[00:07:26] [1/2] For the storytellers between us: [00:07:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1314745047262171186/GeJq-BPXcAAM9-3.png?ex=6754e33e&is=675391be&hm=dd98a127ff68a5f8ab7488a4cbae9ffff2522d9aa7dd213177a60c5a0b1eda73& [00:44:31] [1/2] Good vid [00:44:31] [2/2] https://youtu.be/Qoy2ztu39es [09:04:02] til: https://global-search.toolforge.org/ [11:56:02] Is there is any Egyptian/Sudanese among you folks [12:40:08] @pancake.aurora BBC reporting Impeachment vote has failed [12:40:14] True [12:40:24] Not enough votes (200 needed) to open ballot [12:40:38] So, fuck you, Treason Power Party. [12:41:36] man [12:41:38] how [12:41:43] Just walk out. [12:41:58] ofc [12:42:08] did walking out ever helped? lol [12:42:15] It worked. [12:42:17] /looks at Sakartvelo/ [12:42:40] I will definitely stop treating anyone supporting Treason Power Party as a decent person [12:42:57] Or just treat them as 'Treason Supporter' which is a criminal offense by itself [12:44:00] What will happen now @pancake.aurora [12:44:39] Democrats: we will wait for the current session to end, call for a new session, and then open a new motion as soon as possible [12:44:51] (Standing orders preventing same motion put twice during same session) [12:45:46] And my personal opinion: all Treason Power Party politicians, please walk to the nearest river (just 4 minutes ahead) and dive there [12:46:23] Is that really their party name? [12:46:29] Cause if so LMAO [12:48:34] (Sorry I’m really ignorant when it comes to other countries’ politics, my country’s is more than enough to deal with rn, and thats where I’m going to leave it, this isnt really a good place to discuss my country’s poltics) [12:50:00] People Power Party [12:50:05] you are from eastern europe, right? [12:50:14] But I think what they represent is Treason Power, so I gave them the new name [12:50:20] Ah ok [12:50:23] IIRC he has Trump as next president [12:50:30] I was gonna say that party name is a choice 💀 [12:50:41] Yes I am unfortunately american [12:51:24] oop sorry [12:51:29] Me too [12:52:00] If I had the funds and means, those Nordic countries look real nice [12:53:48] Ive talked to some people from various Nordic countries, and I’ve heard lots of good things, their social welfare (I think is the right term, I’m still not fully awake) programs are very good, and they practically do everything in their power to give you a good life [12:54:27] Finland was very popular for Russians [12:55:28] Like I heard one of them will actually give you true assistance with getting a decent place to live, employment, ect, like thats more than enough imo, like just giving someone a place to live is good for me [12:56:02] I heard a city in Italy is giving Americans priority for very cheap housing [12:56:40] https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2024/11/19/italian-village-homes-moving/76428244007/ [14:05:45] yep, I've seen it [14:05:49] finally, housing for my budget [14:40:40] The catch to the whole $1 thing is that you actually need to renovate it [14:40:55] but still a pretty nice deal I'd say [14:56:41] Seriously? [14:57:01] Yes [14:57:36] 108 members, anonymous vote and still failed [14:59:10] Solution; just don't let them enter the hall. [14:59:13] EZ. [15:00:03] Or the American way [15:00:09] Solution: gun [15:00:15] Not a thing here [15:00:16] For legal reasons this is a joke [15:00:45] Send them on a business trip to Texas [15:00:45] Hmm [15:00:45] No [15:00:53] Deep inside the Pacifics [15:00:57] Never let the set foot again [15:02:02] Texas would be more effective and funnier [15:02:45] I don't want my tax to be spent on them on the business class fares [22:46:22] /auth [22:46:42] lol Aight nvm [22:47:10] #verify [22:47:36] Oh, may want to update this then: #info-and-rules [22:54:49] We should [22:54:51] A lot [22:55:42] XD