[00:02:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1293725276496466012/remix-b50e7b5a-a8c2-4d22-a897-c4e9b29056c7.png?ex=67086b0e&is=6707198e&hm=66840db87407e033d2719f14b5d90ea17dc6ef8790792ea76549f27d74ab7d05& [00:47:07] [1/2] my day is ruined, great [00:47:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1293736537011392554/L.png?ex=6708758a&is=6707240a&hm=1b570988e545e871b847f9b572e710a6e2f78f6823cbe726bcd70579fa7afce7& [00:48:27] right that [00:48:44] @songngu.xyz its only hashed FYI [00:49:02] well I just read that [00:49:04] but still make sure you have a unique password [00:49:10] [1/2] Oh shitt [00:49:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1293737056320880730/Screenshot_20241009_184841_Firefox.jpg?ex=67087606&is=67072486&hm=79d5638c99cf1df18c30308cd45c04912776683173c3904ce77da61f7a4a825d& [00:49:18] just gotta change my psw [00:50:09] lmao https://haveibeenpwned.com/ [00:50:14] recent breaches [00:54:18] What do I do???? [00:54:53] what [00:56:09] oh thanks, but the email part???? I don't want people blackmailing me or something idk [00:56:18] nothing you can do [00:56:26] but at most, you’ll just get spam [00:56:40] My data’s been breached dozens of times but no one’s blackmailed me yet \:( [00:56:50] Only one thing you can do [00:56:52] calm down [00:57:03] emails on IA may already be public i dont remember [00:57:18] make sure you use unique passwords on all sites [00:57:34] I'm not even stressed at irl lol [00:58:42] the 4 questions marks can be quite deceptive then [00:59:31] Indeed [01:12:39] sometimes i forget how new I am to miraheze [01:12:51] my phorge account isnt even a year old [01:13:43] that feels weird [01:15:01] is that just me who feels that feels funky [01:42:59] Unless you do a Doug speed run (WC to Steward in 5 months) then you’re not a prodigy \:P [01:43:13] i never said that [01:43:22] Also: NDA [01:43:40] I couldn't pull off a speedrun even if i wanted [01:44:03] jeesh so mean agent [01:44:21] not cool man [01:44:35] I know you didn’t say that [01:44:42] I just wanted to highlight that [01:44:58] no one can out-Doug Doug [01:45:10] i need to find dougs RfS [01:46:04] still though it feels like ive been doing this for longer then, what 10 months [01:46:09] depends on how you count [01:46:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Stewardship/Archive_2#Nomination_of_Dmehus_as_Steward [01:49:32] > Closing as successful. This is the fastest I've ever seen a candidate not only get the required 20 comments but additionally to currently have 100% support, this seems like there's clear consensus even from people I would not consider usually vocal on meta and globally. Several people gave excellent reasons regarding why they believe Dmehus would [01:49:33] be a good candidate for this role and there seems to be agreement among all commentators. [01:49:56] agentisai: did you send me another dmehus RfS by chance,,? [01:50:38] lol [01:50:49] this [01:50:50] i- [01:50:55] que [01:51:47] Those were simpler times [01:51:57] wow thats an acceptance statment [01:52:27] It was all planned out [01:52:37] so he had it prewritten for a bit [01:52:54] holy shit [01:53:00] Dee supported [01:53:25] i forgot waki was around back then [01:54:26] revocal request 2 months later [01:55:56] also how did the closure wrap get messed up [01:56:18] meta politics are fun [01:56:20] also also: someone should not be !voting on a RfRP of themselves [01:56:24] what??? [01:58:05] It’s courtesy to not vote for yourself but not a rule [02:04:54] I sometimes forget I nominated this and then put support for the revocation request as well. [02:05:15] yeah, I think everyone flipped on him at the end [02:05:22] which is a shame, he was a nice guy [02:05:41] if he hadn’t been the only active steward, I think he wouldn’t have spiraled like he did [02:06:34] I liked Doug, but couldn't agree with some Steward actions. I was really disappointed with how that all turned out and wish he had more guidance etc... which was probably some of the cause as he was the only active Steward. It is quite a shame how it all turned out. [02:08:57] Yeah, I agree. Had he had more guidance and supervision/actual checks and balances by other Stewards, he might still even be a steward today [03:42:47] my main email was in 2 breaches so yeah, getting spam shit since [03:45:04] Ubuntu is so great but probably I would enjoy it much more if my monitor wasn't a tv mounted to the wall [03:45:16] and high up [03:58:15] I changed my archive.org password just in case [04:50:51] LoL wiki forked to Weird Gloop and is now officially supported by devs [04:53:05] and it's already at Google's top results lol [04:53:17] wait, LOL? [04:53:27] League of Legends [04:53:47] another big MOBA game [04:53:59] :pgfacesmirkstare: [04:54:11] south park also forked [04:54:30] and battle cats is now on miraheze [04:54:34] more big wikis moving out [05:01:15] oh battle cats is a big thing, didn't know they went here [05:08:17] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1293713324126765119 [05:08:32] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1293713324126765119 [05:18:19] is there a phorge task on titlekey issues? [05:18:40] need to disable on my wiki too, oh well [05:25:05] Since I log into the Internet Archive via Google Gmail, do I need to do Anything? [05:25:17] Considering I don't think I have a password on the site [10:24:15] check the email address on haveibeenpwned [10:25:07] no but you should make sure you have a decent password on your google account [10:25:13] and consider adding 2FA [10:25:19] cause you should do that anyway [10:25:50] Advanced Protection is good if you care about super security but can break windows if you can't plug untrusted USBs in [10:26:43] I love how eBay locked me out because the only way to regain access is the phone number that's no longer functional [10:27:01] I hate tying shit to phones [10:27:40] considering that in Russian phone numbers are tied w/ IDs [10:44:15] I already has dis :D [10:44:43] Good 🙂 [10:44:52] You should have 2FA everywhere available tbh [10:45:17] Anyone who doesn't support 2FA is a bad sign [11:17:25] my 2fa strategy pretty clearly comes down to 'either I can back up the 2fa database or nothing' [11:18:16] aegis is by far my pick for that reason, any 2fa that just ties to a number I will consider if it is any better for me than nothing, because frankly I hold that the risk of a single device going out and locking me out is equal to the benefit of having it if that's the only way I can do it [11:29:12] SMS based 2FA sucks [11:29:30]   :100: [11:32:09] fuck sms based 2fa [11:32:18] and fuck me because i procrastinated for 30 minutes [11:32:35] Only 30? [11:32:38] impressive [11:32:44] well okay [11:32:46] i didn't keep track [11:32:58] on that note, i slept before 1 am yesterday!! [11:33:07] I kept checking discord instead of doing work because of the Archive.org thing [11:33:50] BlankEclair: yes to the fuck sms 2fa [11:33:56] 30 minutes is good [11:34:59] same re IA, I did changed password tho [11:35:17] I'm not falling asleep in the office - yet [11:35:20] is IA up now? [11:35:25] yeah [11:35:25] ill prob change it [11:35:29] Not sure [11:35:30] oh neat [11:35:34] too lazy to update passwords though =w= [11:35:37] They confirmed the breach at least [11:35:43] just use unique passwords [11:36:04] if y'all can bruteforce Bloú#¿ÈöNÑaW¦ã»Ì4£t¡müûDö)qÅV6Þf©èÚºzÅ¢7æÞÌ×2c@yjþÜS«"¥¹0qÖMÉgì§IG%Y,D®ÊAÔq߶¨7îy^´&(lÜlSkð¬ÃáJxâ-Ä, then you can have my account [11:36:16] if that a joke [11:36:19] is* [11:36:26] no, that's most of my passwords [11:36:39] I use passphrases relating to the service [11:36:45] gives me a chance to remember [11:36:51] I've lost access to eBay, two throwaway emails and handful of sites I didn't even remember about said "no such email registered" lol [11:36:57] I may try the dictionary dice way [11:36:57] password managers :3 [11:37:14] i have no idea what 90% of my passwords are [11:37:22] that's what a password manager is for [11:37:24] same lmfao [11:37:24] or a passkey [11:37:47] i use my phones password manager [11:37:58] your phone has a password manager? [11:38:26] icloud keychain yea [11:38:31] huh okay [11:38:35] BlankEclair: don't all phones? [11:38:41] and my browser [11:38:47] PixDeVl: you used the new passwords app? [11:38:54] i don't recall my phone coming with a pw manager [11:39:03] android? [11:39:08] yeah [11:39:13] I don't remember that in android [11:39:22] aright [11:39:31] everyone laugh at the anroid users [11:39:33] ah yes: https://files.catbox.moe/1zrx5f.png [11:39:47] PixDeVl: so, have you jailbroken your iphone yet? [11:39:47] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [11:39:52] No [11:39:54] considering it [11:39:57] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM to be more accurate [11:40:04] actually question [11:40:23] does jailbreaking let you update apps beyond what an outdated OS would allow [11:40:32] asking for someone else who has an older devic [11:40:44] i mean... you can try [11:40:49] which can be an issue with stuff like idk bank apps [11:40:57] you'll most likely run across unimplemented apis though [11:41:06] hm [11:41:16] funny enough all of my bank apps don't care about root [11:41:44] maybe i'm just lucky though, who knows [11:43:07] this is where I'd rather just break an android tbh [11:43:17] oh, my android is already broken [11:43:23] funny enough a phone from the bosom of google is the best phone to do that with [11:43:26] system ui occasionally crashes for reasons unknown to me [11:43:40] it also sometimes soft reboots for no reason too [11:44:07] not nice innit [11:44:18] everything i touch breaks [11:44:23] going to spitball that something there isn't quite perfectly compatible [11:44:40] which is part of why I'm rather reluctant to break things on my everyday use devices quite that far [11:45:04] clair is a force of nature [11:45:33] friend asked how to antidpi on phone and then i remembered he uses iphone lol [11:45:42] anti... dpi? [11:45:48] oh deep packet inspection [11:45:53] Samsung Password Manager > iCloud Keychain [11:46:26] keepassxc and keepassdx [11:46:32] oa [11:46:36] you ruin everything [11:46:45] damn brit /lh [11:47:01] I wish Sony Ericsson was still a thing ... [11:47:20] i'm gonna get on the debugging chair for good luck [11:47:21] derivikat music is so fire [11:47:21] brb [11:49:13] also btw claire i asked reese why obl.ong exploded [11:49:21] said they lost their DNS provider [11:49:27] big ood [11:49:30] oof* [11:50:09] prob just gonna make a v2 with how much needs to be rewrittne [12:03:22] [1/2] common man [12:03:22] [2/2] https://x.com/brewster_kahle/status/1844326137499177312 [12:04:06] got +4 luck... diminishing returns [12:04:10] > [10/10/2024 22:49] also btw claire i asked reese why obl.ong exploded [12:04:11] they what [12:04:34] oh disconnected [12:04:37] cc @pixldev [12:06:44] What’s t.com [12:06:47] Whoops [12:06:58] https://obl.ong [12:07:00] Don’t worry Ye [12:09:10] worries [12:10:07] They lost their DNS provider [12:10:26] He said he’s gonna have to rewrite a lot, so probably just going for v2 [13:10:31] Should I be worried about the copy of my wiki I have on IA? [13:11:00] you can never be too paranoid [13:11:07] - girl with months worth of backups [13:19:36] hacking the internet archive is like shooting a medic in the battlefield [13:38:40] Where did it go [13:40:16] gone, reduced to atoms [13:48:38] 🤷‍♂️ [13:49:00] Technically already atoms! [13:56:23] [1/2] bruh [13:56:23] [2/2] https://x.com/Spideraxe30/status/1844352732372795550 [13:57:05] 😭😭😭 [13:57:07] Laughable [13:57:15] is it worth it to open [13:57:52] Also not directly related but regarding the LoL to weird gloop and Southpark fork to wiki.gg i saw that Wiki.ggs terms of use prohibits scraping the site... [13:58:00] Isnt that what they do to fork a wiki from Fandom? [13:58:03] it's about fandom staff lying about having contact w/ game's dev [13:59:05] lmfao [13:59:36] heh, yeah, you’re right [13:59:37] they use grabbers? [13:59:45] Yes [13:59:46] they actually do use grabbers and scrape images [14:00:16] Thought that was a bit like do as i say not what i do kinda behaviour [14:03:33] wikiteam3 users: how 'bout i ignore that ✨ anyway ✨ [14:07:50] I mean my issue isn't necessarily the fact they're violating Fandom's ToU (because fuck fandom), but more the fact that they're doing it and then saying nobody should do it to them. [14:10:52] I remember when they tried to buy pcgamingwiki once lmao [14:11:27] who? [14:11:38] someone from the Fandom staff [14:11:55] idk if it really was actually a Fandom staff member [14:12:06] Pcgaming wiki os a bit dead anyway [14:12:15] They're running EOL mediawiki too [14:12:37] does that mean that wikiteam is disallowed to make backups of their wikis? [14:12:44] like, officially [14:12:56] technically yes, but who cares [14:13:00] That's how the ToU reads [14:13:22] Although Fandom to my knowledge has never actually enforced that policy (how could they) [14:13:24] I vaguely heard Fandom did something about wikiteam [14:13:38] oh? [14:13:56] I'm sure they'd have a bee in their bonnet if wikiteam turned around and said we won't backup your wikis [14:14:34] iirc wikiteam3 prevents you from backing up wikipedia [14:18:14] > [11/10/2024 01:13] Although Fandom to my knowledge has never actually enforced that policy (how could they) [14:18:26] if they did, i'm tempted to build a browser extension to allow for easy wiki backing up lol [14:31:25] I want to know if WikiTeam's backups are intact [14:57:22] as in still exists or not intentionally tampered with [15:26:08] Both. [15:55:46] I guess I should assume my old backup there has been tampred with [16:02:41] [1/2] no, archive's data wasn't touched [16:02:41] [2/2] user data was (emails, nicknames, hashed passwords) [16:02:56] I do not even remember my password [16:05:28] Well that we know of [16:05:50] > The only secure password is the one you can't remember [16:06:42] :mor::tis: [17:14:26] https://payravi.xyz/@kevin/113284196447018895 [18:04:35] so weird gloop is gonna be proper wiki network now [18:07:01] also can anyone open archive link in this post? [18:10:01] Hm? [18:10:50] technically, it always was [18:11:08] but yeah, I hope to see them host more wikis [18:12:08] [1/2] ok, it was blocked for me [18:12:08] [2/2] https://archive.ph/kwt1b [18:12:48] Gotta use the vpn [18:13:29] so weird gloop gonna talk about themselves, and there's still that medium article which is basically wiki.gg advert, - and miraheze is still not notable enough to have an article on wp 🥲 [18:14:06] In all cases... [18:14:50] Curse of the nonprofit [18:14:55] :wikigg: 🤝 :miraheze: 🤝 Weird Gloop [18:15:13] I did see MiraHeze recommended to someone on WP:ANI of all places [18:15:17] Don't have a WG emoji [18:15:23] MC Wiki should add one [18:16:00] Real [18:16:14] Go recommended to Markus lol [18:19:08] Wait... Internet Archive was hacked??? [18:20:20] Yup [18:20:31] oh no! [18:20:38] just read the news!!! [18:20:44] https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/internet-archive-hacked-data-breach-impacts-31-million-users/ [18:20:56] Absolutely fucking pathetic [18:21:02] (The hacker, not IA) [18:21:03] It is safe to access to Archive right now? [18:21:25] No reason you should be at risk logged out [18:21:36] ??? [18:21:48] All we know if there was a DDoS, a notice on the site and a data breach of user account data [18:22:16] if you don't account over there you have nothing to worry about [18:22:32] Damn, I just have an account which saved things in 'favorites'ç [18:22:44] i do tho, so my email gonna be flooded w/ spam I guess [18:22:53] I have one idk email or password [18:23:14] While there’s no evidence raw text passwords were leaked, may be good to change your password [18:23:22] If you use that password anywhere else [18:23:23] Don’t [18:24:51] hm? [18:25:07] The one ANI thread with a happy ending [18:25:08] Ish [18:26:56] change my password at my Archive account, okay, but it is safe to access to Archive right now? [18:27:03] Has the attack ceased? [18:27:24] The hacker got in a while ago probably [18:27:36] I don’t know the situation but again should be fine [18:27:40] TIL you can get an account on the Internet Archive [18:27:53] You won’t get hacked into nevada by viewing [18:27:59] If you want, go logged out [18:28:23] The account breach was given to HIBP on 30 September [18:31:39] it's funny they wrote about HIBP on the website itself apparently when they hacked it but I feel like most people wouldn't get that acronym [18:31:54] So [18:31:55] I guess you can easily google it but still mostly people would probably say "huh?" when they saw that at first [18:32:16] wait... The hacking was many days ago??? [18:32:39] yeah I was confused too [18:32:43] I just found out about it today [18:35:22] The site was defaced yesterday [18:41:44] [1/2] At first time, did not understood your statement, until I went there and was this: [18:41:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1294006972437500035/image.png?ex=67097167&is=67081fe7&hm=56eb9f5fb4af50f7592c23aac2e844472eaf12725103372442f02ce82d51263a& [18:41:54] Nope [18:41:55] Not that [18:42:21] Huh? [18:42:52] https://fox.nexus/@theresnotime/113279503202935344 [18:49:23] ok, I'm confused. [18:49:31] I know it's the same website. [18:49:51] This showed when someone visited the site for 30 minutes ish [18:50:54] It was yesterday, according to the time post. [18:51:00] Yes [18:51:04] For 30 minutes [18:51:08] Not 30 minutes ago [18:51:30] Well, now I'm unable to change my password. [18:55:19] I think I should change the e-mail's password I've got linked with Archive. [19:43:41] Now, I wonder when they will alow users to check in HIBP or whatever it's name is. [19:44:35] Wdym [19:44:46] HIBP was alerted to this days before lmao [19:45:49] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1294023101738385459/image.png?ex=6709806d&is=67082eed&hm=3e2756b41d834f38c05c17e2538bf96d94d9387ff20ab639880bf3865569a74f& [19:46:14] It’s in [19:46:22] Actually [19:46:26] I know emails were sent [19:46:30] Idk about looking up [19:48:56] Checked in my inbox and found nothing, not event in junk folder. [19:49:22] Did you sign up before [19:49:43] I guess they're still sending e-mails bc it's 31 trillion users [19:49:53] I'm checking from my phone [19:50:01] Wrong letter lmao [19:51:03] ??? [19:52:07] 31 million users [19:52:27] If they've got trillions, they've got an awful lot of bots [19:52:47] oh [19:53:07] Sorry math is not my strenght. I read wrong hehe [19:53:56] Well, the thing is they maybe still sending e-mails for the affected ones [19:54:20] I hope the data store did not get destroyed or contaminated with virus. [20:26:05] https://mas.to/@emiliano/113284988023429280 [20:36:11] September [20:39:42] [1/2] The hackers published this: [20:39:42] [2/2] https://x.com/Sn_darkmeta/status/1844358501952618976?t=vWA3mK8rE6zxiGWPT4k7Cw [20:45:10] https://x.com/Sn_darkmeta/status/1844186326788112810?t=bWy2xEeAfrFFr5wpvOJOVg&s=19 [20:47:06] No [20:47:11] don't give them attention [20:47:15] There is no evidence they are the hacker either [20:47:16] the feed on it [20:47:28] Just some pathetic fuck taking credit [20:47:29] also that yeah [20:47:37] If they did do it, even sadder [20:48:21] dude has no life [20:48:41] https://chaos.social/@shebang/113282692399210969 [20:50:12] ok sorry [20:50:49] actually this made me remember of a very stupid case [20:50:58] happened in spring 2022 [20:53:26] [1/2] I don't remember the exact details, but like - a db system or something like, open-spurce iirc, used by lots of people, right [20:53:26] [2/2] so the owner decided to be a hero or whatever and updated the code - if the IP is from Russia or Belarus, it will format the entire fucking database [20:54:40] so, a group of activists lost years of reports and data about human rights violation in Belarus [20:54:47] cha cha real smooth [20:55:54] 💀 [21:10:03] How did you get that??? [21:11:10] https://haveibeenpwned.com [21:11:19] lmao [21:21:07] Damn, i'm powned too. [21:21:38] But this only compromises my e-mail and not my computer itself, right? [21:24:16] No [21:24:18] I mean [21:24:24] Yes you’re correct [21:24:28] No it don’t affect your pc [21:25:20] cool. [21:25:55] I'll have to wait until they enable Archive to change the password, too. [21:32:16] This reminds when i had a gab account back in 2018 and I was reported from Firefox that there was a DDos attack which had the same result as Archive, and have compromised the same users and passwords. Ended up changing the password and the case was over. [23:12:57] TIL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:CommunityConfiguration/GrowthSuggestedEdits exists [23:13:06] wikimedia managewiki lite [23:13:31] it doesn't really affect your email either [23:13:54] it barely affects your archive.org account because there is the extra step of breaking the hash, but as that's a terrible way to do security the password there had best be changed