[00:42:13] evidently there's a tool for wikitext to html [00:42:40] i mean... mediawiki is that [00:42:45] I actually do handwrite html for small enough sites if called for so it's not the weirdest thing I suppose [01:22:25] hm [01:22:36] i wonder how many databases my school has access to [01:23:22] not thaaaat many [01:23:27] we do get JSTOR [01:23:58] didnt even need to login using the school device and wifi [01:26:36] dont show up in the login page dang [01:26:43] so can i only use JSTOR on their wifi [01:26:46] or their device [01:26:48] hmmmmm [01:27:40] device it seems [01:27:41] okay [01:27:44] not bad [01:28:10] wait hol up [01:28:18] JSTOR is under a Non profit???? [01:33:44] i once managed to download an exposed backup from a school [01:33:55] misconfigured web server, the document root was one level up [01:36:33] oh? [01:36:38] backup of what [01:37:30] web server [01:37:39] it's like eight gigabytes or something [01:38:13] of the internal files? [01:38:44] of the document root? [01:38:52] oh yeah, pixl [01:39:01] do you want me to look into extensible phorge token support [01:39:06] so we can have crying and fox tokens [01:39:26] miraheze bee mental breakdown? [01:39:49] sure [02:12:57] thinking if i wanna try to make a gadget maybe something to speed up RfRW [02:13:13] ie check if the wiki is hard deleted, if so, search internet archive [02:17:22] why do i have a fetish for javascript-less things [02:17:34] i'm already thinking of a tiny lua library that can check if a database name exists [02:18:23] not sure if id use the word fetish in this case but sure pastry girl [02:18:49] new gender euphoria dropped [02:18:57] anyway [02:19:07] would you say that i have a bit of an obsession with SSR? [02:20:51] i mean to be fair i dont like react type stuff or entirely JS apps either [02:21:07] ive only used python(django mainly) [02:21:24] yay, that makes like the fifth person i know with this opinion [02:21:26] although one of my projects in statis uses JS [02:21:34] i feel like i could go over-the-top with making things with without js though [02:21:42] cause I do not feel like rewriting the SO code server side in py [02:29:55] i love this [02:30:07] i can read 1984 through one of the databases provides by my school [03:39:22] Oh heck yeah, guess who's doing a deep dive on python once I finally wrap up my graduate degree in November [03:40:27] (too bad I need to learn R Script by end of the week thanks to work shenanigans) [03:44:03] in which claire finds another security risk (untested so i wouldn't call it vuln for now) while trying to see if she has a security vulnerability in something unrelated: part 2 [03:49:27] i feel like i'm giving RhinosF1 heart attacks every time i say that i found a new vuln by accident [03:57:28] awh damn, no fun, the first vuln i thought i found didn't exist [04:00:33] huh, the accidentally discovered security risk was safe after all :p [04:02:19] https://files.catbox.moe/kohvcc.png [04:05:35] Reading 1984 is mandatory for all Miraheze users [05:36:26] 1984 is a doubleplusgood read ngl [05:36:44] plusgoodthink, citizen [10:14:45] BlankEclair: I'd rather you find them than someone I don't trust [10:14:58] fair [10:15:07] Who wrote that comment [10:15:12] In your pic [10:15:22] would have to git blame (ha!) [10:15:27] php is a security nightmare [10:15:31] Like we've had zero days be actively exploited before [10:15:50] Even I know that and my php knowledge is next to none. [10:16:05] So ye I'd rather you find them and we can fix it than someone start fucking around and exploiting the issue [10:16:45] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/extensions/ExternalData/+/ef3174b56b7a83aa8b4b023d64a0d3f5920c18e1%5E%21/ [10:17:10] I wonder if people people used 0D against WMF before? [10:18:25] Felenov: probably [10:19:24] Not sure who mashin is [10:19:31] Yaron merged it [10:19:47] There is no real monetary value in doing anything to WMF, only entertainment value, and even that is a very sepcific scope. [10:21:19] Felenov: I mean look at the DDoS [10:21:23] From no idea [10:21:29] It feels like last year tbh [10:21:40] Someone is probably going to say it was like 5 years ago [10:22:08] It was at least 2 years ago [10:25:54] Pretend you have just stolen WMF's user credentials. They are pretty much worthless. Any vandalism you can do will get reverted quickly, the average person with a Wikimedia account will probably not fall for the phishing email, so you are not going to get much value selling it. [11:17:10] BlankEclair: make that sixth [11:17:34] ? [11:18:25] the last minecraft kids ddos? a little bit over a year ago [11:18:48] the massive one from asian IPs just somewhere in spring [11:18:57] still strange [11:19:55] hate react/pure js apps, prefer nice clean pages [11:20:46] Another puys for mira is I can often get on fine completely js free, good for a handful of reasons [11:20:54] Plus* [14:36:14] BlankEclair: I think I’m gonna have to take a page out of your book and over engineer a solution to a problem that could probably be solved by just signing up for a new service [14:36:28] i'm excited to hear about it [14:37:15] i'm here watching five year old youtube videos and i'm like "wtf this feels like it was like from 2017", and then i realize that 2019 was five years ago [14:37:46] pixldev: why [14:38:20] I missed hearing about my favorite local band playing live to open an event(though i probably wouldn’t be able to have gone still) because they only posted on their insta the day before and I don’t have instagram [14:38:21] Sooooo [14:38:30] oh, bibliogram 2.0 [14:38:32] cron web scrapper to a discord webhook! [14:38:36] ? [14:38:56] Don’t suppose Instagram has an RSS feed? [14:38:57] https://cadence.moe/blog/2022-09-01-discontinuing-bibliogram [14:39:07] i actually dunno lol [14:39:52] rss-bridge has instagram apparently [14:39:55] dunno if it works though [14:40:15] 429, not on a server ip [14:40:36] though rss-bridge has scrapers for scrapers of instagram [14:40:43] Huh [14:40:47] Wait [14:40:56] This is the same person who made BreezeWiki? [14:40:58] yep [14:41:19] https://tenor.com/view/glorij-salute-mvga-gif-20596020 [14:41:50] funny enough, i didn't come across breezewiki through cadence (i probably should get her pronouns) [14:41:55] my brain istg [14:42:01] > i probably should get pronouns [14:42:04] > uses her [14:42:32] aanyway, i came across breezewiki through a list of alternative frontends, and when i saw it i was like ":OOOO" and immediately shared it to a friend [14:43:34] Lmao [14:43:42] they also went ":OOOO" [14:44:07] I wonder if biblogram would be worth trying to use as a base [14:44:19] as a human I can at least see their posts logged out [14:44:28] Really all I need is to know there’s a new one [14:44:37] Then ship it to a webhook [14:44:40] don't forget to try it on a server ip [14:44:48] unless if you're willing to proxy yourself or host it locally [14:49:52] Yeeeeaa [14:53:58] https://youtube.com/shorts/GtzerZl8QEI [15:09:40] [1/2] Cringe time [15:09:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1291416887678206026/IMG_0297.jpg?ex=67000533&is=66feb3b3&hm=dc89d2cec12f2219d20228be4c381844c5733ca6aec310b9cdf367ba2a2f2ac6& [16:37:04] [1/11] Am I the only one who realizes how much the story of Miraheze matches the Bible? [16:37:04] [2/11] - Genesis: Obviously, every website has a beginning [16:37:05] [3/11] - Cain and Abel: Debating on whether this fits better here or in Genesis, but Lawrence-Praries vs. the Miraheze community [16:37:05] [4/11] - David vs. Goliath: Miraheze vs. Fandom - the only difference here is that Fandom has still yet to officially fall [16:37:05] [5/11] - The Great Flood: the mass purge of Chinese wikis that happened back in 2020 [16:37:06] [6/11] - Sodom and Gomorrah: the unexpected db141 incident (could possibly also be the mass closure of fetish wikis, but db141 is probably a better choice) [16:37:06] [7/11] - Jesus: probably the best choice for a Jesus-like figure is Raidarr - he arrived suddenly, started preaching his message (commentating on/eventually trying to fix the old reception wikis and other Miraheze happenings), performed miracles (advancing to global positions and handling the workload, which were understaffed at the time), died (banned by UK T&S) for our sins, (causing the g [16:37:06] [8/11] reat schism of '23, which caused Miraheze to nearly collapse), was resurrected (unbanned by US T&S during the great un-schism of '24), and started instructing his followers on how to continue his message (writing essays on things that Miraheze can improve on to the general community, who supported him during the difficult times). The only thing that's missing is an analogue for an asc [16:37:06] [9/11] ension to heaven (which would be Raidarr's final retirement) [16:37:07] [10/11] - Revealation: The end times, which for Miraheze would be it becoming paradise (i.e. the only free wiki hosting service around, with everyone flocking to it for its wide amount of features and great customizability), with the others eventually going defunct (equivalent to all the nonbelievers perishing when the end times come) [16:37:07] [11/11] I think someone could start a religion based on this [16:46:42] I’m not Christian anymore but wtf [16:46:45] I can’t disagree [16:47:09] I don’t know the Bible story well, i know the food and Cain/Able kinda(thanks SCP Wiki!) [16:47:23] Also don’t know L-P [16:49:44] LP was a community member who was community banned and then started vandalizing Miraheze; that's all I know about the situation [16:50:01] Hm [16:50:03] Let me see [16:52:46] @tali64 [16:54:32] Seems about right [16:54:52] Some of these id say aren’t worthy of CBAN [16:54:54] But all in all yea [17:02:03] Which [19:25:35] @serverlessharej you cooperate IABot? [19:39:04] was this a creative exercise at school or...? [19:39:47] now that sounds like AI [19:42:55] i dunno [19:42:59] sounds tali talk to me [19:50:13] All sorts of literary tropes in the Bible [19:50:28] I am one of the InternetArchiveBot operators [19:51:17] huh [19:51:20] the more you know [20:00:10] It was a creative non-school exercise [20:01:17] I'm about halfway through writing about Miraheze's history in the style of a religious text [20:03:38] 🫡 [20:03:44] you got the day off from school too? [20:07:23] No [20:07:56] HAHA LOSER/j oh how unfortunate, my condolences [20:14:12] that's uuuuuuh interesting [20:14:35] re the biblical thing [20:16:03] hey guys its wiki-jesus /joking [21:57:07] lol [21:59:27] https://tali64.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Miraheze_Bible [22:00:21] LOL [22:00:22] i dont think managewiki existed back then [22:00:22] also [22:00:24] SPF [22:00:39] doug if anyone has had some of the most profound effect on miraheze, in a way not quite matched by anyone, or anyone else has merely built on his legacy [22:00:45] also what about orain [22:01:02] certainly there was controversy, but he for example was the one to raise the bar on wiki creation so far as I know [22:01:05] I kind of remember SPF being here [22:01:25] indeed, SPF should be mentioned on the founding [22:01:35] even though his legacy ended some time before tali's entry [22:01:48] 2. To the reception wiki user who had been forcibly removed from the wikis he cherished so, Raidarr said to him: "You have made this case in good part already, I suggest this be about the last lengthy comment and to keep the contents to one place, as posting literally everywhere in slightly different statements seems a lot like drama fishing." [22:01:55] Meanwhile my legacy: [22:02:20] I have no legacy [22:02:25] 4. The president of the council, Agent Isai, dismayed at the community's rejection of his proposal, departed from Miraheze, never to be seen again. [22:02:28] daaang [22:02:30] lol [22:02:35] agent dont exist [22:02:44] I don't exist either [22:02:51] I'm just a figment of your imagination [22:03:02] agent was but a mere steward and community engagement specialist in those days [22:03:12] A lot more than I was [22:03:21] that being nothing [22:03:30] it took him quite some time in his history to go above commentator [22:03:45] I recall prodding both reception and agent to ascend to steward [22:04:17] mainly because I was really, really not happy with the idea of it just being doug who carried steward things (void to occasionally step in when he could), and that then falling to me with doug's activity on the decline [22:04:35] I'm actually content with having no legacy compared to...something else [22:04:49] miraheze demonstrably does not work with a single steward calling things and that only improved when reception, agent and I were a steward trifecta with void as a mediating influence [22:05:16] though it wasn't terribly long before I ended up burning out anyway [22:05:35] rip [22:05:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1291521589665464380/iu.png?ex=670066b6&is=66ff1536&hm=6a7dccd7c6ed5656f23b5d7dea3e70658cab6f2a51f786e6900a6b094c026118& [22:05:59] na was a later addition and quite a success [22:06:29] though by june '23 I think he might have still been global sysop? [22:06:47] generally speaking the global sysops who proactively engage with stewards are the ones who do rise to steward [22:07:06] yea [22:07:17] i think he only became a steward upon his return [22:07:24] that lines up [22:07:46] And to think I had potential, me looking back at that: [22:07:49] not really [22:08:05] but meh [22:08:32] potential is a thing in eternal flux [22:08:52] m? [22:08:58] legends die, new ones can appear almost regardless of their record, only the ones who do not take appropriate steps to rise have no chance [22:09:05] true [22:09:18] that is you certainly will never get there with defeatism [22:09:27] that is the first foe to quash [22:09:36] I see [22:09:38] @tali64 oi @clowntelevision had something to ask about this [22:09:54] Though ngl, I'm okay with just being an admin on a local wiki [22:09:57] so meh [22:10:11] im being thrown to the miraheze bees [22:10:41] does the existence of a miraheze bible imply the possibility of a miraheze schism based on theological and liturgical disputes editing disputes? 🤔 curious... [22:11:13] Perhaps it does [22:11:17] [Devious](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1248704243381174384.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=Devious) [22:11:34] i did this to tart too kinda [22:11:38] rip [22:11:53] Pix you will be the first to go during the miraheze schism /s [22:12:42] If I am to die, I shall do so in a blaze of firey fucking badass glory [22:12:53] as current and former peers will attest, global volunteering such as stewarding is a large, rather thankless duty [22:12:58] I don't particularly recommend it [22:13:17] though it's not as bad as being say, the carrier of tech stuff [22:13:20] Yeah I could gather that [22:13:31] virtually all roles are what you make of them [22:13:31] from what it looked like from the outside [22:13:45] eh [22:13:48] it takes little to retain hats, but in order to get things done plain and simple a lot goes into it [22:13:54] yep [22:13:57] the job is easy if things aren't being done [22:14:00] its not that bad, at least from where i am [22:14:04] and miraheze doesn't demand a lot be done [22:14:29] but for me there is a huge nigh unquashable list of to-dos for which there is little support and I constantly need to have measured expectations for [22:15:10] volunteers are regularly on their own path and collaboration is often limited [22:15:24] though stewards for example have been better than historically at bouncing issues between each other [22:15:41] interesting [22:16:03] i think the GA crew communicates fairly well, obvious stuff like spam locks aside [22:16:13] ga crew doesn't have a lot on their plate [22:16:14] WCs talk a lot [22:16:21] wcs do have record communication [22:16:27] thats fair [22:16:48] we com more w/ stewards sometimes [22:16:51] ga crew does have a plate but it's an unpopular plate with busywork like reviewing odd cases or reviewing wiki flags [22:17:02] invariably it seems I end up coming back to those myself [22:17:18] do we have any reviews needed? [22:17:20] a few things have simply slipped off the plate for lack of interest and because I can't be looking back at low priority shit when there is constant new shit [22:17:27] that is in GA scope [22:17:52] you will find some of them that were previously delegated to ga scale at the bottom of the resolved/archived section of the internal noticeboard, and a few things in the active list [22:17:57] I mentioned in my RfGP i wasnt to try and work on those within my ability, I just thought the ones we had were steward domain [22:18:08] hmmm lets see [22:18:26] catchup on flags is currently the big item in the ga header [22:18:32] also [22:18:44] for lack of engagement I simply haven't bothered to find other items, but that could change with interest [22:18:52] should we just make [[mh:cvt:Noticeboard]] the home page [22:18:52] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/cvt:Noticeboard [22:18:53] [22:18:53] since [22:19:01] [[mh:cvt:Home]] is kinda useless [22:19:01] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/cvt:Home [22:19:02] [22:19:04] it might get people to look at it more [22:19:50] well thats a list [22:19:58] im gonna finish my school work and take a look [22:20:10] start at the top or bottom? [22:21:18] the lists are chronological, but it doesn't matter too much which header is addressed first [22:52:27] yes but Doug would always put us down [22:52:46] he said he wasn’t sure if I was ready for it but you jumped at it and it seems people thought you were [22:52:59] yes, I blew through the skeptecism on that one [22:53:07] I really didn’t want to be a steward but the then present stewards were barely functional so I’m like why not [22:53:23] I was seeking whatever fire support was possible at that point tbh [22:53:38] ending up as the sole active steward was not healthy [22:58:14] void was the sole steward for quite awhile [22:58:49] multiple times he carried... the void, shall we say [22:59:38] nah, he held us out of it [23:00:30] he still needs several drinks on the house for his service [23:01:35] raidarr [23:01:38] at this point [23:01:51] im fairly sure if any of our volunteers ever meet each other irl [23:01:58] drinks all around [23:02:31] rhinos and I owe each other a few at this point i think, if i ever head back to the UK [23:03:03] is true [23:04:22] eventually i'll probably meetup with some folks [23:04:33] i plan to go to WCNA next year(NYC!!!) [23:05:17] maybe wikimania paris in 26? [23:05:19] who knows [23:06:14] @tali64 for your new welcome template maybe use {{IRC}} for the channel [23:06:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:IRC [23:06:16] [23:08:26] Done [23:14:21] Emailing the gov rn to get ur uk visa revoked [23:14:26] Do americans need a visa to visit the uk? [23:16:10] I have no idea [23:16:17] I went there without one I assume [23:16:22] For like a week [23:17:57] oh you're on terf island? [23:18:16] terf land? [23:18:21] also morning clair [23:18:23] a nickname for the UK [23:18:36] OA and Rhinos are british unfortunately [23:18:39] my condolences [23:18:41] actually [23:18:51] why do we have so many brits on tech [23:18:55] good question [23:18:55] OA rhinos and paladox [23:19:04] thats like [23:19:07] a third [23:19:07] i mean, i suppose miraheze limited was in the UK for a reason [23:19:09] wtf [23:19:19] Because all great things star in britain [23:19:25] yeah [23:19:31] like the US [23:19:39] Mistakes too! [23:19:45] shame the origin fell off though [23:19:52] oh wait no [23:19:53] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12690 [23:19:53] It is october so it is hocus pocus time! [23:20:03] > Because intercriaturas is a wiki for hosting files [23:20:04] eeeh ya always been like this nah [23:20:09] brb checking wiki request [23:20:42] Content Policy vio? [23:20:44] ............. [23:20:46] tali [23:20:47] "hosting files" 🧐 [23:20:48] get the clubs [23:21:00] its time for [23:21:09] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1016598848212320266/1278167608788516904/1AssafM.gif [23:21:15] Breakfast! [23:21:19] i love this gif too much [23:21:21] This content is no longer available. [23:21:23] it seems to do a little more than that, seems like very poor phrasing on their part [23:21:32] que [23:21:43] genuinely couldn't find the wiki wtf [23:21:43] unless it goes beyond their main page [23:22:21] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T5859 [23:22:23] O [23:22:26] so a commons-like wiki? [23:23:41] commons-like seems to be the aim there [23:25:14] "Hola, tu wiki está violando el Content Policy. Quitaré." Yes, I see that the situation has been resolved; I just wanted an excuse to practicar mi español [23:26:44] You're es-2 right? [23:27:08] Probably closer to es-1.5, but for all intents and purposes, yes [23:27:40] funny how all ours GAs are students who can speak 2 languages(to varying levels of adeptness lol) [23:31:31] seems to be wikibase clobbering search