[01:28:29] ||https://youtu.be/GCKQGldMCaE?si=qb11DSpocSLlbuAn|| [02:06:32] someone sent 🥺 to me, asking me to help debug mediawiki [02:06:34] of course i will! [04:02:10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1318790387287986236/o058i9S_-_Imgur.mov?ex=67639ac2&is=67624942&hm=96c9fa899ba168406c15e3f270313c2dc1a09cbeca05a2ac887a5abfdf7b3a07& [04:02:35] were posting memes here what [04:04:06] Not encouraged if it isn't even tangential to the convo, but exercise good judgement. [04:04:34] hmph [04:04:48] thats confusing but alr [04:06:34] If a clarity is needed, the occasional meme may slide by, but shitposting/floodposting is an activity better taken elsewhere [04:21:53] If you are not aracham, who is aracham? [04:22:01] 🤔🤔🤔 [04:22:44] A mystery for the ages [04:25:43] its an imposter! [04:25:49] [Insert among us gif] [04:26:10] Is /gif not standard discord? [04:26:11] [1/2] This is actually a great example of principle: if a conversation can follow, probably fine. [04:26:11] [2/2] If it's just the equivalent of random screaming that nobody would respond to, probably not something that goes here. [04:26:40] It varies across platforms on whether the slash command works, it's weird [04:27:00] I could've sworn i used it on this server before [04:27:10] Maybe that was just from my keyboard tho [04:27:19] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1318796715129704448/image0.gif?ex=6763a0a6&is=67624f26&hm=d1789444d68e2bfb3d3796b599f0e9ecc8075a922d9b9ada79062ba5c737a68e& [04:34:30] I need to have a go at that game [04:34:36] I never got the hype around it but [04:38:23] It's fun for a bit but if you're not trapped at a school or playing with a sea of people, the shine wears off fast, for my 2c [04:47:47] Yeah sounds about right [04:47:53] A bit like fortnite [04:48:05] [Waits to be murdered] [04:57:50] tempted to rewrite portableinfobox's tab system [04:57:54] normal claire thoughts: ^ [05:02:06] oh dear, PI tabs aren't even tabbable [05:02:07] sin [05:11:19] I wouldn't waste your breath [05:11:25] ? [05:11:34] The parsoid hack WMF promised hasn't come to fruition as usual so [05:11:40] Bye bye when parsoid becomes default [05:11:47] ah, i wasn't thinking about that [05:11:54] i wanted the tabs to work without javascript [05:16:27] Do it I guess [05:16:40] It would be useful ig if WMF ever pull their finger out [06:07:41] I really hope some solution is found for PI compatibility [06:08:01] That would be a tremendous kick in the shins for every MW downstream consumer [06:30:55] Thats WMF for ya [07:30:11] https://www.domainconnect.org/ [07:30:12] interesting [22:15:08] i know your router's ip [22:15:19] at least according to your computer [22:15:32] do not get doxxed