[00:00:32] have an epic fight, have a kitkat [00:02:12] Literally [00:09:51] Also here is a throwback O C E A N M A N https://youtu.be/vcaPiiFZu2o?si=GxkFuQOSfdtmrx-B [03:27:16] Trying Monobook in Meta if I like it [05:11:38] https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page [05:11:53] is it just me or does this wiki have an odd URL scheme [05:13:12] I’ve seen /wiki/Main_Page (and /w/index.php?title=Main_Page on some older installations) but never this [05:13:26] it appears to be running 1.30 so I don’t know what’s up here [05:20:20] cursed lol [05:20:41] though archive team does https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Main_Page, and the arch wiki does https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Main_Page [05:48:29] strange [05:49:18] at least they're not as geriatric as http://fileformats.archiveteam.org though [05:49:31] best wiki logo though [05:50:18] 👍 [05:50:19] lol [05:52:04] wonder if i should send more memes on fedi [05:54:14] always [06:17:36] avghelper: should i do more? [06:20:26] always [06:22:10] i literally have 43513 memes [06:22:15] this is gonna take a while [06:25:51] trace.moe is amazing, it can't find this screenshot [06:25:57] https://botsin.space/@egg_irl_bot/111863626421388024 [06:26:05] brb gonna skim through the entire anime [06:31:44] damn i couldn't find it [07:38:52] https://youtu.be/ONmKhZHzIvg [08:18:00] yup [10:09:56] just for my interest tho, what happened to the Wiki Mechanic user group? [10:22:25] Dissolved into the aether. See [[Special:ListGroupRights]] [10:22:25] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ListGroupRights [10:36:51] lol [10:37:04] I was going to apply [10:49:16] It is what it is. [11:51:14] Wiki mechanic is a global group (https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:GlobalGroupPermissions) [13:06:47] [1/2] drum roll ... [13:06:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1291023580267675739/IMG_20241002_152623.jpg?ex=66fe96e7&is=66fd4567&hm=21d6f81fb2d7688d265085f44fd2f2faaa245efb90f6198dd4133b7d247dae4c& [13:07:17] aaand it's another pathetic offer for my strange spelled tf2 weapons lol [13:07:24] 5th this year [13:07:59] all while my profile has a clear message that I don't sell them [18:30:19] lol? [18:30:40] [1/2] Yay it got fixed [18:30:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1291105087334125569/igP9zFa.png?ex=66fee2d0&is=66fd9150&hm=6b94a03bc8249b114f195b0ccf97a2531abf9b65b576dfd90e4d2f4340e42134& [18:32:27] ok this is really funny [18:32:48] there’s a Russian clone of Wikipedia and it actually runs MediaWiki https://ru.ruwiki.ru/wiki/Служебная:Версия [18:34:16] wow [18:39:57] we be knew [18:40:02] it's very bad lol [18:41:03] it's a heavily censored and distorted version of russian wikipedia [21:23:43] I made my first PHP website, the only thing that I know is echo lol [21:39:40] Isn’t that just html with extra steps [21:40:19] Yes [21:41:20] Or is HTML just a poor man’s PHP echo [21:42:30] You can do a bit more dynamic stuff [21:42:35] If you careful [21:42:48] But echo alone won't get you far [21:42:53] Anyway sleep time [21:58:48] Unless you're on MediaWiki then Echo doesn't work properly [22:45:20] It seems like it is but with more stuff that HTML cannot do [22:48:30] html could be kinda nice for a primitive templating system [22:48:35] php* [22:49:04] save a bit on common elements if you're one of those strange folk who handwrite html [22:49:22] tho I don't really like that I need to set a PHP server to preview my code locally, could try the XAMPP method [22:49:33] later [22:50:07] me [22:59:58] now theres variables. I like this about PHP when doing webpages, is like wiki templates [22:59:59] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1291172861276454942/phpvariables.PNG?ex=66ff21ee&is=66fdd06e&hm=e97b1aa8d1274ba0c86490d2b2f227e081ac1efc16d92346cbefc4dc1d2999ce& [23:21:11] I mean I handwrite html pages [23:21:37] certainly not for wiki stuff though, I use wikitext for that [23:37:14] not for wiki stuff per @groupnebula563_0765 btw