[01:21:25] But that is what the people choose [01:21:39] populism and more populism [01:21:53] Many people like to live a fantasy [01:22:43] Some people are tired of living very well and want to try out something else [01:23:22] [1/2] oh wow fandom listened for once and actually reverted the new sidebar update [01:23:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1318388034202505296/image.png?ex=67622409&is=6760d289&hm=6357c90b14a101fcc1e32e0b3874fdc778778c45b1e0c23e12058422d40f337d& [01:23:25] hey, what happened to lake? [01:25:59] lake retired from the support role and has been busy, I believe [01:26:43] He’s been busy/near total inactive for months, I removed his support roles a few days ago on his request [01:28:17] Ah 14 boost [01:28:19] So far [01:34:52] 😦 [01:34:56] He is Brazilian [01:35:01] from Santa Catarina I think [08:52:35] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12997; oh wow oof lol [10:42:21] pixldev: this is what you envision me to be: https://glauca.digital/sharks/ [13:14:15] ||https://youtu.be/JRHARtLZLk8?si=gLOOlnRv8yO-tAAi|| [15:38:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1318603144384610344/IMG_1266.png?ex=6762ec60&is=67619ae0&hm=7815971c6f89baa0084f4bee7fe71c2554fbdaa1879f342b22597c7f76093aff& [16:06:54] https://tenor.com/view/xdscaradontdrinkwater-gif-13490893073543650074 [16:07:05] https://tenor.com/view/tanks-thanks-thank-you-meme-caption-gif-13134382632871606417 [17:36:27] google downgraded to the point I can't find text of famous russian viral video/pasta in its results [17:37:03] it only gives couple of dodgy lyrics sites to have it lol [19:42:04] my favorite politician is on miraheze 🥳 [20:11:37] What [20:11:50] To multiple parts of that [20:48:04] [1/2] Sounds bout right [20:48:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1318681140785188874/image0.jpg?ex=67633503&is=6761e383&hm=7e666709e5904e220cdf208c5842717ab71098a9b2c18818b95869fd39ca07fa& [20:59:26] these word salad list names make me nauseous [21:00:46] godfrey g golden [21:01:03] Who [21:01:06] Where [21:01:07] Why [22:51:22] cool lil wiki that attempts to block off access to special pages but fails: https://organicdesign.nz/wiki/index.php?title=special:RecentChanges&asd= [23:17:08] i- i don't know how, but my brain somehow managed to not notice a htmlspecialchars() call and thought i had an xss