[01:30:41] So far the donations [01:30:45] Seem to be going great [01:30:57] 41 percent and not even the half of the month yet [01:31:06] Well if it reach’s 100 percent [01:31:13] That will mean another year of miraheze [01:31:24] Which will equal the 10th anniversary [01:31:29] When it gets to that day [01:57:14] Plus expansions [01:57:32] Which we desperately need for things like images since all but one image store servers are on critical [01:57:49] We can also add MiraGPT [01:57:53] That will be a good thing will also celebrating a big 10th anniversary [01:58:56] If the community approves [02:09:35] Yeah that but still 10 years Is going to be insane [02:39:10] Nice! 🇮🇱 [02:39:30] I hope things get at least a bit better over there [02:42:39] the idf also sunk the navy, and struck military facilities all over syria [06:01:16] https://www.qualys.com/2024/11/19/needrestart/needrestart.txt [06:01:18] da faq [18:05:02] [1/2] Is it possible to do image styling on a specific image on an external css stylesheet? [18:05:02] [2/2] Asking cuz I want to make a specific image change width once the browser screen is below a certain width [18:26:25] If you set a `class` on the `img` tag then you can select it that way. If not, then you can probably use a more complicated selector to style that tag based on the elements surrounding it [18:27:35] owait, forgot which server I'm in lol.. [18:27:42] thank you, I'll try that [18:27:55] Uh... I think you can set class on File links too in wikitext [18:28:03] its not for wiki purposes, hence in offtopic [18:28:08] oh sick [18:30:38] [1/3] Its these 2 images (they're the same image 1 is flipped with css) [18:30:38] [2/3] ik the easiest solution would to just make the whole thing an image, but im too lazy to draw out the text [18:30:38] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1316472226920403005/image.png?ex=675b2bcd&is=6759da4d&hm=18bead28676972d4297f9f58535c50111fb2702d83ee8f4ef7b092d715e6e1ea& [18:31:41] cuuute [18:34:40] [1/3] thanks ^^ [18:34:40] [2/3] i felt so happy once i finally got all the regular images and videos centered and responsive [18:34:41] [3/3] ik im making this portfolio way harder on myself since i could have just used social media, but i just couldn't bring myself to make a new instagram account [18:35:09] instagram is rotten [18:35:19] sadly [18:35:33] i know, i barely post over there [18:42:38] yay, 1st method worked ^^ [19:58:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1316494277760647229/469838410_122152059272316115_1895841451277126807_n.png?ex=675b4057&is=6759eed7&hm=02f9cc83c41efe9a86197d29d1d33ec233dab48059a53147dedcbbdde39131d7& [21:14:42] [[mw:Extension:AIResume]] good idea for wikipedia [21:14:42] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AIResume [21:14:43] [23:50:19] @rhinosf1 just putting in a bug report of sorts for wikistats, all the sourceforge wikis say 301 because they’ve moved from /mediawiki/index.php/ to /mediawiki/ [23:50:24] just thought I’d let you know