[01:04:48] hey guys :dorapelona: [02:35:29] You're not using Miraheze to host the archives, are you? [02:36:40] Of course not; I used to have a Wikipedia archival wiki on Miraheze a long time ago (before Miraheze divided in half and undivided into one), but I shut it down because it was incompatible with the Content Policy [02:37:38] Phew, was gonna have to have a discussion to suss out compatibility. šŸ˜ Carry on, then. šŸ«” [03:47:06] [1/2] guess the year [03:47:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1277836766598140048/Untitled_Artwork.png?ex=66ce9dba&is=66cd4c3a&hm=cd8c67b02d7c40171cc5cc719f511edd6bc5a3577838d66fcfb53ea76cb26c30& [03:48:32] Definitely pre-World War 1; I want to say late 19th century [04:21:25] Decade-wise I'd put a rough guess at 1890s, maybe 1900s [07:53:44] Tunisia still independent? [07:54:05] I'd say 1870s [08:46:51] this is so hacky i hate it (if it's true): https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_portal#Neography_wiki_usernames_and_user_pages [08:48:16] <.labster> Creating new users just to have more userspace pages? That's cute. [08:53:30] the "if it's true" is because there only one page (on both neographywiki and loginwiki) that contains actual information [08:59:33] how should i ask question about [[Finance]]? through Harej (Miraheze)'s talk page or through Special:EmailUser/Harej (Miraheze)? [08:59:33] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Finance [09:01:18] um, what the hell are the first two revisions shown in https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Finance?action=history&offset=20240424235959? [09:01:39] trying to check rev 396489 gives me [084ba9ae891dedc42922a08a] 2024-08-27 09:01:22: Fatal exception of type "MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionAccessException", should i put it on phorge? [09:03:41] I've seen that happen in numerous occasions [09:04:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css?action=history [09:04:33] hmm... appears to be due to the botched interwiki prefix [09:13:56] <.labster> @serverlessharej I think BlankEclair wants to contact you about the Finance page. [09:37:15] i mean... yeah, that's what i'm trying to do [09:38:09] the page currently seems stale? no transactions for >4 months, even though there should be some recurring stuff (for example, OVH should be monthly, per 2023 and january-april 2024) [09:55:45] [1/2] > Wikimedia EspaƱa donated ā‚¬10 to Miraheze in 2018 [09:55:45] [2/2] I'm sorry but this is so funny [10:05:17] https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/228/601/947.jpg [10:10:26] fascinating [13:06:00] @rhinosf1 hows the weather up your ends [13:13:39] dawg it was suspended that account [13:28:54] All rejoice https://bikeshed.vibber.net/@brooke/113030258575005957 [13:29:25] all it took was five decades [13:33:43] what's that [13:34:05] graph v2 [13:34:15] Youā€™re thinking of [insert long awaited recent change to dnd] luv. Mediawiki isnā€™t even 30 [13:35:08] see also: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T334940 [13:36:15] Those task numbers are nuts [13:36:29] What is the vuln anyway s [13:37:11] its barely 20 lol [13:37:35] 23 lol [13:37:54] But they throw very fun birthday parties [13:38:21] > [27/08/2024 23:36] What is the vuln anyway s [13:38:26] apparently xss i think? [13:38:29] not public tho [13:38:53] Makes sense [13:38:54] or maybe i'm talking out of my ass idk [13:39:15] We do that most of the time in some form [13:40:10] anyway, i'm going to actually go to bed at a kinda-early-but-not-really time [13:40:11] nini [13:40:19] Nini [13:40:26] Impressed [13:40:35] Silver star for Clair [13:41:05] Now Iā€™m going back to coping with not having wifi in my house [13:41:14] Good thing I have lots of books.. [14:51:20] [1/2] I love libraries [14:51:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278003923172458658/IMG_4418.jpg?ex=66cf3967&is=66cde7e7&hm=85c3bd50eb5e1163d9af0486dbb232990ac20728182a61abede7dbe6d001a136& [14:55:18] I've been in a windowless room most of the day [14:55:28] Miraheze is a library in its own right [14:55:47] TRUUUUUE [14:56:45] Other wiki farms are libraries in their own right tok [14:57:25] Iā€™m sitting here with a copy of the Dungeons Master guide next to the wall of manga with what I assume is a student council having a meeting in front of me [14:57:31] And heck, even my collected list of self-hosted wikis in a page is a "library" in a sense, but that's a stretch [14:57:42] Also [14:57:56] https://justleafy.miraheze.org/wiki/List_of_self-hosted_wikis [14:58:02] Why is William Shakespeareā€™s Hamlet in the manga section [14:58:35] @originalauthority I've been outside and I can confirm it's warm [14:58:39] Getting the bus home now [14:58:43] Wow [14:58:46] How many entries [14:58:57] Too many to count lol [14:59:25] But just ctrl+f ` wiki` and that's an approximate count [14:59:42] Or go to source and Crtl f * [15:00:18] https://a2mi.social/@dave0/113031300914816116 [15:07:15] Bruh what [15:12:27] Its pissing down here rip [15:17:44] Aren't you in the north west? [15:18:24] Yes [15:18:37] The north west always pisses it down [15:18:44] I've never been to Manchester and it not rain [15:18:50] And I've been to Manchester a lot [15:18:59] Yeah its tragic [15:19:31] I haven't been for like 2 years though [15:19:44] Last time I went was a careers event [15:19:58] Which would have been some point in 2022 [15:20:06] Probably April time [15:29:53] [1/2] blursed [15:29:53] [2/2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=6EV_21seUng [15:34:16] [1/2] I love libraries [15:34:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278014730354561054/IMG_4418.jpg?ex=66cf4378&is=66cdf1f8&hm=b2e0b61e4c84c5c665db4fe0b203e7975033bfab48d0578d83f5e1d71d217755& [15:50:43] I was in leeds the other night [15:50:45] Sunday night [15:50:52] To pick my sister up from leedsfest [15:51:02] 4 hours it took sitting on the motorway what a joke [15:51:36] Ah [15:51:40] Ye I can imagine [15:51:47] That area is a fucking nightmare [15:51:54] My grandad lives nearby [16:37:29] Wikimedia Nederland just shut down their Twitter LMAO [16:37:30] https://mastodon.social/@hayify/113034808660143462 [16:39:45] good for them [16:40:35] c o n g r a t u l a t i o n [16:44:35] Hey @pixldev [16:45:28] i see this as a good thing [16:45:29] twitter is bad [16:48:58] Hey [16:49:04] Objectively yes [16:49:18] Fediverse rocks [16:53:36] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T370203 šŸ‘€ [16:54:42] Of all the reasons to install this kind of EULA-encumbered software, they chose to do so for Matomo of all things [16:54:59] Hm? [16:55:22] task is about some WMF team requesting a Matomo plugin that is not free software [16:56:03] Why [16:56:19] > We believe that this plugin will allow us to create customized reports tailored to our specific needs, thereby improving our ability to analyze and act on website data. [16:57:00] [1/2] > I'm disappointed but not surprised that Wikimedia is retreating from its robust open source principles, but I'm genuinely shocked that it's doing so for the purpose of better tracking of users. [16:57:01] [2/2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T370203#10092682 [17:00:12] Blunt but absolutely appropriate [17:00:31] Absolutely Legoktm W [17:01:13] a:W_: [17:03:20] I'm glad Luca and Lego argued there [17:03:25] Wait, requesting, so not confirmed yet? [17:03:32] No they did it [17:03:52] the SRE bossman approved it [17:03:52] I wouldn't really call that a request [17:03:53] Sigh [17:03:59] Who [17:04:22] Mark is SRE VP [17:04:40] well not really a boss [17:04:46] Not familiar with Luca but Lego Iā€™m definitely not surprised he opposed it [17:04:52] Luca is awesome [17:05:00] but the person from SRE that opposed it retracted their opposition: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T370203#10095827 [17:05:02] As someone whoā€™s met him a few times in person [17:05:20] He was analytics, now is ML [17:05:53] Luca was pragmatic and polite there [17:05:58] Oh [17:05:59] Noted [17:06:08] Havenā€™t talked to them yet i believe [17:06:15] They are nice [17:06:36] judging by Luca's comment and the task description by the time they filed that task they already purchased the plugin [17:07:10] Yes [17:07:14] One hell of a request [17:07:25] Which is why Luca didn't go as strong as could be [17:07:34] I think that's called corporate politeness [17:08:12] It's reads as that was a dick move not to tell us until last minute when you'd already bought it, I'm telling you nicely not to do it again [17:09:13] Also just noticed youā€™re in the volunteer roles discord [17:09:24] I am [17:09:31] But no channels in there [17:10:40] @.everyone doesnā€™t have View channel rights [17:10:49] Youā€™d need the member role [17:13:58] Absolute win from Lego there I agree [17:14:13] That statement about the WMF and its principles really shines [17:15:27] No one added it [17:15:51] I donā€™t think we use that discord for tech [17:33:37] @notaracham semi related to what I had just said, are you planning on adopting or checking out the 2024 core rules? [17:46:27] (not miraheze related, but) Today I got annoyed enough about a work thing that I created https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/toolforge-repos/logos-purge, so when purging logos during a deployment you can just do https://logos-purge.toolforge.org/parse?changeid=1063916 and then copy/paste šŸ˜Œ [17:48:57] [1/6] Currently looking at other systems for future games, currently reviewing: [17:48:57] [2/6] * Starfinder 2e [17:48:58] [3/6] * Dungeonworld [17:48:58] [4/6] * Ironsworn [17:48:58] [5/6] * DC20 [17:48:58] [6/6] I'll definitely take a look at 2024 at some point, but my primary interest in short term is 'how can combat be better and more engaging for all players' [17:49:49] Combat I see is the Main issue with dnd yea [17:50:15] Awesome [17:51:08] @theresnotime that's a very me thing to do [17:51:19] Yep. Playing with different tabletop systems is something I find very helpful in informing the particular system I run a game in. A broader diversity of inputs makes a better output, in my experience. [17:51:38] I should do that eventually [17:52:04] Yep, not something to rush through. Gaining depth of experience is just as important as breadth. šŸ™‚ [17:52:07] But for now since Iā€™m only familiar with it and itā€™s a few new players Iā€™ll use dnd cause I donā€™t wanna confuse it even more [17:52:49] It really unsettles me when someone creates a repo and puts the code in something other than "includes" [17:53:00] (Personal preference obv) [17:53:15] I still donā€™t get why you lot do that [17:53:25] I mean for gods sake why not use src [17:53:28] Itā€™s the code spruce [17:53:35] Maybe that's just what happens when mediawiki was your introduction to development [17:53:49] Because then where do you put js and stuff? [17:54:04] of course you could do /src/resources [17:54:11] but then its kinda spaghetti [17:54:32] I just think `includes` for server logic and `resources` for browser logic is so much cleaner [17:55:01] (although maybe thats just a php thing?, i have no idea how its generally done for other languages)( [17:55:16] maybe I would do it differently for say python since its all server, but then I still don't like `src` [17:56:04] hydra did `/classes` for php stuff which makes me want to VOMIT [17:56:11] and wikia just seems to put them anywhere [18:01:44] [1/2] melonDS (C++) has source code in /src/ and assets (the icon in their case) on /res/. [18:01:44] [2/2] dolphin has source code in /Source/ and assets in /Data/ [18:02:23] the latter is a pretty big codebase btw [18:03:29] oh i don't like that [18:03:34] i guess thats convention, though? [19:48:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278078778030948446/IMG_8399.jpg?ex=66cf7f1e&is=66ce2d9e&hm=7cc5f09318034caaf7321260c2a7f523f35f52636dde7b9d10c29164ad5793ee& [19:48:52] @theresnotime sleepy fox [19:53:59] thats roadkill rhinos [20:00:39] It's a construction site, there's no road. It was definitely alive. [20:06:25] >< [20:12:26] TheresNoTime: will start to see a lot more as it gets darker [20:12:47] :3 [20:14:10] ooo [20:19:31] [1/3] I have no darn idea what is going on with my site on Cloudflare - a small trickle of guests, then an drop and then a huge spike [20:19:31] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278086513703522355/desktop_1_001.png?ex=66cf8652&is=66ce34d2&hm=941d2e341162e8a446a04e1a4f92e2d0618a7ea64777210b398aa0185bf5e650& [20:19:31] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278086514781454378/desktop_1_002.png?ex=66cf8652&is=66ce34d2&hm=3d050fa1df00c4faf55d89302fe26cd7c0923d591124a7262af87e847f91ed4b& [20:21:11] Look at the actual analytics [20:28:22] I have no idea what it means [20:28:36] I think personly large amount of traffic from crawler bots recrawling it [20:29:08] Click on analytics & logs [20:29:14] And then traffic [20:29:22] It will then give you a bit more detail [20:29:46] That doesn't look like a ddos to me though [20:30:04] Then I stab a guess at "google and Yandax are just recrawling my site" [20:31:05] Analytics & logs will tell you exactly what [20:31:20] You nknow I only have basic free plan? [20:32:12] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278089706248208424/desktop_1_051.png?ex=66cf894b&is=66ce37cb&hm=0a4d55dab5c0c5ce2f9b6f36f11e6fb5df7acb54ce538f62bfd4a45316a86098& [20:32:39] Click on HTTP Traffic [20:32:55] Ye the free plan gives more than enough detail [20:35:02] Lots from the USA [20:35:28] What UAs [20:35:47] Just like screenshot the page [20:36:13] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278090717151105095/desktop_1_001.png?ex=66cf8a3c&is=66ce38bc&hm=ace7dfbbe5a29b8d2c0502e89ea7826b30b8b290c636892b11e0208099f744e0& [20:36:31] That's useless [20:36:33] Scroll down [20:36:40] So I can like actually see stuff [20:37:24] [1/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278091016716419182/desktop_1_001.png?ex=66cf8a84&is=66ce3904&hm=21a089e722448f9dfc71901f84234868e7583ea892d93a30512b7e314f237097& [20:37:25] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278091017051967489/desktop_1_002.png?ex=66cf8a84&is=66ce3904&hm=1e243532a217ec4a305458ee5b8b10f201f55afb78813fd4951647d714e8db06& [20:37:25] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278091017421062195/desktop_1_003.png?ex=66cf8a84&is=66ce3904&hm=ef3fd57c4ff1948da3a0286d219fc73fb86111a93a83064f496862bf69975992& [20:44:36] I guess it is a mix of Tvtropes/AllTheTropes/Other Trope site backlinks, scraping for AI, and Google/Yandax (updated URLs of late) [20:45:59] Wow free has so poor detail [20:46:17] That's likely a scraper though [20:46:34] You have a pretty appaling cache hit ratio [20:46:35] I blocked bots/scapers for now [20:47:00] If you can increase that, you should reduce the load on your backend [20:47:46] It doesn't look like a ddos though to me [20:47:48] I am expecting google to recrawl my site at some point [20:48:52] I am not that conrned, should be dropping in a few days I am sure [21:45:37] whats your fav food [21:46:37] any Brazilians food [21:48:35] hmmmmm, hungry [21:49:31] ive never had brazilian [21:51:04] You should [21:51:20] You buying? [21:53:38] _checks wallet_ [21:55:16] Exactly [21:55:16] lol [21:55:17] :> [21:55:46] is it bad im listening to the same song on loop while doing Lua? [22:04:54] noo! :3 [22:05:11] I often listen to things on repeat when working [22:07:39] its a bit mind numbing tbh x3 [22:07:56] Lua? Yeaaa [22:11:53] e.g. https://youtu.be/LmM-zF34sjA :3 [22:15:42] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_JfKOjwzwo [22:23:38] well more specifically i listen to an ingame mix of it. the extra sfx and va stuff really adds to it. [22:39:32] some second grader at my school was climbing up one of the polls and the middle school principal started scolding him [22:40:00] lmao [23:33:51] TIL the creator of the forgotten realms has a patreon [23:33:52] https://www.patreon.com/EdGreenwood