[00:01:48] Huh [00:03:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/48947 - not that you particularly asked, but here's the wiki request (if you look closely in the comments, you can see Agent bug hunting) [00:04:21] Yeah, Redmin reported a bug but I can't reproduce it [00:04:41] Either way, we have some less than desirable behavior when it comes to how we reload things after submitting [00:13:07] I <3 CW [00:42:36] that is good [00:42:47] I just came here to look at your messages to make sure you're safe [00:42:53] make sure to stay safe! [00:43:59] that story in Lebanon is pure cyber warfare dystopian shit [00:44:47] imagine if this kind of thing keeps happening to more technology, it'd be devastating [00:53:53] Hello it’s been some time since we last talked [00:54:10] yes I am genuinely busy irl [00:54:29] Oof [00:54:31] Relatable [00:54:58] The entire day was me dealing with sick accounts and the music wiki fandom left overs [00:55:06] Guess how many their are [05:12:37] will do! [05:12:40] ikr [06:22:44] @ghaztliousmoths here goes Year 3 for me [06:22:56] Waiting train to uni [06:45:26] Nice, hope today goes well today for u [06:53:33] I already sighed out loud [06:53:34] Oh it will, trust me. Supply chains are a prime target for all sorts of attacks [06:53:41] I love working with apprentices sometimes @ghaztliousmoths [06:54:41] Sometimes [06:55:42] If you manage to get something called the bill of lading for a shipment in progress, you basically own it, and you can do oh-so-many things. I am not going to get into the details here, I am sure you can read about from citable sources. [07:16:24] They are often fun. No one teaches anyone about the job part and they often have zero idea what they are doing and act like daft kids. [07:16:29] It has happened today [07:16:44] Also my timetable for the actual semester is wrong and different to what we were told [07:16:54] Modules are missing and extra modules added [07:16:56] Fun! [07:50:14] seems like straight out of 1984 [07:51:31] using technology to remotely explode civilian electronics, running a propaganda campaign to cover it up and defend war crimes and collective punishment [07:52:05] at this point Israel could quite literally assassinate US citizens and we'd still have the government saying our citizens were terrorists [07:52:45] Israel did everything to the US that they said Russia, China, etc. would do [07:55:43] I got into an argument with someone about this a month or two ago and they genuinely said (their own words) that Palestinians are an acceptable "sacrifice" to eliminate "terrorists" [07:56:01] completely normalized political discourse now, human sacrifice and war crimes [08:07:34] [1/2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLCNc1pixLA [08:07:34] [2/2] there's a lot of this you can find, Ted Cruz also explicitly said he'll prosecute any pro-Palestine protestors, lots of other stuff too; Arab-American also testifies about hate crimes and senator shouts that because she's an Arab she must support Hamas, he shouts "you support Hamas" while interrupting her repeated statements that she doesn't [08:08:03] US politics are bullshit, lawmakers are genuinely arguing about whether racism and genocide are justified [08:08:56] [1/2] meme I just thought of [08:08:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286237575102599178/IMG_20240716_095555_108.jpg?ex=66ed2d97&is=66ebdc17&hm=73984786933acb2d0f6eeca75ab9084965af336c05a6eaa9781840f162c4f3f9& [08:08:58] saw it on telegram a while ago [10:46:43] nbc as a peacock [12:19:29] @ghaztliousmoths my MP actually replied to my attendance rant [12:34:40] @rhinosf1 i applied for a tech apprentiship finally [12:35:06] which one [12:35:18] Software Engineering with DWP [12:37:06] Combo with some training provider thing for a Level 4, which is not a degree like but its enough to get some experience which I hope will counteract me not having a compsci degree [12:37:24] ye Level 4 is A-Level Equivalent [12:37:27] I'm also gonna apply for NatWests Software Engineering pathway when those open [12:37:29] whose the provider [12:37:35] Makers Academy [12:38:19] I had to do some code test thing in python and I didnt really understand it lol but i managed it [12:39:25] I probably won't get it but [12:39:40] And it only starts next year in feb i think anyway but ill be praying [12:48:08] ah [12:49:24] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286308160604213379/Screenshot_2024-09-19_at_13.49.19.png?ex=66ed6f53&is=66ec1dd3&hm=c439330f4ad7ab3d46fc294794b216b292ffdac06fadfc354c6e1b5413409d16& [12:49:26] @originalauthority [12:50:03] Think I've heard of them [12:50:13] I applied to mostly Level 6 though [12:50:25] I already have a masters lol so im not really bothered about the level [12:50:39] fair [12:53:06] Maybe i can do a top up at a later date if needed? (If i even get it) [12:55:19] God its mad to think i already have a level 7 lol [12:58:26] ye you can [13:53:40] [1/2] have you heard of NSO group? [13:53:41] [2/2] Also, Israel at this point is basically a US puppet state [15:18:20] Ah yes the slope be looking like a safety Hazard because it’s so slippery that one step makes you slip down the entire slope [15:50:47] https://www.tumblr.com/gummybearattacktheworldofdespair/761670699405410304 [16:22:29] yes I have [16:43:07] i would beg to say the other way around [18:16:37] https://niwanetwork.org/cross-wiki-week-2024/ I like this idea [18:16:40] W NIWA [18:28:50] [1/2] fellas, how we feeling about this [18:28:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286393582835466260/2024-09-19_21_28_39.png?ex=66edbee2&is=66ec6d62&hm=2a5658dfaac5db270c30b91761336c879955d12c7971267940b9b6493deb0063& [18:30:56] Mmmm [18:31:00] Why has not Fandom shut down the Warhammer 40k Fanon wikis yet? [18:31:15] Too much ad money? [18:33:44] <_arawynn> that's a pretty useful chart [18:34:04] Upload it to Miraheze commons if you made it [18:34:20] Things I can think of to maybe mention: open source, community run, non profit, extension count, request extensions [18:34:36] Someone gives me points that favor the others this is feeling biased [18:37:21] [1/2] Fandom still allows fanon and original work [18:37:21] [2/2] wiki.gg would close their wiki if a wiki wants to fork or move [18:50:54] they close en masse now still [18:51:22] and they don't state anywhere clearly if fanon and stuff is allpwed [18:51:48] I remember talks about fanon wikis getting under the bus like 3 years ago, but they probably decided to not do that [18:52:47] heh that really makes MH look great [18:53:04] I'm making a big tumblr post [18:54:23] I'm trying to be as least biased as I can lol [18:54:52] AI scrapping was never brought up btw, it's an important point nowadays I think [18:57:44] Inactivity policy is a point against us [18:58:11] [1/2] hm, true [18:58:11] [2/2] although it's pretty relaxed now [19:15:18] huh you can now control category sorting https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373480 [19:15:34] Couldn't you always? [19:16:31] now you can default it to be alphabetical [19:17:23] Wait, you couldn't do that before? 😱 [19:17:47] i think the old default was order inserted [19:17:54] or maybe vise versa? [19:17:56] whatever [19:17:59] you can pick now [19:18:08] i tihnk this is still on 1.43 though [19:18:12] <_arawynn> what I'd consider important are the types and content comparisons and whether or not it's possible to create a wiki as private (the last one was like non-negotiable for my friend and me^^) [19:18:53] I am used to my wiki's categories being ABC sorted [19:26:26] I knew about cat sorting ... [19:27:44] How big a category should be before considering a template that lets you jump to a letter [19:41:41] how many pages are displayed by default per "page"? [19:41:46] like on special pages [19:42:35] 50 I think? [19:43:41] I'd say starting from 150 then [19:44:21] I think 200 per category page [20:09:54] Would a nav box be too big for 900 related pages? [20:28:52] [1/2] How wpuld you index say 900 places by landmass they are on and by sub region of landmass? I think an nav box would get too big [20:28:52] [2/2] I remember something about having an index page with lists of places in templates. Any idea how it could look good? [21:48:16] Upload it to tumblr + MHcommons [21:53:17] [1/5] 900 items, i say using categories. [21:53:17] [2/5] If not, try using an online wel tool for sorting list. [21:53:18] [3/5] Like: [21:53:18] [4/5] [21:53:18] [5/5] And paste the list sorted on the page. [21:54:14] [1/2] If you want to have different parameters and sort by that. Try "wikitable sortable". [21:54:15] [2/2] And put manually each item on a table row.