[00:00:10] eh, to be fair it can't derive what mediawiki file it is [00:00:10] huh [00:00:15] ah [00:00:21] well rip then ig [00:00:37] found cool path though [00:00:42] https://static.miraheze.org/monitoring/frontend [00:00:56] lol epic [00:01:08] it downloaded a file the size of 3 bytes to my computer [00:01:11] so cool [00:01:22] OK\n [00:02:03] BlankEclair: OK... beautiful 3 byte letter [00:02:10] \n [00:02:10] lol [00:02:48] because mediawiki's load balancer is rejecting the connection....as I said abvoe. [00:02:53] https://files.catbox.moe/guj9h5.png [00:03:06] what? [00:03:39] Well hopefully it gets resolved evetnually [00:03:40] [1/3] > rip lol [00:03:40] [2/3] > Though I do wonder why UserProfileV2 won't let me upload an avatar [00:03:40] [3/3] I said in the message before that the exact reason it won't. [00:03:46] Okay [00:03:49] huh [00:04:00] personally, it seems like it uploaded, but the swift proxy wouldn't let me download it [00:04:04] Okay now I know [00:04:08] I didn't then [00:04:37] originalauthority [2/3]: MediaWiki drunk moment [00:05:13] what's the swift zone for the upv2avatars repo? [00:06:25] til this exists: https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Special:DataDump?action=download&dump=rainversewiki_xml_9dc24666ab713d1fb48c.xml.gz [00:06:40] maybe that isn't the issue idk, maybe the image was uploaded. the error isn't very clear, but MediaWiki is rejecting the connection when trying to get the edit count etc., from CentralAuth. [00:06:53] `userprofilev2` i think is the container [00:07:14] BlankEclair: Permission error :( [00:07:28] probably needs datadump accessible [00:07:42] it does the same thing as the direct dump url tho, but i assume it's like /w/img_auth.php [00:08:07] [1/3] wtf [00:08:07] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1290465231021015081/Screenshot_2024-10-01_at_01.07.43.png?ex=66fc8ee6&is=66fb3d66&hm=b467f0d94e5e27806f8adc13fa3d8e7b004274f52642091ffda28d75d7eecfab& [00:08:07] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1290465231478198336/Screenshot_2024-10-01_at_01.08.02.png?ex=66fc8ee6&is=66fb3d66&hm=1065a6253d53fdd27eeef3d3af60ade4f65851b3e45ac2056a8ad6d7a650579d& [00:08:12] first is mirabeta [00:08:15] second is telepedia [00:08:18] why are THEY DIFFERENT [00:08:20] w [00:08:30] interesting [00:08:40] the first one is what it should look like but for some reason it doesn't šŸ˜¦ [00:08:46] also on my local machine it doesn't either too lol [00:09:04] ahaha [00:09:10] lol [00:10:08] lol wtf `Regexp failed to match URI: "/metawikibeta/upv2avatars/avatar_21.png"` [00:10:13] I have no idea about swift so [00:10:25] that's what i've been saying! [00:10:38] > [01/10/2024 09:54] https://static.miraheze.org/scratchpadwiki/upv2avatars/avatar_104.png [00:10:40] > [01/10/2024 09:54] > Regexp failed to match URI: "/scratchpadwiki/upv2avatars/avatar_104.png" [00:10:44] > [01/10/2024 10:04] personally, it seems like it uploaded, but the swift proxy wouldn't let me download it [00:11:12] oh i missed that [00:13:05] anyway, looks like i have to do something like https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/30fce6ab53714294aecf3a96dc6af9063851bc4b/modules/swift/files/SwiftMedia/wikitide/rewrite.py#L297-L304 [00:13:08] but what do for zone [00:13:52] jesus christ [00:13:56] s3 ā¤ļø [00:15:27] If the MediaWiki S3 extension weren't such a performance hog, we'd consider it [00:15:49] I've not had any issues with it, seems pretty fine for me [00:16:02] hydra had one also that they loaded via composer [00:16:10] which I think is a bit better but i've never tested it [00:16:30] We were always unable to load pages like Special:ListFiles with S3 enabled [00:16:54] ngl seems like a miraheze issue [00:17:12] skill issue (group ver.) [00:17:14] Well, this was on WikiTide during its zenith of performance [00:17:32] well [00:18:35] I narrowed down the issue to being that the S3 extension requested pre-signed image urls from S3 instead of simply querying S3 and just loading the image directly [00:18:43] it doesn't [00:18:48] i've never used pre-signed image urls [00:18:51] [1/30] Forwarded from MW Server: [00:18:52] [2/30] > https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/NPSACWFMNGERKIHNQWYASXCSAY26OYGN/ [00:18:52] [3/30] > Security and maintenance release: 1.39.9 / 1.41.3 / 1.42.2 [00:18:52] [4/30] > Sam Reed @ 1 Oct 2024 1:11 a.m. [00:18:54] [5/30] > I would like to announce the release of MediaWiki 1.39.9, 1.41.3 and 1.42.2! [00:18:54] [6/30] > [00:18:54] [7/30] > These releases also serve as a maintenance release for these branches. [...] The tarballs have already been uploaded as of this email, and the git tags have been pushed. [00:18:54] [8/30] > [00:18:54] [9/30] > Unfortunately at the time of finalising this release, the CVE has not been assigned a tracking number by MITRE [...] therefore documented as "CVE-2024-PENDING" [...] [00:18:55] [10/30] > [00:18:55] [11/30] > A "MediaWiki Extensions Security Release Supplement" e-mail will follow this one, covering security updates for non-bundled extensions. [00:18:56] [12/30] > [00:18:56] [13/30] > Reports of bugs with PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 support are particularly welcome, and fixes will be back-ported when possible. Please see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/php_8.0_support/, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/php_8.1_support/, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/php_8.2_support/ and https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/php_8.3_support/ for the relevant [00:18:57] [14/30] work boards. [00:18:57] [15/30] > [00:18:58] [16/30] > As a reminder, MediaWiki 1.35 became end of life (EOL) in December 2023, and MediaWiki 1.40 became EOL in June 2024. [00:18:58] [17/30] > [00:18:59] [18/30] > It is strongly recommended to upgrade [...] [00:18:59] [19/30] > [00:19:00] [20/30] > It is noted that this issue fixed in AbuseFilter is replicable back to at least 1.19, if not before (though AbuseFilter was not bundled till 1.38). [00:19:00] [21/30] > [00:19:01] [22/30] > == Security fixes == [00:19:01] [23/30] > (T372998, CVE-2024-PENDING) SECURITY: abusefiltercheckmatch does not check the user for the abusefilter-log-detail right before matching against log details. [00:19:02] [24/30] > [00:19:02] [25/30] > == Links to all mentioned tasks == [00:19:03] [26/30] > https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T372998 [00:19:03] [27/30] > [00:19:04] [28/30] > == Release notes == [00:19:04] [29/30] > [...] [00:19:05] [30/30] > [Truncated due to discord limits. hyperkitty link has full details] [00:19:15] cool flood [00:19:28] why the fook is SelectFileInputWidget appearing so weird for me fk my life [00:19:37] OOUI is the biggest scourge to ever walk this earth [00:19:42] (after resource loader) [00:20:09] 30 MESSAGES!??? [00:20:13] also shoutwiki still on 1.35 EOL since December 2023 thats rough [00:21:11] rather sad state they're in as well [00:21:59] I don't understand why they haven't pulled the plug? [00:22:11] like they're still flaunting the motto that "ShoutWiki is here to stay" [00:22:19] stay where? the recent changes is flooded with spam [00:22:26] AbuseFilter is the most active person over there [00:22:29] well they're staying- [00:23:06] I know quite a few projects where the writing is on the walls but the founders refuse to acknowledge it [00:23:20] so they keep the service alive but ailing [00:23:50] its a bit of a shame because they've contributed quite a lot to MW [00:23:57] I don't understand why they haven't pulled the plug?: No Fricking Idea, would be cheaper for the webmaster to just kill shoutwiki than just keeping alive a useless website (you cannot longer make wikis) [00:24:12] > [01/10/2024 10:23] I don't understand why they haven't pulled the plug?: No Fricking Idea, would be cheaper for the webmaster to just kill shoutwiki than just keeping alive a useless website (you cannot longer make wikis) [00:24:18] btw, irc quoting convention is like this [00:24:35] I haven't been on IRC in a long while [00:24:49] I used to be it on sometimes [00:24:56] WikiaChat ā¤ļø [00:25:02] I used to be on it sometimes [00:25:05] i read that as WikiaCat [00:25:07] lol I remeber wikia chat [00:25:20] Wikia chat was the most toxic place on the internet in its prime [00:25:25] true [00:25:28] did miraheze used to use UserProfile? [00:25:40] also private messages were never private staff could read them šŸ’” [00:25:43] yes [00:25:49] still an option [00:25:51] i see stuff handling just "avatar", but it seems like UserProfileV2's container is called upv2avatars [00:25:57] oh okay [00:26:00] Well they certainly didn't care about mine [00:26:01] so [00:26:03] ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ [00:26:06] there's a comment too: // change because SocialProfile uses "Avatars" [00:26:10] yeah I wanted avatar but that is already taken [00:26:25] and I didn't want any conflicts if a wiki switched to UPV2 from SocialProfile [00:26:32] git blame'd and i just realized lol [00:26:35] Like Scratchpad did [00:26:45] hilarious [00:26:54] guess i [00:27:00] because I wanted to try it out since it was interesting enough [00:27:00] 'll go copy the avatars stuff [00:28:43] I actually have a funny story about one of my experiences with wikia chat [00:29:14] One day an admin on a wiki came up to me asked if I wanted to become a chat mod, and at first I was like "oh gosh what did I do now" [00:29:27] it was funny for me at least [00:29:33] ChatHispano is kinda like the worst of IRC tbh [00:29:58] Let's just say 17 year old me was not as well behaved [00:30:03] ouch lmao [00:30:08] also, are you gonna file the task? [00:30:14] planning to do the fix [00:30:18] Oh I completely forgot [00:30:19] yeah I will [00:30:21] mood [00:31:03] oh they're already there?? [00:31:22] that's what i get for searching while not being fully upstream :p [00:31:41] paladox forgor puppet, okay [00:33:40] Made the task [00:33:40] emicraft: ChatHispano is kinda like the worst of IRC tbh: No longer anymore because it seems that now they are using Matrix [00:34:00] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12668 [00:43:44] forgot what i wanted to do... [00:44:00] oh right, i rember [00:44:35] and eep time [00:45:33] nini [00:47:17] Ah yes, https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3979 "I have no idea what I'm doing" [04:39:24] BlackEclair: What do you think about this that I made? https://github.com/joelemiliano/HUDson [04:46:44] emicraft: you typo'd me :p [04:47:54] when tho? I typed ur username correctly if thats what you mean [04:48:42] > BlackEclair [04:48:45] > BlankEclair [04:50:31] so it's basically like a userscript manager, but wiki? [05:06:57] BlackEclair: Yes [05:07:18] i'm blank, not black [05:07:21] ohhhhhh BlankEclair [05:07:25] yeah lol [05:07:29] you can also tab-complete [05:07:38] I'm just hungry lmao [05:09:07] for anyone who doesn't check announcements (like people on IRC), we just reached 10.000 wikis! [05:09:24] I use Discord/IRC [05:09:31] but holy fu- [05:10:23] I remember a while ago when it was like 6000 and something [05:10:23] woah! [05:11:32] yeah, if anyone saw Pix's graph requests have really been growing exponentially [05:11:48] didn't expect it to be that quick [05:12:22] https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Miraheze&oldid=6779159 celebratory edit :) [05:22:06] [1/2] not many people like a quick 4am Miraheze visit, eh? [05:22:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1290544247782641704/image.png?ex=66fcd87d&is=66fb86fd&hm=3923442ef037493b3ad72b9a766835ae980a7fa22a5240dfab9e8e2aca976d33& [05:24:40] what timezone [05:25:02] it says "local time" so basically it's supposed to be the users' own time [05:25:25] hmm okay [05:25:46] meanwhile i'm busy poking around swiftobject151 lol [05:26:00] ah, that's a tough one [05:26:13] other than Paladox few people _really_ understand Swift well [05:26:15] > no idea how swift works [05:26:17] [1/2]: time zones left the chat [05:26:20] > gonna try to see if i can do stuff anyway [05:27:52] timezones left the chat [05:28:25] i'm getting 400 bad request with "Invalid path: /v1/miraheze-swift/miraheze-rainversewiki-dumps-backup/rainversewiki_managewiki_backup_5cab2796bc88046de152.json" [05:28:26] h [05:28:30] yeah I sended it again because no ping [05:30:04] MediaWiki the least drunk software [05:30:13] it's swift this time [05:30:22] and apparently swift is in separate parts? [06:03:00] . [06:59:27] I DO! [07:02:11] most of those are probably you and Agent šŸ˜„ [07:03:09] lol [07:12:09] I wake up at 5am sometimes, so it's not impossible [07:12:29] I go to sleep at 5AM sometimes [07:48:09] same [07:57:05] gonna eep at 2:00 am (UTC-6) [08:00:17] Ok guys bye [09:31:53] Is there anything else you can do at 4 in the morning other than mindlessly scroll wikis? [11:55:07] just attempted to install Sharkey on my VPS, and it don't work. [11:55:18] same lmao [11:55:21] i gave up xD [11:55:37] even Misskey too [11:55:54] The build always end with an error [14:49:41] [1/2] update: I finally got sharkey to work, by following the manual guide [14:49:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1290687088592814120/k.png?ex=66fd5d85&is=66fc0c05&hm=842dcbc5094dac43a94b114bf7f86790116b5a1e9562526c1ddbec33963fb491& [15:20:48] Should I try and modify my profile picture with Halloween flavor? (Change the background to maybe a spooky forest or cobwebs, witch hat maybe) [15:27:34] u can try [15:27:46] [1/2] I finally got it to be https! [15:27:47] [2/2] https://e.songngu.xyz/@admin [15:30:54] Iā€™d probably keep the admin and personal accounts separate [15:30:59] Also interesting pfp haha [15:31:34] it's just a test anyway, so meh [15:31:43] Yes [15:36:23] [1/2] there is really a cat mode in this thing šŸ˜­ [15:36:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1290698839514153001/Z.png?ex=66fd6877&is=66fc16f7&hm=71a06e56aa572c509bbf6ad0fd4934fd861700a52478a76b0917689ae15741f5& [15:55:01] Any suggestions let me know [16:30:06] https://tenor.com/e2H2KgNCDPm.gif [16:30:53] Too bad? [16:31:03] :BanHammerMH: [16:31:21] No u [17:38:02] finally I opened Discord after using for many days ripcord [20:56:55] wassup guys [21:01:54] goguma irc šŸ‘ [21:05:49] still on beta [22:16:15] quite af [22:35:56] crickets [23:57:42] basketballs [23:57:50] lmfao [23:58:52] KitKats [23:59:13] Reese's [23:59:26] I am serious KitKats https://youtu.be/7jsnshhA6QY?si=4pQboi5_eZmGp4xy [23:59:48] Yes this is a real sans fan game with kitkats