[00:35:07] lol [00:35:18] Raidarr with the dots again [01:03:06] [1/2] dude can wikipedia stop giving me the runaround on shit [01:03:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1285405638603837513/image.png?ex=66ea26c9&is=66e8d549&hm=7cd6c53f9c8f9cd456bf81970dd48595f13c4048242648d2bfd659fb8d06def3& [01:03:41] it seems like i have to go to another thing every time i want to try to edit wikipedia from my school issued device [01:31:24] [1/2] The Board's great goal was improvements to the technical infrastructure and improvements to the financial stability of the platform. Since those two have been tackled and since they're no longer an issue which is in our face constantly (as were all the 5xx errors and the constant threats of bankruptcy), people seem to have forgotten this and it seems some belie [01:31:24] [2/2] ve the Board has done nothing positive. I said that they do things that are not very visible because at this point, they have tackled the two largest threats to our existence which we needed answers to years ago. So now with the largest things out of the way, the Board now focuses on smaller items for the internal day to day running of the platform. [01:31:27] [1/2] Do I disagree that they need to improve more? Certainly not. But I would ask that you cut them some slack because now that the actual life-or-death issues have been tackled, they need time to reorganize themselves to see what smaller things need focus. No Board could ever focus on that because it was either focus on how to improve and nurture the community or literally have the pla [01:31:27] [2/2] tform die. You can't blame the Board for not doing enough when they've gone above and beyond (in most aspects, I know some here will disagree when it comes to PII training and the rebrand which I don't think anyone will disagree have been misfires). [01:32:38] I agree with OA though that more public activity is needed in that front. I think the Board could heavily improve from greater transparency and in my final days as President, I had been working on measures to improve many aspects of transparency and engaging in more public communication regarding the Board's plans and vision for the farm. [01:51:12] I have agree as while I did disagree with the rebrand I felt bad for you when you left as some don’t understand the board intentions sometimes which does lead to issue that some users can work on being more wise and understanding towards them. [01:52:18] I think the rebrand incident was necessary for the Board and was a learning experience for the Board. [01:52:45] But as you said, good intentions were at play [01:52:47] Yeah I do agree but also for the users [01:53:00] Some of the users took a bit far then needed to [01:54:14] Totally not related but everytime someone refers to JS as JavaScript you are infringing on Oracles Copyright 👀🫣 [01:54:18] Fun fact for the day. [01:54:55] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1285418681228071053/image0.png?ex=66ea32ef&is=66e8e16f&hm=998833f5d1335e1491fc6df58ebe7d4fc5cad20e769154daef309d4777943b98& [01:56:11] Because last time I heard about the rebranding I heard of a discord thing that was a bad respond to the rebranding like yes I may not agree but I don’t have to trash the board for every choice that I didn’t agree on [01:56:23] I do agree. Some users took it a bit far but I think many have pondered on whether the ardent passion and name-calling was necessary and many users who called me names have apologized to me since then [02:00:11] [1/3] So learning experience for: [02:00:11] [2/3] * The Board: don't assume people will see the good intentions. If something should require a discussion, it should have a discussion. Don't assume people will agree with you and see the positives. [02:00:11] [3/3] * For users: Reassess if name-calling and passionate statements are really necessary and if not, try to reasonably discuss this and express why you believe something won't work instead of calling people names and stating an agenda is being pushed. [02:00:43] I don't think name calling is ever appropriate, no matter the situation [02:00:49] [1/2] Fax as even then I have said about three rename thing when I didn’t know how to sign [02:00:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1285420164946464829/IMG_0207.png?ex=66ea3451&is=66e8e2d1&hm=ef44d82a207214ab78231e170b5b69d2f7dc82d2c1eb7d8d500f235fd73056be& [02:01:14] True as name calling is just wasting time and is counted insults which are very counterproductive [02:01:16] (And if you [whoever reads this] does think its appropriate, you probably need to get off the internet and touch grass for a bit) [02:01:33] name calling is the opposite of productive [02:01:37] it just makes everything more tense [02:01:39] Well yes but it's also just interent etiquette [02:01:41] It’s counterproductive [02:02:06] Also...just be nice it costs nothing and it probably requires more brain power to actively be nasty for no reason [02:02:37] But why waste that brain power when people can use it for something productive instead of being counterproductive [02:02:52] Learning experience for everyone 🙂 [02:03:06] A lot of unnecessary brainpower was spent in that whole ordeal [02:03:07] Brain power is rare on the internet these days lol [02:03:18] For some reason [02:03:18] Idk why [02:03:35] (Talking generally, of course, not necessarily in the contexts of MH) [02:03:58] yeh [02:05:14] Like wasting it to be a shit digger or be a trash talker is as good as nothing but being an example of this SpongeBob thing https://youtu.be/F6DTAH2CG7c?feature=shared [02:10:11] [1/2] aye [02:10:11] [2/2] Polandball included, too, as well [02:16:46] I'm not sure if someone on Polandball Wiki called me a name \:P [02:17:01] I wouldn't blame Kymi for, though [02:21:25] [1/2] It was a wake-up call for Polandball [02:21:25] [2/2] The staff there realized that the server lay dormant, and we all realized things had to start anew [02:22:44] It laid dormant for quite a long time though [02:25:42] Even during Kymi's term, it was dormant. I think the decline began after Ballmedia collapsed for the first time [02:25:48] so like... 2 years ago [02:26:18] [1/3] In the final days before the old server was archived, I tried to give out transparency about the whole situation, and so I wish that you also try to give more transparency too [02:26:18] [2/3] I tried to get a statement from you because I wanted things to be addressed and open [02:26:19] [3/3] But you left quietly, which I understand because you were burnt out [02:26:19] rip [02:29:40] I won't be surprised if by next year I'll be completely inactive on wikis [02:32:23] I wonder what I would've been good at [02:32:39] inb4 nothing [02:37:21] You keep saying that yet you have a long trajectory on many wikis [02:37:55] True I guess [02:38:23] I've lasted a long time on the first wiki I joined [02:38:32] So I might last even longer still [02:40:09] I just last a long time on things I'm interested in [02:40:32] I think that's basically everyone [02:40:44] You wouldn't last at something you don't care about [02:40:47] True [02:41:02] I'm probably not remembered for much anymore anyways [02:42:46] Don't worry, no one is \:P [02:42:49] lol [02:43:10] There's a lot of things I've done which I wouldn't be surprised if people said they didn't know I did [02:43:14] or that they barely notice [02:43:20] I was once editor of the month on Community Central on Fandom [02:43:24] but to me, I see them as big accomplishments and that's what matters [02:43:28] I was surprised to say the least [02:44:04] I guess I could say the same with what I did on a wiki I was an admin at for many years [02:44:41] My accomplishments were good too [02:44:47] looking back [02:45:27] I ended up being there for so much longer than I thought I would [02:45:42] I outlasted so many others [02:46:10] You seem to reminisce a lot about that wiki [02:46:12] it was sort of weird and funny at the same time [02:46:14] Why not return? [02:46:33] Hmm, I could its just complicated [02:47:26] Make amends and return instead of being a spectator [02:47:34] especially if it's made such a profound impact [02:47:47] Hmm I basically returned on a new account already [02:47:54] just not as active as I once was [02:48:43] Do they have a discord? might be good to communicate with wiki editors through there and slowly return [02:49:24] They do, but I can't right now until I straighten out something [02:49:46] I was banned and it always makes me sad to think about [02:50:18] ahhhhh [02:50:39] getting unbanned is a good path forwards then [02:50:48] Yeah it's probably gonna take a while [02:50:52] as much as it sucks, you sort of can't survive without discord on some communities [02:50:57] Miraheze included [02:51:02] true [02:51:10] I'm active on other servers so it isn't as bad anmore [02:52:14] Sometimes I wish I could just simply forget I ever existed there but unfortunately I can't [04:04:05] [1/2] Just getting caught up now, thanks for bearing with the limited communication, but we just recently vetted and approved and funded a training program in this most recent meeting on the 15th (not yet public) which will be rolling out shortly. [04:04:05] [2/2] It's worth noting that this isn't, to my understanding, anything that's existed in, well, the entire history of Miraheze, and we had to take our time to make sure we were investing our funds (close to 1k to cover all PII-exposed roles) wisely. [04:25:35] [1/2] On a more general note, one lesson I've taken from the prior era and our initial work to stabilize the project following our transfer of ownership in January is that no one person can run the project by themselves, nor should they. [04:25:35] [2/2] As the meeting notes can admittedly be pretty opaque (intentionally), I'll reach out to the rest of the board and see about arranging a MH Meetings-style Q&A to help bridge this divide - allowing us to talk about some of our long-term vision for the project and get a better sense of what the community wants to see. [06:56:17] [1/2] I'm new to Miraheze, what the hell did users do/say? [06:56:18] [2/2] Did it end up being as bad as League of Legends players sending death threats to Riot Games over a skin cosmetic? [06:57:36] Nah, no sordid lore or anything to that extent (as far as I'm aware) [06:57:58] i haven't played league of legends, what the fuck? [06:58:10] Competitive gaming gets messy [07:08:24] [1/7] Extreme TL;DR, glossing over interpersonal stuff: [07:08:25] [2/7] * A group of former MH volunteers launched an alternative wiki hosting platform called WikiTide in March 2023 [07:08:25] [3/7] * The MH corporate entity announced it planned to close operations around June 2023 [07:08:25] [4/7] * Talks ensued to try to figure out a way to keep the MH project afloat [07:08:26] [5/7] * A supergroup (today's WikiTide Foundation) formed w folks from the original MH entity, from WikiTide, and from the other potential MH successor and assumed control of MH operations in Jan 2024 [07:08:26] [6/7] * A rebrand of Miraheze to WikiTide was considered and ultimately paused due to community concerns in April [07:08:26] [7/7] * Agent left the project at that time, and is now back in a Tech role. [07:23:50] miraheze lore [07:26:26] How come the former volunteers launched a separate platform? [07:27:35] well, internal disagreement would be a way to call that [07:28:35] True, but beyond that, we thought there was a better way forward to handle the tech and financials. [07:30:40] And now everyone benefits. [07:33:56] certainly not me, that's for sure [07:35:35] or anybody for that matter [07:35:47] or anything [07:57:17] But what matters is continually learning, improving and growing, whether it's anybody or anything [12:15:24] 👍 [12:16:53] my brain: should i make a webextension for miraheze, or should i make a mitmproxy addon... [12:18:49] English please [12:19:15] eigo [12:20:09] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12587 should be fixed now... but there are still recent reports [12:20:25] so i might browse the wikis while always on a specific mediawiki server [12:38:50] why does my network have to be so fucked [12:39:00] ipv6 is apparently there, but it just hangs?? [12:45:02] i just disabled ipv6 for this network, whatever >_< [13:01:07] Interesting [13:01:23] Acgh got hit by mobile ui [14:01:12] [1/2] you know you are doing something productive when CVT bot is flagging you [14:01:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1285601456392503376/398bbd79a2564eaf.png?ex=66eadd28&is=66e98ba8&hm=081c438b42df10eefee24eb4d4f3cb4dbd685e0516086fa069cd461e1c80d728& [14:13:49] i've just had a big idea about a high speed train line between omaha and lincoln aaaaaa [14:52:31] It's quite peculiar indeed [15:22:42] First day of uni went well :D [15:24:26] Congrats [15:25:04] I'm up to start my final year on Thursday [15:25:38] Nice [15:28:43] They do want us in 9am though [15:29:06] Oof [15:29:37] It means getting the 7:30 train with all the noisy college kids [15:29:45] I'm not awake enough at that time for their shit [15:30:19] @ghaztliousmoths you looking forward to everything? Anything you're stuck with? [15:32:20] Yea, I'm really excited about the freedom to access anything from any department, I wanna do lino prints againnnn [15:32:55] Nice [15:34:21] [1/2] Tomorrow will be kinda interesting, it's mostly the freshers fair, where I get to see clubs n stuff [15:34:22] [2/2] There's gunna be free food which is nice :p [15:34:39] Free food is nice [15:34:46] Which is always when at uni as an apprentice [15:34:49] Work pay for it [15:35:48] Yea, then Thursday I'll be doing some workshops and tasks surrounding my course [15:36:04] Then ig I got nothing on Friday [15:37:08] So I'll probably spend that time learning the software I may use, or print a ton of Rat Prisms [15:38:44] Cool [15:53:11] [1/2] wow i'm impressed [15:53:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1285629635547103253/image.png?ex=66eaf766&is=66e9a5e6&hm=8afe14555bfbdb405acedaf9964551048c8a19bb7203c2fdd966a5f4865a50f8& [15:53:16] 14 Gb is a lot [15:54:43] what do you want ram for if not for using it [15:55:43] Oh thats fine it lefts plenty more [15:55:53] but i never saw so high usage from firefox [15:58:51] as a recent alumni, all I gotta say is that uni is fun [15:59:14] a rather wild era for me, but a good one [15:59:50] Please be wild but responsibly [16:00:06] Keep an eye on any drinks, walk home as a group etc. [16:02:11] @ghaztliousmoths https://www.hampshirealert.co.uk/Alerts/A/196443 [16:02:28] ngl, there were times where we had organized parties and all that, but I didn't really go out and drink and smoke and all that [16:02:47] I worked hard and played hard. i.e. took college responsibly [16:36:45] I never smoke or drank yet either [17:03:18] I briefly drank beer a few times in my life, I don't understand how can people stand it [17:03:39] It tastes horribly and is bad for you [17:04:42] :thistbh: [17:09:36] amen [17:10:06] the only beer like drink I liked was something labeled as "cherry ale" [17:10:34] Apologies to any Germans in the chat but yeah [17:10:40] lol [17:10:40] Alcohol is bleh [17:10:50] And I can’t even drink it and I know that [17:11:04] I like wine but my weak body can't handle alcohol much [17:11:05] I shouldn't since I'm on medication [17:11:11] so fun [17:12:04] I once got drunk on overfermented kvass ... I was 12 ... [17:12:17] Oh no [17:12:55] it was funny, I just drop sleep [17:14:08] Honk shoe [18:22:11] I do not drink as it is bad with my mental health meds [18:35:13] Also, is it best to buy a domain for a longer time or a shorter time and reniew more?# [18:36:22] Holding domains for longer can save you money [18:38:32] ive never tried alcohol tbh [18:41:27] Might be cheaper to buy for longer [18:52:23] https://youtube.com/shorts/f5wREvuUK8w?si=AYd87TilNvfrWslb [18:52:34] looks at Wikimania badges [19:09:01] I was thinking of buying the domain for 3-5 years [19:28:48] Maybe this is a completely false stereotype but since we're on the topic - is it true that in quite a few Russian families fairly young children/teens are given alcohol? Like a beer or things like that [19:30:12] [1/2] well, happens sometimes somewhere [19:30:12] [2/2] sometimes they give just foam [19:30:29] not in adult amounts ofc [19:31:15] but then teens start smoking and drinking and yeah, the usual stuff, they try to ask adult strangers to buy them [19:31:31] troubled kids or whatever [19:31:40] wasn't a thing for me tho [19:33:53] yeah, for teens that happens everywhere but I think in Eastern Europe it's probably at an earlier age than in most places [19:35:25] Maybe it's just me but when I see a fairly young person smoking with their parent(s) it makes me feel like something isn't right... [19:36:30] yeah [19:38:23] Yeah [19:39:11] I still find it ironic that the US actually seems to have much less smoking compared to Europe(from the two trips to Europe I’ve had, France and England) [19:40:47] Yeah, I'm always surprised at how little people in the US smoke apparently. Here quite a few people do and indeed in France especially many people in high school pick it up due to peer pressure [19:41:07] I think in other places like Germany there's probably a bit less smoking, though in Austria it's completely the opposite [19:41:08] I don’t see it regardless because I live in the suburbs [19:41:19] is smoking banned there? 😄 [19:41:30] No [19:41:40] My friend’s dad used to smoke actually [19:41:53] But this is the type of suburb where you get around by car [19:41:56] End of story [19:42:00] No walking for you [19:42:25] Barely even sidewalks, if I needed to go to a store by foot it would be more of a hike then an errand [19:42:31] The American suburbs can be quite a "mythical" place for us Europeans, I've only ever seen one in movies but when I hopefully come to visit the US I'd actually consider doing a 'pit stop' in a random suburb just to see what it's actually like 😄 [19:42:56] Lmao [19:43:25] If you stop by the east coast I know a town with really good Brazilian food nearish by lol [19:43:27] I mean there are suburbs here too but every one I've seen isn't even close to what American ones are like [19:43:33] Although NYC is something in itself [19:43:49] Ah, to NYC I have been a long time ago but I haven't really had the chance to explore anything else in the US before sadly [19:44:02] So when I return I'll probably try to go somewhere else [19:44:39] I’m close enough that I go to New York usually once or twice a month [19:44:54] Most reliably for Wikimedia New York [19:45:11] I love and hate it lmao [19:45:34] I’m not a city life person [19:45:39] I mean I think it's nice to live close to a big city and be able to go whenever you feel like it but also be able to live somewhere calm [19:45:45] Ironic considering I was born in a big city in Brazil [19:45:53] Yeah, big cities are nice as a tourist but I don't think I'd really want to live in one [19:46:04] Or at least not in the central parts [19:46:12] But next/close to one is nice [19:46:19] The metro actually drove me insane [19:46:38] Impressive [19:46:46] Though tbf in Europe a lot of people do live at most 2-3 hours by train from a big city [19:46:50] Didn’t think it could get worse then the underground [19:47:05] NYC depends a lot on traffic cause I normally drive [19:47:20] It’s like an hour rn I think [19:47:37] But the suburbs are nice [19:47:38] New York sounds like too many humans [19:47:44] You have no idea [19:47:44] It's like London [19:47:45] Funny enough in many cases it's way faster to go by train than drive in Europe [19:47:48] Lovely place [19:47:50] No [19:47:52] But tiring after a few days [19:47:56] I know a journey that takes 5 hours by car and like 2 by train [19:47:57] Way worse [19:48:06] At least for me London felt way less crowded [19:48:22] Well it's my closest comparison [19:48:28] Yeah I actually did go to London somewhat recently and I didn't think it was that crowded [19:48:37] except close to the big ben area, there it was quite bad... [19:48:38] It depends when [19:48:40] NYC is an actual concrete jungle [19:48:42] When I went it was actually sunny most days [19:48:46] no offense but I don't see what people see in it [19:48:46] I've been during the weekend and it can be dead [19:48:51] Eh [19:48:54] Westminster on a weekend can be insane [19:48:55] The Amazon would be more fitting [19:49:07] That would be too endearing [19:49:11] Sometimes I don’t think they know either [19:49:13] pop culture created quite a myth [19:49:15] I don't think when I went it was a weekend but yeah it was quite insane there [19:49:24] But in other parts it was okay I'd say [19:49:29] It varies [19:49:45] I was there on a weekday evening earlier in the year and it was pretty quiet [19:49:54] but hey, place where ecstasy has become a party drug first in the early 80s [19:49:58] Have you been? [19:50:01] lol yeah [19:50:07] I do business less and less the older I get [19:50:16] Busy stresses me [19:50:18] I have and I prefer my city over it \:P [19:50:30] It feels better planned, less crowded and has more green space [19:50:36] I kept cursing people walking through train stations today for being stupid and slow [19:50:58] Low bar in those regards [19:51:08] I mean, the fact NYC doesn't even have alleys is crazy [19:51:17] People really just place bags of garbage... on the sidewalk [19:51:28] We don’t need them! You feel just as stabbable on the sidewalk [19:51:41] It’s not thaaat bad [19:51:47] rats and humans living in harmony [19:51:53] as intended [19:51:56] They’re part of the decor [19:52:00] I think rats aren't specific to NYC, London and Paris have their share [19:52:16] There are plenty of gems in NYC as well though [19:52:21] but yeah, I definitely wouldn't want to live there permanently though [19:52:23] The Central Park obviously [19:52:27] any major city will have rats but the amount of rats varies [19:52:27] Although even the small places [19:52:31] it would be really stressful I feel, especially getting around [19:52:37] There’s one really good pizza place there I go to [19:52:39] I saw plenty of them walking freely on the sidewalk and in the subway [19:52:42] I'd never see that here [19:52:51] even though we've also some crazy rat problems in our alleys [19:52:57] I don’t normally see them that openly [19:53:09] maybe I went on a bad month \:P [19:53:20] maybe NYC has a rat season :d [19:53:30] mostly have sky rats [19:54:04] well at least if you go to NYC you don't have to smell smoke on every street heh [19:54:14] Anymore [19:54:17] I actually do wonder what made Americans smoke less than Europeans [19:54:31] Wikipedia probably has the answer [19:54:39] Oh actually, I heard that nowadays you get to smell another kind of smoke... [19:54:48] You have no idea lmao [19:54:57] They cracked down on limiting it I believe recently [19:55:04] In the past it was everywhere [19:55:11] mmm, wildfire smoke [19:55:17] What no [19:55:32] We don’t have enough foliage for wildfires [19:55:33] my mind went to it when I saw Reception say that lol [19:55:38] No [19:55:40] Weed [19:55:43] I think that's on the other coast! [19:55:47] You didn't get the Canadian wildfire smoke? [19:56:03] We did for a week and it smelled like a barbecue the whole time [19:56:05] but indeed, I meant what Pix said [19:56:07] I don’t think I went to New York around that time but we got it down here in Jersey [19:56:08] and the orange sky was a plus [19:56:13] Yeah [19:56:15] but I do remember actually on the news when the sky was orange in NYC [19:56:22] I remember one specific day [19:56:28] It was surreal [19:56:45] And one of my classmates had asthma so 🙃 [19:57:07] Although speaking of surreal, walking through Times Square is [19:57:08] Something [19:57:32] Bunch of people in wack costumes [19:57:48] I guess it must also be nice visiting during Christmas [19:57:56] if you can get through all the crowds [19:58:10] I haven’t spend Christmas in the US in my life actually [19:58:30] Although around that time we went to see da big tree I believe [19:58:38] The crowd was horrid [19:58:39] so much travel must be nice [19:58:52] I had to physically grab onto the person I was wish [19:58:53] That makes me think, I wouldn't enjoy a "Florida Christmas" 😄 [19:59:16] even though we sadly don't get much snow here anyway, and almost never actually around Christmas [19:59:19] maybe a Disney Christmas? \:P [19:59:23] Heh, my friend complains about it all the time jokingly [19:59:40] last year I think we had a wet Christmas [19:59:41] Although I have family in Brazil, including a grandmother who’s about to turn 99 [19:59:57] We mostly get it early in the year [20:00:31] We haven't had a snowy December in quite some time [20:00:49] the snow always seems to queue up for February and then dump itself horribly over the span of a week [20:00:54] We actually did in 2022 I think, but it was just for 1-2 days and it wasn't a too big deal [20:01:12] But yeah I am definitely grateful to be in position to be able to both go back to see family and visit Europe sometimes even (spring break normally) [20:01:21] Yup [20:01:26] Which state is this again [20:05:23] I walk or take the bus (I live in a UK town) [20:05:26] I don't even know how we got from drinking alcohol to discussing NYC heh [20:05:42] My housemate says he wants to go to NYC [20:05:44] Same [20:06:07] Here [20:06:17] Ah yes [20:06:22] I do want to find that out [20:06:45] Maybe it's just because smoking is "cultural" in some European countries, whatever that might mean [20:07:01] I’ll look for it soon [20:07:02] Illinois [20:07:32] Aren't there tornadoes and periods where it's so cold from all the wind chill there? [20:07:45] Tornados never near the city [20:07:55] I don't think there's ever been one here [20:08:50] Ah, that's good at least. The cold mjst not be nice though. I think the most I've experienced is around -12C (10F) [20:09:26] According to my weather app the coldest I’ve loaded it in was 2 F [20:09:38] As for heat I probably haven't experienced over 39C/101F [20:09:41] Yeah, the wind chill can be brutal [20:10:04] there's always a week in February when the feeling drops to -30F [20:10:15] Jesus [20:10:34] Wow, I think I'd lock myself in heh [20:10:45] Us Boy Scouts have our Klondike event in February, usually around the coldest days of the year [20:10:46] Sob [20:10:57] That's so cold that Celsius and faranheit basically have the same number for it [20:11:00] This last year it actually had snow so YAAAAY [20:11:06] heh [20:12:00] Context; the Klondike is an event where groups have a sled with poles first aid and other scout stuff and you travel around to different stations and do scout skill challenges and pull the sled with you [20:12:13] Fire building, team work, lashings [20:12:17] Cooking is the best [20:12:42] Although we do rarely get snow we put wheels on the sled this past years [20:12:52] Same year is finally had lots of snow LMAO [20:13:02] Luckily the wheels were removable [20:13:20] Oh, didn't realize it, you're a boy scout? [20:13:22] Think I caught a cold from it [20:13:24] Yup [20:13:30] That's cool [20:13:35] Oui [20:13:36] I don't think I've ever seen one \:P [20:13:40] Lmao [20:14:04] Never had a neighbor knock on your door to sell you popcorn? [20:14:14] nope [20:14:19] Dang [20:14:28] Lots of door knockers but never a boy scout [20:14:36] Tbf I haven’t door to door in a while [20:14:52] I may just say fuck it and not do it at all this year(last meeting was when it started$ [20:15:03] Last year national/council moved to a new vendor [20:15:05] I hate them [20:15:07] Going house to house is certainly an experience [20:15:13] Less selection [20:15:20] And the size for price is insane [20:15:40] Granted it’s jacked up because it’s a fundraiser [20:15:44] Scouts get 30% of sales into their own account to pay for trips [20:15:52] National and Council get some [20:16:01] I don’t think the troop gets any from popcorn [20:16:09] We have a fundraiser specifically for the troop [20:16:14] 🤔 [20:16:21] Pancake breakfast [20:16:29] so you go door to door to fundraise... not for yourself? [20:16:29] Well that’s what my troop does [20:16:34] No idea if its standard [20:17:06] It is for ourselves. 30% of each sale is money we can use for troop stuff [20:17:16] And if they get it here, money for the troop [20:17:23] To buy new equipment [20:17:32] Something my troop needs a bit of [20:17:53] ah [20:18:07] Also funding national’s law suits [20:18:09] I mean what [20:18:44] But this year they’re really pushing digital sales [20:18:53] Instead of collecting cash [20:19:01] We don’t even have a physical selections paper [20:19:40] I recall our committee chair shared in my distain for the new vendor [20:21:14] Oh also we get rewards based on how much we sell [20:21:29] ah, that's nice [20:21:43] Are they worth it for the price range no but expected [20:21:45] It’s tired [20:21:51] Tiered* [20:22:04] I always confuse the boy scouts with girl scouts [20:22:21] I was about to say "I've also never seen any of the famous cookie selling scouts" [20:22:29] We’re the ones who stuff [20:22:33] They’re the ones who sell cookies [20:22:45] I have a friend who was a boy scout actually, I think you definitely need to like the wilderness a lot [20:22:56] I mean [20:23:02] I’m a Boy Scout and here I am [20:23:14] I’m not a super nature lover [20:23:17] But I love the trips [20:23:26] We have a camping trip every month [20:23:26] Don't you have to set up your tent though? [20:23:27] It’s fun [20:23:30] Yeah we do [20:23:36] I kinda suck at it lmao [20:23:44] My memory with processes and knots suck [20:23:54] Some places we go are awesome [20:23:58] Heh yeah, when I think boy scout I think setting up tents (and how hard it must be) [20:24:05] It’s not actually [20:24:14] I just forget what goes where [20:24:19] And starting a fire heh [20:24:25] We typically set them up in the dark on Friday night [20:24:34] Can be annoying [20:24:59] Last year I co judged the fire station for a competition [20:25:04] Focused on the younger scouts [20:25:07] Honestly! [20:25:09] Hilarious [20:27:20] One group actually succeeded [20:27:30] And they were basically cheating [20:27:59] We just marked it good because it was the very last group [20:28:10] Running stuff is fun [20:52:27] @reception123 ^ interesting [20:54:15] [[w:Tobacoo in the United States]] [20:54:15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacoo_in_the_United_States [20:54:16] [21:16:47] What is this "tobacoo" you speak of? [22:12:26] i love smoking tobacoo [22:12:56] [[w:Tobacco in the United States]] [22:12:56] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_in_the_United_States [22:12:57] [23:17:38] Sales are usually seasonal, really common to see them around start of Fall/Spring outside grocery stores around here. [23:31:17] Yup, my troop started popcorn sale last week [23:33:09] We call that Show and Sell I believe [23:33:39] My troop isn’t doing it this year or maybe last one either, there’s a big push to move digital [23:33:41] I don’t love it [23:33:56] Although I’m strongly considering not doing it because of the vendor [23:34:05] Damned National