[00:16:31] Funky reminder that `document.designMode = "on"` exists in JS [00:24:25] it do be funky huh [01:27:38] thanks i hate it [01:27:49] -# i might use that later actually hang on [02:50:51] [1/2] GRAND POOBAH ideas what I can do with the placeholder section? [02:50:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1328919297807876177/Screenshot_from_2025-01-15_02-47-38.png?ex=6788740a&is=6787228a&hm=76d9d0efff50740149b35667b52f234a5bcc9df6c0589b1340c0158ac0d051d4& [06:20:29] lipsum [06:20:41] or pictures of smol fish [07:03:12] lorem ipsum [07:31:43] I want content, not placeholder stuff [07:34:15] [1/2] Contents don't magically appear. [07:34:15] [2/2] You type the contents you want into that location then? [07:35:24] The best way I can think of at that location is just delete the placeholder box [07:35:27] :ThinkerMH: [07:41:01] I am unsure what content I want there [07:41:32] I have stuff I could adapt into content for it, but just unsure what type I want [12:42:08] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ukl7MxOAo8 If you want to know how Vikings sing... Here's a good example! [13:30:55] How do I get stuff to stay below a div that has a max width? [13:32:11] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1329080696714563584/image.png?ex=67890a5b&is=6787b8db&hm=3dff6798837c0888101fc5154690f3196a1b9ad0673d9a8cbfd8c28e43c8832a& [13:32:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1329080697175932939/image.png?ex=67890a5b&is=6787b8db&hm=155c83f17e03020f4517b199dbc09d91e8cc97a371c6d06141a2da73d5466e91& [13:33:19] [1/2] It goes next to it when the screen width is bigger than the div width [13:33:19] [2/2] i set the div width so that these images would stay close to each other [19:19:03] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1329167989039431761/IMG_6423.png?ex=67895ba7&is=67880a27&hm=1164e9444507372b045fbd8ced429fd841b6061e999c5b2c50ecd55c24fb0ac1& [19:19:12] this is my web design philosophy [19:19:26] I suggest asking a question in #general [19:19:36] or better yet, making a post in #support [19:21:28] That's for wiki stuff tho [19:29:08] isn’t this wiki stuff [19:29:22] I assumed this was on a wiki [19:29:54] It’s combo support and talk [19:30:37] Nah, it's for my portfolio website [19:31:25] ah [19:31:26] got it [19:31:56]

hi/p/body [19:32:02] and maybe a few lines of css [19:32:19] [1/2] :nomChocoStrawberry: [19:32:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1329171325490827334/2025-01-15_22_26_50.png?ex=67895ec2&is=67880d42&hm=2ea5645e9a12afd7c33b0a046399b117f939f4603562478dd0a76c3df3c34a66& [19:32:43] so where’s the img tag [19:33:31] also I looked up what a flexbox is the other day and I can just do that with more tables [19:33:37] I don’t get the hype [19:33:57] your website is not good unless you have several sets of tables inside each other [19:34:01] mobile adaptivity [19:34:11] the problem with tables is that they are poor for ^ and just not correct html design [19:34:27] flexbox or even just setting up a grid will also do fine without encroaching on those bits [19:34:48] can you use tables, yeah, if your heart is set on it, but it's not necessarily clean nor is it correct [19:34:56] ok hold on what’s a grid now [19:35:21] https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_grid.asp [19:35:46] so [19:35:52] it’s a table but more confusing to set up [19:36:10] it is confusing if you do not understand it [19:36:13] but so are tables [19:36:25] I mean fair [19:36:41] importantly grid is also more flexible in function and makes neater html to navigate [19:36:58] never mind being more semantically accurate than using tables to structure pages [19:37:28] [1/2] thing is [19:37:28] [2/2] why do one thing that works in like 7 browsers when you can do another thing that is the same thing and works in more browsers [19:38:04] no more than 7 browsers matter on the internet and even that's a stretch [19:38:24] grid will do on the relevant market of chrome, firefox and safari, and probably work on even leading retro-use browsers [19:38:42] if you're specifically appealing to obsolete browsing then touche [19:38:54] this is what I am doing [19:39:03] in that case structure however you need to [19:39:32] I don’t see the point of giving people with older browsers a bad experience in favor of new ones when there’s a method that works just fine for both [19:40:06] [1/2] also this is an early 2000s bootleg phone we’re talking, the css support is not excellent [19:40:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1329173285883215872/IMG_6401.jpg?ex=67896096&is=67880f16&hm=63e9942b90fa27433440f4304a5e9494cb1c01482bc4eae0dc2103529acce9ff& [19:40:33] wap? [19:40:41] I had to put an img tag inside an h3 tag to get it to display inline once [19:41:16] also size 100% doesn’t work [19:41:32] so you have to set it to like 500px and then the device just figures out the dimensions [19:41:49] -ish [19:41:53] XHTML [19:42:11] sorta the successor to WML [19:42:42] these things were lacking a functional app download site [19:42:48] so I took it upon myself to make one [19:43:09] http://bluepixelcomputing.com:8141/mgames/e/index.html [19:43:15] if you wish to check it out [19:43:56] if only my E72 didn't decided to enter eternal sleep [19:44:27] yeah I mean it’s for a specific strain of phones anyways [19:45:03] https://lpcwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaTek_MAUI (also, look where it’s hosted!) [19:46:16] the MediaTek browser is uh [19:46:26] [1/2] problematic [19:46:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1329174879332995124/IMG_6386.png?ex=67896212&is=67881092&hm=6481fbf56bd8ffc8f2505619c4fe6402253878f011356be6c51aa4b7bb3a2d35& [19:46:31] to develop for [19:47:06] Well, it just phones have too low memory at that time [19:47:24] You need something like Opera Mini [19:47:25] man that's so cool [19:52:02] [1/18] ## things it does not support: [19:52:02] [2/18] - any CSS more involved than changing the color or border of something (and even that’s a bit dodgy) [19:52:02] [3/18] - any JavaScript. any. [19:52:03] [4/18] - button tags [19:52:03] [5/18] - the utf-8 character encoding (it’s gb2312 all the way) [19:52:03] [6/18] - about 50% of form elements [19:52:04] [7/18] - images it just “doesn’t like” [19:52:04] [8/18] - setting widths of things to % values [19:52:04] [9/18] - backgrounds [19:52:04] [10/18] - any embedded videos [19:52:05] [11/18] - animated GIFs [19:52:05] [12/18] - any image larger than about 2MB [19:52:06] [13/18] - the inline `style` attribute [19:52:06] [14/18] - don’t even think about `onclick` [19:52:07] [15/18] - links in marquee tags [19:52:07] [16/18] - marquees in link tags [19:52:08] [17/18] - sometimes images just won’t be transparent for some reason [19:52:08] [18/18] - any other tag it’s not particularly fond of [19:52:41] not a well built piece of software I must say [19:52:50] it was not great even for its time [19:52:56] [1/2] I had this 🥺 [19:52:56] [2/2] [19:53:08] oh also all websites think your language is set to Chinese regardless of what it’s set to [19:56:02] if you wish to look through the MediaTek source code [19:56:03] https://github.com/wangzhibinjunhua/plutommi/tree/94ef4f9df1385b085a09302613b3067cf5f2fbb4 [19:56:34] [1/2] naw, ain't programming shit lol [19:56:34] [2/2] but the wiki itself is very cool [19:57:03] this is a version from 2005 [19:57:08] the OS has been updated since [19:57:24] they have a discord on the wiki as well, it’s linked on the main page [19:57:30] if you wanna come in and hang out [20:16:11] not supporting javascript is dope in an agitator sort of way, but that featureset sounds too limited for me to bother with and I'd rather use that as a brick for making phone calls and texting only