[00:18:22] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is WARNING: NoNameservers: All nameservers failed to answer the query wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm. IN CNAME: Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered The DNS operation timed out.; Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered SERVFAIL [01:47:21] RECOVERY - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is OK: SSL OK - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm reverse DNS resolves to cp36.wikitide.net - CNAME OK [02:02:42] [02puppet] 07Universal-Omega closed pull request 03#3853: monitoring: update groups for new structure - 13https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3853 [02:02:44] [02puppet] 07Universal-Omega deleted branch 03monitoring-org [02:02:48] [02puppet] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±16] 13https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/compare/6cbb81db72c6...d2d8d0c261aa [02:02:49] [02puppet] 07Universal-Omega 03d2d8d0c - monitoring: update groups for new structure (#3853) [02:02:52] [02puppet] 07Universal-Omega deleted branch 03monitoring-org - 13https://github.com/miraheze/puppet [02:04:01] [02puppet] 07Universal-Omega pushed 033 commits to 03rename-shell [+0/-0/±34] 13https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/compare/803d150bcecc...34e86f9b6420 [02:04:03] [02puppet] 07Universal-Omega 0334e86f9 - Merge branch 'master' into rename-shell [02:04:05] [02puppet] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#3852: Rename shell user - 13https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3852 [02:19:22] PROBLEM - mon181 Check correctness of the icinga configuration on mon181 is CRITICAL: Icinga configuration contains errors [02:48:32] PROBLEM - mon181 Puppet on mon181 is WARNING: WARNING: Puppet is currently disabled, message: reason not specified, last run 1 minute ago with 0 failures [02:49:22] RECOVERY - mon181 Check correctness of the icinga configuration on mon181 is OK: Icinga configuration is correct [02:52:23] RECOVERY - mon181 Puppet on mon181 is OK: OK: Puppet is currently enabled, last run 24 seconds ago with 0 failures [04:14:55] PROBLEM - mason.sagan4.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is WARNING: WARNING - Certificate 'mason.sagan4.org' expires in 15 day(s) (Wed 29 May 2024 04:04:01 AM GMT +0000). [04:15:08] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/compare/642c3582d5a5...7ba1638dbb91 [04:15:09] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot 037ba1638 - Bot: Update SSL cert for mason.sagan4.org [04:15:57] PROBLEM - gil.wiki - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is CRITICAL: Name or service not knownHTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket [04:17:23] PROBLEM - meta.sagan4.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is WARNING: WARNING - Certificate 'meta.sagan4.org' expires in 15 day(s) (Wed 29 May 2024 04:03:46 AM GMT +0000). [04:17:33] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/compare/7ba1638dbb91...e80eeeb6f4d6 [04:17:34] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot 03e80eeeb - Bot: Update SSL cert for meta.sagan4.org [04:19:13] PROBLEM - gil.wiki - reverse DNS on sslhost is WARNING: rDNS WARNING - reverse DNS entry for gil.wiki could not be found [05:12:44] RECOVERY - mason.sagan4.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate 'mason.sagan4.org' will expire on Sun 11 Aug 2024 03:15:02 AM GMT +0000. [05:15:23] RECOVERY - meta.sagan4.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate 'meta.sagan4.org' will expire on Sun 11 Aug 2024 03:17:27 AM GMT +0000. [11:02:35] PROBLEM - franchise.franchising.org.ua - reverse DNS on sslhost is WARNING: NoNameservers: All nameservers failed to answer the query franchising.org.ua. IN NS: Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered SERVFAIL [11:32:29] RECOVERY - franchise.franchising.org.ua - reverse DNS on sslhost is OK: SSL OK - franchise.franchising.org.ua reverse DNS resolves to cp36.wikitide.net - CNAME OK [13:04:12] PROBLEM - franchise.franchising.org.ua - reverse DNS on sslhost is CRITICAL: rDNS CRITICAL - franchise.franchising.org.ua All nameservers failed to answer the query. [13:29:16] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is WARNING: NoNameservers: All nameservers failed to answer the query wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm. IN CNAME: Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered The DNS operation timed out.; Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered SERVFAIL [13:34:07] RECOVERY - franchise.franchising.org.ua - reverse DNS on sslhost is OK: SSL OK - franchise.franchising.org.ua reverse DNS resolves to cp37.wikitide.net - CNAME OK [14:06:14] PROBLEM - beta.sagan4.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is WARNING: WARNING - Certificate 'beta.sagan4.org' expires in 15 day(s) (Wed 29 May 2024 01:43:07 PM GMT +0000). [14:06:25] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/compare/e80eeeb6f4d6...8655cb3357cd [14:06:26] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot 038655cb3 - Bot: Update SSL cert for beta.sagan4.org [14:27:07] RECOVERY - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is OK: SSL OK - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm reverse DNS resolves to cp36.wikitide.net - CNAME OK [14:36:10] RECOVERY - beta.sagan4.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate 'beta.sagan4.org' will expire on Sun 11 Aug 2024 01:06:18 PM GMT +0000. [16:06:31] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/commit/08d00d7711c7 [16:06:32] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 0308d00d7 - Add support for tags [16:06:34] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega created branch 03tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki [16:06:37] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega opened pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:13:03] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:17:33] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+1/-0/±0] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/08d00d7711c7...f722c0ac3310 [16:17:35] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03f722c0a - Add JS [16:17:37] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:18:47] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/f722c0ac3310...4078d4a4853b [16:18:50] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 034078d4a - Add sql [16:18:52] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:20:51] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+1/-0/±0] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/4078d4a4853b...b16c437b4eba [16:20:54] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03b16c437 - Add patch [16:20:55] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:23:21] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:24:28] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:26:56] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:27:04] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/b16c437b4eba...53b0e44ece4f [16:27:05] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 0353b0e44 - Add [16:27:08] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:31:37] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/53b0e44ece4f...d3d8220803bf [16:31:40] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03d3d8220 - Add [16:31:42] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:32:41] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:37:08] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:39:40] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/d3d8220803bf...9a2134370d57 [16:39:43] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 039a21343 - Add [16:39:46] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:40:57] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/9a2134370d57...5e60913b3e2f [16:40:58] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 035e60913 - Add [16:41:01] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:45:29] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:46:39] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:49:43] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/5e60913b3e2f...03178fecea9b [16:49:46] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 0303178fe - Fix [16:49:49] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:52:25] [Grafana] !tech FIRING: The mediawiki job queue has more than 500 unclaimed jobs https://grafana.wikitide.net/d/GtxbP1Xnk?orgId=1 [16:57:08] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/03178fecea9b...a1ac70ecde02 [16:57:09] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03a1ac70e - No Object.entries [16:57:12] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [16:57:19] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [16:58:56] PROBLEM - mw182 Current Load on mw182 is WARNING: LOAD WARNING - total load average: 21.69, 20.67, 15.34 [17:02:45] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [17:02:56] PROBLEM - mw182 Current Load on mw182 is CRITICAL: LOAD CRITICAL - total load average: 26.52, 23.37, 17.58 [17:04:12] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03tags [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/a1ac70ecde02...03ad214722cf [17:04:14] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 0303ad214 - No hasOwnProperty [17:04:16] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#527: Add support for tags - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/527 [17:08:56] PROBLEM - mw182 Current Load on mw182 is WARNING: LOAD WARNING - total load average: 23.35, 23.31, 19.57 [17:10:56] PROBLEM - mw182 Current Load on mw182 is CRITICAL: LOAD CRITICAL - total load average: 22.76, 24.01, 20.33 [17:12:14] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build passed. [17:12:56] PROBLEM - mw182 Current Load on mw182 is WARNING: LOAD WARNING - total load average: 20.54, 23.28, 20.53 [17:14:56] PROBLEM - mw182 Current Load on mw182 is CRITICAL: LOAD CRITICAL - total load average: 27.82, 24.70, 21.35 [17:16:56] PROBLEM - mw182 Current Load on mw182 is WARNING: LOAD WARNING - total load average: 18.51, 22.52, 20.96 [17:20:56] RECOVERY - mw182 Current Load on mw182 is OK: LOAD OK - total load average: 11.16, 17.58, 19.42 [17:29:04] [1/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css?diff=prev&oldid=386826 [17:29:05] [2/2] Internal error on meta [17:29:11] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is WARNING: NoNameservers: All nameservers failed to answer the query line.pm. IN NS: Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered The DNS operation timed out.; Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered The DNS operation timed out.; Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered SERVFAIL [17:29:15] [bff74c43c1bbdf2c10a430bf] 2024-05-13 17:28:39: Fatal exception of type "MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionAccessException" [17:30:44] That is erm wrong [17:30:55] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css?action=history is not right [17:32:01] ? [17:33:05] They are allocated to the wrong page afaics [17:33:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css?diff=386826&oldid=328495 is the broken bit [17:33:17] [1/2] I wonder what even happened here? :ThinkingHardMH: [17:33:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808001911868489748/1239631568205516830/image.png?ex=6643a05d&is=66424edd&hm=50ca71a0313c36ce9fcf20ca9736eb6a0cfd3f14083a7a15ebee83f25b017779& [17:33:41] @MediaWiki Specialists [17:33:54] Data corruption [17:34:03] I see [17:34:11] first time I've seen this happen lol [17:34:22] Same [17:35:20] PROBLEM - ping6 on cp41 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 16%, RTA = 131.60 ms [17:36:47] pretty sure it needs to be fixed in the database [17:37:23] RECOVERY - ping6 on cp41 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 133.39 ms [17:37:25] [Grafana] !tech RESOLVED: High Job Queue Backlog https://grafana.wikitide.net/d/GtxbP1Xnk?orgId=1 [17:37:42] MW can use sql.php [17:37:53] But I'd like to know why it's broke first [17:37:58] 🤷🏼‍♂️ [17:38:25] a cosmic ray hit the nvme drive of the db server in just the right way [17:38:36] One I believe [17:39:29] I'm slightly nervous about just deleting revisions from the database [17:39:35] maybe solving this bug will allow me to claim that TTC upwarp glitch bounty /s [17:39:41] Maybe infra should back it up first [17:42:55] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega created branch 03namespaces 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/commit/ec32b6f0c2b267f527aac1675dc38e7aa1ca9c81 [17:42:56] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega created branch 03namespaces - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki [17:43:59] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03namespaces [+0/-0/±23] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/ec32b6f0c2b2...1c593b253c13 [17:44:00] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 031c593b2 - Use namespaced classes [17:44:15] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega opened pull request 03#528: Use namespaced classes - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/528 [17:46:06] [02CreateWiki] 07github-actions[bot] pushed 031 commit to 03namespaces [+0/-0/±13] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/1c593b253c13...15b977f9d770 [17:46:07] [02CreateWiki] 07github-actions 0315b977f - CI: lint code to MediaWiki standards [17:46:08] [02CreateWiki] 07github-actions[bot] synchronize pull request 03#528: Use namespaced classes - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/528 [17:49:54] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03namespaces [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/15b977f9d770...9cc6693f2b61 [17:49:55] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 039cc6693 - Add GlobalVarConfig [17:49:57] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#528: Use namespaced classes - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/528 [17:52:24] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03namespaces [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/9cc6693f2b61...8baf64d77bba [17:52:25] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 038baf64d - Namespace GlobalVarConfig [17:52:28] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#528: Use namespaced classes - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/528 [17:57:44] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is CRITICAL: rDNS CRITICAL - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm All nameservers failed to answer the query. [18:00:55] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build passed. [18:27:06] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is WARNING: NoNameservers: All nameservers failed to answer the query line.pm. IN NS: Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered The DNS operation timed out.; Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered SERVFAIL [18:53:11] [02MirahezeMagic] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/compare/7d8ac7dd3070...f055b027ac63 [18:53:13] [02MirahezeMagic] 07Universal-Omega 03f055b02 - Use namespaced GlobalVarConfig [18:53:19] !log [@test151] starting deploy of {'folders': '1.41/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to test151 [18:53:20] !log [@test151] finished deploy of {'folders': '1.41/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to test151 - SUCCESS in 0s [18:53:23] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [18:53:27] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [18:53:30] !log [@test151] starting deploy of {'folders': '1.42/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to test151 [18:53:31] !log [@test151] finished deploy of {'folders': '1.42/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to test151 - SUCCESS in 0s [18:53:34] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [18:53:38] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [18:53:42] !log [@test151] starting deploy of {'folders': '1.43/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to test151 [18:53:43] !log [@test151] finished deploy of {'folders': '1.43/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to test151 - SUCCESS in 0s [18:53:46] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [18:53:50] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [18:56:33] miraheze/MirahezeMagic - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [18:57:06] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is CRITICAL: rDNS CRITICAL - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm All nameservers failed to answer the query. [18:59:08] [02RemovePII] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/RemovePII/compare/da063388fa6a...161735e3e658 [18:59:10] [02RemovePII] 07Universal-Omega 03161735e - Use namespaced GlobalVarConfig [19:01:14] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 034 commits to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±4] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/41c508f4da16...579110210348 [19:01:15] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 033164b3b - Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder [19:01:16] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 032500662 - Migrate [19:01:18] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 0324ca184 - Migrate [19:01:21] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 035791102 - Migrate [19:01:22] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:02:10] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is CRITICAL: Temporary failure in name resolutionHTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket [19:02:27] !log [@mwtask181] starting deploy of {'folders': '1.41/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to all [19:02:31] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:02:37] !log [@mwtask181] finished deploy of {'folders': '1.41/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to all - SUCCESS in 10s [19:02:41] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:02:49] !log [@mwtask181] starting deploy of {'folders': '1.42/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to all [19:02:52] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:02:58] !log [@mwtask181] finished deploy of {'folders': '1.42/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to all - SUCCESS in 9s [19:03:02] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:03:21] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:03:22] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/579110210348...89e3ce5f10ee [19:03:24] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 0389e3ce5 - One row [19:04:11] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:04:14] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/89e3ce5f10ee...02aef8acd053 [19:04:16] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 0302aef8a - One row [19:04:43] miraheze/RemovePII - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [19:04:45] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:04:46] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/02aef8acd053...f8dde035a277 [19:04:48] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03f8dde03 - One row [19:05:18] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:05:20] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/f8dde035a277...bfd918084326 [19:05:22] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03bfd9180 - One row [19:07:49] !log [@mwtask171] starting deploy of {'folders': '1.41/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to all [19:07:53] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:07:58] !log [@mwtask171] finished deploy of {'folders': '1.41/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to all - SUCCESS in 8s [19:08:02] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:08:08] !log [@mwtask171] starting deploy of {'folders': '1.42/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to all [19:08:12] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:08:16] !log [@mwtask171] finished deploy of {'folders': '1.42/extensions/MirahezeMagic'} to all - SUCCESS in 8s [19:08:20] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:11:28] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [19:18:45] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:18:48] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/bfd918084326...698ee0ea0ead [19:18:51] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03698ee0e - Fix [19:22:06] [02ci-scripts] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/ci-scripts/compare/8eeeb5e04583...b99fa300930e [19:22:08] [02ci-scripts] 07Universal-Omega 03b99fa30 - One row [19:24:23] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [19:27:25] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/698ee0ea0ead...322e91db0c78 [19:27:28] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03322e91d - Temp exception [19:27:31] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:30:28] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build has errored. [19:31:34] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/322e91db0c78...6a1e667f8f4c [19:31:37] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 036a1e667 - Temp experimental [19:31:38] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:40:03] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build passed. [19:47:25] [Grafana] !tech FIRING: The mediawiki job queue has more than 500 unclaimed jobs https://grafana.wikitide.net/d/GtxbP1Xnk?orgId=1 [19:50:29] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:50:31] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/6a1e667f8f4c...e59e850e2dea [19:50:33] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03e59e850 - Fix [19:57:09] RECOVERY - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is OK: SSL OK - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm reverse DNS resolves to cp37.wikitide.net - CNAME OK [19:57:54] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:57:57] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/e59e850e2dea...c4a108b00267 [19:58:00] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03c4a108b - - [19:58:11] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [19:58:12] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/c4a108b00267...f5e8b9f0d7a3 [19:58:13] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03f5e8b9f - - [19:58:44] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build passed. [20:01:31] RECOVERY - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate 'wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm' will expire on Fri 14 Jun 2024 04:28:50 PM GMT +0000. [20:03:34] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/f5e8b9f0d7a3...e017d8aa0742 [20:03:36] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03e017d8a - Temp experimental again [20:03:37] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [20:04:35] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/e017d8aa0742...9c3f03d92837 [20:04:38] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 039c3f03d - Test [20:04:41] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [20:10:21] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/9c3f03d92837...dfa63a2a318e [20:10:22] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03dfa63a2 - Test [20:10:23] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [20:12:55] [02CreateWiki] 07github-actions[bot] pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/dfa63a2a318e...19305d25d771 [20:12:56] [02CreateWiki] 07github-actions 0319305d2 - CI: lint code to MediaWiki standards [20:12:59] [02CreateWiki] 07github-actions[bot] synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [20:19:04] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build passed. [20:31:23] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [20:31:24] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/19305d25d771...1cd78e1d516f [20:31:26] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 031cd78e1 - - [20:31:56] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [20:31:58] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/1cd78e1d516f...e0eb3b579580 [20:32:01] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03e0eb3b5 - - [20:32:13] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega synchronize pull request 03#485: Migrate to use InsertQueryBuilder - 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/485 [20:32:15] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega pushed 031 commit to 03InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/compare/e0eb3b579580...c2784a5eb0f5 [20:32:16] [02CreateWiki] 07Universal-Omega 03c2784a5 - - [20:40:21] miraheze/CreateWiki - Universal-Omega the build passed. [20:47:42] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/compare/8655cb3357cd...f073c37628a5 [20:47:44] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot 03f073c37 - Bot: Add SSL cert for wiki.pokrew.net [20:48:44] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/compare/f073c37628a5...67400c5d37e5 [20:48:47] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot 0367400c5 - Bot: Add SSL cert for marvelcinematicuniverse.wiki [20:56:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Db1?action=history also has broken revisions [21:00:44] That would make a lot of sense [21:02:30] @rhinosf1 Wait so a db server page has database corruption? [21:03:54] there's also https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_Meta?oldid=349809 [21:04:02] And Mediawiki:Common.css [21:04:17] Oh... this is that thing caused when John compressed revisions the wrong way. The only fix was deletion of affected revisions on hundreds of wikis and created a mess we were still actively ckeaning up a yesr later, apparently longer... [21:04:47] Can you clean meta up? [21:05:36] If I can remember how I did it last time. I think findBadBlobs or checkStorage or something [21:06:54] I remember the scripts were broken so I had to upstream patches to fix it and also made my own script to basically import old revisions from archive.org backups to repair but not sure we still have them... [21:07:26] Its been awhile though. [21:07:52] [02mw-config] 07brandon-wm opened pull request 03#5557: T12108: Please alter these DynamicPageList3 variables on metzo.miraheze.org - 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5557 [21:08:46] miraheze/mw-config - brandon-wm the build passed. [21:09:39] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T8184 here was the original task I mass fixed the issues for 150 wikis. And since then many more have popped up also. [21:12:40] Anyway yeah I'll clean up Meta later @rhinosf1 [21:12:46] Thanks! [21:31:43] [02mw-config] 07brandon-wm opened pull request 03#5558: T12085: About “Extension:TabberNeue” - 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5558 [21:32:39] miraheze/mw-config - brandon-wm the build passed. [21:35:35] [02mw-config] 07brandon-wm opened pull request 03#5559: T11757: Disable Upload Wizard Tutorial and Remove Creative Commons selection on aieseattle.miraheze.org - 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5559 [21:36:18] hmm it says 0 bad revisions [22:28:08] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is WARNING: NoNameservers: All nameservers failed to answer the query line.pm. IN NS: Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered The DNS operation timed out.; Server 2606:4700:4700::1111 UDP port 53 answered SERVFAIL [23:26:17] PROBLEM - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm - reverse DNS on sslhost is CRITICAL: rDNS CRITICAL - wiki.mahdiruiz.line.pm All nameservers failed to answer the query. [23:47:25] [Grafana] !tech FIRING: The mediawiki job queue has more than 500 unclaimed jobs https://grafana.wikitide.net/d/GtxbP1Xnk?orgId=1