[00:10:35] old doesnt necessarily mean bad, i think that the constitution is pretty good despite having the last amendment being ~32 years [08:05:35] Cheap ones probably, the ones that make good mousepads with designs - no [12:16:59] why is yaron [13:04:41] <_changezi_, replying to pixldev> No prob, lol [13:19:47] I agree [13:20:11] So talented but sometimes I wonder why he makes certain decisions in his extensions lol [13:20:37] you get html encoded output in the api modules [13:20:41] so you have to decode them in your code [13:20:45] even though it's already wrapped in json [13:20:47] beautiful [13:22:18] The MediaWiki api is so fucked [13:22:31] Not being able to send stuff in the body is really limiting [13:22:40] request or response body [13:22:43] We complaining bout Yaron again? [13:22:51] Request [13:22:57] oh jeez wtf [13:23:41] > [05/11/2024 00:22] We complaining bout Yaron again? [13:23:42] https://rainverse.wiki/w/api.php?action=cargoquery&tables=pages&fields=_pageName=title&where=_pageName%20LIKE%20%27%\%27%%27 [13:24:22] Huh [13:25:01] [1/9] For example I needed to send a key-value array recently but Mediawiki only supports stuff like `array[]=val1&array[]=val2` which is an issue. So you can just send it from JS like `array: this.array` but then MediaWiki encodes the array AGAIN, so you have to json.stringify and then json_decode and end up with an array like [13:25:02] [2/9] ``` [13:25:02] [3/9] [ [13:25:02] [4/9] [ [13:25:03] [5/9] Key => val [13:25:03] [6/9] ] [13:25:03] [7/9] ] [13:25:03] [8/9] ``` [13:25:04] [9/9] Which is annoying [14:38:06] Wat [14:49:30] ?? [16:30:54] [1/10] Hi everyone, [16:30:54] [2/10] we would like to ask for your help in a quick interview / survey on wiki for educational videos & podcasts. In short: [16:30:54] [3/10] - We are a group of academics / NPO volunteers. [16:30:55] [4/10] - We have a Miraheze wiki in which we want to curate educational videos and podcasts. [16:30:55] [5/10] - @xraitos develops this wiki as his master thesis and requires interview or survey participants to specify requirements and priorities. [16:30:55] [6/10] - The anonymized results of the survey will be used for developing the wiki, the master thesis and academic publishing. [16:30:56] [7/10] If you have any questions, feel free to ask πŸ™‚ [16:30:56] [8/10] If not, straight to the survey: [16:30:56] [9/10] https://survey.uni-hannover.de/index.php/139333?lang=en [16:30:57] [10/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1303033744424177674/NutzerbefragungGewinnungENG_v3-1.png?ex=672a483d&is=6728f6bd&hm=b96833df86d0e4f7d3cc99b8b9cf4a8a9f5813077879b4e4ec34d6c076c0ca23& [19:30:37] Merica https://youtu.be/UGIVVK-8dNs [20:40:42] πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ¦