[00:00:49] imagine how memorable that is [00:01:01] even more so considering some of my players are new [00:01:15] granted i should be careful to not make it too jarring then [00:01:41] Heh, speaking of weird nonsense: Kuo-Toa. Individually they are weird unthreatening nonsense, but they have a sort of latent 'group will/wish' thing where if enough Kuo-Toa believe in a fictitious god hard enough, they can will it into existence. [00:01:51] Even if it's like, just a cool mop-bucket that fell into the sewers [00:02:03] oh, i remember hearing about them [00:02:16] this includes gods as well i think so [00:02:33] [1/3] 1. cook [00:02:33] [2/3] 2. gaslight [00:02:33] [3/3] 3. profit??? [00:03:00] oh this is interesting [00:03:02] > According to Malyanna, a servant of the Abolethic Sovereignty, all cosmologies were threatened by the same Far Realm.[6] [00:03:27] maybe later on some oppertunity to make cheaky references to other dnd settigns [00:07:40] [1/2] > When meeting beings from the Prime Material plane, the Inner Planes, or the Outer Planes, Far Realm entities often adopted forms of creatures familiar to the viewer.[4] [00:07:40] [2/2] fits with the idea of twisted hybirds [00:07:45] im being validated!!!! [00:09:17] theres plenty here to use as a baseline [00:09:52] maybe the item the party is being contracted to retrieve is something to help thin the barried between the worlds to trigger the incursion [00:10:01] this is cool lore I got just from a conversation! [00:33:06] Some additional mind-bending material for enrichment in this genre includes the stalker franchise, and the movie/ book series annihilation [00:34:28] interesting, do you have links for those? [00:34:56] Currently tackling some chores, will send links in a bit [00:50:25] Sent in DM [01:09:35] Does anyone elses head explode when looking at JS or just me [01:12:02] any lang really [01:15:36] Its 2am and my brain just isnt cooperating [01:17:30] I only know javascript because I bent my brain into a shape that supported it. [01:36:12] JavaScript is one of the worst languages to learn I think; because all the time there is a new standard that completely changes how things are done. [01:36:27] It was the first language I tried to learn and I'm still not proficient [01:36:59] doesn't happen much with php because everyone kinda just accepted it is what it is lol [01:37:25] [1/2] Relevant: [01:37:25] [2/2] https://youtube.com/shorts/G7L6mQxlfVU?si=7BUyjbJ2TSgDrn2w [01:38:54] <3 Pirate Software [01:41:37] Oh i see his videos all the time [01:41:40] He's cool [01:43:39] awesome guy [01:45:38] Fill in the blanks: [01:46:20] Miraheze is actually an acronym: it stands for Man, I Really Adore How E Z E [01:49:47] Extraordinary Zebras Elaborate [02:07:27] <.labster, replying to originalauthority> JS was designed in one week and it really shows [02:08:43] <.labster> I don’t think it’s as hard to learn as as a low-level language like C (which was called a high-level language when I learned it) [02:10:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276725258807803914/Screenshot_20240818_021625_WhatsApp.jpg?ex=66ca928e&is=66c9410e&hm=e63c139adb97822f83e196f60901bd3c37e12cf71d11588874468bc03ee7b3b7& [02:11:12] quick on the draw [02:11:34] interesting smart to use images to bypass automod [02:11:47] maybe we should add that stuff to AM tbf [02:17:01] I'd love to learn C or C++ or C# but I just don't have any use for it [02:17:15] Like what realistically would I use that for [02:17:21] just use rusrt [02:17:43] What for though? [02:17:54] I cant think of anything I'd need something like rust for [03:10:00] C# can be used to create compatible mods for unity-based games, so there's that. [03:56:02] hello guys, good night. [03:56:15] I need some help about finding a tv series. [03:59:15] The series is about a woman detective finding about a satanic cult, who tends to sacrifice newborn babies, and every time the detective finds possible clue, the suspect gets murdered and/or physic evidence gets destroyed. [03:59:41] This show was made in Spain, but I don't remember the name. [05:28:45] Interestingly, he has a wiki on his own [05:28:54] https://piratesoftware.wiki [05:29:22] And the Heartbound Wiki is gonna migrate soon [08:35:50] me right now making my own template lmao [08:36:51] its technically working but it has so much white space i cant figure out how to remove XD [08:37:06] each time i go to this discord i feel like i'm consulting the wizard academy [08:40:44] [1/2] I just fixed it but have no idea how i did [08:40:45] [2/2] magic is insane [08:41:01] the wonders of html and css [08:54:18] yeah, don't add too much line breaks, it's especially finicky inside a div, I abuse breaking w/ commentary lol [08:55:28] I still have two work pages to rewrite on two diffantr wikis for Taerel + and I will have to crosswick two work pages (on two diffant wikis) and recrosswick another . I really hate rewriting pages [08:57:29] [1/2] it's more that it's a conditional line; i.e. depending on the parameters the line's either there or isnt [08:57:29] [2/2] if it isnt, it thus results in a linebreak [08:57:30] fellas, got a weird idea for my wiki organisation and need your advice, like is it shit or not lol [08:57:54] though does that mean i should put comments for when it's supposed to be "blank" lol [08:58:51] Go ahead [09:08:11] [1/6] because articles about concerts should have "pretty dry" titles, I decided to give them separate namespace [09:08:11] [2/6] I started thinking about adding magazine articles, who too will have dates and numbers in titles, so would sit better in new custom namespace [09:08:11] [3/6] now I look at the rest normal articles, where same titles happen a lot and - should I make more custom namespaces per subjects w/ high amount of pages, to avoid brackets? [09:08:12] [4/6] and bundle DISPLAYTITLE into infoboxes for nicer look? [09:08:12] [5/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276830403994456074/IMG_20240824_120633.jpg?ex=66caf47a&is=66c9a2fa&hm=f694763a650ced6cf676e871771a835fe2497ad8fbe528079c6965f5fcafebbd& [09:08:12] [6/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276830404330131486/IMG_20240824_120754.jpg?ex=66caf47a&is=66c9a2fa&hm=6e38f8e601ccc9b20f5307f596cfa5ddb72f7fb8013f025c82e5cb663badee4b& [09:09:55] [1/2] disambiguation pages will stay tho ... [09:09:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276830840646537301/IMG_20240824_120940.jpg?ex=66caf4e2&is=66c9a362&hm=38e8538cb077c2eb509a98cbf174377b34771e6e74e9036f5a9c7b53df376424& [09:10:23] having a custom namespace just per 2 or 3 pages feels pretty weird [09:10:44] nah, there will be much more [09:10:49] in some cases [09:11:28] [09:12:36] I'm just a lone at making pages but I have a clear vision of overall amount of them lol [09:13:46] articles about people, bands or lists, and probably books, will stay in main namespace, they're both in lesser amount by subject and have all unique enough titles [09:19:54] [1/2] im sort of of the opinion that namespaces are for things that have more technical? purposes, but then again i havent been in this situation [09:19:55] [2/2] but also i think custom namespaces per title doesnt actually solve the root problem of "a lot of very similar page names", since the namespace prefix will be there and it just moves that part of the page name to behind a colon [09:42:58] I used to be into namespaces as content dividers but have strongly moved away from that attitude [09:44:18] it brings no real content benefit, makes names needlessly more technical, doesn't organize in a way that isn't better served with categories, and unless you're building the wiki around it you are confusing scopes by having the technical/purpose divisions (file, project space, etc) mingle with content namespace with a fancy separator [09:44:35] so unless you intend to take full advantage of namespacing's features, ie you need it, I do not recommend doing it that way [09:45:31] volume by subject is what categories, portals and such exist to serve [09:49:19] I have my main content in NS 0 as the taerel: prefex was ugly [09:50:27] thats how its supposed to work, project namespace is for meta things like the operation of the wiki itself [09:53:11] I have few non mainspace things in project: [11:59:04] ExpandTemplate lied to me; my templates look bad when actually transcluded LOL [12:00:24] top 10 anime betrayals [12:01:48] honestly though i cant tell what really went wrong [12:02:35] do you think that my server hates that i now have four concurrently running mediawiki instances? [12:03:06] no. in fact its hungry. feed it more mediawiki instances [12:03:58] tmux is just lol [12:04:15] https://files.catbox.moe/2bg3ml.png [13:16:38] Gasp [13:17:16] kinda want the contribs link to be available on imported edits... but i'm too lazy [13:42:44] why aren't you running afarm [13:42:47] silleh [13:42:54] what? [13:43:12] you have 4 different mediawiki installs running? [13:43:41] at the moment yes [13:43:52] why not just 1 with 4 different wikis [13:44:08] one is mw 1.41 [13:44:19] but also, this is very much for testing n stuff [13:44:42] like, yeah things could be more elegant, but i'm pretty sure i did $wgGroupPermissions['*']['interwiki'] = true; at one point [13:45:22] if it's more proper then i'd also run it bare metal instead of using docker and qemu user mode, and i'd use systemd as well [13:45:27] ...and harden the database [13:46:23] Docker ew [13:46:42] Podman > docker [13:46:45] in my defense i wanted to get it running quick and for testing only [13:46:46] oh [13:50:22] Mwcli [13:50:25] Docker on crack [14:01:22] @notaracham just barely my new player becoming a WINGED tiefling barbarian. Can you imagine how horrifying that would be to be on the receiving end of(I was very tempted to do it) [14:39:50] the wall i ran into with the loops extension really does solidify that dumb solutions that work are not, in fact, dumb* [14:44:30] oof [14:50:28] https://pokemonunbound.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:RaidDrops#Icicle_Cave ive just decided to catalog each one in its own page just in case :> [15:24:34] [1/6] Flight can be super game-breaking in the hands of the wrong player (Which is why spells/effects that aren't shapeshifting are short duration or late-game transmogrifications for permanent changes). [15:24:34] [2/6] I've seen this balanced a few ways by saying "Okay you can fly, but..." some mix of the following: [15:24:35] [3/6] * only while wearing light/no armor [15:24:35] [4/6] * have to drop anything heavier than 5 lbs [15:24:35] [5/6] * have disadvantage on melee and ranged attacks while in flight [15:24:36] [6/6] * have to end your movement on solid ground [15:25:16] [1/2] More cool options if revisited: [15:25:16] [2/2] https://www.thegamer.com/dungeons-dragons-dnd-tips-to-balance-players-flying/ [15:25:48] The winged tiefling does the first, no heavy armor [15:25:55] But they are a barbarian so [15:26:11] It’s fine we agreed on devils tongue because [15:26:27] As they said [15:26:31] > imagine being goated with strength and abilities and the icing on the cake is the fact that you just insult someone until they die [15:26:45] Now you're thinking like a bardbarian. 😄 [15:26:46] Vicious mockery barb [15:27:00] She’s never played before so looking goo [15:27:10] My other player is a Gunslinger fish so [15:27:14] This is going to be very fun [15:27:43] Yeah, looks like your crew (at least from the char creation side) is absolutely coming in with the right mindset. [15:27:50] Now to work with them on the character part of character [15:27:57] I send them the list of backgrounds to get ideas [15:29:02] I’m probably gonna have 4 players but the other two are way more experienced so I’ll probably invite/flak to them later, as inviting them 2 weeks before we start feels less shitty then month and a half and basically ghost because I’m still working with the new players [15:29:07] Yep. Figuring out the 'why' for an adventuring group is the other thing for campaign starts. Why does this particular group adventure together? [15:29:13] Random bull shit go is an art form [15:30:47] One tip I really like from the YouTuber Ginny Di (awesome creator for dnd stuff highly recommend) is having all PCs have connections with each other before, so that may play into it. For hook I’m planning on starting in a tavern, BEG launches an illusion monster to try and find a group of strong fighters in the area to go retrieve something [15:31:07] Probably some shard or artifact he needs to help break the veil of the far realm [15:31:46] [1/2] omg been wondering why my hard drive is fried [15:31:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276926939436945418/Screenshot_2024-08-24_at_16.31.37.png?ex=66cb4e62&is=66c9fce2&hm=126c39c5247f765ccbfcac837dc4b6308851549e0806d8cc7f19503dc1741f3f& [15:31:52] 4.6gb worth of npm packages [15:34:51] Need to plan more of session one and the overall story though [15:34:54] One of my absolutely favorite examples I built was an absolute weirdo sorceror/barbarian warforged who insisted he was an extremely normal human man and tried to do NPC type things at every opportunity. [15:35:09] LMAO [15:35:12] NPC things? [15:35:17] With the extremely boring name of Michael Mann [15:35:35] Hugh Mann [15:35:51] Yeah, it was definitely a pun using the most generic names I could think of as well [15:36:08] I love these conversations [15:36:32] We need to start a miraheze game master club for these lmao [15:38:34] Yeah, just like, engaging in local color banter with townsfolks ("Great weather we're having, golly sure is coming up in the world"), attempting to work at the local kitchens, unsanctioned groundskeeping, etc. [15:39:36] I love that [15:40:13] Time for some fall cleaning. 😄 [15:40:37] [1/2] in progress 😦 [15:40:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276929162719924316/Screenshot_2024-08-24_at_16.40.32.png?ex=66cb5074&is=66c9fef4&hm=1ebf32c3c1d12a20137f7526a2e0e499faded1d8e7df4b98890749e61813c6ae& [15:41:09] I hear theres some package for centralised modules and stuff like that, maybe i should use that lol [15:41:15] The way my recent DM tried balancing my wings was by making me lose an arm in the first hour haha... I wonder how this is going to play out. [15:41:22] no doubt some of these are the same packages duplicated in use for diff stuff [15:42:24] Wuh oh. That's a non-traditional approach to the problem. [15:42:53] Hmmm I think on a brand new player I’ll avoid that [15:43:00] I don’t wanna push them away from the game [15:47:24] Probably gonna start a one shot before the campaign story though [15:47:28] My current idea is this one [15:47:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276930944233771051/IMG_4396.jpg?ex=66cb521d&is=66ca009d&hm=c69d87494d52858d779ce1e2381556e057ceeb2b7c16e90ac25c3e03aea7de89& [15:48:00] A friend of mine gifted me this book a while ago [15:48:01] Love it [15:48:32] It is a very non-traditional campaign, we're trying a rather freestyle one to compensate for our general lack of time to actually plan things :P Worst case scenario this is just going to teach us what not to do next time so hey it seems worth attempting. [15:48:33] Awesome premises and lots of stuff to drop in [15:51:12] Yep, all about buy-in from the players and the general table ethos. [15:51:57] If it came out of nowhere and was punishing in a way outside of already established tone, that could be a game-ender in some circles. [15:52:45] Sounds like folks are on the same page though, and this isn't a case of 'overly adversarial DM' [15:54:16] Is it grim dark [15:57:36] @notaracham do you use digital maps physical boards or ToM [15:59:36] (Not particularly in-tone but it was handled nicely by not coming directly from the DM and instead through another player who was a starving dhampir... The outcome felt inevitable anyway due to the circumstances making me unable to properly fight back but that way it was less a punishing encounter and more a very memorable player interaction haha) [16:08:26] [1/12] All of the above depending on the circumstance. [16:08:27] [2/12] Digital maps:  [16:08:27] [3/12] * nothing wrong with using someone else's work for one-off situations [16:08:27] [4/12] * For self-made, https://inkarnate.com/ is a pretty neat tool that lets you build both world/region maps and encounter maps, I think Kimoraa was using this for some of their projects as well. [16:08:28] [5/12] Physical boards: [16:08:28] [6/12] * Even just paper sketches is sometimes fine [16:08:28] [7/12] * dry-erase tiles or playmat is a nice upgrade for larger encounters [16:08:29] [8/12] * I'm not personally a fan of large physical set-pieces, but some folks really enjoy that. [16:08:29] [9/12] Theater of the mind: [16:08:29] [10/12] * Success on this really depends on the players [16:08:29] [11/12] * Mine really struggle with this as they have difficulty visualizing and are used to placement-based combat [16:08:30] [12/12] * For this type of player set, limiting to only small, not-really-combat encounters is most effective [16:09:27] Some digital maps are awesome [16:09:48] I don’t like spending much money so physical is mostly out for me cause paper boring [16:10:15] I’m probably gonna do mental but for the important ones digital [16:10:55] https://www.czepeku.com is one iv Been looking at [16:11:10] They are stunning [16:11:32] I had a lot of fun making an evolving world map based on what my players did in game. 😄 [16:12:37] Yea definitely [16:13:02] I’m probably going to scale down my map from my original idea to make it easier to manage for me and less overwhelming [16:13:11] Maybe 4 small nations [16:13:35] Before: [16:13:37] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276937467500560454/image.png?ex=66cb5830&is=66ca06b0&hm=dcd0860ad8ccccbe79a745bca854f6240c01a894dccd05e0506126181064da9a& [16:14:34] [1/2] after: [16:14:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276937707494441013/image.png?ex=66cb5869&is=66ca06e9&hm=1f34ed3890d3f7e0559c58524f51d55f4f0b73d59ee681763bd8e3dc54695de3& [16:15:24] They uh... got up to some things. Including blowing up several major landmarks. [16:16:35] WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SPIRE [16:16:42] Player agency happened [16:17:32] Was this [16:17:34] Intended? [16:17:39] They did the equivalent of putting a fork in a trans-dimensional electrical outlet. [16:17:52] https://tenor.com/view/yes-wheeze-gif-14488819 [16:17:58] Explain [16:21:54] [1/5] The setting is wild to explain so I'll skip that part, short version... [16:21:55] [2/5]  Planet got really fed up during a previous magical apocalypse [16:21:55] [3/5] * The cultists at the spire were getting up into some alternate-reality shenanigans [16:21:55] [4/5]  They were trying to force a 'good' reality where the apocalypse didn't happen to overwrite the current one [16:21:56] [5/5]  Turns out the artifact set/tech they were using to do that was previously attuned to something like the far realms, so anti-people were what was going to come through if they succeeded [16:23:23] Huh [16:23:35] The player group had an artificer and a barbarian, that decide that this dimensional incursion tech could be used kind of like a big fishing lure instead, so the barbarian hucks the portal device into the active portal and the artificer starts playing some interdimensional jazz on the tuner [16:24:39] Anyway, they manage to tune this thing into a reality in which the planet is entirely covered in freshwater as it reaches critical, at which point they cast featherfall on the group and just 'cool guys don't look at explosions' right off the tower [16:24:56] So now there's an infinite river in the arroyo where a tower used to be. [16:26:12] The rapidly expanding forest is a different, unrelated and very wild choice they made. [16:26:41] (Namely, releasing an experimental deity from a derelict god-lab) [16:27:58] (This campaign was run during remotely at the start of 2020 COVID, we didn't expect it would run more than 6 months, so we got real fast and loose with it) [16:28:20] JAZZ???? [16:28:50] If you've never seen a goblin artificer scatting while scrolling through dimensional selections, you haven't lived (in my campaign setting) [16:28:51] This sounds like the peak fever dream I could only dream of Jesus Christ I love it [16:29:20] I presume there was debilitating laughter during that on your end [16:29:32] Or are you used to it [16:30:14] Yes and also yes. [16:30:53] So is the River is a result of a permanent tear between the prime material plane and this water world that spills out? [16:31:01] Basically, yep [16:31:22] Setting's extremely homebrew, but basically the same idea. [16:33:00] is it traversalable [16:33:07] Or do you get liquided [16:33:52] [1/2] The other absolutely wild thing I did was give them a very unusual version of Heward's Handy Spice Pouch. [16:33:53] [2/2] Key difference being: Anything they sprinkled the spice on, even inedible non-food things, become incredibly tasty and smelling of rich food. [16:34:15] They used it to make prison bars delicious and did a jailbreak thanks to the local rat populace [16:34:23] That’s smart [16:34:33] Never heard of that item though [16:34:50] Normally it's supposed to just make any nonmagical spice [16:34:59] and I’ve probably read the 5e dmg back to back at least once [16:35:09] https://dnd5e.wikidot.com/wondrous-items:hewards-handy-spice-pouch [16:35:38] Yep, normal river, and the rift is traversable, if you want to go to water-world for some reason. [16:37:17] interesting [16:37:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1276943439170371665/image.png?ex=66cb5dc0&is=66ca0c40&hm=ab18c154f436ec4bf91c82a3593d7f43ecff5528b7f5fdd2af50013301fc5803& [16:37:39] is it all water or is there a sea floor [16:41:45] There's a floor, complete with drowned cities. That version of reality is basically 'what if the magipocalypse caused forever rainstorms instead of forever not-rain' [16:42:11] they stole all the rain [16:42:32] so ignoring the fact this place basically solved world thirst [16:42:41] And endless treasure [16:42:45] deep sea mining [16:44:12] That was the artificers epilogue in fact [16:44:21] LMAO [16:44:23] Setting up a dimensional exploration unit for salvage [16:44:33] @.labster Could you approve my AllTheTropes edit please? [16:45:17] Do teleportation circles between worlds [16:45:18] I HATE Wick, I pinged a bunch of bots to get them banned and I got locked awaty for it [16:45:37] Those bots are ptobly DM spammingpeople with shitty ads [18:39:25] does anyone like Odd Squad [19:07:09] if anyone lives in Ireland or is a fan of college football here in the states  I think the Aer Lingus college football classic is going to overtime [20:38:35] The C# logo is so cutesy [20:38:37] very demure [20:43:55] you good atm? [20:47:47] [1/2] Yes but I'm currently discussing with other tech members whether or not we want to support global avatars on Miraheze [20:47:47] [2/2] (if its referring to UPv2) [20:49:15] it would be a nice touch [20:49:23] but if it's a performance hit no need I guess [20:50:02] still bummed that we can't do much with global echo [20:50:28] theres no relative performance hit, since it would just be a simple change in where in swift we look for the avatar (all avatars looked up from one container rather than per wiki) and if so where we would store those [20:50:33] ie in metawiki, loginwiki, or somewhere else [20:50:38] wdym? [20:50:41] login makes sense to me [20:50:43] (sorry didn't mean to ping) [20:50:50] if it's no hit/is convenient it's a strong ye from me [20:51:01] especially if it can be overridden locally at convenience [20:52:17] as for echo I think I heard it from ca himself that a) cross wiki notifications enabled by default would murder farm performance, and b) stuff like echo notifying all admins (a big announcement or something, without huge gnarly central notices, or some sort of opt in newsletter or something delivered with a straight echo) isn't particularly viable [20:52:20] Yeah, it would be a config in manage wiki initially set to true that individual wikis can disable [20:52:54] oh I didn't know cross-wiki wasn't enabled on miraheze by default [20:53:08] if it has that crept up in the past year and I never heard of it [20:53:42] though last I remember the discussion it was pre modern infra [20:54:39] if nothing else I remember wanting it because it made meta-delivered global warnings actually viable, as opposed to delivering them on meta talk page and then having to contact them somewhere local to be sure they actually got it [20:54:53] or at that point just messaging locally in the first place [21:12:28] im still pissed about the on-side kick in the third quarter... [21:13:16] (2022 edition that is) [21:47:47] Annoyed as my site is "indexed but not listed on google" [22:42:47] [1/5] What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wip [22:42:48] [2/5] e you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm [22:42:48] [3/5] that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your [22:42:48] [4/5] miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fuck [22:42:49] [5/5] ing dead, kiddo. [22:42:49] @randomnewenglander Watch your language. [22:43:35] > joins miraheze discord [22:43:38] > asks where "the hotties" are [22:43:47] > later asks for what features are usually requested [22:43:54] > posts copypasta in offtopic channel [22:45:53] In my defense, it is off-topic [22:46:09] true [23:14:13] [1/2] While this is off-topic, this is an all ages forum for the global Miraheze platform. [23:14:13] [2/2] Let's leave the copypasta on more topic-relevant discords, please. [23:14:27] [1/2] Ok [23:14:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1277043374162968627/rage-mad.mov?ex=66cbbad2&is=66ca6952&hm=15232484120523961be48cb3c0f1c829b82ecec943a9ccdb9d37d4859c58c61b& [23:15:50] Great gif deployment, thanks for acknowledge.