It let blocked users edit pages i think [14:18:48] and is even worse security-wise that i can't even disclose it here until it's all public [14:18:53] I should know I tested it [14:18:53] This is why i wouldnt touch a yaron extension with a 10 foot barge pole [14:19:41] I thought we were meant to not identify the extension with the issue [14:19:47] dunno why he's talking about yaron [14:19:53] Could be any extension [14:19:55] although he’s made a lot of extensions [14:19:57] Yea [14:20:35] > [20/08/2024 00:18] Luckily it was fixed super fast so I could make memes [14:20:38] Dont know what your on about, anyway. I didnt refrecne any developer in my message 😛 [14:20:38] priorities xD [14:20:52] Just realised that wont get edited on IRC side [14:21:06] I actually wondered if it affect our fork of the extension but I don’t think so [14:21:28] Metagall said not and I trust him but never actually tried [14:22:01] It’s probably fine [14:22:03] Right? [14:22:07] > probably [14:22:09] Just had an apple anyway im so helf [14:24:58] anyway, actually nini [14:27:06] You wish [15:10:23] Going back to revamp my very first coding project ever [15:10:26] I’m dying [15:12:56] i'm rewriting my createwiki alternative 😦 I spent since december working on the initial version and decided I don't like it [15:13:06] Bruh [15:13:30] ikr [15:13:49] Good luck ig [15:14:04] No requirements.txt or dependency management of course [15:14:06] Oh well [15:14:11] Time to bust out poetry [15:14:13] I just wish ooui wasn't so ugly [15:16:20] Hm [15:16:26] Let’s try pypika [15:52:46] You're insane [15:53:04] I wonder if I could recover my old raspberry pi work [15:53:27] It had a dead network setup last time I booted it [15:56:16] not as much as i used to be [15:56:20] wanna feel immense pain? [15:56:31] go to my GitHub and discord credit manager bot [15:57:05] also i don’t like query builder [16:01:29] No [16:01:45] My own early code is bad enough [16:01:48] Why [16:01:48] fuck this im going back to sql [16:02:04] Just needless hassle for simple queries im using [16:02:22] I love ORMs for complex object based stuff [16:08:52] @rhinosf1 im type casting function definitions out of spite [16:15:08] Hmm [16:15:14] Type casting is good [16:15:17] Why spite [16:20:15] love it but poorly implemented [16:20:24] (in php anyway) [16:24:20] of my own code [16:25:13] You should always write good code [16:25:23] I'm a Python dev [16:25:29] so much work though [16:25:29] It's barely implemented for us [16:25:39] Yes doing things right is often effort [16:26:23] This project is just revamping to make it work and a bit different [16:26:30] its a commission in minecraft money [16:27:11] So i dont care too much [16:27:54] You should always care [16:31:17] Minor thing I noted about Auto Wiki Browser + Short URLs on my non Miraheze wiki - did not work when I used /w/ (claiming that I was "missing the root element" but when I used the install path of /taerelwiki/ it worked [16:51:49] Aslo downloaded and set up AWB as JWB was not working for me, and THEN after I rebooted twice and changed desktop eveoment, it bleeding starts working [17:01:30] i dont waaaannaaaaaaa [17:02:44] @pixldev this is why I like being paid [17:02:52] It's easy when you're being paid to care [17:03:01] My care for work ends at 4pm [18:43:19] I'm still active at DeviantArt, so I have no plan to make my own new wiki from Miraheze yet. I can't use other art websites that are similar to DeviantArt. not good for my Interesting Facts [20:41:37] [1/3] Haven't been to DA in a while. [20:41:37] [2/3] There was once a time that I'd check it once a day (before February 2017). [20:41:38] [3/3] But nowadays, I guess I grew out of that-- 🤔 [20:42:28] I have it, but little of interst is on there besides some short writings of mine [20:44:43] I deleted mine somewhere in 2014