[01:31:02] let me try [01:31:04] 💩 [01:31:07] oh yes it does [01:32:12] I'm actually excited to see the first video have below "20 years ago" [02:28:53] https://ufuayk.github.io/DistroHub [11:39:35] > [22/10/2024 22:39] [Who] Shelob is haveident@libera/staff/she/her (The nameless entity of selective highlighting.) (Away) [11:39:44] now that's one way to specify your pronouns [12:35:15] Internet Archive is back to normla now, all services seem to be running [12:40:21] read only now isn't? [13:11:09] IDK [13:12:07] Ah, yes, read only [13:39:46] This is pretty funny https://social.linux.pizza/@augmentedrobot/113350014069083939 [18:09:01] I’m burning why is it so hot [18:09:19] 83°. In late October [18:09:24] screams [20:05:12] @ghaztliousmoths that student wanted academic support [20:05:18] They asked me why they failed [20:05:33] I read the assignment and the feedback and it was like I'd have given you a zero [20:05:48] You lucky you just failed and didn't get academic misconduct [20:06:18] Damn [20:06:52] I have to start writing my essay but I have no idea how to start it [20:07:52] @ghaztliousmoths what's your essay on [20:07:55] And how many words [20:09:49] I have to compare and contrast 2 different shows or films on how they represent issues of equality, diversity and inclusivity [20:09:53] 1500 words [20:09:59] Due end of November [20:10:40] I'm thinking of doing Steven Universe and The Owl House and going with themes of lgbtq+ and censorship [20:11:36] @ghaztliousmoths do you want my folder of how to write academically and plan essays and reports [20:11:56] That sounds pretty awesome ngl [20:12:23] I’d read [20:13:59] [1/3] Yes please [20:14:00] [2/3] I had an entire lecture that was pretty much "here's how to do uca harvard referencing" [20:14:00] [3/3] Like sure call, but I don't know how to being a sentence [20:14:14] [1/2] say will this error go away over time or will it need attention? [20:14:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298378907892060190/image.png?ex=67195916&is=67180796&hm=a73746aed3fd584ab023b459eb43a8716f8571224aeebebd9b02a3b7e825c1f0& [20:15:13] Oh I have something for that in my book of tricks. DM me a Microsoft or google account and I'll share it in the morning. [20:15:41] Pretty much everyone says that [20:15:54] So I made a whole folder of resources on it [20:16:04] This man scares me [20:16:18] [1/2] I'm so glad that there are academic books on Steven Universe [20:16:19] [2/2] I don't have to rewatch the whole show [20:16:30] How [20:16:34] Try the wiki as well [20:16:57] That too [20:17:21] Resources are mostly courtesy of Winchester University's Department of Business and Digital Technologies [20:17:53] I just saved them somewhere useful [20:18:30] If it don’t go away make a task [20:19:19] It will be intermittent [20:19:26] It's a lovely thing called cache [20:19:29] There's no academic stuff on TOH but at least it's much shorter [20:19:37] So I can watch it [20:20:34] I can 100% tell you SU was censored on Russian TV [20:20:53] alright i will tell the guy who had the wiki made to make a task if its still misbehaving by tomorrow [20:20:59] although I don't remember specififcs [20:21:09] Ye, that's why Russia is censored in SU lol [20:21:26] Whole country just gone [20:21:46] LOL [20:22:06] good [20:22:19] /jk [20:22:41] TOH also has that "lets be friends and travel together" censorship in the scene where they're literally asking to be gfs [20:23:20] Miraheze MC server? [20:24:06] We have/had one I think, unofficially that Felenov graciously hosted [20:24:15] Need some spawn ideas [20:24:22] We just don’t have lots of people interested [20:26:16] I am kinda curous about the spawn [20:30:27] I am [21:14:55] That's uno person [21:22:40] ahh harvard referencing my beloved, (Ever, noone, 2024) [21:28:29] The fact my uni has a specific harvard referencing is just whyyy [21:28:33] Interesting