[00:35:41] it took 3 incorrect MFA code errors to notice i was copying my Github codes not Mirahez [00:36:11] 10/10 smart [00:36:19] :heh: [00:37:27] me going on a wiki i like to send an editor of the page im reading a thank to leave them wondering why a miraheze global staff thanked them for a tiny edit [00:37:58] i mean to make them feel appreciated [00:38:00] yea! [00:38:30] aww [01:41:54] amazing [01:49:09] thx for the reference lol [01:49:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1016598848212320266/1278167608788516904/1AssafM.gif [01:49:44] this exists now [01:49:51] thank you @clowntelevision [01:50:01] muahaha youre welcome [01:50:04] Enjoy your blinky swag [01:51:40] just gonna say that it opened again [01:54:53] [1/2] I can have images too [01:54:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278170914315567124/iownthisimage.png?ex=66cfd4ed&is=66ce836d&hm=983259e0c6f3c74e6111cc5179ac19d5ba3b0856e291211b6009614157b4334b& [01:55:06] https://tenor.com/view/anime-deer-suplex-smash-lol-gif-9716006 [02:09:50] [1/3] me: lets look for a creature on the forgottem realms wiki i can use as a talky person from the far realm [02:09:50] [2/3] checked category and finds start spawn. [02:09:51] [3/3] that was easy [02:13:13] its CR 19 [02:13:14] yea no [02:13:38] the lesser emmisary [02:13:41] lesser [02:14:37] The lesser lesser emissary (use awakened shrub stats) [02:14:41] LMAO [02:14:49] the least emmisay [02:15:02] The kindly greeting [02:15:03] the weakest star spawn i saw is CR13 [02:15:35] who knew that a realm of horror and madness wouldn't have many weaker senitent creatures [02:15:36] its fine [02:15:51] mortals are ass holes enough [02:17:02] i could probably use some other psionic creature and flavor it as someone touched by the far realm or controlled by an aboleth on the other side if i want a humanoid minor villian [02:17:19] the psionic thing is interesting though, has potential [02:17:22] although [02:17:24] is it just me [02:17:32] Gareth, son of Gareth, least of the farthest fromtiersmen [02:17:48] or are mind flayers(far realm creatures) having mind powers a bit ironic [02:17:55] oh i have the perfect thing for this [02:19:29] three cards [02:19:36] https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=9779 [02:19:40] https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=73981 [02:19:42] https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=479433 [02:19:58] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278177226038448200/FpXmH9P.png?ex=66cfdace&is=66ce894e&hm=e52d47823b7cdc37578952087602d65e6da08329d3a4b99ac9768a1f8a5c1969& [02:22:35] oh foulspawn may work [02:22:55] maybe as minors depending on stats [02:23:46] wait [02:23:49] did they [02:23:51] use [02:23:52] levels [02:23:56] for monsters in 4e [02:25:27] If there's a problem, there's a solution [02:25:34] burn them [02:25:44] no wonder everyone shits on 4e [02:25:44] You just might not like the solution as written [02:26:00] reminding me of yugioh [02:26:06] for some reason [02:26:06] main issue is i dont trust myself to balance stats [02:26:15] It was developed as a response to MMOs of the time [02:26:21] true yea [02:26:46] i read a bit about it (i own a copy of D&D: Art and Arcana) [02:26:56] next to me rn [02:26:59] good book [02:27:02] THICC [02:27:15] mabye i should practice later on [02:27:39] [1/2] best card [02:27:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278179161483247707/SuperPolymerization-BLMR-EN-ScR-1E.webp?ex=66cfdc9b&is=66ce8b1b&hm=92743a5f11d255e74c5c2337dd5baf2c8183cb9434ac5a5b208c55e1a8910573& [02:28:03] there's very few far realm stuff, and it tends to twist existing stuff from the material, so some homebrew abberations may mix things up [02:28:57] oh nothics may be good [02:29:07] ill look for homebrews when building encoutners [02:29:16] fuck you, unpolys your merization [02:29:19] btw NA, do you use inkarnate free or paid [02:29:26] lol [02:45:58] Did free at first, switched to paid when I was running a campaign, currently on free [02:46:17] gotcha [02:46:44] i found the free one a bit silly in its restrictions (ie path tool) but i may still give it a chance [02:47:08] Lots of tools out there, just an example of something that can be very handy when trying to produce maps quickly [02:47:30] i wanted the borders to feel natural so i used another site to generate what im going to use as an outline/idea base, but my plan of importing the image as a reference to trace floped [02:47:50] https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ is a really cool site though for ideas [02:48:04] hell the detail it gives could be a world itself if you wanted [02:48:18] too large of a scale/too many towns for me personally [02:49:54] save me the world shape i was looking for though [02:49:55] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278184763676426352/gSO7z93.png?ex=66cfe1d3&is=66ce9053&hm=42a4e321ec1ccf367e493750cff7ec230bed41829b690be7a3aeb4dca90b58a5& [02:50:09] mega island with 3-4 natiosn [02:50:16] i can work from there [02:50:49] it also generated a nationless blank area(mountains i believe) which could also fit in my story [02:51:13] https://tenor.com/view/kronk-its-all-coming-together-gif-15058130 [02:51:29] for now [02:51:38] [1/2] i write this shit down [02:51:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278185194670784533/wGRSXpF.png?ex=66cfe239&is=66ce90b9&hm=358ff46994d952f9cfd8a46e8ac36acb99c0fefb2204f9f49d17bb5dd7325914& [02:52:23] obisidian is such an awesome tool for dnd notes with the right plugins [02:52:26] what do you use? [02:56:19] I've used google drive and OneNote, tried obsidian before I understood wikistuff [02:56:22] All are good tools [02:56:35] Though my policy is 'if it works, it's good' [02:56:47] the main seller for me on obisidan is being able to consolidate [02:56:56] ie [02:57:14] i can have (rollable)stat blocks, initative tracker that intigrates with it [02:57:16] IIRC it now also integrates with Roll20 and a few other VTT environments, which is awesome in this age [02:57:25] Obisidian?\ [02:57:28] interesting [02:57:37] i know discord has R20 activity now [02:57:48] Maybe, don't recall. Might've been on paid. It's been a hot minute since I attempted to use it [02:57:50] calendarium is also pretty cool [02:58:35] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278186943708008468/JDOJsx2.png?ex=66cfe3da&is=66ce925a&hm=b14ec414b94df4812fb1a578c65ee0d585b304ef893d945ea34f0cf4a0f44d3e& [02:58:41] in the side of the screen [02:58:52] pretty neat if you care about dates [02:59:05] has presets for all the common dnd ones [03:04:01] hm [03:05:46] actually, @notaracham can i ask you for a flavor opinion [03:09:47] Why is there only 1 day in midwinter [03:10:52] midwinter is a special holiday between the months of Hammer and Alturiak, the month thing is probably an implemenation limit [03:11:42] [1/2] > Midwinter. The first festival day of the year is known generally as Midwinter, though some people name it differently. Nobles and monarchs of the Heartlands look to the High Festival of Winter as a day to commemorate or renew alliances. Commoners in the North, the Moonsea, and other, colder climes celebrate Deadwinter Day as a marking of the midpoint of the cold season, with hard t [03:11:42] [2/2] imes still ahead, but some of the worst days now past. [03:12:42] Interesting [03:12:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278190541934432308/jOgu9nY.png?ex=66cfe734&is=66ce95b4&hm=b6a80953299246ec5d5cfef00cc318c0311ea5b078f8a60a6b4bf6851e1521a4& [03:12:56] I love all this stuff heh very creative [03:13:00] so do i [03:13:11] before now all my games were in the forgottem realms [03:13:38] i literaly made a session once by picking a random tiny town on a map that had lore documented on the wiki [03:14:11] https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Noanar%27s_Hold [03:15:56] Heh, I did some good lore off of a similar little holding [03:16:16] the sessions execution was abyssmal though(my fault) [03:16:56] Matter of practice, more than anything [03:17:16] aye [03:17:23] Running a table is a skill, which we all come to with different levels of starting aptitude [03:17:28] yup [03:18:11] i fully expect the start of this campaign to be bumpy even after some one shots no matter how many advice videos i watch on youtube [03:18:32] but by the end (or less fun, when it fizzles out) ill havbe learbed [03:18:47] and can just make a better game next time [03:18:57] maybe reusing the good bits from this [03:19:50] Right attitude to take. Do the best you can, if it works, great, otherwise you've got valuable knowledge for next attempt [03:20:10] Did yall every use d&d beyond before fandom trashed it? [03:20:21] wdym [03:20:31] Hoooooo boy is that a whole nut to crack and unpack unto itself [03:20:59] Wait Fandom trashed that? I have been out of the loop as of late lol [03:21:01] fuck right i almost forgot they bought it [03:21:09] [1/2] > D&D Beyond was formerly operated by Curse LLC, a subsidiary of Twitch. However, on December 12, 2018, Fandom, Inc. announced that it had acquired all of Curse's media assets, including D&D Beyond.[5][6] On April 13, 2022, Hasbro announced that it would be acquiring D&D Beyond.[7][8] The official transfer to Wizards of the Coast, a division of Hasbro, occurred on May 18, 2022.[9][10 [03:21:09] [2/2] ] [03:21:19] They didnt trash it per say, they didnt actively develop it for years afyerbthey acquired it [03:21:19] I use it for reference [03:21:23] And then sold it off to hasboro [03:21:30] Ah [03:21:37] Pour one out for OG OrcPub [03:21:51] I have two books i own on their i think, and I have basically every single book shared with me by someone else [03:21:53] From what i heard tho it suffered greately under Fandoms tutelage [03:22:01] (No surprise) [03:22:11] Does anything not? [03:22:17] Truth [03:22:25] true [03:22:25] their pocket books [03:22:36] i use it for my characters when i dont wanna track a paper sheet or something else cause all the non srd stuff [03:22:39] Rip muthead 🤡 [03:22:47] lol the only thing [03:23:30] TL;DR, there have been many fits and starts at bringing the tabletop experience into the digital age [03:23:44] And many of them got crushed under the marketing/value-add/capitalist hammer [03:23:56] rip [03:25:04] lets see how the project sigil thing turns out [03:26:50] Yep. It's part of why I'm starting to lean closer to the Paizo approach (despite their organizational faults with their sourcebooks) [03:27:12] hm? [03:27:28] Their licensing terms are far more reasonable and don't crush us homebrew folks [03:27:55] ^The folks responsible for starfinder/pathfinder [03:28:04] ah [03:28:17] my approch tends to lean to [03:28:20] uh [03:28:23] yar har me har [03:30:56] we'll see how the winds blow moving forward ig [03:31:08] for now we can just focus on our silly dice game [03:31:42] yknow the important stuff like what flavor of moon/sky shatter to use [03:38:17] Oh yeah, did you still have a flavor consult question? [03:38:46] I personally favor a slight implode + shatter right [03:45:35] yeah related to the moon thing. [03:45:58] ive had two different idea on how to describe the result that, results, in the far realm leaking into the material [03:47:06] first is some dark void thingy that was sealed in the core of the moon, and gradually seaps out and things emerg from the black mass and decend, later on maybe even covering the stars a bit [03:47:28] my other idea was the sky itself kinda breaking, like a big crack on glass [03:47:53] a sort of rift style thing, that you can see reflections of the far realm beyond it [03:48:08] harder to describe and really mentally comprehend but kinda on brand [03:48:45] im thinking what would work better in the story overall, but i dont even really know wha to compare them on [03:51:05] So, both have basis in lore to build from, depending on how far afield you want to go (e.g. spelljammers), but let's set that aside. [03:51:41] From a rule of cool, both: very good! I could easily write some powerful descriptive text about both that would send chills down my players' spines [03:52:53] From a perspective of how broken is the world as a part of story events + how much can be tidily wrapped through story without negating future plotlines, the former might actually be easier, counterintuitively [03:54:51] One route to go with dark moon entity would be to treat it as a splinter sharian faction that looked to a deeper truth beyond shar and found a new madness [03:55:21] (Assuming forgotten realms/faerun setting) [03:55:31] hm, you think so? [03:56:03] Also depends whether you treat it as a local breakage or a global breakage [03:56:36] hm, that definetly could fit in(since im fairly sure ill use the FR pantheon, or at least some of them, i was already thinking how this would affect selune related stuff like temples and clerics) [03:56:39] If the whole sky breaks (e.g. far realms is leaking through EVERYWHERE), that's not a level 1 party situation to fix, though they could grwo into it. [03:57:08] But if it's a local disturbance, that could be in the purview of a shorter campaign [03:57:31] Depends on how much you want to use/re-use the setting and retain lore between campaigns [03:58:06] If it's a global breakage, that's now an attribute you'll likely need to carry forward for a looooong time [03:58:13] i was thinking of doing a global thing, and start the campaign with the players trying to navigate this new world and grow into fixing it [03:58:47] although thats a good point, if from a logistical/player stand point a shorter campaign would work better for them [03:58:50] Not to say the moon birthing a creature isn't equally a problem, but it's a problem that can be set to one side [03:58:59] this may be something i'll bring up in session 0 [03:59:48] 100%, this is incursion vs invasion in scope [04:00:00] or in the aftermath the moon being reduced to a ring around the planet may also add flavor, and if i reuse the world and have some of the same players, a nice callback [04:01:06] having never run a longer term campaign at all it'll probably be best to ease into it with a shorter camapign definietly, or at least a shorter arc [04:01:31] Yep. Hope this helps, I need to call it a night soon [04:01:37] although a far realm invasion feels set up for something longer [04:01:49] it just turned midnight here so lmao [04:01:53] ill think on this [04:02:00] definetly helped though [04:02:03] tysm! [04:02:08] It's good to reach as a DM, but also not go for cataclysmic on your first go round with low-level PCs [04:02:18] pixldev timezone dropped [04:02:18] thats true [04:02:36] ive told you im est before smh [04:02:42] how long have you been there [04:02:43] publically dropped [04:02:54] actually you can also get it from git... [04:02:58] i dont keep est a secret haha [04:03:20] And y'all know I live on the most-coast that invented American Teriyaki, I'm just older and need 8+ hrs a night for optimal madness [04:03:43] Its 5am and i havent been sleep yet i started work early because why not [04:03:46] im gonna have to ponder over if doing a mini far realm invasion and in a later thing if the players wanna do something higher lvl and longer a full on incursion wont feel cheap and reused [04:03:53] I would love to get this sleep [04:04:05] and before us we hold the two extremes of man [04:04:09] It's a carefully cultivated endeavor [04:04:21] We love not needing any sleep [04:04:42] im now stuck in the "learn wtf ffmpeg is" arc [04:04:57] F* do I wish I could still pull 2 - 6 as a sleep schedule and still have time to hack shit into winamp [04:05:21] This is called ✨️ being a dev ✨️ [04:05:22] ^one weird way I paid the bills in college [04:05:35] Mood [04:06:31] (But also not mood because i slapped burgers at the golden arches for minimum wage) [04:06:32] Rip [04:06:55] And minimum wage back then was £5.20 an hour it makes me sick thinking about it [04:07:00] I mean, hell, at one point I was a hype man for people who emerged from cakes at rich people parties. Life leads you on some weird paths [04:07:02] jesus [04:07:08] huh [04:07:44] and i thought my plan of working at the local community college theater crew was odd [04:08:00] Turns out the ability to say things in a confident but odd voice has multiple uses. [04:08:05] There is no job odd whilst in education [04:08:06] DMing: a versatile skill [04:08:42] and they used to call us devil worshippers haha [04:10:48] Yeah, I've worked some weird weird jobs over the years. College was a weird time. [04:10:55] But informative [04:10:56] its why i say the most fucking obscure shit randomly (not because im autistic or anything like that) [04:12:00] When it works in a pinch, it's worth the weird bits in between [04:12:40] Not that I encourage any particular path. I fully encourage the 'try a lot of things, it'll probably come in handy later' approach. [04:13:16] welp i should go to sleep now [04:14:10] Highly recommended, some of my best ideas come from there [04:14:16] plenty to consider and rethink in the morning [04:14:24] i always forget my dreams :p [04:14:31] i mean a rare few i write down [04:14:36] or type [04:15:18] Also changes as you age, not for everyone, but for me at least it got far easier with age. [04:15:34] i just looked at one and istg would have thought i was high when writing this [04:15:41] (i dont do drugs obviously) [04:16:03] hell i can just barelt stand the taste of alchohol [04:17:01] oh btw @notaracham for that last CVT email i think thats a global block issue that dont just fix itself [04:17:14] There was a loud bang and then very quiet dogs, so I am likely off to go fix whatever just happened [04:17:19] i believe we need to force create an account on each wiki [04:17:21] oh dear [04:17:25] good luck [04:17:31] hope it wasnt anything bad [04:17:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Noticeboard#GlobalBlocking_affecting_account_autocreation, I can action this tmr [04:18:45] I think it's just auto-create that breaks, I think they need to manually sign in [04:18:48] Could be wrong [04:19:04] not sure [04:19:07] Turns out the shook a picture loose from the wall, but glass is intact [04:19:09] ill see [04:19:20] ah okay [04:19:47] i think i actually asked legoktm about if that autocreate shit happens on WMF last time i saw him in person [04:19:59] but i cant recall what we said, think yes its intentional [04:20:12] Until tomorrow, I dream of fit-functions [04:20:14] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278207491272081438/image.png?ex=66cff6fd&is=66cea57d&hm=dbe7a86d588e0e692e4eaab39be2680824b4224918829e48b45e33409aacadf4& [04:20:27] noooo not the fit functions [04:20:31] alright [04:20:34] night man [04:20:37] thanks a ton [04:21:13] No worries, 8/10ths of DMing is confidence, 1/10th is having a plan [04:21:27] And 100% is rolling with whatever weird shit your players come up with [04:22:15] All of that is a matter of practice and figuring out what works for you [04:25:25] <.labster> BlankEclair: I only rejected your edits because they had merge conflicts and weren't needed, but otherwise thanks for trying [04:25:46] what edits again? [04:26:01] att? [04:45:49] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12509 :O congrats sammy [04:47:56] Justabouts, fully locked in in just a few hours. 🙂 [05:06:56] me when the alien clown decides to, and i quote " [05:07:03] thank you keyboard [05:07:16] yk, its funnier that you get no context for that lmao [05:14:40] i kinda hate that you can live-reload JWB simply by reexecuting its code [05:16:26] why? isnt that..just what reexecuting does? [05:16:34] yeah it makes sense [05:16:42] but it also feels cursed? for some reason? [05:20:24] Idk what JWB is but [05:22:05] javascriptwikibrowser, basically a clone of autowikibrowser but in javascript [05:22:16] and autowikibrowser is a tool that helps you mass-edit wikis [05:23:08] woh [05:23:15] ill need to add that later [05:23:31] [[WP:AWB]] and [[WP:JWB]] [05:23:31] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:AWB https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:JWB [05:24:25] Oh weird [05:24:34] [[WP:AWB]] [05:24:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:AWB [05:24:36] [05:24:40] oh so [05:24:45] relay doesnt trigger wikibot [05:24:56] remains relevant: [05:24:56] nope [05:24:56] https://youtube.com/shorts/G7L6mQxlfVU?si=7BUyjbJ2TSgDrn2w [05:25:50] fucking O.O eyes there hoyl shit [05:25:56] I prefer it when my stupid code spells work [07:55:54] <.labster> [1/2] Oh hey, @cosmicalpha made it to #3 on Hacker News: [07:55:54] <.labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278261765271982173/image.png?ex=66d02989&is=66ced809&hm=1ff9a40f5b1136bed989e1e3af1c722fbf8ca14297cd951b7d1f72da3c51c463& [08:12:14] BlankEclair: ^^, and please expect a million questions! [08:14:53] TheresNoTime: can i badger you with server requests that i can't do? :3 [08:15:27] i have one already: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12195 [08:18:37] Sure! No promises I'll be able to help initially! :D I tend to take it slow with new access ^^' [08:19:12] (the better option is probably you looking at an access request ;3) [08:19:26] (i was half-joking there, but in all seriousness, it'd be really nice if you could get to it) [08:20:15] > [28/08/2024 18:19] (the better option is probably you looking at an access request ;3) [08:20:23] you won't believe what i asked in #miraheze-tech then :3 [08:20:32] (though i'll have to go for the non-nda options) [08:20:50] Can't sign an NDA? [08:21:18] mind if i elaborate privately? [08:21:31] Sure ^^ [08:22:13] (why do i keep asking "do you mind X"? technically, "i don't mind" means no, but "no" could also be interpreted as "i mind") [08:24:56] Very ambiguous phrase :p [08:36:23] [1/2] Old photo I took [08:36:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278271952418635867/20230706_170423.jpg?ex=66d03306&is=66cee186&hm=afce07e62c568243bb29a359e97eefe8fde3aff3e749f199e23f104208163273& [09:04:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:On-Off_Boarding#Social_Media; outdated? no mastodon [09:51:04] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey !! a:fox_dance: [09:56:40] mid-git bisect and i already wanna git blame [10:25:40] i'm reading through my old code right now, and did i seriously use regex? [10:25:50] /webping (https?://)?([^ .]+\.[^ .]+) [10:26:00] how in the hell did i learn that? [10:44:19] [1/2] > https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:On-Off_Boarding#Social_Media; outdated? no mastodon [10:44:20] [2/2] is it possible for someone with rights to go in and edit that or like [10:44:30] do you need to go through a review process or whatever [10:44:55] only editable by admins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [10:49:29] damn you mirahezeeeeeeeeeee [10:49:57] but yeah prob get an admin on that, file a phorge task or whatever [10:57:49] That would depend on whenever an Tech Team member are available for that [10:58:02] phorge feels overkill [11:20:13] me when i forge phorge into a forgery for fridges [14:26:51] [1/2] Bnuuy [14:26:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278360150142615602/20240822_091410.jpg?ex=66d0852a&is=66cf33aa&hm=66cdfd7fdb9f24bcc5d4005121a85ba7f570123547332b7b5e59e61575a9c42c& [14:46:48] snow bnuy... [20:20:03] ... because it is overkill [20:27:48] TheresNoTime: you want your first task? [21:13:58] imagine blue pikmin's struggle [21:17:11] [1/2] what a descriptive error! [21:17:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278463418088816763/image.png?ex=66d0e557&is=66cf93d7&hm=ff2a0497dfdcaf18c7314c85acd8b70ee54e013662cca89a08545a8e687f7a31& [21:17:30] why http [22:03:24] [1/2] lets put orain meta active because: [22:03:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278475046658117702/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-08-28_a_las_4.02.54_p.m..png?ex=66d0f02c&is=66cf9eac&hm=cdfe6eefa5091c46fe15bed561f0bfa425d809286783dbdcca8c830a96f2d1c7& [22:32:10] <.labster, replying to emicraftnoob> I requested dormancy exemption. Actually, I can go in and click the button for it, but as a non-steward, I'm not empowered to make the decision. I could decide to make Orain an official MH project though as President... but not sure I want to do that. [22:49:09] orain is a nostalgia piece and not much more [22:49:40] I don't see why it especially needs to be sustained as such unless we want to wheel it out for more regular april fools [22:50:48] just out of curiosity also, does the foundation have full control over the domain or is it privately held by someone (whom)? [22:52:23] [1/2] cries in monterey [22:52:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1278487376406122620/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-08-28_a_las_4.42.01_p.m..png?ex=66d0fba7&is=66cfaa27&hm=f348917c63ec4759c17e734e8687c5b94b31dabde038a3c57714f5e478d80496& [23:20:23] Glad to see 503s again