[00:01:21] For anyone who doesn't get the joke: it's a reference to the "2006 volleyball incident", a popular Internet hoax that claims a mass shooting happened at a volleyball game in the northwest United States - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYC5Yt7pjFc [00:02:00] What gives the image away as fake is I forgot to change the infobox's header 🤦 [01:22:27] Hmm well yeah no surprised we believed it [01:22:42] But also that seems like not a funny think to joke about in hindsight, hoax or no [01:29:11] [1/2] Inconsistency has now been fixed [01:29:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1331797851394805850/Screenshot_from_2025-01-22_18-04-13.png?ex=6792ece7&is=67919b67&hm=e2a16748f8c994ecc8c2d5333cf3085bef827261745dfaa6f8b7e42633f9e4bf& [01:29:21] Yeah…. [01:29:58] I completely agree; I just wanted to make something about a rumor I found interesting [01:50:16] its a joke in incredibly poor taste [02:58:46] BlankEclair: interesting twitter to check out https://x.com/hackermondev [03:07:24] that's a crazy read [03:07:56] I'm surprised this isn't as famous, if not more, than Columbine, especially since more people died [03:23:55] pixldev: twitter :(( [03:26:24] Mood [03:26:33] Not even bluesky :( [03:26:39] oops, locked myself out of my VM [03:26:48] networking is dead and i can't do ctrl or shift in the container [03:26:53] s/container/console/ [03:27:07] No console on the panel? [03:27:08] okay, i did ZZ [03:27:14] i'm using the console [03:27:17] but can't do ctrl or shift [03:30:46] did you murder bash [03:31:53] no but i can [03:32:10] i- [03:32:14] accidentally killed an arbitrary process [03:32:39] https://files.catbox.moe/alcyk0.png [03:33:02] What did that do [03:34:39] kill itself [03:34:45] and an arbitrary process that i don't know [03:35:06] mhm mhm jolly good [03:36:12] for no reason at all i think you should setup full system snapshots instead of just data backuos [03:36:27] i can't type asterisks [03:36:30] am fucked :3 [03:36:54] Lmao [03:37:06] i need to set up backups on my desktop [03:37:07] base64 to the rescue! [03:37:21] idk where to put them i need something with storage [03:37:39] Maybe I should get a few TB of storage ans build a NAS [03:37:50] i... [03:37:52] can't type pipes [03:38:05] I have 2 TB of iCloud for now… but I don’t wanna rely on that [03:38:08] why is this system so cursed :crying: [03:38:11] i should #askFedi [03:38:20] I think I know the answer [03:38:45] at least NetworkManager works [03:38:50] but i have to manually connect it every boot [03:39:01] I think she lives in Australia [03:41:35] h [03:42:43] holy shit [03:42:47] systemd-network worked [03:42:49] magically [03:42:50] uhh okay?? [03:44:07] uhh, guess i'll setup a systemd based initramfs?? [03:52:43] time to uninstall linux from my server's arch install [03:55:50] i swear, if i broke my arch system.. [03:57:13] i- uh, forgot to set a kernel parameter... [03:58:28] What are you doing.. [03:59:25] time to [03:59:31] time to huh [03:59:44] trying to get network unlocking to work [04:00:14] https://files.catbox.moe/qs75v6.png [04:00:16] going well so far [04:01:06] You sure you wouldn’t be better off nuking and going from zero like a sane sysadmin [04:01:26] there's not much difference tbh [04:10:26] I GOT IT WORKING [04:10:31] i just typo'd the kernel parameter [05:35:31] Hello [05:35:48] yo [05:36:02] How are you? [05:37:05] 8am at work, bored [05:37:32] sleepy to [11:49:43] [1/2] > at least NetworkManager works [11:49:43] [2/2] Networking and Hetzner is so fun [11:50:10] Ive had a few emails from them claiming network abuse because Proxmox auto assigned a mac address that was out of the range I'd been assigned by hetzner rip [12:13:56] lol lmao [12:14:16] huh, proxmox? [13:36:06] https://files.catbox.moe/my0wlq.jpeg [15:23:04] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1332007700992753717/image.png?ex=6793b057&is=67925ed7&hm=127367c20fee5bbb9670b19225df6d9514e2ea5b302fa6e5cebb396eeef56ae0& [15:23:12] 🤦‍♂️ [15:35:51] defund wikipedia [15:37:35] who funds wikipedia? 🤨 [15:41:18] Amount of laughable stuff here is crazy [15:41:20] Who is this again [15:45:03] a conservative who is mad that wikipedia mentions far-right extremism more than far-left [15:45:13] idk if i can share links here [15:45:13] https://x.com/SpencerHakimian/status/1881753271511159249 [16:02:17] Won’t deny Wikipedia has a bit of a liberal bias by nature [21:14:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1332096240980066374/IMG_1268.gif?ex=679402cd&is=6792b14d&hm=fc5e47b9c25d42308def85eeadfe3f41fd2dc0bca4246e4537fa5d1e6a535912& [22:42:29] MULLENWEG [22:42:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1332118384338403328/IMG_5876.jpg?ex=6794176c&is=6792c5ec&hm=78365982280b6754a41196da79ec352edf84a4ffb754f09315f7f0c4197d7c57& [23:07:39] Those Dutchies ... 😄 [23:08:53] Thijs (typical Dutch name) Buijs (typical last name) - Mullenweg could be a Dutch name as well [23:09:20] He’s very América iirc [23:09:47] I have no Idea who they are or what they do 😛 [23:09:57] Just saw some Dutch names 😛