[00:18:39] Tell me about them only me im trustworthy trust [01:22:17] fuck me i've jist had a nightmare trying to kill a cron [01:22:30] who knew that killing the cron doesn't stop the script it started running? [01:22:35] (probably everyone knew that apart from me) [01:22:46] _this is why i do dev and not devops/infra_ [06:21:23] > [Wednesday, 13 November 2024] [09.07.28 Australian Eastern Daylight Time] huh, interesting ticketing system i found [06:21:31] checked the html email, it was from zendesk lol [11:23:21] > [Wednesday, 13 November 2024] [10.37.40 Australian Eastern Daylight Time] (i think i'll find like 9 xsses) [11:23:25] that was spot on actually [12:24:26] you know Eclair, I'd almost be interested in prodding you towards a forum running very out of date software that I'm sure has a million vulnerabilities [12:24:43] the only time I got the owner to react was when I indicated a breach was very likely and then he went to sleep again [12:25:05] maybe a list of everything that's gaping would get him to show up for a whole three emails, idk [13:21:38] > [13/11/2024 23:24] you know Eclair, I'd almost be interested in prodding you towards a forum running very out of date software that I'm sure has a million vulnerabilities [13:21:39] i'm scared [13:42:05] nothing I haven't mentioned, same vb4.5 forum with a wiki well past eol [13:42:29] the owner has made some effort to secure/update but I can't imagine that's enough with the other wise nil attention day to day [19:29:22] Welp [19:29:27] I’m in a drought warning [19:29:39] Tomorrow we get the drought map [19:31:28] https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?NJ?ftag=MSF0951a18 [19:56:25] rip [21:04:03] What's happening [21:04:16] in #miraheze [21:04:23] a minor meltdown [21:04:32] i just came online lol [21:04:35] Comedy [21:22:36] [1/2] Welp [21:22:36] [2/2] I got muted on a furby server cuz someone started an argument with me [21:23:36] Ooops @ghaztliousmoths [21:23:42] How's things going [21:25:16] It's going alright [21:25:26] I got 1000 words on my 1st draft [21:25:30] Of my essay [21:25:59] [1/2] I got 50 keyframes done for my animation [21:25:59] [2/2] And I got both portfolios done for now [21:26:00] Nice [21:26:21] Not long left of your first semester @ghaztliousmoths [21:27:04] [1/2] Yep [21:27:05] [2/2] I don't want to think about how time is fading away [21:27:37] @ghaztliousmoths first quickly becomes last [21:27:53] This is semester 7/8 for me [21:28:02] Cause year 1 and 2 had 3 semesters [21:28:08] (Well 2 and a bit) [21:30:48] Damn [21:31:05] I still feel very confused on the whole argument I had [21:31:30] It didn't really register as an argument to me [21:31:57] More of just a group of people suddenly making fun of me [21:32:29] The person who I was initially talking to didn't mind what I said about the image [21:33:32] [1/2] But yea [21:33:32] [2/2] Socialising is still terrifying when people act like that [21:39:26] People are weird [21:39:51] Where 30 months has gone is crazy [21:40:43] I think I'm ready after 15 years of education to not have to do another exam or assignment for a bit though [21:41:16] July will be round quickly [21:46:25] Yea [22:27:22] til: you can use backticks in php to run a shell command [22:29:58] Wut