[00:04:08] I think box should not exist as a sport [01:05:38] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFSDNt2UnYk&t=504s [01:05:52] This is the cutest song ever πŸ˜„ [01:06:17] Los Carranga Kids sings 'La Gallina Mellicera' [01:20:40] [1/3] Portal 2 had a education edition [01:20:40] [2/3] https://steamdb.info/app/213630 [01:20:41] [3/3] school computers ain't running Portal 2 lol [10:47:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1321066790230560838/IMG_5853.jpg?ex=676be2d3&is=676a9153&hm=d904bddf0f81957e22b15c9d8d12d75c4c74462e3a86b4e17482bbc7155fa85e& [10:47:49] Greetings from Hanoi [11:08:20] Nice [13:20:49] Interesting https://www.hackers-arise.com/post/cyberwar-mission-2-reconnaissance-in-the-adversary-s-docker-images [14:10:41] Also highly unethical and illegal [14:11:24] Please don't do that [14:20:28] For legal reasons I am not promoting anyone do this [14:55:24] [1/2] Round [14:55:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1321129106267701341/20241223_111623.jpg?ex=676c1cdc&is=676acb5c&hm=f80d0d5d1230f09f7d835b1a2d119e2ee42e74955cfafd003e62ab67e30ac4ac& [14:57:25] I kinda want to make consumable versions of these [15:02:12] Extension:MobileDetect vs Extension:MobileFrontEnd what is the diffance? How do I do auto detect if mobile vs desktop? [15:08:52] Babi [16:13:43] its finally happened. fandom has so many ads ublock origin is crashing my firefox trying to block them all [16:14:34] LMAO [16:15:26] [1/2] to speed up my browser i should close this tab and never come back got it [16:15:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1321149245545513032/image.png?ex=676c2f9d&is=676ade1d&hm=ea90ed6d6eceb982a6c10b37c142ec06648d5ab3118c94781a25b04d11978a2c& [16:15:43] antifandom it is then [16:18:18] If you’re logged in you can also disable ads [16:18:51] i was trying to find a page to source for something 😭 [16:19:11] - no wikipedia page - fandom crashes my firefox - fuck it im just gonna source the guy's youtube channel [16:25:17] [1/3] Huh. [16:25:17] [2/3] I have not had that happening to me on Fandom yet. [16:25:18] [3/3] Though my adblocker seems to be useless on Twitter now πŸ˜” [16:26:06] wtf thats scary 😨 [16:26:34] ok i totally forgot twitter even has ads so i turned off ublock to see what its like and it straight up does not load without ublock. the fuck [16:40:20] /auth [16:44:09] On mobile, the ads were absolutely buggy [16:44:18] Would get like 5 in a row [16:44:44] [1/2] I'm getting seven of them in a row. 😭 [16:44:45] [2/2] And that's on PC. [18:59:57] [1/3] What's the deal with Wikidot? Is it a "good" wiki host like MH or a "bad" one like Fandom? [18:59:58] [2/3] (Motivation: I keep a list of webcomic-related wikis on "good" hosts and I'm not sure whether I should include Wikidot wikis). [18:59:58] [3/3] They don't use MediaWiki: do they allow you to export your wiki database? Can the format be read by anything else aside from a decade-old Python script? [19:15:22] Wikidot is a whole different wiki engine [19:15:33] the majority of wiki sites are on MediaWiki [19:15:48] Wikidot is also a wiki hosting [19:17:29] it's a proprietary software and from what I heard, didn't have major updates untill recently when they got DDOS by Belarus/Russian hackers in 2022 (which resulted in them blocking of these IPs, so we have to use VPN to access lol) [19:18:33] SCP and D&D are the most known Wikidot wikis [19:19:22] whether it's really good or bad is hard to tell, but I won't put much trust considering model and lack of development [19:19:44] there are third party wikidot <-> mediawiki converters [19:21:39] I suppose that decade-old script is what I had on my mind [19:22:06] haven't seen other solutions [19:46:14] Boyz. I got Minecraft [19:50:02] What is the Miraheze minecraft server [19:52:08] We do not operate one [19:52:54] felenov pspsp [19:56:47] I remember one [19:57:10] It's completely unofficial then [19:57:13] not officially [19:57:29] Hello [19:57:34] And in no way endorsed by WikiTide Foundation nor the wider community [19:57:38] So, what's the server? [19:57:55] give this fine young man access plz [19:59:24] Isn't the Minecraft Wiki dead? [19:59:52] Didn't know there was a discord server for it [20:01:47] nah, it's like actual Minecraft server [20:01:54] for Miraheze folks lol [20:06:44] RhinosF1: the server is not official, clearly states so, but MH spaces COC applies there [20:07:24] ok [20:39:44] Yup (I am in it too) [22:23:18] Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. [23:12:36] Wikidot is open source iirc? (But very badly coded)