[00:44:39] How to make someone livid in one title [00:44:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1333598589535916072/image0.jpg?ex=679979f8&is=67982878&hm=68699ce54b30b8703905dfdd68c93e57796c6ed2629b3eb36153ec1ae2aea991& [01:10:49] Cloudflare out here doing Gods work and not asking for a damn thing in return ❤️ [01:12:34] one day they will [01:12:47] but they've been benevolent overlords so far for many yes [01:46:41] They get a lot in return [01:46:47] From the commercial folks [01:47:32] Hell a customer like McKinsey(do they use CF?) alone would pay for a ton of miraheze’s [02:18:39] @rhinosf1 remember that damn citizenship in the world merit badge thing [03:28:30] They ask for a lot in return [03:29:27] And do irreparable damage to the internet [03:29:45] Opinions differ [03:30:26] Indeed, if you profit from the damage they do you will disagree :) [03:31:44] I mean the fact stands that given the circumstances if we hadn’t moved to CloudFlare we would have been basically unuseable [03:32:31] CloudFlare provides a legit service and from what i see at least somewhat more ethically then plenty other tech giants, is it always the right choice, no. [03:32:41] There's alternatives [03:33:06] Not that I blame folks for not wanting to invest time into this when CF makes it easy to not have to care [03:33:09] I am curious about your claim of “irreparable damage” though [03:33:28] I do wonder if I can access Miraheze sites [03:34:06] last ddos made us temporarily block all asian IP, it was pretty heavy, after that Miaheze got CF [03:34:24] I can, yipee [03:34:46] Sure, maybe some of them would have worked, some may even offer the advanced configuration options and featured we needed for our set up for free too, but we’re using CF, so at this point it is what it is, let’s make the most of it for the sake of everyone IMO [03:35:10] Fair, but let's not paint CF as some saints [03:35:40] Made it standard to block off a large part of the internet [03:35:59] And harass users with captchas [03:36:12] And also let's not forget about the security vulns with their CDN [03:36:18] But that's a cherry on top ig [03:36:31] The first 2 are the main problem [03:36:59] I mean [03:37:34] the other big boys are apple (eh, good on privacy?) google meta and openAI [03:37:48] So all about as equally bad [03:38:20] I would definitely not say CF is as bad as google and meta [03:38:44] We would, since they singlehandedly have the largest impact on us personally, second only to Microsoft [03:39:00] Ah. [03:39:28] And we aren't alone in this sentiment, cloudflare is responsible for a lot of damage to the open web [03:39:59] Every company has a bunch of stuff they did bad, for us, we can't pick what is worst [03:40:10] Any person (or collective) in this type of thing would always have biases, so those have to be accounted for. I have had mostly good interactions with them and have a good view mostly [03:40:16] Yall are the opposite [03:40:19] some are both [03:40:23] some vise versa [03:40:25] it all depends [03:40:31] Well, yea, that is why we say they are equally as bad as all the others [03:41:02] In my view/values i would rank google and meta much worse [03:41:03] Our personal like, damage, was #1 Microsoft, #2 Cloudflare, ig [03:41:58] Meta for eg. literally did not do anything to us since we do not interact with it at all, their existence doesn't directly affect us, but it is true that they are responsible for intentionally killing a lot of people, so we hate them loads too [03:42:02] I don’t think the captchas are that bad, and don’t entirely understand the claim of blocking off parts of the net [03:42:34] I’m still impressed they managed to make their moderation and polices worse [03:42:47] As for Google, they are... They are incredibly annoying. But since we aren't American, they don't really have as much reach in our country as Microsoft has [03:42:53] Cloudflare has a global reach [03:42:57] Equal in every country [03:43:01] Haha [03:43:05] We do not use any of their services [03:43:13] Or need to [03:43:17] As in like [03:44:10] Same [03:44:14] Folks do use WhatsApp, ig ? And that's about it. We don't use WhatsApp, but so far it has not been a problem at all [03:44:15] Fedi my love [03:44:18] Yep [03:44:36] Microsoft is the biggest problem where we live [03:44:59] They are literally... Imagine Cyberpunk 2077 level of shit [03:45:34] They managed to make it impossible to find a job or get into university for those that don't want to pay them money [03:45:35] hope you don't use yandex [03:45:37] Cloudflare as you said causes issues, but it also does good by protecting sites like us or Wikimedia etc that otherwise would not be able to withstand very large attacks. Meta…. Not so much [03:45:48] Unis are free. Microsoft isn't [03:45:51] Unironically [03:46:06] The largest cost is textbooks and Microsoft [03:46:14] About equal [03:46:14] In america neither is [03:46:37] Meta did make some good things [03:46:50] They contribute to Haskell, maintain zstd, uhh [03:47:01] There was a few more things we forgot [03:47:16] IIRC CF also does OSS contributions but i dont recall [03:47:31] i know they open sourced pingora [03:48:04] I can't remember anything by cf on top of my head [03:48:08] What is that [03:48:30] Evidently our opinion on these companies are extremely dependent on our person opinions and values, and our experiences with them in where we live, and its also almost 11 here, so agree to disagree? They all cause harm, they do some good, trying to definitively agree would drive us both to insanity [03:48:47] nginx wasnt fast enough for them so they made a faster weh server [03:49:21] https://github.com/cloudflare/pingora [03:50:05] Yea, sounds about rifht [03:50:06] 5am here [03:50:32] Was waiting for Claire to wake up haha (we have different timezones) [03:50:49] Ah [03:53:13] I love timezones [03:56:34] ballin [03:56:36] https://dayssincelastrustmcserver.com/ [04:04:27] We talked to the Pumpkin folks [04:04:37] Fixed their section about MC authentication [04:04:59] We also got recruited by Hyperion before it went closed source [04:05:00] Lol [04:05:10] lmao [04:05:22] I just saw it in admin craft [04:05:40] This was from a pumpkin thread lol [04:10:00] My brain just went to the sword from SB gah [04:12:00] SB? [04:12:05] Wadat [04:12:36] [Hypixel] SkyBlock [04:13:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1333651079061045278/image.png?ex=6799aadb&is=6798595b&hm=93b0cfd1dca04d941aeb49c3edcb9d4cf0309b40a3b537acfcb27db9a79fa00e& [04:13:35] https://wiki.hypixel.net/Hyperion [04:13:44] Ah [04:13:56] A server ? [04:14:05] Oh also, we wrote MC auth servers [04:14:19] After reverse engineering how the protocol works ourselves [04:14:20] Also awesome to see there’s a presumably hypixel endorsed version of SB wiki [04:14:20] Was fun [04:14:30] Oh? [04:14:50] That or something has gone horribly wrong with their domain record security [04:15:33] [1/2] Mm, in Python rn [04:15:33] [2/2] We daily drive them rn. Had to modify the Java trust store to add our TLS certs, lol. [04:15:53] Python my beloved [04:16:07] daily drive? [04:16:21] As in [04:16:26] We use it [04:16:35] Instead of mojang's servers [04:16:36] Ah [04:16:43] Since we don't wanna auth with theirs [04:16:49] Interesting! [04:17:06] So not using microsoft accounts? [04:17:22] yeah, the discord version of r/admincraft [04:17:35] Yep [04:17:43] No accounts, just python and nginx [04:17:48] Nginx for the TLZ [04:17:55] And skin servers [04:18:03] TLS [04:18:10] I’d be interested in seeing that if it wasn’t time for me to eepy eep [04:18:21] discord.gg/admincraft [04:18:24] if you want [04:18:48] We could check it out [04:19:09] Did you ever edit or use wiki.vg [04:19:24] What is admincraft btw [04:19:48] It’s the main subreddit/community for Minecraft server admins [04:19:52] [1/2] We worked on that after it shut down [04:19:52] [2/2] We did not reference their auth server docs while working on our thing intentionally so as not to spoil the fun for ourselves [04:19:57] /developers [04:20:04] Good day, my friends [04:20:07] Was a nice change of pace reverse engineering decompiled Java with deobfuscated names [04:20:12] Fair haha [04:20:24] From reverse engineering badly written Broadcom firmware [04:20:33] Rest in peace wiki.vg [04:20:41] you will be missed [04:20:54] and ty minecraft.wiki for stepping up [04:20:58] Yep [04:21:11] good evening [04:22:46] anyways im off and out. Pleasure talking to ya, hopefully can resume the Minecraft yaps tomorrow (or for yall in the afternoon ig) [04:23:18] Nini ^^ hope so too, we like MC :3 we also work on a lot of other MC related stuff [04:59:10] so anyway, i'm sick [04:59:56] oof [05:00:05] get well soon [05:01:14] thank you <3 [05:01:21] no wonder i slept early xD [05:24:08] i wonder what happens if you ask ai to summarise https://sharkgirl.ing/UwU [06:20:40] UwU [06:21:19] OwO [06:33:45] Yup [07:13:41] [1/2] I think Stackd is right. I'm using Cosmos on my spare wiki and I like how it is. [07:13:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1333696487846318091/image.png?ex=6799d525&is=679883a5&hm=d87f2a51feb219af98bf9473442cffc81e4a9bf9c7b7131c8fb529e1df3ed9e1& [07:14:00] that's Citizen [07:14:23] Yeah just realized i fucked up the name. [07:15:47] Only problem is y no title text? [07:25:08] [1/2] MediaWiki glitch [07:25:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1333699369559396363/image.png?ex=6799d7d4&is=67988654&hm=7ee7a0274c60d02571f1b344e995086ada33face4280862c1c1657e26e0d645d& [07:26:39] [1/2] More MW glitching [07:26:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1333699747520839690/image.png?ex=6799d82e&is=679886ae&hm=a547d8c399c508d3854f50412daceb9dadee55d57b59b31b69961cbf84a51fda& [07:29:18] where [07:37:51] FFU Wiki [07:38:10] what glitches on screenshots [07:39:17] Shows title bar where it shouldnt [07:58:41] https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-ashley-start-fresh-in-oregon [09:34:10] socialprofile issue probably [09:34:36] well hm [09:36:34] title related magic words do not work [11:08:16] Finished that sucker last night :SunglassesFluent: [11:08:45] Crammed in the signing of other stuff and completes by board of review, officially going to be ranking up [11:21:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1333758940504395827/image.png?ex=679a0f4f&is=6798bdcf&hm=dd63fd4337d1397da59814187a6991bc31743c353b101063e26b86bde76a4946& [11:22:12] half of these images aren’t used anywhere currently but I know exactly where they will go once I make the pages [11:47:48] Why does [[WP:NBOOK]] apply to manga but not graphic novels [11:47:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:NBOOK [11:47:49] [12:54:33] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/search/query/ZXyN3UXgwuDT/#R [12:54:36] i am proud of my work >:3c [13:42:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1333794427222753320/IMG_1268.gif?ex=679a305c&is=6798dedc&hm=0ecd1a1d7e1f1f9b80ad99cdf605a842bebcb98850b03039e2092aebbe8df862& [16:16:07] Chat, we need to make Claire go to sleep at 4am (in 45mins) or she will stay up doing work >:( [16:16:35] No shot she’s still awake [16:16:36] Right [16:17:37] Yea! [16:18:08] We need to combine our forces, she isn't listening to just us! [16:19:04] BlankEclair are you awake [16:19:17] yeah :( [16:19:31] …. [16:19:44] There is but one powerful enough… [16:19:52] Good girls will go to eep at 4am [16:20:20] @rhinosf1 saaaaaaam can you make Claire go to sleep please [16:20:31] I tried [16:20:41] Claire don't wanna sleep [16:20:47] Oh okay so it’s just a lost cause [16:20:56] Yeah no it’s futile [16:21:23] I have a few more methods I can try >:3 [16:24:26] @alu19_ make Claire sleep pls [16:26:47] Chat I think I convinced her [16:27:10] BlankEclair: plz confirm here that u promised [16:27:45] She keysmashed and said okay so I think we got it [16:28:11] She's still online [16:28:15] Tho only for 4am, so in 32 mins [16:28:25] I had to make a compromise [16:29:23] 4am is not good [16:29:40] Yea, but better than whatever she was planning [16:29:46] Which seemed to be like, idek [16:29:57] Well, she wasn't planning, as always [16:41:48] She quit now [16:42:26] OwO [16:42:38] Even 19 minutes early, she's such a good girl [19:45:35] Why is Auschwitz specifically named [20:01:14] because the camp there was liberated 80 years ago [20:01:38] that's what the day (yesterday) is about [21:36:37] [1/2] I am so confused [21:36:37] [2/2] I am 36 minutes into the tutorial and I have no idea why the console log is showing up different [21:42:11] [1/2] is there a way to request a wiki's icon on the global wiki feed get changed? [21:42:11] [2/2] I was just gonna throw 1d6chan's icon onto its entries if possible [21:49:40] That should be the logo [21:52:14] [1/2] Well its showing up as the generic miraheze logo (see https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/475350160428498964/1332182916146659328 for an example) instead of the logo we set, which is the image below [21:52:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1333917578720051325/1d6ChanLogo.png?ex=679aa30d&is=6799518d&hm=26e9058eb4f3c2e894c7580c45e195d23694d129633a0d2856adce3678f70ecc& [21:53:47] Idk, no one cares much about it tbf [21:53:57] May be a specific setting actually [21:55:43] I guess [21:56:00] well it was worth a shot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [22:00:47] Discord Notification Avatar URL ($wgDiscordAvatarUrl) [22:00:52] Is what you're looking to change [22:01:22] Got it, I'll ask the admins [23:25:58] @rhinosf1 i got double whammied on the way home from Essex today [23:26:08] Drove over the dartford bridge and the M6 toll on accident [23:26:25] £9 the M6 toll is now cheeky that