[02:44:31] [1/2] what do y'all think of this css? [02:44:31] [2/2] https://chilangodictionary.miraheze.org/wiki/Portada [02:46:10] [1/2] @pixldev btw you should consider dotexe.com [02:46:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286518743047995412/f191a25c749317d4.png?ex=66ee3372&is=66ece1f2&hm=ec7bcf81905e0100b480f9e80afb45446361fd3c417b930d04a5aaed665785b5& [02:46:39] do you have a link?\ [02:46:59] > dotexe.com [02:47:09] ... [02:47:14] maybe its time to go to sleep [02:49:07] are they print on demand? [02:49:10] [1/2] and yes, I am ALWAYS watching [02:49:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286519494268813333/763ca7f3d9d6b8cc.png?ex=66ee3425&is=66ece2a5&hm=a45a872adf7224243875798f763eb084dc07ac84ac528e20197763723c66f047& [02:49:29] (i spent 30 minutes on a tower defense game for spanish) [02:50:17] Pretty sure they do and they will handle all of the logistics and distribution and pay the brand (WikiTide Foundation in this case) [02:52:02] [1/2] > Please note that many products including jerseys, hoodies, leggings and dry fit shirts are available as made-to-order (regardless of the addition of a custom gamer tag or not). During the checkout process, you will be notified if an item within your order is considered "made-to-order." If that is the case, please be aware that orders take 1-2 business days to process and then begin [02:52:02] [2/2] production. Production takes 10-14 business days to complete. You will receive a shipping notification via email when your order is prepared to ship. [02:54:04] the main reason why I bring them up is individuals I work with closely have worked with them and they basically outsource everything from design to shipping and payment processing [02:54:46] yea [02:54:53] i think its a shopify frontend [02:55:05] Lemme check something [02:55:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286520985729634324/rbgqyhS.png?ex=66ee3589&is=66ece409&hm=11eb4082a643bf682fc99668e64881b00d27956207d93d08449eda6ab3bd607c& [02:56:11] [1/2] shopify, shopify everywhere [02:56:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286521262612414546/9a901fd23c067be1.png?ex=66ee35cb&is=66ece44b&hm=345881e1843a7091232ec395b535ea4e8dee0b5fd26ebb385cfda853d92c6c1b& [02:57:20] gasp [02:57:25] also W cursor [02:58:39] I can see it better [02:59:18] (also, this what goes on my third monitor, usually) [03:00:30] thanks for bringing it up, im gonna sleep soon and don't really see much information on the site, if you wanna add basic relavent details to the on wiki page with what you know so i can try and fill them in, feel free [03:01:00] You are making me log back into Meta [03:01:28] Screw it, time to ~~do some IPv6 vandalisms~~edit anonymously [03:02:30] talking about W cursors, Posy's cursor pack is pretty good 👍 [03:10:24] Looks ugly imho, I like Win7's cursors a lot, esp on a 17 inch 1080p screen I use [03:37:48] also [06:51:51] paypal decided that inactive russian accounts (which are inactive since 2022 because of sanctions) should pay 3k rub fee for existing lol [06:51:58] amazing [06:57:39] at least you have functional banks [06:58:46] russia is cut from global financial system aside from cash transfer services [06:59:43] [1/2] and crypto [06:59:44] [2/2] but fuck crypto [13:22:08] What about nav boxes for each "landmass" as well (a "index page" of sorts) [14:16:17] My ballot has arrived for the US presidental! [14:28:59] I thought you were British? [14:29:53] I don't recommend using Navboxes for 900 landmasses. Because they are not well ordered inside a Navbox. And i feel they may be cluttered [14:31:18] Maybe using a hierarchy of regional levels. Like "continent" country, province, etc. [14:31:43] But depends on your world [14:55:26] [1/7] I was thinking more like (seprate boxes) [14:55:27] [2/7] Era [14:55:27] [3/7] R1: Place1 place2 [14:55:27] [4/7] R2: [14:55:28] [5/7] Adya [14:55:28] [6/7] R1: Place one place 2 [14:55:28] [7/7] R2: [15:12:20] I still don"t like Navboxes. I think NavBoxes don't look good for more than 20 items [15:15:08] There would be less items if it was slipt bween a bunch of nav boxes [15:15:57] @tali64 What would you suggest? I was thinking a bunch of nav boxes? [15:25:55] One navbox linking to a reasonable number of index pages will suffice [15:33:23] I was thinking 1 index page with a batch of nav boxes on it [16:48:58] [1/2] still have blanks [16:48:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286730840260350083/2024-09-20_19_46_03.png?ex=66eef8fa&is=66eda77a&hm=c95acc34d4ebbd07973bc1162df2649624408f18f99097dac4a7d61a7d9cde81& [16:51:10] https://support.wiki.gg/wiki/Extensions [16:54:11] also, for Fandom, "Closure per inactivity" usually only happens if a wiki has too little pages, but it's not impossible for pages with a decent page count to get closed either [16:54:35] yeah, there will be a note [16:54:47] I remeber my wiki got closed once lol [16:55:11] but there's still very vague "notability" [16:56:13] I made it like a placeholder for russian version of english wiki I worked on [18:19:29] Telepedia is open source at gitlab.com/telepedia [18:19:35] List of extensions on wiki is incorrect [18:19:40] Full list is here: [18:19:53] github link was borked so yeah .. [18:20:03] https://gitlab.com/telepedia/saltstack/-/blob/main/salt/mediawiki/files/extensions.yaml?ref_type=heads [18:20:18] Chat gpt can probbaly count hiw many there is i think? [18:20:45] Google search console access is available on req [18:21:43] so you maintain it, admins don't have to register? [18:22:05] I set one up with every wiki that is created and submit an inital sitemap [18:22:12] Same with google analytics [18:22:20] Both are available for access if admins want them [18:22:27] (But on-wiki analytics also available) [18:30:07] aight [18:30:28] what about platform governance and inactive wikis? [18:30:46] so, I think I counted 308 extensions ... [18:34:56] I haven't deleted any wikis for inactivity for ages, but eventually it will be ran (similar to Fandom; ie wont delete a wiki with > than y pages even if it hasnt been edited in X days) [18:35:45] Not community run [18:37:31] thanks [18:38:05] now I need on wiki.gg but I don't wanna join their discord and asking around again lol [18:38:50] They arent open source i know that [20:16:08] https://tenor.com/view/grisha-faye-aot-snk-titan-gif-20911599 [20:45:44] i'm american-british. Born in the US. Live in the UK but also hold UK citizenship [20:45:51] i vote in US elections abroad [20:46:09] my first presidential election ('ve been elligible to vote for quite a while). [20:46:19] voting for kamala. [21:05:18] I don't like neither of them XD but good luck [21:05:26] ..never liked Trump though [21:06:35] I’d call him bottom of the barrel but that’s an immense compliment [21:08:42] [1/2] the doxx part got me rolling on the floor [21:08:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286796204545544343/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-09-20_a_las_3.07.52_p.m..png?ex=66ef35da&is=66ede45a&hm=1b1fa607d5ce0423a203750c315e3a89990efb1d68e64c2de81885de74e70c30& [21:09:17] oh wow [21:09:29] (he's one of the regulars on pbw) [21:09:36] gives me -13 vibes tbh [21:10:05] Or CIR [21:10:16] I think is a really young kid that just discovered what does doxxing means [21:10:27] ? [21:10:42] [1/2] grim kim [21:10:42] [2/2] familiar username [21:10:44] how very disrespectful [21:11:24] someone wanting your mc username isn't a risk and doesn't really count as doxxing lmfao [21:13:02] dude this election is so terrible why do we need two annoying people [21:13:07] [[WP:CIR]] [21:13:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:CIR [21:13:08] [21:13:20] It’s American politics course it’s terrible [21:13:50] To me there’s a vastly less shitty option and one that should have been locked in jail long ago [21:13:58] oh i see [21:14:12] us mexicans hate him [21:14:21] I wonder why
 [21:14:25] i think both need to just stfu and let us actually have better options PLEASE [21:14:31] still waiting for wikipedia to accept my global ip thing [21:14:42] yeah, but either of them are better than the shitty presidents you choose [21:14:47] GIPBE? [21:14:49] you will become a new Venezuela [21:14:53] yea [21:15:04] i sent an email and they haven't responded [21:15:15] i feel genuinely excited to vote for kamala. I went from hating her in july to liking her. And the more i hear from her the more i like. [21:15:27] kamala has a platform of simply "not trump" and for some reason we have fucking presidential debates in twitter replies... i swear this timeline is horrendous [21:15:43] Her debate was fire I hear [21:15:52] Yup [21:15:53] yeh it was, that was a OMG moment [21:15:55] But I mean. [21:15:58] prosecuted him [21:16:01] She’s not a felon! [21:16:07] trump going she ain't black on tv.... [21:16:11] This should not be a factor! [21:16:16] But here we FUCKING ARE [21:16:19] somebody mapped the "theyre eating the dogs" spiel by trump into a trumpet piece [21:16:19] u talking about US or MX? [21:16:34] you said "us mexicans" [21:16:39] I suppose you're from Mexico [21:16:48] or you meant Mexican-Americans? [21:16:53] si soy mexicano 👍 [21:17:02] Pues, mejor es que te vayas [21:17:08] antes de que eso se vuelva otra venezuela [21:17:10] y no, no me gusta Trump [21:17:11] i mean he does have a mexican emoji next to his name (dk if it appears on IRC) [21:17:12] i just cant wrap my head around trump [21:17:20] pero mucho peor es amlo o claudia [21:17:41] she easily baited him. She hit her notes and landed blows against him whilst laying out her plan. [21:17:44] how can a terrible government get all the majority seats [21:17:50] taking advantage of what is a very unintelligent (or ignorant) american populace [21:17:51] and get reelected that easy [21:17:56] trump abortion comments were yikes [21:18:10] presidential debates turned from genuine debates about serious issues to kindergarten playground arguments [21:18:11] and all the vote red until dead ppl [21:18:14] nel pastel [21:18:16] Worse [21:18:34] Y voy a decir una verdad [21:18:38] SĂ­ hay mexicanos que apoyan a Trump [21:18:43] This isn’t getting into shit like Project 2025 [21:18:54] bueno pero probablemente una minoria [21:18:56] Dissemble the Department of education lamp [21:18:58] Porque muchos del norte del paĂ­s, mientras el nefasto viejo peje se ha encargado de parasitar [21:19:03] ha hecho un pĂ©simo gobierno [21:19:08] aumentĂł el tamaño del estado [21:19:16] eliminĂł las concesiones [21:19:19] bit of a side ramp but iowas state government REALLY pisses me off [21:19:21] y realizĂł obras inĂștiles [21:19:27] Trump, en su pelea con China [21:19:32] during the commercial war [21:19:35] iowa??? [21:19:40] generĂł que muchas empresas vayan al norte mexicano [21:19:40] yea [21:19:45] This is called nearshoring [21:19:49] seriously one of the states i never hear of [21:19:56] but why does it piss u off?? [21:20:08] entonces, Trump hizo que el norte de MĂ©xico, inesperadamente, se llene de dinero [21:20:12] Imagine is 300 years ago Thomas Jefferson said “okay cool cool this thing rocks one small idea what if we add a line saying felons can’t run? Not like it would ever be used but still who knows how dumb people will get” [21:20:14] they've banned alot of books (that have nothing to do w sexual content btw) in schools [21:20:22] significa que se le debe perdonar lo demĂĄs? no. no en absoluto. [21:20:23] including 1984, farenheit 451, etc [21:20:28] pero sĂ­, crĂ©eme que hay [21:20:36] banning 1984?? literally 1984 [21:20:37] de hecho, muchos chairos le hicieron campaña a Trump [21:20:51] Literally lmao [21:20:58] and the governer is just a narcissistic asshole [21:21:00] el pan, el pri y el prd, preferĂ­an que gane Biden [21:21:20] iowa red or blue (assuming the former) [21:21:24] red [21:21:52] Not mentioning the shit the senate is smoking for stuff like KOSA [21:21:59] i appreciate that living in omaha means that theres actual people that dont have stupid political views [21:22:22] it was a ,oderate state but the state government is going off the deep end [21:22:54] senate will literally do anything BUT protect the kids but claim they are protecting the kids [21:23:00] lol even I heard about these book bans [21:23:03] ||777u67yyy 77777h n b b bv bhmkgyubg|| [21:23:13] so true queen [21:23:14] slay [21:23:56] how beautiful [21:25:19] I just brought up a trailer on Netflix that is earlier reminiscent of this situation [21:25:55] “You think with X I can rule again and fix what’s broken in country? No. Nothing can save it” [21:26:17] Let’s hope it’s stays reminiscent alone [21:29:38] You know what i just realised and think is unfair [21:29:46] hm? [21:30:11] If you are wanting to work in software and live in a non-english speaking country then you are basically forced to learn english to some degree [21:30:13] And that sucks [21:30:22] oof [21:30:48] And its even worse for frontend because they tend to use words more [21:31:13] I would HATE to learn JS as a non-english speaker [21:31:20] Actually i hated learning JS full stop but [21:31:28] ngl I hated 1C - and it's in Russian lol [21:31:42] but it's not just software [21:32:11] and sometimes you get mocked by some people that think that English is a symbol of richness or idk because is attached with the US were supposedly is a rich country with rich people [21:32:24] HAH [21:32:32] I wish I was rich [21:32:32] rich people? rich country? [21:32:33] The US is a rich country with rich people [21:32:35] lol [21:32:37] Instructions unclear? [21:32:42] I think most folks who actually go into such fields are absolutely chill w/ learning English [21:33:12] but kinda weird how widespread English has gotten overall [21:33:16] to me at least [21:33:29] Thats the power of the british empire ig [21:33:36] some mexicans just think that lol [21:34:04] Well that would make sense [21:34:04] pretty offtopic from the conversation in #offtopic but i must say lowkey the mind electric goes hard [21:34:05] I'm more irked by how US culture feels like a vires kinda? [21:34:20] Mexico is a LICD and the US is a HICD [21:34:49] aight I better go eeping [21:36:00] thanks for making me know about those acronyms [21:36:35] i wish the america government would be good [21:37:33] chat died 😭 well before i go tally hall is good kbye [21:37:52] eeping? [21:38:36] [1/2] lets just [21:38:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286803727700987925/images.png?ex=66ef3cdc&is=66edeb5c&hm=562369265c07745f08c24a6af158a446f0e6ef91c4a1a5915025fa3f64577662& [21:52:15] There’s too much media in the world [21:52:48] I have at least 5 shows I’m somewhere started in watching [21:52:52] 2 webcomics I wanna read [21:53:36] [1/2] This is exactly how I get sometimes when I think about my disability [21:53:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286807501995638867/vjCGkoO.png?ex=66ef4060&is=66edeee0&hm=e9255601465983bb5f605775a0d6f259713ed31e7ffc9f1843a450f90315aa38& [21:53:42] so fun [22:06:02] Agatha Coven of Chaos just dropped as well! [22:06:12] Or did they change the name of that i forget [22:07:06] I wonder if I would like any new anime [22:07:16] or shows [22:07:16] lol [22:07:30] Agatha All Along I think? [22:07:40] Ah yeah [22:17:23] no just resting my eyes [22:17:34] oh [22:17:37] for an extended duration of time [22:17:41] lol [22:17:50] Oh yeah and bunch of podcasts [22:17:58] I listen to tons of music [22:18:01] so meh [22:18:55] it's the only thing that keeps me sane [22:21:18] tally hall? [22:21:36] huh [22:21:46] tally hall [22:21:52] hmm okay [22:22:14] the band tally hall [22:22:17] oh [22:22:21] I was so confused at first [22:22:33] Never heard of them before today... [22:22:34] lol [22:23:00] It's sad when my dad doesn't know anything about the music I listen to [22:23:17] what a shame... it's a w band [22:23:20] ah [22:23:59] pffftt [22:24:00] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1286815154142445639/RlZN4iF.png?ex=66ef4780&is=66edf600&hm=e817228fd61e940efe29fefcc1837aa534aed9a8b530a66100f0670792ea3f13& [22:24:01] lol [22:24:24] I have over 6k plays... not surprised at all [22:24:43] ion know skillet lol but 6k plays?? that's insane [22:24:49] LOL [22:24:50] yes [22:24:54] I listen to it a lot [22:24:56] so meh [22:25:17] and others like DragonForce, Breaking Benjamin, and Linkin Park [22:25:21] and Imagine Dragons [22:25:22] lol [22:25:43] i only listen to tally hall, miracle musical, kanye and sewerslvt [22:25:47] ah [22:26:25] my music pallete is about as small as my food pallete i would have to say [22:30:09] I'd say my food choices are less diverse than my music choices are [22:30:12] lol [22:55:20] I like this [22:55:22] https://social.vivaldi.net/@everton137/113172335203393051