[00:48:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1302434160702652436/image.png?ex=672819d5&is=6726c855&hm=4a9d1616569f0105f19e11c42c044deac1937264d562916d0688854e3b0e7f5c& [03:25:58] <.labster> google en passant [03:59:16] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=En_passant&diff=prev&oldid=1174909983 [04:26:59] <_changezi_, replying to pixldev> Courtesy ping @pixldev; It got archived, [[Special:Diff/439329]]. :pupCoffeeMH: [04:26:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/439329 [04:27:00] [04:34:58] claire trying to port app data of a banking app challenge (she is gonna take a break before reading the android source code) [06:49:29] rare miraheze occurance: https://files.catbox.moe/mgm9ye.png [06:50:39] holy shit wiki is actually helpful [06:53:25] wanna know what's crazy? [06:53:41] rosetta code has a wikipedia article on its own [06:53:46] whaa? [06:53:54] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code [06:54:04] holy wow [06:54:07] yup [06:54:22] I'm a computer science graduate and I have barely any idea what it really is about tbh lol [06:54:45] though all I could say is that it is something that is seemingly pretty cool [06:55:28] seems to be a wiki listing how to do things in a bunch of languages [06:55:45] also, kinda bullshit that i have to write my own libc shim so that i can use seteuid in java [09:26:23] [1/2] > java [09:26:23] [2/2] found your problem [09:27:48] i have even less familiarity with kotlin [09:32:12] Morning BlankEclair [09:32:17] mornyan~ [09:32:20] or, evenyan [09:32:23] depends on your timezone [09:32:36] A very early start here [09:33:08] The F1 Qualifying has been rescheduled cause we gave up after 2 hours of rain delay yesterday [09:33:16] We have an 80% risk of rain [09:34:55] no way rain delay [09:35:16] It's in Brazil [09:35:29] I think me and Ro have a long day [09:36:14] i love low-level file read routines [09:36:25] gotta implement making sure that exactly X bytes are read yourself :3 [09:37:02] we got first snow this week [09:37:22] but it's either too warm for it to stay yet, or it's very icy closer to hail [09:37:27] you guys get snow? [09:37:41] here in the barren wasteland that is andalucia we have no snow [09:37:56] and I'm having a trip to north to visit my frens, so Imma change to winter fits sooner [09:38:07] on next week [09:40:58] i hate it when i break github's ability to display text: https://files.catbox.moe/lspxdr.png [11:29:05] @rhinosf1 yo [11:29:19] i got a wiki for you to add to the wiki stats thingy https://onlinesequencer.net/wiki/Main_Page [11:40:35] <_changezi_> Hey @reception123, sorry for the ping! I requested a wiki on October 23 ([[Special:RequestWikiQueue/50689]]). It’s been a while, and it’s still in the queue. Could you please review it when you have the time? [11:40:35] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/50689 [11:40:36] [13:15:53] https://tenor.com/view/nibbles-dunce-tom-and-jerry-gif-3253767392919141964 [13:15:55] Whoops [13:16:01] Getting on that after breakfast [13:16:18] !remindme 1h https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/615786602454581249/1302489178017108030 [13:16:35] Did someone say Brazil [13:17:12] Yup [13:17:25] quite the spectacle [13:26:17] @pixldev why don't you join me and Ro in the motorsport channel [13:27:01] Hm? I’ll check it out, I’m semi eating breakfast rn and trying to ignore the fact I haven’t been able to find my glasses for 2 days [13:27:18] What are you like [13:27:25] You got us for the next about 5 hours [13:27:59] Either a lot of waiting around or complete insanity or both [13:28:10] That’s quite a list [13:28:24] Hehe [13:36:21] til that you wear glasses [13:37:40] Me? [13:37:40] Yea [13:37:43] yeah? [13:37:47] I’ve used them fooooooor [13:37:54] Let me think [13:38:07] First time I wore them was my final exam in freshman year [13:38:15] 1.5 years? [13:38:24] I like them [13:38:35] I’d show you a picture of them, but clearly there’s issue with that [13:38:46] Rhinos has seen them on my face I believe [13:39:14] neat [13:39:40] (me trying to mentally analyse whether or not the colors of my own glasses count as pii) [13:39:49] Forget pixl face reveal pixl glasses reveal coming when [13:39:59] claire phones reveal :3 [13:40:52] Pixl house address reveal [13:41:21] Also [13:41:26] > @pixldev what i think you see me as: https://files.catbox.moe/4gsgz3.png (/hj) [13:41:35] Not exactly lmao [13:41:47] oh? [13:42:38] hi guys [13:42:39] uh [13:42:45] have I come in at a bad time [13:42:49] nah [13:42:52] Oh no we’re just chatting [13:43:00] also, i somehow mixed your username with your message, so my brain read "hi bottoms" [13:43:18] dyslexia... [13:43:26] d- do i have dyslexia? [13:43:34] When I visualize you IRL i just think of a tall lean women with idk a black hoodie glued to a blahäj in an RGB room. Also I know you don’t have Claire’s toothpaste hair, but I still visualize it 😂 [13:43:38] well shit, that's something to put in the research pile [13:43:53] no, but you seem to be infected with the stutter typing mind virus [13:43:57] its fine though [13:44:10] _stutter typing mind virus…_ [13:44:15] makes me feel cuter [13:44:27] fair [13:44:29] i can stop if i wanted to, but it's a conscious decision :3 [13:44:29] The mind virus or the toothpaste hair [13:44:45] > [04/11/2024 00:43] When I visualize you IRL i just think of a tall lean women with idk a black hoodie glued to a blahäj in an RGB room. Also I know you don’t have Claire’s toothpaste hair, but I still visualize it 😂 [13:45:01] i may kinda obsessively like blahaj, but i'm not gonna glue it to my hoodie lmao [13:45:12] also, what's "Claire's toothpaste hair"? [13:45:43] The blue and white hair color [13:45:59] huh, interesting :thinking: [13:46:03] https://catgirl.center/@BlankEclair [13:46:21] i didn't interpret it as white lmao [13:46:24] just very shiny [13:46:45] Huh [13:46:47] I misrecalled [13:47:18] But yeah I imagine blue and white pony tail [13:47:24] I know it’s not what you actually look like [13:47:27] But my mental image [13:47:45] you can have this random image of aqua though: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112471649 [13:47:48] I'll be honest I never paid attention to the fact you had glasses [13:49:11] I don’t really like that picture too much ngl [13:49:13] But yes you are in that photo [13:49:27] It looks pretty good [13:49:38] It looks better than practically any photo of me [13:50:04] I am not good at photos [13:50:16] I normally have my eyes closed or something [13:50:53] Let me find that photo [13:51:23] Gah [13:51:53] why am i putting so much effort into one banking app [13:52:03] ...probably because it's a banking app lmao [13:52:47] You've seen a photo of me haven't you @pixldev [13:54:16] Uh yea the one where you’re dangling above the sky or smt, also the CS call [13:54:38] Oh ye I had my camera on that whole call [13:54:52] I look fine on video calls [13:54:54] You forgot? lmaaaaaaoo [13:54:55] Photos I don't [13:55:00] Yeah you looked good [13:55:06] Take a photo of the video call [13:55:07] Ez [13:55:39] But the one from Biokovo Skywalk isn't too bad [13:56:32] There are worse [13:56:34] It’s good [13:56:50] Just looks like you’re holding on to save your life from falling into the ocean a bit [13:57:07] I mean it was a big drop [13:57:38] At least I have my eyes open [13:57:42] That's unusual for me in photos [13:57:48] Or if I do I'm staring [13:57:54] That photo is pretty natural [13:59:40] Why did this remind me of the “you got games on your phone” meme? 🤷 [14:00:17] I have no idea what that is [14:00:27] Remember I'm like 4 years older than you [14:00:45] I am not up to date on the latest memes [14:00:55] blasphemy [14:01:02] [1/2] I actually don’t know why [14:01:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1302633643746918422/image0.jpg?ex=6728d39e&is=6727821e&hm=b333d81f684ea05c05b260cc0bdf57c6af6a57c0213a31c2d99b19efd5573d53& [14:01:13] This is one variation [14:01:25] I thought you were older tbh [14:01:42] tempted to send random memes here [14:01:51] I'm 20 [14:01:58] Maybe I’m just used to grandpa Robert looking down on me [14:02:55] https://files.catbox.moe/qfs0yy.webp [14:03:07] https://files.catbox.moe/26z13l.png [14:03:43] https://files.catbox.moe/3gqv0o.jpg [14:06:01] That last one is disturbing and true [14:07:11] https://files.catbox.moe/zo60c5.jpg [14:08:45] That belongs in r/AntiMemes [14:11:43] Claire; do you know the show Carmen Sandiago? [14:12:17] no [14:13:22] https://files.catbox.moe/2bcmlq.jpg [14:13:38] https://files.catbox.moe/z3t1qg.jpg [14:14:15] https://files.catbox.moe/gletqh.jpg [14:14:22] that was apparently titled "photo_44394@05-02-2022_22-11-09.jpg" [14:14:26] oh how the table turned [14:14:28] tables* [14:15:58] https://files.catbox.moe/bcjak9.jpg [14:16:48] my luck: https://files.catbox.moe/gr8k6a.jpg [14:18:06] https://files.catbox.moe/9ftt1w.jpg [14:20:35] https://files.catbox.moe/tdlhe1.jpg [14:21:52] <_changezi_, replying to pixldev> No problem [14:22:07] Good show [14:22:10] Plenty of gays [14:22:19] my brain said "jolly good show" [14:22:21] It’s not the focus but they’re there [14:22:44] Main character is bi I think, two of the villain bros are probably gay [14:23:14] It’s not a big thing, that’s just part of the show, these characters are gay so what [14:23:22] wait what [14:23:30] how did i not know about this /o\ [14:24:57] https://files.catbox.moe/xiwzvg.jpg [14:27:05] https://files.catbox.moe/n2x757.jpg [14:29:50] https://files.catbox.moe/6w9w5k.jpg [14:33:05] https://files.catbox.moe/6jm08d.jpg [14:35:20] https://files.catbox.moe/lyvj3s.jpg [14:35:30] https://files.catbox.moe/zev84k.jpg [14:42:35] https://files.catbox.moe/icas3k.jpg [15:07:38] Forgot about how to basic [16:46:28] Fished out on my hotspot waiting for this lethargic line to move 😄 [16:46:40] Responding now [17:08:51] My mother just cast her early ballot, the team would call out whenever we got a first time voter and everyone would clap [17:08:54] awesome [17:22:22] Nice! Thanks for doing your civic duty, Pixfam [17:22:38] AND THEY DIDNT GIVE US A STICKER [17:22:42] 😭 [17:23:20] smh [17:23:40] It was interesting to see the town hall, I don’t often go there, I learned a bit about my towns history from the memorial, and I saw the inside of the court room [17:24:54] And I did some meta admin work outside [17:24:57] I wonder if we'll have the results by the 6th [17:25:04] Like hell [17:25:08] Maybe I'll wake up to 600 missed messages from #offtopic heh [17:25:19] 5 likes on her post already haha [17:25:28] From friends [17:25:30] man [17:26:41] Given how prominent politics is in America it's kind of surprising that turnout in elections isn't higher tbh [17:28:42] I think a lot of people are disillusioned with it at this point [17:28:56] Because the US has below-average intelligence [17:29:08] (which is a fact not an opinion) [17:29:17] Also, don’t help that the right has specifically been trying to stop people from voting [17:30:16] Probably doesn't help that registration for voting is such a big thing here too.. [17:30:37] Flooding election officials with mass mostly bogus claims of illegal voters [17:30:39] the us ranks 30th worldwide in intelligence, doesn't it? [17:30:56] Have a slightly Hispanic name? Reported [17:31:09] Along with a 1000 other [17:31:31] There’s a good John Oliver video on the BS [17:31:35] oh yeah, that's also a weird American thing. Where I'm from you get automatically registered, you don't need to proactively do something [17:31:48] based [17:31:53] wish we did that here [17:31:53] I don't really get why it's on you as a voter to register to exercise your rights [17:31:55] Logically [17:31:58] /sits in russian/ [17:32:03] Too logical for this country [17:32:19] you do need to register if you change your residence and things like that but not specifically register to vote [17:33:04] Though I guess that's also because for our presidential elections it doesn't matter in which region you live as it's a popular vote [17:33:12] So basically if you're a citizen you can vote wherever you want and that's it [17:33:31] And after you register some Karen is gonna drag you to defend your eligibility in court cause you’re dad was from Spain or some shit [17:33:51] Electoral college can kiss my ass it’s so dumb [17:33:58] I admit I wasn't political for most of my life, a lot of people here aren't because of some sort mass trauma from Soviet times + gotta constantly survive to care about big stuff, and well Kremlin was busy to make people as much abstracted from politics to achieve USSR vibe [17:34:01] yeah there's definitely no such thing here because voting registration records are completely private and not public business [17:34:23] Yeah I mean I understand why it's not very appealing to be political or to vote in Russia... [17:34:46] The Kremlin isn't particularly friendly to free and fair elections [17:36:03] But otherwise there's many strange things about American elections. I fairly recently found out that in some places you directly elect judges. That just feels wrong to me [17:36:04] this fetish for jus sanguinis from US cons is so infuriating. Their constitution is pretty clear on this as well, so much for constitutionalism. [17:36:56] of course, not like they care about the constitution [17:38:33] Of course they do! [17:38:38] When it suites them [17:40:17] if going against the constitution allows them to kick the _blacks_ out, they will gladly do so [17:41:21] I know people from the US are very attached to the Constitution but it is one of few countries to have such an old/outdated one [17:42:20] Draconian is my preferred adjective [17:43:08] I literally have a pocket constitutions in my scouting daypack(my own choice not required, its really funny to bring python [17:43:19] And the bill of rights, of course [17:48:22] Objectively so [17:50:09] Reminds me: few days ago we got a letter from the government trying to peer pressure us to vote haha [17:50:28] 1984 big gubmint [17:50:43] It includes the voting record of two of our neighborhood (name and address redacted of course) [18:24:03] Thursday is much more likely [18:27:32] Even that’s being optimistic [18:27:54] Yep, but by thursday at least we should have a solid read if not full results [18:28:16] Though this one's gonna be a weird one no matter what... [18:30:24] The right are openly preparing to drag this out kicking and screaming to botch the result [18:31:16] anyways that’s enough for now: @notaracham wanna see something slightly less cursed and far more fun then this pathetic excuse for an election system [18:58:04] Should I eat some cheese! [19:00:44] Is that something you really need to ask in here? [19:05:31] I am bore.ed [19:05:56] I am kinda annoying at the fact 5 hours and only 1/4 finished with part of a build [19:10:20] https://youtu.be/cO-S4ge0GoE [19:10:22] @notaracham ^ [19:10:30] Anything wrong with this picture [21:08:10] I have voted in every election I've been eligible to vote in [21:10:53] Didn’t vote when I turned 18, but I’ve voted ever since [21:41:19] it's a number of things that stack to my knowledge including disenfranchisement, busy lives in which voting isn't well carved out culturally, and the fact a lot of areas and outcomes are totally taken for granted [21:41:51] and frankly a lot of those who do, and a lot more who are casually compelled to, would be no more educated than a senseless vote on an RfP here: brand awareness as much as anything informs voting choice [21:42:14] so it's the whammy of voting in the first place plus actually competent voting, served with a slice of first past the poll that incentivizes garbage outcomes [21:44:18] [1/2] Ease of access/removals to barrier to casting a vote is also huge. [21:44:18] [2/2] My experience in a totally vote-by-mail state is very different than someone in a state where polling lines can be 6+ hours with no bathroom breaks permitted. [21:49:40] suddenly my town really doesn’t seem bad [21:50:09] anyways THEY MADE A NEW SPY KIDS MOVIE LAST YEAR AND I HAD NO IDEA UWUSJQIVdaovosnnr [21:57:34] if absentee voting was not as convenient as it is the chances I would vote personally would be far far diminished [21:57:49] and there are active efforts to discourage inconvenient areas from voting so that is certainly a part of it [22:01:31] My polling station is like a 5 minute walk [22:01:58] 6 minutes / 0.3 miles [22:02:54] My parents one is 12 minutes / 0.6 miles but on the walk from the local primary and high school [22:03:12] And right by the bus from either city centre if you're on the way home from work [22:46:33] [1/2] This is unfortunately funny, especially if you work with templates [22:46:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1302765893486645358/carpal_tunnel.png?ex=67294ec9&is=6727fd49&hm=4ae74945edb56e27d22ae5a7bb56d37c40fa4a2da5012d094da16c34522eb097& [22:52:01] Unrelated question [22:52:16] do you know if any companies that print images onto mousepads [23:58:37] printonmousepads.com